Laure Corbari

Laure Corbari
Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle · Origines et Évolution

PhD Marine Biology


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January 2009 - present
Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle
  • Research Associate


Publications (95)
The Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle publish, in French or English, major original peer-reviewed contributions, such as monographs or multi-authored volumes. Fields covered include natural history and human sciences from geology and zoology through botany to ethnology and anthropology.
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Leptochela Stimpson (1860) is a shallow-water, benthopelagic genus within the predominantly pelagic superfamily Pasiphaeoidea. We inventoried a global fauna of 17 currently valid species of Leptochela and identified a newly discovered eighteenth species. Our analysis combined both morphological and molecular data, using 13 characters (including two...
Within the hyper-diverse group of the amphipods, little is known about deep-sea benthic species that still represent an unknown reservoir of species to be discovered, particularly in remote regions of the southwestern Pacific. Herein, we are describing three new deep-sea species of Rhachotropis from Papua New Guinea, Solomon archipelago, and Vanuat...
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Depuis 2006, le Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (MNHN) est à l’initiative d’un vaste programme d’explorations naturalistes intitulé « La Planète Revisitée » (LPR). La cible : la biodiversité négligée des territoires tropicaux, à savoir les algues et invertébrés marins et terrestres, mal connus et pourtant très riche en espèce. Plusieurs centai...
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We provide an overview of the World Amphipoda Database (WAD), a global species database that is part of the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS). Launched in 2013, the database contains entries for over 10,500 accepted species names. Edited currently by 31 amphipod taxonomists, following WoRMS priorities, the WAD has at least one editor per maj...
The phylogeny of sea spiders has been debated for more than a century. Despite several molecular studies in the last twenty years, interfamilial relationships remain uncertain. In the present study, relationships within Pycnogonida are examined in the light of a new dataset composed of 160 mitochondrial genomes (including 152 new sequences) and 130...
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This study presents the inventory of sea spiders (Pycnogonida) sampled during the Madibenthos Expedition in Martinique (West Indies). Species were discriminated leaning on morphological and molecular data. A total of 761 specimens are classified in 72 species, 16 genera and nine families. Thirteen new species are described: Ammothella dirbergi sp....
The exceptional hidden diversity included in the squat lobster genus Phylladiorhynchus and its wide bathymetric and geographic range make it an interesting group to thoroughly study its evolutionary history. Here we have analyzed the entire currently known species diversity of Phylladiorhynchus using an integrative approach that includes morphologi...
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Imagery has become a key tool for assessing deep-sea megafaunal biodiversity, historically based on physical sampling using fishing gears. Image datasets provide quantitative and repeatable estimates, small-scale spatial patterns and habitat descriptions. However, taxon identification from images is challenging and often relies on morphotypes witho...
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An examination of the deep-sea barnacles (Cirripedia, Thoracica) collected by the Karubar expedition to Indonesia (1991) and deposited in the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, identified 40 species contained in three families of stalked and five families of acorn barnacles. Information on these species is presented, including description...
A new genus and species in the caridean shrimp family Palaemonidae is described based on three type specimens collected at a depth range of 208–385 m off Guadeloupe, French Antilles. Zoukaris festivus gen. et sp. nov. shares many characters with several western Atlantic deep-water species currently assigned to Periclimenes Costa, 1844, as well as w...
Recent advancements in deep-sea expeditions have made possible to sample adequate quantities of deep-sea organisms over wide geographical ranges for population genetic studies. Scalpellum stearnsii is a common stalked barnacle that occurs in the mesobenthic environment (>200 m depth) throughout the West Pacific Ocean and covers several major deep-s...
Evidences for active fluid seepages have been discovered along the Zambezi continental slope (offshore Southern Mozambique). These seepages are mostly associated with pockmarks which are aligned along a trend parallel to the slope and running closely upstream of the headwall scarp of a wide zone of slope destabilization. Fluid seepages are interpre...
