Laurent Vallotton

Laurent Vallotton
Natural History Museum of Geneva · Mammalogie et ornithologie



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Laurent Vallotton currently works at the Natural History Museum of Geneva, department of Mammalogy and ornithology. Laurent does research in Zoology. His current project is 'Bird and bat studies at col de Jaman, Swiss Alps'.
Additional affiliations
February 2003 - March 2016
Natural History Museum of Geneva
  • Scientific assistant


Publications (62)
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First nesting of the Common Eider Somateria mollissima on the French shore of Lake Geneva (Haute-Savoie). After a first breeding in Switzerland in 1988 on Lake Zurich, the Common Eider nested for the first time on Lake Geneva in 2020 at Les Grangettes VD (with success), then for the first time on the French shore of this lake in 2023 near Yvoire (H...
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Exposition du 21 mars-24 décembre 2024 / Exhibition 21 March-24 December 2024 (CJBG)
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Swiss altitude record for a Sand Martin Riparia riparia and remarks on the conservation of the specimen. On July 18, 2002, the mummy of a Bank Swallow was found on the ice of the Mellichgletscher (Täsch VS), at the foot of the Feekopf, at an altitude of around 3400 m. Carbon 14 dating suggests that the bird died after 1955 at the latest. Different...
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We tried to assess how many species of living organisms (except viruses) can be found in Lake Geneva, using ancient litterature as well as recent assessments. We find 1167 pluricellular species (996 animals, 171 plants) and 585 unicellular species, that is in total 1752 species.
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With 18’562 egg sets, the egg collection of the Natural history Museum of Geneva (MHNG) lies in the ten biggest in Europe. An important step was taken in 2011 with the purchase of Werner Haller’s oological collection, whose housing in calibrated boxes facilitated digitization. This collection represents about half of the actual egg collection in Ge...
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A catalogue of the Paraguayan specimens in the Museum of Natural History collection, Geneva, Switzerland, is provided. A total of 1618 Paraguayan specimens of 319 species are represented in the collection, approximately 44.9% of the Paraguayan avifauna. Some information is provided about the history of the collection and its collectors, and its imp...
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First mention of the Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus for Madagascar. A first-winter female of the Pale Harrier Circus macrourus was observed at Belalanda, near Tulear, southwestern Madagascar, on January 1, 2020. This is the first data of this species for the island.
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The ~1.97 million egg sets (~5 million eggs) housed in museums have not been used in proportion to their availability. We highlight the wide variety of scientific disciplines that have used egg collections and the geographic locations and sizes of these collections, to increase awareness of the importance of egg collections, improve their visibilit...
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A rare very dark morph juvenile Long-tailed Skua was found dead in Lake Geneva on 5th October 2016. The absence of white markings typical of the juvenile plumage of the species (especially on rump and undertail coverts) made the identification difficult. Measurements and colour of bare parts could confirm the identification and the fact that the da...
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Second record of Black-vented Shearwater Puffinus opisthomelas for Costa Rica with a look to former erroneously identified Museum records.
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A freshly dead Carrion Crow Corvus corone, most probably killed by congeners, was attacked by a couple of conspecifics. The eyes of the dead bird have been particularly targeted, and the symbolic significance of this attack is discussed.
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The Natural History Museum of Geneva holds a mounted specimen of a dwarf emu, which is believed to be the only preserved skin of the extinct Kangaroo Island Emu, Dromaius baudinianus. We obtained new radiographs that show the absence of remaining bones in the preparation, confirming previous statements found in the museum’s archives. Moreover, we s...
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The Natural History Museum of Geneva holds a mounted specimen of a dwarf emu, which is believed to be the only preserved skin of the extinct Kangaroo Island Emu Dromaius baudinianus. We obtained new radiographs that show the absence of remaining bones in the preparation, confirming previous statements found in the museum’s archives. Moreover, we se...
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In 2017, we checked for the presence of an unidentified nuthatch discovered in 2006 in the Siberian Altai. We conclude that the latter most probably refers to the local subspecies of Sitta europaea.
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Carrion Crows Corvus corone as assassins. On15 February 2018 a person living in an apartment block was surprised by the calls of a group of Carrion Crows on an opposite roof top. 40-50 individuals were perched looking at an individual of the same species in apparently poor condition. Two or three individuals circled around it at a distance of 2-3 m...
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The juvenile plumage of Tamarugo Conebill Conirostrum tamarugense: colour pictures
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Eleonora’s Falcon Falco eleonorae, a new species for Switzerland. On 10 August 2011 three photos were taken of a dark falcon near Grancy at the foot of the Jura Mountains in Vaud. After various discussions the bird was finally identified as a dark phase second calendar year Eleonora’s Falcon, this was the first proof of the resence of this species...
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Unlike its closest relatives in the genus Conirostrum, the recently described Tamarugo Conebill Conirostrum tamarugense shows a distinctive streaked juvenile (or First Basic) plumage that has been overlooked until now. This drab transient plumage is then replaced in first-winter by a faded version of the adult breeding plumage. These first-winter b...
