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Publications (255)
The urban fabric of Roman cities developed through the installation of water supply networks, mainly made of
lead (Pb). In Gaul, the city of Vienne (France) was central to the manufacturing of Pb artifacts, including large
volumes of Pb water pipes. Although Pb artifacts were often labeled with Roman-period stamps indicating the
location of manufac...
In the Northern Andes, partitioning of oblique subduction of the Nazca plate beneath the South American continent induces a northeastward motion of the North Andean Sliver. The strain resulting from this motion is absorbed by crustal faults, which have produced magnitude 7 + earthquakes historically in the Andean Cordillera of Ecuador and southern...
Seismic hazard assessment in central México is essential considering the numerous crustal active faults crossing densely populated cities. The Morelia-Acambay Fault System in central México comprises at least thirty active E-W normal fault zones that affect Miocene to Holocene rocks and are responsible for several devastating earthquakes. However,...
Ce rapport s'adresse à un large public allant des chercheurs et ingénieurs dans nos disciplines et d'autres domaines, aux étudiants et aux décideurs. Il vise à donner un panorama à jour des recherches en Sciences de la Terre et des outils structurant notre communauté. Il se base sur l'analyse d'environ un millier de dossiers (concours, promotions,...
The Tacna region in southern Peru hosts archaeological remnants of Pre-Columbian period human occupations, including the Miculla Petroglyphs. Existing methods for dating these petroglyphs present substantial uncertainties and are subject to claims lacking objective validation. This study employs advanced hyperspectral analysis, specifically utilizi...
The Cordillera Blanca is situated in the northern Peruvian Andes and hosts some of the highest elevations in the Andean Range. Cored by a—granitic pluton and flanked by Mesozoic metasedimentary rocks and Cenozoic volcanics, the range harbors a portion of Andean geologic history spanning the last ~200 Ma. While the region is dominated by igneous roc...
This study provides a comprehensive characterization of various hydrothermal systems in Southern Peru ranging from the faulted Precordillera's steep topography up to the volcanic High Cordillera (>4,000 m asl). The objective is to investigate thermal anomalies that may potentially serve as new geothermal resources. Our integrated approach combines:...
Fragile geological features must undergo frequent structural health assessments to prevent catastrophic failure events. The mechanical behavior of natural sites is largely guided by vibrations of the earth and environmental exposure, but damage is rarely assessed, except empirically. The Chauvet‐Pont d’Arc cave, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, repres...
This study provides a comprehensive characterization of various hydrothermal sys-
tems in Southern Peru ranging from the faulted Precordillera’s steep topography up to
the volcanic High Cordillera (>4000 m asl). The objective is to investigate thermal anoma-
lies that may potentially serve as new geothermal resources.Our integrated approach com-
We explore how variation of slip rates in fault source models affect computed earthquake rates of the Pallatanga–Puna fault system in Ecuador. Determining which slip rates best represent fault-zone seismicity is vital for use in probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA). However, given the variable spatial and temporal scales slip rates are me...
The city of Cusco (Peru, Central Andes) has been severely damaged by several major earthquakes during pre-Hispanic times, and more recently in 1650 and 1950 CE. While the sources of those earthquakes are unknown, a system of active normal faults trending SE-NW and cutting Quaternary glacial deposits borders the city to the north. A detailed neotect...
Seismic hazard assessment in central México is essential considering the numerous crustal active faults crossing densely populated cities. The Morelia-Acambay Fault System in central México comprises at least thirty active E-W normal faults that affect Miocene to Holocene units and are responsible for several devastating earthquakes. However, most...
Northwestern South America is a plate boundary zone where the Nazca, Caribbean and South American plates interact to produce a wide area of active continental deformation from the Gulf of Guayaquil (latitude 3○S) to Venezuela. Previous studies have identified a ∼2000 km long continental sliver, referred as the North Andean Sliver (NAS), squeezed be...
The unusually high number of volcanoes in the Ecuadorian Arc, located in the deformation zone of the continental North Andean Sliver, coincides with the projection of the major oceanic structures observed in the Nazca Plate, such as the Carnegie Ridge and the Grijalva fracture zone. Although the relationship between this tectonic setting and volcan...
Deciphering the impact of short-term or long-term forcing on fluvial incision, as well as understanding the influence of local (channel lithology and morphology) and global (tectonic motions) parameters in the spatial variation of incision efficiency, are ongoing geomorphological research fields. To shed new light on these issues, we chose to study...
Introduction The high enthalpy geothermal potential of the Andean range is currently predicated on the thermal anomaly present in the high volcanic range. However, these areas are located at considerable distances from the main population hubs, which are predominantly located near the Pacific coast. In this section of the Andean range, known as the...