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A phylogenetic study of deep-sea dendrobranchiate genera Altelatipes, Benthesicymus and Benthonectes based on four molecular markers and 91 morphological characters is presented. All currently recognized species of these genera, representatives of all other genera and species groups of Benthesicymidae, and three outgroups were included in the analy...
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The ecology, abundance and diversity of galatheoid squat lobsters make them an ideal group to study deep‐sea diversification processes. Here, we reconstructed the evolutionary and biogeographic history of Leiogalathea, a genus of circum‐tropical deep‐sea squat lobsters, in order to compare patterns and processes that have affected shallow‐water and...
Conference Paper
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Evidences for active fluid seepages (water and gas) have been discovered along the Zambezi slope (offshore Southern Mozambique). These active seepages are mostly associated with pockmarks which are aligned along a trend parallel to the slope and running closely upstream of the head scrap of a wide zone of slope destabilization. The fluid seepages a...
There is a growing interest in the management of seamounts of the Southwestern Indian Ocean (SWIO) both in waters under national jurisdictions and in the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ). New scientific knowledge has been gathered through various oceanographic cruises during the past decade, and new agreements are under consideration globa...
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The present study describes a new species of Pyrgoma Leach, 1817, a coral associated barnacle attached to Tubastrea, from the south of New Caledonia. Pyrgoma spurtruncata sp. nov. is morphologically close to P. cancellatum Leach, 1818, P. japonica Weltner, 1897 and P. kuri Hoek, 1913 in the absence of extended tergal muscle crests. Pyrgoma cancella...
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br/>Motivation Traits are increasingly being used to quantify global biodiversity patterns, with trait databases growing in size and number, across diverse taxa. Despite growing interest in a trait‐based approach to the biodiversity of the deep sea, where the impacts of human activities (including seabed mining) accelerate, there is no single repo...
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Squat lobsters constitute an exceptional group to address evolutionary studies in marine species because of their high diversity at multiple taxonomic levels. The families included within Galatheoidea are characterized by morphological, molecular, and ecological differences. Previous phylogenetic reconstructions have considered either Galatheidae,...
The marine biodiversity of the tropical northwestern Atlantic (TNWA) has been explored by many great naturalist expeditions. After more than one century of marine exploration, how well do we know its biodiversity? As a poorly studied taxon, sea spiders (Arthropoda: Pycnogonida Latreille, 1810) are excellent candidates to address this issue. Here, w...
Sea spiders (Pycnogonida) are strange arthropods characterized by a unique morphology, including reduced body, egg-carrying appendages and a proboscis. This peculiar body plan dates at least as early as the first undoubted occurrence of the group, 425 million years ago in the Silurian. All extant species belong to the order Pantopoda, characterized...
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A new species ascribed to a new genus of Eusiridae, Dorotea papuana gen. nov., sp. nov. is described from bathyal bottoms of the Solomon Sea (Papua New Guinea). Closely related to the genus Cleonardo, this new genus can be distinguished from most other known eusirid genera by the presence of a telson distally cleft and distinctly bilobate, of a dis...
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Rimicaris chacei Williams and Rona 1986, formerly named as Chorocaris chacei, is a caridean shrimp living in deep-sea hydrothermal ecosystems. This shrimp is endemic to the Mid Atlantic Ridge (MAR) and lives at the periphery of aggregates of its well-known congeneric R. exoculata Williams and Rona 1986. Contrasting with the very dense and mobile cl...
Stereomicroscopic view of R. chacei stomachs and midguts. (A) Stomach of an individual from Rainbow; (B) midgut of an individual from TAG; stomach (C) and midgut (D) of an individual from Snake Pit; and stomach (E) and midgut (F) of an individual from Lucky Strike sites. Scale bars: A, C, E = 1 mm; B, D, F = 200 μm. (JPG)
Rarefaction curves of cephalothoracic clone libraries of R. chacei samples. (DOCX)
Rarefaction curves of digestive tract clone libraries of R. chacei samples. (DOCX)
Dendogram of all analyzed samples, based on Bray–Curtis beta diversity on the left, and taxonomy of sequences associated with each sample on the right. (DOCX)
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Scalpellids are one of the largest families of Scalpelliformes and reproduce either androdioeciously or dioeciously. Here, we characterized the first mitogenome of a scalpellid barnacle (Arcoscalpellum epeeum), which was 15,593 bp in length with a 71.5% AT content. In comparison with the pollicipedids Capitulum mitella and Pollicipes polymerus, the...