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We present an annotated list of the 63 type specimens of birds held in the collections of the Natural History Museum of Geneva, Switzerland. These specimens originate mainly from the collections of two ornithologists, Henri Jouard who worked on European passerines, and Thomas Horsfield who collected and described birds from Java.
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An undetermined breeding couple of nuthatches, showing characters of Chinese Nuthatch Sitta villosa, was observed in June 2006 in the Altay mountains (Smit et al. 2007), 1400 km north of the nearest known patchy breeding range of the species. Expeditions in the same area in 2007 and 2013 failed to find any villosa-type Nuthatch again. According to...
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On 8 August 2014 in the Fier Valley (Haute-Savoie, France) a first year Common Merganser caught a Viperine Snake. The capture of snakes is only occasionally reported.
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The highlights of 2013 were the first records for Switzerland of Iceland Gull Larus glaucoides, Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Merops persicus and Subalpine Warbler with characters of the subspecies Sylvia cantillans albistriata, the second observations of Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva and Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii (first since 1860) and the th...
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The highlights of 2013 were the first records for Switzerland of Iceland Gull Larus glaucoides, Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Merops persicus and Subalpine Warbler with characters of the subspecies Sylvia cantillans albistriata, the second observations of Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva and Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii (first since 1860) and the th...
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The highlights of 2013 were the first records for Switzerland of Iceland Gull Larus glaucoides, Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Merops persicus and Subalpine Warbler with characters of the subspecies Sylvia cantillans albistriata, the second observations of Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva and Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii (first since 1860 !) and the...
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From 2007 to 2010, 4558 migrating and breeding birds of 71 species were caught and examined for ticks in Switzerland. A total of 1205 specimens were collected; all were Ixodes ricinus ticks except one Ixodes frontalis female, which was found on a common chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) for the first time in Switzerland. Each tick was analysed individu...
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Etourneau roselin Sturnus roseus m. ad. Cet individu montre des couvertures entièrement noires et bril-lantes, typiques des individus dans leur 3 e année civile au moins. En 2 e année civile, les couvertures non muées ne brillent pas. Guarda GR, 31 mai 2012.
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First nesting of a pair of Short-toed Eagles Circaetus gallicus in Switzerland. Observations of reproductive biology in particular their diet. Between 1st April and 1st October 2012 a pair of Short-toed Eagles successfully fledged a chick in the Haut-Valais (Swiss Alps). This event had been long awaited and was the first proven reproduction in the...
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In 2011, the Swiss Rarities Committee examined 399 reports of a total of 96 species, 234 (59 %) of which were accepted and 44 of which refer to past years. The highlights of 2011 included the first records of Pink-footed Goose Anser brachyrhynchus, Eleonora’s Falcon Falco eleonorae, and Bimaculated Lark Melanocorypha bimaculata, unusual numbers of...
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In 2011, the Swiss Rarities Committee examined 399 reports of a total of 96 species, 234 (59 %) of which were accepted and 44 of which refer to past years. The highlights of 2011 included the first records of Pink-footed Goose Anser brachyrhynchus, Eleonora’s Falcon Falco eleonorae, and Bimaculated Lark Melanocorypha bimaculata, unusual numbers of...
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In 2011, the Swiss Rarities Committee examined 399 reports of a total of 96 species, 234 (59 %) of which were accepted and 44 of which refer to past years. The highlights of 2011 included the first records of Pink-footed Goose Anser brachyrhynchus, Eleonora's Falcon Falco eleonorae, and Bimaculated Lark Melanocorypha bimaculata, unusual numbers of...
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There are seven museum specimens of dark morph African Marsh Harriers Circus ranivorus. Here we present the first picture of a live dark morph African Marsh Harrier from Botswana ans discuss the ocurrence of this morph.
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In 2009 the Swiss Rarities Committee examined 279 reports of a total of 98 species, 201 (72 %) of which were accepted and 38 of which refer to past years. New for Switzerland in 2009 was a Semi-collared Flycatcher Ficedula semitorquata, with the exceptional record of a singing male in the canton of Vaud. Other remarkable observations in 2009 includ...
Technical Report
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(1) Between 09 February and 21 February 2010 about 25 wetlands (beaches, mudflats, khwars, oases, wadis and Sewage works) were visited to count waterbirds and pay special attention to the presence of Slender-billed Curlew (SBC) Numenius tenuirostris, a “Critically Endangered (CR)” species. At least 3000 Eurasian Curlews N. arquata and about 600 Whi...
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In 2009 the Swiss Rarities Committee examined 279 reports of a total of 98 species, 201 (72 %) of which were accepted and 38 of which refer to past years. New for Switzerland in 2009 was a Semi-collared Flycatcher Ficedula semitorquata, with the exceptional record of a singing male in the canton of Vaud. Other remarkable observations in 2009 includ...
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Le Gobemouche à demi-collier vient s'ajouter à la liste des oiseaux de Suisse, avec l'observation exceptionnelle d'un mâle chanteur. Parmi les autres mentions remarquables de 2009, citons une Sterne voya-geuse (4 e observation), un Sizerin flammé (5 e et 1 re d'un oiseau vivant), les 6 e et 7 e Elanions blancs, le 12 e Pipit de Richard, le 14 e Pou...