Thermochronological data are essential to constrain thermal and exhumation histories in active mountain ranges. In the Central Andes, bedrock outcrops are rare, being blanketed by widespread late Palaeogene–Neogene and younger volcanic formations. For this reason, the exhumation history of the Western Cordillera (WC) in the Peruvian Andes has only...
The Trans‐Mexican Volcanic Belt is an active continental volcanic arc related to subduction along the Middle America trench. It is characterized by intra‐arc extension resulting into several major arc‐parallel active fault systems and tectonic basins. The Acambay graben, one of the largest of these basins, is located near Mexico City, in the centra...
Detrital 10Be from continental river sands or submarine sediments has been extensively used to determine the average long-term denudation rates of terrestrial catchments, based on the assumption that the rate of cosmogenic nuclide production by the interaction of source rocks with cosmic radiation balances out the loss of these nuclides by surface...
The western flank of the Central Andes offers a unique geomorphological record of large paleolandslides that are well preserved on long time‐scales (i.e. ≥ Pleistocene) due to the long‐lasting aridity of this region. However, the lack of chronological constraints on those landslides limits our understanding of the respective role of tectonics and c...
It is of major importance for Earth surface sciences to reconstruct denudation rates in the most precise and accurate way. For this, it can be useful to test on the same setting methods based on different assumptions, such as those relying on geomorphological and geochemical observations. Here, we use an exceptionally suited setting in the Locumba...
Fluvial incision is one of the major erosive processes acting at Earth's surface and is highly sensitive to tectonic, isostatic and climatic variations. The aim of this study is to distinguish between the short-term climatic fluctuations versus the long-term tectonic forcing contribution to Late-Quaternary fluvial incision, to better understand its...
Detrital 10Be from continental river sands or submarine sediments has been extensively used to determine the average long-term denudation rates of aerial catchments, based on the assumption that the rate of cosmonuclide production by interaction of source rocks with cosmic radiations balances out the loss of these elements by surface denudation. Ho...
The exceptional conservation of the Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc cave is linked to three successive collapses, the last of which definitively sealed the entrance to the cave 21,500 years ago. This closure is part of a wider morphogenic dynamic associating ancient karstification and gravitational activities that are still active. Understanding and monitoring...
Devastated by two earthquakes in historical times (1650 and 1950 CE), the Cusco Basin is now characterized by dense and chaotic urbanization that makes it even more vulnerable. Unfortunately, the large recurrence intervals of the local crustal earthquakes, the shortness of the historical record (∼500 yr) and the persistent lack of palaeoseismologic...
For the first time in decades, a sudden increase in seismicity has been observed and monitored at Cayambe volcano in Ecuador, in 2016. This seismic unrest, which occurred a few months after the April 2016, Mw 7.8 Pedernales subduction earthquake, has raised many questions, especially as there is no record of recent eruptions at Cayambe volcano. Her...
The International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics (ISAG) is an international conference that was held, on average, every 3–4 years in different European cities between 1990 (Grenoble) and 2008 (Nice). These symposia usually offer an opportunity for researchers from Latin American countries and Europe as well as other countries to review the state o...
The 2019-11-1, Mw4.9 Le Teil earthquake occurred within the NE termination of the Cévennes faults system (CFS) in southern France, along the La Rouvière fault (LRF), an Oligocene normal fault which was not known to be potentially active. This shallow moderate magnitude reversefaulting event produced a 5 km-long surface rupture and strong ground sha...
Mainland France is part of a plate interior with a strong structural heritage, undergoing a low rate of deformation, where destructive earthquakes can nevertheless occur. In this paper, we emphasize that the knowledge of active faults is still largely fragmentary, and that significant efforts are needed to generate robust data, in particular on the...
Ce travail, alliant données historiques, archéologiques et anthropologiques, vise à comprendre les modalités d’exploitation du plomb, son utilisation et leurs conséquences éventuelles sur la santé des populations durant l’Antiquité romaine. Nous avons pour cela évalué quelles étaient les connaissances de la toxicité du plomb durant l’Antiquité et q...
Here, we present seven new zircon (U-Th)/He (ZHe) ages and three new zircon fission track (ZFT) ages analyzed from an age-elevation profile (Machu Picchu, Peru). ZFT data present ages older than those obtained with other thermochronological data, whereas the ZHe data interestingly present ages similar to those obtained with apatite (U-Th)/He (AHe)....
On 11 November 2019, an Mw 4.9 earthquake struck the middle Rhône valley (South-East France) producing moderate to severe damage in the town of Le Teil and its surroundings. This unexpected event stressed the vulnerability of the French cultural built heritage to a moderate seismic hazard. Commonly applied to modern civil engineering structures, pa...
We explore coastal morphology along a 500 km long uplifted coastal segment in the central
Andes, between the cities of Chala (Peru) and Arica (Chile). We use accurate DEM and
field studies to extract uplifted shoreline sequences along the study area. In addition, we
consider continental pediment surfaces that constrain both the geographic and verti...
