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October 1999 - September 2013
- Research Associate
February 1996 - June 1997
September 1993 - June 1997
September 1992 - June 1993
Publications (221)
The production of red and orange cuprite glass and glazes depends on a complex interplay of glass composition, redox states, and thermal treatments. This study investigates how lead and copper concentrations impact the copper redox state and cuprite crystal formation. Spectroscopy (EPR, XANES at Cu L3 and K edges) shows that high copper content lea...
In this study, the effects of substituting Al for Fe in 5Na2O∙(Al2O3)x∙(Fe2O3)1-x∙8SiO2 glass, x=0 to 1, and Na5AlxFe1-xSi4O12 (5.1.8) crystal, were investigated using thermal analysis, Fe K-edge X-ray absorption, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and Electron Probe Microanalysis. In both glass and crystallized glass, nearly all the Fe was tet...
The scientific understanding and demonstration of the immobilization of heavy metals (notably lead and chromium) in food contact materials is crucial for the safety of environment and humans. To tackle this issue lead crystal glasses doped between 50 and 2000 ppm of chromium oxide were carried out under severe aqueous alteration conditions (acetic...
The viscosities of Ce‐free and Ce‐bearing (∼1.3 mol%, ∼6.5 wt.% Ce2O3) soda lime silicate (window glass) melts were measured with respect to oxidation state. Experiments were performed isothermally using a concentric‐cylinder viscometer on melts equilibrated with successively reducing CO–CO2 gas mixtures within a gas tight vertical tube furnace at...
This study explores the influence of copper on the color properties of lead and aluminosilicate glasses by using optical and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopies. Optical absorption spectra unveil distinct UV absorption characteristics in blue and green compounds, attributed to Cu+ ions, with notable variations depending on glass co...
The Elamites have assigned specialized names for different types of ceramics, signaling a specialized approach to ceramic production during the Middle and Neo-Elamite periods. They were pioneers in the use of glazed ceramics on the Iranian Plateau. This investigation focuses on the examination of 29 samples of glazed ceramic bodies originating from...
We compared the impact of alumina doping on the structure of Al2O3–SiO2 amorphous thin films and bulk glasses using Raman spectroscopy and x‐ray diffraction. In both thin films and bulk glasses, the addition of Al2O3 is accompanied by an increase in the mean Si–O–T angle and an evolution of the ring statistics with a decrease in the proportion of s...
Redox control of glasses is paramount both to their fusion process and to obtaining the desired properties of high technological glasses. However, the link between melting parameters, such as temperature, furnace atmosphere, or quenching rate, and the redox state of the final products is poorly understood. In this work, in situ x-ray absorption nea...
A vitreous coating on ceramic has several functions: a practical one, by waterproofing and protecting the earthenware object, but also an esthetic and symbolic one. The extent and the nature of the interface connecting the two materials - fired clay of the body and glassy material of the decoration - play an essential role in the final composition...
The ICG Spring School 2024 will bring together glass experts from industry and academia under one roof to discuss the grand challenges essential for (1) making glass production sustainable and (2) glass as a material for a sustainable future.
The five-day event will be organized in a school format, where the lectures by experts from industry and a...
La Collection des minéraux de Sorbonne Université a reçu récemment, en juin 2022, la visite de marchands de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC). Ils ont présenté plusieurs échantillons de « saphir » pierreux de grandes dimensions et ont montré des vidéos où l’on voyait l’extraction de nodules géants pesant plusieurs centaines de kg. L’associa...
The ICG Spring School 2024 will bring together glass experts from industry and academia under one roof to discuss the grand challenges essential for (1) making glass production sustainable and (2) glass as a material for a sustainable future. The five-day event will be organized in a school format, where the lectures by experts from industry and ac...
L’absence d’ordre à longue distance, par opposition à l’état cristallin, et le phénomène de la transition vitreuse sont les principaux critères qui distinguent le verre des autres états de la matière.
Dans cet article, nous revenons sur les notions d’ordre et de désordre, de périodicité, et sur les différentes échelles d’organisation, en comparant...
