Laurent Bègue

Laurent Bègue
Université Grenoble Alpes · Department of Psychology



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January 1999 - present
  • Professor (Full)


Publications (196)
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Objective This study investigates how obedience in a Milgram-like experiment is predicted by inter-individual differences.Methods Participants were 35 males and 31 females aged 26–54 from the general population who were contacted by phone eight months after their participation in a study transposing Milgram's obedience paradigm to the context of a...
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The present research investigated how scientific authority increases the lethal use of animals in biomedical experimentation. In two behavioral studies (N = 151 and 150), participants were required to incrementally administer twelve doses of a toxic chemical to a 53 cm fish (in reality, a biomimetic robot) for research on animal learning. Consisten...
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Ce rapport rend compte d’une enquête nationale menée en 2023-2024 dans l’enseignement supérieur français et dont la base d’analyse comporte 67 000 répondants. L'étude financée par la Mission interministérielle de lutte contre les drogues et les conduites addictives (MILDECA) décrit et analyse les contextes matériels, temporels, relationnels et toxi...
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Panorama en 29 chapitres de la psychologie sociale actuelle. Histoire, méthodes, concepts, théories, applications.
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Près de 75 hormones se promènent dans le corps humain, mais aucune ne semble nous définir-et nous diviser-autant que la testostérone. Dès l'utérus, elle façonne les différences entre hommes et femmes, sculptant nos cerveaux durant leur croissance et nos comportements les plus complexes durant toute notre vie. Pour défendre ceKe thèse (qui sera qual...
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A paraître dans Bonnetto, E. & Arciszewski, T. (2024). 20 petites histoires des grandes théories de la psychologie sociale. Paris : Dunod
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Les animaux sont omniprésents dans les cultures humaines, qui n'ont eu de cesse d'en extraire des ressources matérielles et symboliques.
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Despite caring for animals, most people use products tested on lab-animals daily, and rarely consider the implications of their choices for animal testing. We experimentally examined across four preregistered and high-powered online studies (total N = 3405) whether categorizing animals as being lab-subjects, in a context where people are also remin...
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Panorama sur la psychologie sociale des conduites altruistes
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Synthèse des travaux criminologiques consacrés aux liens entre les actes de cruauté envers les animaux et la déviance.
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L'espèce humaine détient le triste record des violences perpétrées sur les femmes : maltraitances conjugales, viols commis lors de guerres, mutilations génitales rituelles… Les chiffres sont terrifiants : dans le monde, près d'une femme sur trois déclare avoir été battue ou sexuellement abusée durant sa vie. Pour des violences « de plus faible inte...
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There is a large gender gap in support for animal experimentation, with men endorsing this practice more than women. However, little is known about the psychological factors associated with these differences. Drawing on a large and gender-balanced sample (nwomen = 551, nmen = 454), we conducted a cross-sectional survey to examine whether gender dif...
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En étayant son propos par des données hors-norme (comme les relevés téléphoniques de millions d'usagers), en puisant dans des disciplines aussi hétérogènes que l'économie, l'anthropologie, la primatologie ou les neurosciences, l'auteur offre un regard unique sur notre monde social, « de loin le phénomène le plus complexe de l'univers ».
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Synthèse bibliographique consacrée aux liens entre les violences et l'usage de psychotropes
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The Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT) is a widely used measure of individual propensity to rely on analytic thinking. This measure is consistently related to decision-making tasks, beliefs and real-life decision outcomes and also inversely related to conformist and mindless decision making. Drawing from previous studies showing that food choices are...
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Recension de l'ouvrage de Florence Burgat (2023). L'inconscient des animaux. Paris : Seuil, à paraître dans La Vie des Idées.
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Recension en français de Moghaddam, F. (2023). How Psychologists failed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
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In two highly powered studies (total N = 1617), we showed that individuals estimated that they would stop earlier than others in a Milgram-like biomedical task leading to the death of an animal, confirming the relevance of the Better than Average Effect (BTAE) in a new research setting. However, this effect was not magnified among participants disp...