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Research Infrastructures (RIs) are facilities, resources and services used by the scientific community to conduct research and foster innovation. LifeWatch ERIC has developed various virtual research environments, which include many virtual laboratories (vLabs) offering high computational capacity and comprehensive collaborative platforms that supp...
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Research Infrastructures (RIs) are facilities, resources and services used by the scientific community to conduct research and foster innovation. LifeWatch ERIC has developed various virtual research environments, which include many virtual laboratories (vLabs) offering high computational capacity and comprehensive collaborative platforms that supp...
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Research Infrastructures (RIs) are facilities, resources and services used by the scientific community to conduct research and foster innovation. LifeWatch ERIC has developed various virtual research environments, which include many virtual laboratories (vLabs) offering high computational capacity and comprehensive collaborative platforms that supp...
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Amphipod crustaceans were collected at all 55 stations sampled with an epibenthic sledge during two IceAGE expeditions (Icelandic marine Animals: Genetics and Ecology) in 2011 and 2013. In total, 34 amphipod families and three superfamilies were recorded in the samples. Distribution maps are presented for each taxon along with a summary of the regi...
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Amphipods constitute an abundant part of Icelandic deep-sea zoobenthos yet knowledge of the diversity of this fauna, particularly at the molecular level, is scarce. The present work aims to use molecular methods to investigate genetic variation of the Amphipoda sampled during two IceAGE collecting expeditions. The mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase s...
Table 2. BIOICE and IceAGE stations used for Primer analysis of Amphilochidae including information about species distribution/number of specimens per station.
Table 3. IceAGE stations used for Primer analysis of Oedicerotidae including information about species distribution/number of specimens per station.
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A “tiny and mysterious creature swinging on a stem”: that was the first observation of the new species Dulichiopsis dianae sp. nov. made during the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) dive devoted to the exploration of the surroundings of the vent site TAG (BICOSE cruise, 3550–3650 m). The viewing and analysis of the high-definition pictures from sever...
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DNA methods may contribute to better understand larval dispersal of marine lobsters. The molecular analysis of phyllosoma specimens from the East Atlantic facilitated for the first time here the description of Scyllarus subarctus Crosnier, 1970 larvae. The identification of S. subarctus phyllosomae from Cabo Verde confirmed that this species has a...
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The family Ammotheidae is the most diversified group of the class Pycnogonida, with 297 species described in 20 genera. Its monophyly and intergeneric relationships have been highly debated in previous studies. Here, we investigated the phylogeny of Ammotheidae using specimens from poorly studied areas. We sequenced the mitochondrial gene encoding...
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Squat lobsters have a worldwide distribution and are highly visible crustaceans living in a broad range of habitats. In this study, partial sequences of two mitochondrial DNA genes (16S rRNA and COI) and a nuclear gene (H3) were obtained for all but one of the known species of the shallow-water genera Sadayoshia (Munididae) and Lauriea, Macrothea a...
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A preliminary assessment of the deep-sea Decapoda is proposed for Guadeloupe Island based solely on high definition macro photographs taken during the KARUBENTHOS 2015 Expedition to the Island (R/V Antea, 7-29 June 2015). Overall, 190 species are recognized, several of which are depicted with their fresh color for the first time. Previous records i...
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Rhodaliids are a semi-benthic family of 14 physonect siphonophore species found in all oceans, except the Mediterranean and Arctic. They inhabit species-specific depth ranges in isolated locations and records are mostly sparse. Here, the first ever observations of rhodaliids from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge are given, from three images of two putative s...
