Laura Portolés

Laura Portolés
Jaume I University | UJI · Department of English Studies



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Publications (26)
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This book deals with early multilingual acquisition from a holistic, dynamic, and multilingual perspective. It focuses on the analysis of pragmatic awareness and language attitudes of consecutive multilingual children in relation to other variables, such as the linguistic model or the age factor. This volume makes an important contribution to the f...
Given the limited number of studies investigating pragmatics and multilingualism in primary education, the present study analyses the influence of multilingual instruction, referring to pedagogical translanguaging, on multilingual young learners’ pragmatic awareness, paying particular attention to the sociopragmatic dimension of the speech act of r...
As multilingualism continues to gain importance in modern-day society, the pedagogical translanguaging approach has emerged as a means of facilitating fluid multilingual communication. Given the monolingual practices commonly observed in the CLIL classroom, this study aimed to explore primary school teachers’ beliefs regarding the use of translangu...
Teacher training programmes have often ignored the new multilingual paradigm and, consequently, educators may hold some misconceptions about how additional languages are learnt and should be taught in multilingual contexts. A number of recent studies have investigated language teachers’ beliefs regarding multilingual education [Arocena-Egaña, E., C...
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This study aims to contribute to the research literature on politeness in language teachers' requestive behaviour. More specifically, it adopts a multilingual approach to explore teachers' politeness strategies in the English for Young Learners (EYL) classroom, an underresearched instructional setting where regulative discourse tends to predominate...
Empirical research on L3 teachers’ beliefs has gained momentum in the last decade since teacher cognition is paramount for understanding teaching practices in multilingual settings. Yet, many of these works deal with experienced language practitioners (e.g. [Otwinowska, A. (2017). English teachers’ language awareness: Away with the monolingual bias...
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La investigació sobre les actituds dels professors cap a les llengües ha rebut una certa atenció, en la mesura que el multilingüisme s’ha convertit en un dels principals objectius educatius dels sistemes escolars europeus (Cenoz 2019; Liyanage & Tao 2020). Diversos autors (Lasagabaster 2017; Safont 2007) han afirmat que les actituds cap a les lleng...
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Aquest article tracta sobre les tendències educatives actuals i els nous reptes que l’educació multilingüe planteja. Es presenta la situació lingüística actual a la gran majoria de centres educatius on vàries llengües coexisteixen dins i fora de l’aula. S’expliquen les diferents tendències educatives lligades al foment del multilingüisme, com ara l...
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Presentació del monogràfic «Retrat de l’educació multilingüe», número 68 (Primavera, 2020) de Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia, coordinat per Laura Portolés i Pilar Safont.
Most existing studies on teacher talk in terms of pragmatic appropriateness have compared EFL and CLIL settings at secondary and tertiary educational levels (e.g. Dalton-Puffer & Nikula, 2006). If there is an instructional setting where conversational competence and pragmatics should be at the core of the language curriculum, though, this is the En...
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In line with van Kampen et al.’s (2018) research about specialist and practitioner perceptions on the goals for CLIL in the Netherlands, the present study addresses Hüttner, Dalton-Puffer and Smit’s (2013) call for investigating teachers’ beliefs about CLIL in European countries like Spain where this teaching approach is highly institutionalized. U...
While child requestive behavior has received some attention in SLA research, very few studies have considered requests production and comprehension in young learners from a multilingual perspective (Safont&Portolés, 2015, 2016; Portolés, 2015; Safont, 2017). However, data in previous studies were obtained either from completion tests or from natura...
Conference Paper
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El punt de partida d’aquesta recerca inicial sobre les creences pre-aicle del futur professorat d’educació primària és doble. D’una banda, la pertinença de trencar amb visions simplistes que equiparen la major ocupabilitat de l’alumnat egressat i la creixent internacionalització dels estudis universitaris, dissenyada des de la Comissió Europea, úni...
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Traditionally, language teaching has been grounded on a monolingual bias and the strict separation of languages has been conceived as a requirement to ensure foreign language learning success. However, the flexible use of one's linguistic repertoire, known as translanguaging, has also proven beneficial in EFL settings (vid. Jones & Lewis, 2014). Th...
The study examines early multilingual formulaic speech with a focus on the English classroom. We have followed a discourse-pragmatic approach in the analysis of our data, which comprises transcripts from eight 45-minute sessions. Transcripts from these sessions involved 184 participants from two different age ranges. In this analysis, we have consi...
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Tradicionalment la didàctica de llengües estrangeres, com ara l’anglès, s’ha basat en una perspectiva monolingüe en què l’ensenyament de la llengua es realitzava sense tenir en compte el bagatge lingüístic dels aprenents, ja que les llengües de cada parlant s’analitzaven com a sistemes lingüístics independents, la interferència dels quals calia evi...
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This volume brings together the latest findings from research on multilingual language learning and use in multilingual communities. Suzanne Flynn, Håkan Ringbom and Larissa Aronin are some of the prestigious scholars who have contributed to this book. As argued by this last author in her chapter, although multilingualism has always existed, the im...
Research in interlanguage pragmatics has largely ignored the multilingual background of language learners (Kasper, 2007, Safont-Jordà in press). Although some studies have been conducted (Safont-Jordà, 2003, 2005a, 2005b; Safont-Jordà and Alcón, in press), they have focused on the learners’ requestive behavior. No studies on L3 learners’ refusals h...
Cross-linguistic influence and the fluent alternation of several languages have been the focus of interest of recent research (García, 2009; Muñoz, 2007; Safont, 2001). The present study analyzes cross-linguistic influence and language switches in the oral production of English by 25 Catalan-Spanish bilingual children in a Spanish primary school. W...
This book provides an extended account of the significant role of language attitudes in language learning when dealing with multilingual contexts. The presence of more than two languages in the school curriculum is a common practice in many multilingual societies in Europe as is the case of the Valencian Community where three languages coexist: a m...


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