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Existing studies do not provide consistent results regarding the role of alcohol intoxication on sentencing, and little is known about the specificity of sentencing by judges when compared to the general population. In this study, we experimentally investigated the influence of the level of alcohol intoxication on the sentence given to a defendant...
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La lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes est une grande cause du second quinquennat d’Emmanuel Macron. Des mesures concernant l’alcool et la prise en charge des dépendances doivent en faire partie.
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La vérité sur le bonheur (Recension) Jonathan Haidt, professeur à l'université de New York, est une figure éminente de la psychologie positive. Le titre de son ouvrage propose une promesse pour le moins ambitieuse : la vérité sur le bonheur ! Est-elle tenue ? D'un côté, le contenu est captivant, le spectre d'analyse très large. L'auteur décrit plus...
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Recension en français de Humble, par Daryl Van Tongeren (2022). London : Wellbeck. A paraître.
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L’homo sapiens est l’exemple parfait de ces espèces hypersociales qui doivent presque tout à leurs collectifs. Trouver sa place dans un groupe et y être reconnu est une motivation profondément enfouie dans notre cerveau et procure une sensation irremplaçable de sécurité et de sens. C’est le message qui ressort de Belonging. The science of creating...
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Recension du livre "Les racines de la violence" (Adshead & Horne, 2022)
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Il y a soixante ans, Milgram montrait qu'une large majorité de personnes acceptent de délivrer des chocs électriques mortels à un individu quand on leur en donne l’ordre. Et avec un animal ? Quelles conclusions en tirer ?
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Objective The relationship between vegetarianism and mental health is controversial. The aim of the present study is to examine the cross-sectional association between anxiety, depression, and vegetarianism in a French sample while controlling for potential confounders. Design Self-reported questionnaire data were obtained from a large cross-secti...
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Lack of sleep is common in adolescence, and represents an important threat to adolescents’ well-being, academic commitment, and general health. It also has significant behavioral consequences through an increased likelihood of interpersonal violence. Previous studies have demonstrated an association between aggressive behavior and lack of sleep, bu...
Objective Several health issues related to the us of social networking sites (SNS) are documented. One concept that is not clearly studied is suggestibility as the tendency of a person to accept and internalize communication. The aim of the study is to test a model in which suggestibility of people can predict SNS use, which in turn can predict sub...
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Les comportements agressifs à l’âge adulte ont souvent leurs racines dans l’enfance. Loin d’être déterminés durant le développement de l’enfant, ils pourraient être pris en charge par des mesures préventives.
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Aux origines de l'agressivité.
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In this reply to Hilgard’s 2021 criticisms of the Hasan et al. (2013) study, we show that his use of the Maximal Positive Controls methodology was inappropriately implemented for four main reasons: (1) he had participants watch a film of video gameplay (we had participants actively play video games), (2) his videos were about 2 minutes and 15 secon...
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Réponse à une tribune de la Ligue des droits de l'homme qui s'inquiétait des dangers de la méditation de pleine conscience pour les enfants.
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La chasse aux trophées est probablement l'un des passe-temps les plus décriés par l'opinion publique. Des photos de chasseurs devant la dépouille d'un lion ou d'une girafe provoquent souvent des réactions indignées ; pourtant, la pratique continue, année après année. Comment l'expliquer ? Pour le chercheur Geoffrey Beattie, il existe plusieurs expl...
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Background. Evolutionary theory-driven alcohol prevention programs for adolescents are lacking. This study introduced a binge drinking impression formation paradigm to test whether emphasizing sexual dysfunction induced by alcohol abuse lowers positive attitudes and expectan-cies related to binge drinking when compared with cognitive or long-term h...
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Across two experimental studies, we investigated the short-term effect of video games with sexist content (i.e,. representing women as sexual objects and men as hyper-masculine) on women’s objectification . We examine whether identifying with a masculine character who objectified women can increase implicit association of self with masculinity, whi...