Neutron diffraction with magnesium isotope substitution, high energy x-ray diffraction, and 29Si, 27Al, and 25Mg solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy were used to measure the structure of glassy diopside (CaMgSi2O6), enstatite (MgSiO3), and four (MgO)x(Al2O3)y(SiO2)1−x−y glasses, with x = 0.375 or 0.25 along the 50 mol. % silic...
In order to describe the complex reactions taking place during a severe accident in a PWR, the knowledge of the Zr–O system is critical. However, thermodynamic data are lacking concerning this system for oxygen rich compositions. The aim of this work is to obtain new experimental data on the liquidus/solidus transitions in the O-rich side of the Zr...
Un revêtement vitreux sur une céramique a plusieurs fonctions : utilitaire en imperméabilisant et protégeant la pièce en terre cuite, mais aussi esthétique et symbolique. L’étendue et la nature de l’interface liant les deux matériaux – argile cuite du corps et matière vitrifiée du décor – jouent un rôle essentiel sur la composition finale de la gla...
Les verres jouent un rôle fondamental dans notre quotidien tant au niveau économique, culturel, sociétal, énergétique que géologique. Les verres géologiques témoignent de l’activité ignée de la Terre et représentent une source importante d’outils et d’objets ornementaux du Paléolithique à nos jours. Désormais, les verres sont utilisés également pou...
This study aims at the characterisation of red and orange glass tesserae from the 4th-century Roman villa of Noheda (Spain). Due to the limited number of analyses available for such ancient materials, many questions remain unanswered about the production processes in the Roman period. Six samples were chosen for their hue variations, including two...
Glass and melt structures are inherently complex and disordered with significant changes expected to occur with temperature. In the present paper, a comparison of the structure of glasses and liquids along the MgSiO3–CaSiO3 join is carried out using neutron and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Empirical Potential Structure Refinement (EPSR) simulations wer...
In this work, a structural characterization of sputtered silica films was carried out using Raman spectroscopy. Due to the low cross-section and the thinness of the silica layer, its Raman signature is dwarfed by that of the glass substrate and is therefore difficult to extract. Overcoming these limitations represents an experimental challenge and...
This paper deals with the structural investigation of a new class of glasses belonging to the Ga-Sb-Se system. Neutron diffraction and ⁷⁷Se NMR were performed on the Ga8Sb27Se65 glass composition to understand the structural network in this unconventional system. The experimental data were confronted to molecular dynamics simulations and show a goo...
Glass coloration is determined by various processes of which the most common implies transition element through crystal‐field effects. A large diversity of original colors largely stems from the peculiar structural properties of transition elements in glasses such as unusual coordination numbers (e.g. 5‐coordinated Ni²⁺ and Fe²⁺) or nonrandom distr...
This study presents a description of the structure of amorphous slags, with particular attention to the Ca local environment and the medium range arrangement of Ca-sites. Using Ca K-edge X -ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES and EXAFS) and pair distribution function (PDF) as well as numerical modeling combining Molecular Dynamics and Reverse Monte-...
The glass formation, crystallization behavior and structure were investigated in the ZnO-Al2O3-SiO2 system. The boundaries of the glass forming region are defined, indicating the absence of glasses along the ZnO-SiO2 binary and the role of Al to improve glass formation. The crystallization behavior has been clarified for representative glass compos...
Aluminosilicate glasses are of great importance for industrial applications and are good analogs of magmas. In practical applications, almost all silicate glasses incorporate alumina either as impurity or as a large component and Al2O3 usually imparts greater chemical durability, viscosity, glass transformation temperatures, improves mechanical pro...
A multi-edge study of the local structure of lithium borate glasses and melts has been carried out using X-ray Raman scattering (XRS) as a function of temperature. Thanks to a wide range of compositions, from pure B2O3 up to the metaborate composition, we are able to finely interpret in detail the modifications of the local environment of both the...
The presence of titanium in ground granulated blast‐furnace slags (GGBS) has been suspected to modify cement properties. This study provides the first evidence of a relation between the TiO2 content of slags and the mechanical properties of mortars based on slag cements. It is observed that only the slags containing less than 1%TiO2 show a compress...