Mainland France is part of a plate interior with a strong structural heritage, undergoing a low rate of deformation, where destructive earthquakes can nevertheless occur. In this paper, we emphasize that the knowledge of active faults is still largely fragmentary, and that significant efforts are needed to generate robust data, in particular on the...
We present here seven new zircon (U-Th)/He (ZHe) ages and three new zircon fission track ages (ZFT) analyzed from an age-elevation profile (Machu Picchu, Peru). ZFT data present older ages in comparison with the other thermochronological data, whereas the ZHe data interestingly present similar ages than the ones obtained with apatite (U-Th)/He (AHe...
The 2019, Mw4.9 Le Teil earthquake occurred in south-eastern France, causing substantial damage in this slow deforming region. Field observations, remote sensing and seismological studies following the event revealed that coseismic slip concentrates at shallow depth along a ∼5 km long rupture associated with surface breaks and a thrusting mechanism...
According to their respective temperature sensitivities, Apatite (U-Th)/He (AHe) and apatite fission-track (AFT) thermochronology records the thermal evolution of the upper crust (<5 km) and is a key for distinguishing between different exhumation mechanisms through time-evolving rock uplift, and landscape evolution. We applied these methods to ext...
As recent dramatic and numerous examples demonstrate, earthquakes still constitute a significant threat to cultural heritage (Bam 2003; L’Aquila 2009; Haiti 2010; Nepal 2015). By damaging the historical legacy, telluric phenomena affect economic and touristic incomes and alter regional identities and collective psyche. In the Andes, as in other eme...
The present study evaluates the tsunami hazard from splay thrust and normal faults in the western Makran, Gulf of Oman for the first time. We interpret splay thrust and normal faults in the Gulf of Oman using reflection seismic data and analyze the implied regional deterministic and probabilistic tsunami hazards. The tsunami hazards associated with...
The Colombia–Ecuador subduction zone is an exceptional natural laboratory to study the seismic cycle associated with large and great subduction earthquakes. Since the great 1906 Mw = 8.6 Colombia–Ecuador earthquake, four large Mw > 7.5 megathrust earthquakes occurred within the 1906 rupture area, releasing altogether a cumulative seismic moment of...
Subduction earthquakes and plate-boundary faults are the most significant seismic threat for Latin America. However, destructive
earthquakes related to shallow crustal sources have occurred onshore
during historic times and previously to the historic record. Many
important cities and critical facilities are settled nearby crustal fault
sources, who...
We present the results of a paleoseismic survey of the Incapuquio Fault System, a prominent transpressional fault system cutting the forearc of South Perú. High‐resolution Digital Elevation Models, optical satellite imagery, radiocarbon dating, and paleoseismic trenching indicate that at least 2–3 m of net slip occurred on the Incapuquio Fault gene...
The Billecocha plateau (4000 m a.s.l.) lies in the high elevation Ecuadorian Andes volcanic arc. It overhangs by 2000 m above the interandean valley. Both the plateau and surrounding volcanoes are heavily affected by active faulting characterized by straight, sharp and discontinuous scarps within a 6 km wide and 24 km long corridor. Contrasting int...
Located at the northern tip of the Altiplano, the Abancay Deflection marks abruptly the latitudinal segmentation of the Central Andes spreading over the Altiplano to the south and the Eastern Cordillera northward. The striking morphological contrast between the low‐relief Altiplano and the high‐relief Eastern Cordillera makes this area a well‐suite...
Low-Temperature thermochronological data (AHe/AFT) for cooling dynamic investigation of the Abancay Deflection region (Southern Peru), 2017-2019. PANGAEA , https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.929199
Located at the northern tip of the Altiplano, the Abancay Deflection marks abruptly the latitudinal segmentation of the Central Andes spreading over the A...
We explore the coastal morphology along an uplifting 500 km-long coastal segment of the Central Andes, between the cities of Chala (Peru) and Arica (Chile). We use accurate DEM and field surveys to extract 20 sequences of uplifted shorelines along the study area. In addition, we consider continental pediment surfaces that limit both the geographica...
Fluvial incision is the consequence of landscape readjustment to combined tectonic and climatic processes. In the southwestern Alps (Haute Provence Geopark), deep gorges incised by the Bès River attest of efficient erosional processes at the front of the Alpine mountain range. This catchment stands in a peripheral Alpine position, out of the glacia...
Le 11 novembre 2019, un violent séisme de magnitude 5,4 sur l’échelle de Richter a secoué le sud de la France, fait trembler l’Ardèche et frémir Marseille comme Montpellier, faisant quatre blessés. L’épicentre, situé près de la ville du Teil, dans la vallée du Rhône, correspond à une zone densément peuplée avec de nombreuses installations industrie...