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Background: This study evaluated factors linked with perceived stress related to the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown and addictive behaviors prior to and during lockdown in a sample of students who indicated engaging in alcohol consumption behaviors before lockdown. Methods: Cross-sectional study. French students from four universities participated...
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Les événements négatifs produisent un impact si disproportionné chez les êtres humains que l'on pourrait parler d'un véritable « biais fondamental de négativité ». C'est l'idée que défendent John Tierney, journaliste scientifique, et Roy Baumeister, psychologue social de l'université de Queensland, dans le livre The Power of Bad (Penguin Press, 201...
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Recension du livre de C. Mc Mahon, The Psychology of Social Media, Routledge, 2019
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Une introduction à la psychologie des préjugés envers les animaux.
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Les enquêtes consacrées aux pratiques alimentaires révèlent qu’un consommateur français ingurgite en une année approximativement 32 kg de cochon, 30 kg de poule, dinde et canard, 23 kg de vache, bœuf et veau, et 3 kg d’agneau et mouton. Ces faits alimentaires, qui reposent sur une offre majoritairement industrielle, semblent incompatibles avec le r...
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Animal abuse is considered a significant marker of violence towards humans, and understanding its determinants is important. In this first large-scale survey on adolescent animal abuse carried out in France, we introduced and tested the relative explanatory power of a new variable potentially involved in animal abuse: speciesism, defined as the bel...
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Background and aims. Since mid-March 2020, over 3 billion people have been confined as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Problematic eating behaviors are likely to be impacted by the pandemic through multiple pathways. This study examined the relationships between stress related to lockdown measures and binge eating and dietary restriction in a po...
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Right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) and social dominance orientation (SDO) both predict generalized prejudice, dehumanization, intergroup discrimination, oppression, and violence, right-wing political party preference and generally punitive attitudes. Authoritarian attitudes have been theorized to involve maladaptive emotional, cognitive and social s...
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Little experimental researches have investigated how alcohol portrayal influences alcohol-related cognitions that could lead to long-term alcohol consumption. We identified two potential cognitive processes by which alcohol portrayals could lead to increased change in alcohol consumption: changes in implicit attitudes and association between the ac...
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Evolutionary medicine proposes studying alcohol use and abuse through the lens of modern evolutionary theory. This study ( uw/) follows this approach and uses an evolutionary framework to predict how young adults (18–35 years old) form impression of a binge drinker. We predicted that displaying sexual dysfunctions (short-term ris...
We investigated the cognitive mechanisms underlying change in implicit cognitions following exposure to alcohol portrayals. More precisely, we tested in an experimental study whether this change depends on controlled or automatic processes by putting participants in a state of self-regulatory fatigue prior to being exposed to alcohol portrayals. Ni...
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Résumé de l'ouvrage de : Hill, C. (2019). Intimate relationships across cultures. A comparative study. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
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La réalité virtuelle est une technologie qui parvient à persuader le cerveau humain que la simulation à laquelle se prête l’individu n’est pas un simple artifice numérique et s’impose comme une véritable expérience. Ses applications pour l’apprentissage, la médecine ou la réduction des préjugés sont prometteuses.
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L'adhésion à des fake news est amplifiée chez les personnes ayant une pensée faiblement analytique, quelle que soit leur aile politique.
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Aims. This study introduced a binge drinking prevention paradigm grounded in evolutionary psychology. It aimed to test whether emphasizing sexual dysfunction potentially induced by alcohol abuse lowers positive attitudes and expectancies related to binge drinking when compared with cognitive consequences or long-term health consequences. Design. In...
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La radicalisation procède de l’expérience d’une carence de sens qui exacerbe la recherche de sensations et favorise la violence. Synthèse de l'article de Schumpe, B.M. et al. (2018). The role of sensation seeking in political violence : An extension of the significant quest theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, sous presse.
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Evolutionary medicine proposes studying alcohol use and abuse through the lens of modern evolutionary theory. This study ( follows this approach and uses an evolutionary framework to predict how young adults (18-35 years old) form impression of a binge drinker. We predicted that displaying sexual dysfunctions (short-term risk)...