We report a detailed structural investigation of Ca-Na aluminosilicate glasses containing 0–20 wt% ZrO2 using X-ray absorption spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and ²⁷Al and ²⁹Si NMR. The X-ray absorption spectroscopy data reveal that Zr is predominantly present in ZrO6 octahedra but a significant Zr coordination change occurs with increasing ZrO2 c...
Over the past few decades, glass-ceramics doped with transition metals have become promising materials for the development of active and passive optical functional devices, including a wide variety of commercial applications due to their unique properties. In this Perspective paper, the intrinsic advantages of these composite materials are outlined...
Li2O‐Al2O3‐SiO2 (LAS) glass‐ceramics have important industrial applications and bulk nucleation is usually achieved by using nucleating agents. In particular, P2O5 is an efficient agent in glasses containing a low level of Al2O3 but its role in the first stages of nucleation is not well established. In this study, we combine structural investigatio...
High temperature cation mobilities, based on the multicomponent diffusion method, have been coupled with a structural investigation in the Na2O-CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-ZrO2 (NCASZ) system at 1200 °C and 1250 °C. From structural investigation using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES), zirconium was determined in six-fold coordinated sites in the reduced gl...
Glass-ceramics are innovative technological materials made up of crystals dispersed in a glass matrix. This dual feature enables the combination of the advantages of glass, mostly ease of shaping/forming, with the specific properties of crystalline phases. Since their discovery in the 1950s, numerous studies have been devoted to glass crystallizati...
A basic characterization of amorphous materials is usually obtained using diffraction measurements. Indeed, amorphicity is revealed by the absence of sharp Bragg peaks in the angular diffraction pattern, signaling the lack of long-range order and periodicity. However, diffraction patterns obtained by scattering from x-rays, electrons or neutrons co...
Un décor de porcelaine est obtenu à l’aide de mélanges de pigments et de composants incolores qui, en se vitrifiant, fixent l’émail à la surface de l’objet et révèlent ainsi la couleu.
Cet article s’intéresse à la stabilité d’un pigment de type spinelle au cours de la cuisson du décor. La caractérisation d’un grain de ce pigment par microscopie éle...
Bernard Palissy is a French Renaissance ceramist renowned for his masterpieces called Rustiques Figulines on which dozens of glazes of different chemistries (and thus firing behaviors) coexist harmoniously. This study aims at gathering information on the master procedure -never revealed- by investigating the body-glaze interface region (focusing on...
We investigated using Solid-State NMR spectroscopy the short-range structural features in lithium aluminosilicate glasses with the addition of P2O5 and considering various Al2 O3/Li2O ratios. The phosphorus environment is determined quantitatively using ³¹P Magic Angle Spinning NMR constrained by results from ³¹P-²⁷Al Multiple-Quantum Coherence-bas...
Determining the uranyl(VI) UO22+ reactivity in crystalline and amorphous oxides
is necessary to control its mobility. The intrinsic versatility of borate structural units
containing both triangular BO3 and tetrahedral BO4 makes them original and rich
hosts for uranyl. As part of the effort to determine the uranium stability in borate
oxide glasses,...
Our understanding of the deep carbon cycle has witnessed amazing advances in the last decade, including the discovery of tetrahedrally coordinated high pressure (P) carbonate phases. However, little is known about the physical properties of their molten counterpart at moderate depths, while their properties at lower mantle conditions remain unexplo...
Ni:MgAl2O4 spinel demonstrates a reversible random Ni2+ site redistribution with increasing temperature. To determine the influence of the heat-treatment induced structure evolution on the nature of luminescence centers in NiO-doped spinel-based magnesium aluminosilicate glass-ceramics nucleated by a mixture of TiO2 and ZrO2, the detailed spectrosc...
This work aims to discuss on the characterization of Algerian dune sand named Boussaâda sand (SB) and its suitability for glass industry. Based on chemical and mineralogical analyses of SB by XRF and XRD, quartz, kaolinite, calcium carbonates and albite are the main mineralogical phases found. However, Fe2O3 content is relatively low (<0.24wt%). Op...
The properties of Na2O-B2O3-SiO2+La2O3 glasses (NBS_La) are not well understood. In particular the influence of the lanthanides on the polymerized network structure and organization are not well known. In this work, we use a Polarizable Ion Model (PIM) that was fitted on electronic structure calculations to simulate a series of NBS_La glasses using...