Due to the extreme scarcity of specimens, little is known about the biodiversity and biogeography of the barnacles of the genus Waikalasma Buckeridge, 1983 (Thoracica: Waikalasmatidae Ross and Newman, 2001), which inhabit the deep sea of the Southwest Pacific. Previous studies reported only a single living species, W. boucheti Buckeridge, 1996, fro...
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The sentinel crabs, Chaenostoma orientale Stimpson, 1858, and C. crassimanus Stimpson, 1858, were both described from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, and have both been long considered junior synonyms of C. boscii (Audouin, 1826). After examining specimens of the C. boscii species-complex from East Africa, the Malay Peninsula, Indonesia, New Caledonia,...
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During a recent expedition in the South China Sea, three species of the deep-sea epialtid genus Oxypleurodon Miers, 1885 were collected. Two species, O. stimpsoni Miers, 1886, and O. auritum (Rathbun, 1916), are new records for the area. The third species, one of the largest known Oxypleurodon species, is described here as new. It is most similar t...
The deep-sea part of the "Papua Niugini Biodiversity Expedition" surveyed the deep-sea environments along the coasts of New Guinea Island in the Bismarck Sea, from the Vitiaz Strait to the border between Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Irian Jaya. This expedition was a follow-up of the BIOPAPUA cruise (2010) that gave some of the first insights into the...
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A new species of the genus Petalophthalmus (Crustacea: Mysida: Petalophthalmidae) is described, based on one specimen collected from the Bismarck Sea (Papua New Guinea, Western Pacific Ocean). This species can be distinguished from the other species of the genus Petalophthalmus by the globular cornea and the armature of the telson. This new species...
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During the past decade, a large number of multi-gene analyses aimed at resolving the phylogenetic relationships within Decapoda. However relationships among families, and even among sub-families, remain poorly defined. Most analyses used an incomplete and opportunistic sampling of species, but also an incomplete and opportunistic gene selection amo...
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A new species belonging to a new genus of Maeridae, Papuadocus blodiwai gen. nov., sp. nov., is described from bathyal bottoms of the Bismarck Sea (Papua New Guinea). This genus/species can be distinguished from most other known maerids by right and left maxillas 1 with asymmetrical palps and by gnathopod 2 not sexually dimorphic. Its closest relat...
The present study describes a new species of Arcoscalpellum Hoek, 1907, and a new species of Gymnoscalpellum Newman & Ross, 1971, collected by deep-sea expeditions led by the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle (Paris) in the Coral Sea off New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea (PNG), the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. Arcoscalpellum epeeum sp. nov. differ...
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The giant bathymodioline mussels from vents have been studied as models to understand the adaptation of organisms to deep-sea chemosynthetic environments. These mussels are closely related to minute mussels associated to organic remains decaying on the deep-sea floor. Whereas biological data accumulate for the giant mussels, the small mussels remai...
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The shrimp Rimicaris exoculata dominates several hydrothermal vent ecosystems of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and is thought to be a primary consumer harbouring a chemoautotrophic bacterial community in its gill chamber. The aim of the present study was to test current hypotheses concerning the epibiont's chemoautotrophy, and the mutualistic character of...
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13 Riche R de Fo Rges b., c han t .-Y., c o Rba Ri L., Lemait Re R., ma cphe Rson e., ah Yong s. t . & ng p. K. L. — t he musorstom-tdsb deep-sea benthos exploration program (1976-2012): a n overview of crustacean discoveries and new perspectives on deep-sea zoology and biogeography, in ah Yong s. t ., chan t .-Y., c o Rba RiL.& ng p. K. L.(eds), T...
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The sequencing of the crustacean collection of the MNHN, Paris, constitutes a promising yet very challenging barcoding project. For the collection’s crustacean specimens preserved in ethanol, some of which were collected up to 40 years ago, the conventional COI barcoding procedure of amplification with Folmer primers failed for more than half of th...