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Promoting healthier and more sustainable diets by decreasing meat consumption represents a significant challenge in the Anthropocene epoch. However, data are scarce regarding the effects of nationwide meat reduction campaigns. We described and analyzed the correlates of a national campaign in France (called "Green Monday", GM) promoting weekly subs...
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Cet article fait état des facteurs individuels et des processus cognitifs qui président à l'adhésion à des croyances erronées en matière de viol, et dont une récente enquête témoigne de la réalité en France.
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La force avec laquelle les normes culturelles s’imposent aux individus peut être analysée au moyen d’un continuum opposant les cultures « resserrées » aux cultures « relâchées ». Cette clé inédite, proposée par Michele Gelfand, renouvelle profondément l’analyse interculturelle.
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Need for uniqueness represents the need for people to feel different and distinguish themselves from others. Two major scales exist that measure this need: the Need for Uniqueness scale (NfU; Snyder & Fromkin, 1977) and the Self-Attributed Need for Uniqueness scale (SANU; Lynn & Harris, 1997). We propose here a French version of both scales. Throug...
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Résumé de Tian, D., Schroeder, J., Haübl, G., Risen, J.L., Norton, M.I., & Gino, F. (2018). Enacting rituals to improve self-control. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 114, 6, 851-876.
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Brève recension du livre Hormonal, de Martie Haselton (UCLA).
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Background: We tested whether incidental exposure to alcohol marketing messages in sporting events (i) influenced automatic evaluation of brands and alcohol in general and (ii) if these processes occur through deliberative (conscious) or nonconscious processes. Methods: Using an experimental design, participants watched a sport event containing (i)...
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There is emerging evidence that Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) supplements can decrease aggression. However, experimental studies with adults from non-specific populations are scarce. We hypothesized that Omega-3 supplements would decrease self-reported aggression among non-clinical participants. In a double-blind randomized trial, two...
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Les croyances paranormales traduisent plusieurs types de biais de la pensée humaine. Leur étude dévoile des besoins fondamentaux comme le besoin de signification ou de contrôle des événements.
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Ce commentaire d'un article de Pauline Delage et Marta Roca i Escoda traite de la légitimité d'une analyse des violences conjugales qui se départirait des approches féministes pour se focaliser sur des facteurs de risques. Il suggère que l'asymétrie de l'impact des violences conjugales rend hors de propos une analyse dégenrée. Nous proposons égalem...
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Srull and Wyer (1979) demonstrated that exposing participants to more hostility-related stimuli caused them subsequently to interpret ambiguous behaviors as more hostile. In their Experiment 1, participants descrambled sets of words to form sentences. In one condition, 80% of the descrambled sentences described hostile behaviors, and in another con...
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The self-concept maintenance theory holds that many people will cheat in order to maximize self-profit, but only to the extent that they can do so while maintaining a positive self-concept. Mazar, Amir, and Ariely (2008, Experiment 1) gave participants an opportunity and incentive to cheat on a problem-solving task. Prior to that task, participants...
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Introduction à la psychologie sociale du spécisme.
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Présentation de l'article de A. Goldenberg (PNAS, janvier 2018)
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In a previous study, we found that lower resting-state HRV predicted higher right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) scores and destructive obedience. We also found some evidence that inhibitory control over affective responses to the victim’s pain mediated the effects of HRV and RWA on obedience. These findings suggest that poor self-regulation abilities...
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Since implicit attitudes (i.e. evaluations occurring outside of complete awareness) are highly predictive of alcohol consumption, we tested an evaluative learning procedure based on repeated pairing to a critical stimulus (i.e. alcohol, the CS) with a valenced stimulus (the US) in order to modify implicit attitudes (i.e. evaluative conditioning; EC...
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Research has indicated that many video games are saturated with stereotypes of women and that these contents may cultivate sexism. The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between video game exposure and sexism for the first time in a large and representative sample. Our aim was also to measure the strength of this association when...