This paper presents a comprehensive investigation at the microscopic scale of various pigments composed of chromium from the French ‘Manufacture de Sèvres’ to establish the origin of color in glazes. Electron microscopy coupled with X-ray diffraction allows the determination of the microstructure and composition of the crystalline phases after firi...
X-ray/neutron diffraction and X-ray absorption spectroscopy are complementary experimental techniques giving pair distribution functions. There are selective tools to obtain structural information, probing short and medium ranges (up to typically 1nm), such as coordination, bond distances but also valence state, even at a dilute concentration. More...
Noble gases are used to trace the evolution of the Earth's atmosphere and magmatic processes. However little is known about their solubility mechanisms in silicate melts or glasses, whereas it could be fundamental to interpret these data. We report here the first in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy data at the Kr K-edge on a feldspathic Kr-bearin...
The short and medium range structures of the 80GeSe2-20Ga2Se3 (or Ge23.5Ga11.8Se64.7) chalcogenide glasses have been studied by combining ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations and experimental neutron diffraction studies. Structure factor and total correlation function were calculated from glass structures generated from AIMD simulations...
Chromium (Cr) is at the origin of a wide variety of coloration (green, pink and brown) in porcelain glazes from the French Manufacture de Sèvres. This element was introduced for the first time at the factory in 1804, just a few years after its discovery by Louis-Nicolas Vauquelin. Pigments for glazes were developed at the laboratory of the factory,...
µ-XANES is used to study the modifications in the alkali and alkaline-earth environments induced by the Na+/ K+ ion-exchange process in various Na –silicate glasses. The results indicate that the ion-exchange process induces a shortening of the Na-O, Ca-O and Mg-O bond distances. The contraction of the Na-O, Ca-O and Mg-O coordination shell allows...
Sodium borosilicate glasses Na2O–B2O3–SiO2 (NBS) are complex systems from a structural point of view. Three main building units are present: tetrahedral SiO4 and BO4 (BIV) and triangular BO3 (BIII). One of the salient features of these compounds is the change of the BIII/BIV ratio with the alkali concentration, which is very difficult to capture in...
The existence of a relatively wide glass domain has been put in evidence in the SiO2-B2O3-La2O3 ternary system, using a melt-quenching method. This domain extends from a region surrounding the lanthanum metaborate (LaB3O6) composition in the B2O3-La2O3 binary system to ternary compositions bearing up to 39 mol% SiO2. Outside this domain, phase sepa...
During the French Renaissance, a well-known ceramist, Bernard Palissy (1510–1590), succeeded to create amazing lead-glazed ceramics, the recipe of which he kept totally secret. The present study is a first step to try to understand the process of manufacture of Palissy’s honey iron-coloured high-lead aluminosilicate glazes through examination of bo...
Glass-ceramics are now commonplace in our daily lives, despite having only been discovered for less than a century. Much still remains to be investigated and understood about these materials, both in their applications as well as in the underlying scientific concepts. This book aims to contribute to this objective, providing a complete overview on...
Below the melting temperature $T_m$ crystals are the stable phase of typical elemental or molecular systems. However, cooling down a liquid below $T_m$, crystallization is anything but inevitable. The liquid can be supercooled, eventually forming a glass below the glass transition temperature $T_g$. Despite their long lifetimes and the presence of...
The ID21 beamline (European Synchrotron Radiation facility, France) is a multi micro-analytical platform combining X-ray and infrared micro-probes, for characterization of elements, species, molecular groups and crystalline structures in complex materials. Applications are mainly in the fields of cultural heritage, life science, environmental and e...
Spinel ZnAl2O4 and corundum Al2O3 doped with chromium are used as pink pigments in porcelain glazes. However, alteration of the color can occur during firing, and the resulting glaze appears brown and green respectively, instead of the expected pink. To investigate the mechanism of color change, electron transparent sections were prepared by Focuse...
We present differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analyses of seven French stained glasses from the 13th to 16th centuries. These glasses illustrate the dramatic compositional change from the antique soda-rich glasses to potash- and lime-rich compositions, resulting in drastic temperature and viscosity increases. We investigate the influence of ch...