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La question « Est-ce que l’Homme descend du singe ? » n’a pas de sens scientifique, car l’Homme est un singe. Les représentations de Darwin transformé en sont une illustration prophétique, bien que caricaturale.
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Caught in the net. 50 years of bat capture on two migration passes in the Alps
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In 2007 the Swiss Rarities Committee examined 274 reports of a total of 84 species, 26 of which refer to past years. 223 reports (81 %) were accepted. The highlights of 2007 included a repeat of the massive arrival of Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus– the biggest ever in Switzerland –, the second Twite Carduelis flavirostris, the 5th record of both Pur...
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Swiss Rarities Committee examined 274 reports of a total of 84 species, 26 of which refer to past years. 223 reports (81 %) were accepted. The highlights of 2007 included a repeat of the massive arrival of Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus – the biggest ever in Switzerland –, the second Twite Carduelis flavirostris, the 5th record of both Purple Sandpip...
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In 2006 the Swiss Rarities Committee examined 219 reports of a total of 82 species, 36 of which refer to past years. 195 reports (89 %) were accepted. The highlights of 2006 included the 1st records of Franklin’s Gull Larus pipixcan, Radde’s Warbler Phylloscopus schwarzi and Isabelline Shrike Lanius isabellinus. After the 1st record from the last y...
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Le premier ouvrage exhaustif sur les oiseaux de Suisse: distribution, effectifs, migration, habitat, comportement, alimentation, reproduction, menaces, conservation. 2369 photos, 848 pages
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Alles über Vorkommen, Bestand, Wanderungen, Lebensraum, Verhalten, Nahrung, Fortpflanzung, Gefährdung und Schutz. 2369 Fotos, 848 Seiten
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In 2005 the Swiss Rarities Committee examined 222 reports of a total of 91 species, 197 (89%) of which were accepted and 19 of which refer to past years. The highlights of 2005 included the first record of a Laughing Gull Larus atricilla followed by its wintering, and an influx of Trumpeter Finches Bucanetes githagineus, also a new species for Swit...
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In 2005 the Swiss Rarities Committee examined 222 reports of a total of 91 species, 197 (89%) of which were accepted and 19 of which refer to past years. The highlights of 2005 included the first record of a Laughing Gull Larus atricilla followed by its wintering, and an influx of Trumpeter Finches Bucanetes githagineus, also a new species for Swit...
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La Buse variable et la Bondrée apivore figurent bien souvent parmi les rapaces de nos régions les plus difficiles à distinguer, en raison de la similarité de leurs silhouettes et de la grande variabilité de leurs plumages. Chacune de ces deux espèces peut en effet présenter des formes très pâles ou très sombres, avec un grand nombre d’intermédiaire...
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A 200 meters long artificial island has been built in lake Geneva near Lausanne as a resting place for migrating waders.
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A young male Middle spotted Woodpecker was caught on 27th September 1997 at col de Jaman above Montreux VD, at 1560 m a.s.l. This is the highest Swiss record of this highly sedentary, lowland breeding species, one of the few that has never been recorded at col de Bretolet above Champéry VS (1923 m a.s.l.). Four other records more than 40 km away fr...
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The migratory behaviour of the European Robin has been studied from 1991 to 2000 at col de Jaman above Montreux VD (Prealps, north shore of the lake of Geneva), with an equipment of high mist-nets allowing to catch birds in active migratory flight. When released with a luminescent capsule, the mean orientation was 288° (W/N-W). The mean migratory d...
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Following its extinction in 1950, the White Stork Ciconia ciconia was reintroduced to Switzerland. We analysed time budget, habitat use and breeding success of 28 breeding pairs at five sites in 1994. At two sites the adults were given extra food daily (SF), at the others no supplementary food was provided (NSF). During the first 20 days of life of...
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The Col de Jaman above Montreux (Canton of Vaud) is located in the Pre-Alps at an altitude of 1512 meters, on the northern shores of Lake Geneva. The location is a strategic site for the study of autumn migration. Between 1991 and 1998 more than 34000 birds have been ringed and todays installations allow nearly 9000 birds to be ringed every autumn....
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First record of Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus in Tunisia and first observations of wintering Desert Wheatears Oenanthe deserti in Tunisia.
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Capture of an adult female Crossbill Loxia curvirostra with major bill malformation at col de Jaman (Swiss Alps).
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Subsequently to a survey of the recolonisation of vegetation during the three years following fire in a steppic grassland and a pine forest in central Valais (Delarze & Werner 1985) we reassess the evolution of vegetation ten years later (13 years after fire) and compare the results. Two representative sites have been studied: a pine forest (Odonit...
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From mid June to the end of July 1992 at least 7 (2 red males, 3 grey males, 2 females) Scarlet Rosefinches were discovered on the southern shore of the Lac de Joux (Jura vaudois, 46° 37' N/6° 15' E). At least two pairs bred: one with grey male failed, but the other with red male was successful and reared four fledglings. The biotope is a wide open...
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We report here the first wintering (26th January 1991 to 2nd April 1992) of a White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla in Switzerland.


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