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In his obedience studies, Milgram noticed that some participants, while remaining fully obedient, attempted to help the victim of painful electric shocks by vocally signaling the correct answer. However, there is still no systematic description of these more subtle forms of noncompliance. We analyzed this phenomenon by the systematic coding of the...
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In an anonymous 4-person economic game, participants contributed more money to a common project (i.e., cooperated) when required to decide quickly than when forced to delay their decision (Rand, Greene & Nowak, 2012), a pattern consistent with the “social heuristics” hypothesis proposed by Rand and colleagues. The results of studies using time pres...
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Cette revue de questions analyse les relations entre la consommation d’alcool et les conduites d’agression, qui sont notamment perpétrées envers un partenaire intime. Après avoir établi le lien statistique récurrent associant l’agression et l’alcool et donné un aperçu des principales méthodologies de recherche employées dans la recherche internatio...
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In an anonymous 4-person economic game, participants contributed more money to a common project (i.e., cooperated) when required to decide quickly than when forced to delay their decision (Rand, Greene & Nowak, 2012), a pattern consistent with the “social heuristics” hypothesis proposed by Rand and colleagues. The results of studies using time pres...
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Albert Bandura (1925) Albert Bandura est né au Canada, et est considéré comme l'un des psychologues sociaux les plus influents du 20 ème siècle. Après un doctorat à l'université de l'Iowa, il a réalisé la majorité de sa carrière à l'université Stanford. Président de l'Association Américaine de Psychologie, il a reçu de prestigieuses distinctions da...
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Figure centrale de la psychologie sociale expérimentale, Robert Zajonc a marqué de manière proéminente plusieurs champs de la psychologie, et appartient aux cent psychologues les plus fréquemment cités au XXème siècle. Né en Pologne en 1923, il a éprouvé la tragédie de la seconde guerre mondiale en Europe, (fuyant le nazisme, perdant ses parents, e...
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Depuis plusieurs dizaines d’années, la recherche montre que les 5 traits du Big five sont en partie héritables, et sont liés à des tendances comportementales très diverses. Par exemple, les personnes consciencieuses sont non seulement plus méthodiques et organisées, mais elles adoptent des modes de vie qui, selon une étude, les amènent à avoir une...
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This paper validates the DSM-5 criteria of internet gaming disorder, and analyzes its links with five indicators of well being: life satisfaction, loneliness, depression, and academic performance in a French-speaking sample of 693 gamers. Exploratory and confirmatory analyses showed a one-factor structure of Internet gaming disorder criteria. The I...
Is love possible if we are not free? Some philosophers consider that true love is necessarily free, while others think that the nature of love makes it incompatible with a certain type of freedom. Here, we explored the relationship between feelings of passionate love, belief in free will and determinism across three online studies. In Study 1 (N =...
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La relation entre les drogues et la violence est susceptible d'être ana­lysée selon des perspectives très diverses qui vont de l'étude des méca­nismes biologiques fondamentaux à celle des mesures de coercition face à la dissémination des drogues illicites. Au-delà des formes d'associa­tions de la drogue et des violences, l'élucidation de la nature...
Background: Alcohol consumption and craving is closely related to heightened speed processing for alcohol-related stimuli, and greater difficulties in drawing attention away from alcohol-related stimuli (i.e. attentional bias). Inhibiting attentional bias depends on neural regions related to executive functioning, such as the dorsolateral prefronta...
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Les traumatismes psychologiques consécutifs à l'expérience de violences résultent dans certains cas de la manière dont les proches d'une victime, ses relations sociales ou les institutions reçoivent son témoignage ou appréhendent sa situation. Développé notamment par Martin Symonds, le concept de victimisation secondaire renvoie à la « douleur et a...
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The majority of studies investigating attitudes toward animals have underscored the role of demographic and personality factors. The study of the role of general moral worldviews on attitudes toward animals represents an important complementary perspective. In the current study, we analyzed the relationship between moral utilitarianism toward human...


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