Laura Pereyra

Laura Pereyra
National Scientific and Technical Research Council | conicet · Grupo de Ecología Urbana y DisturbiosINECOA - Instituto de Ecorregiones Andinas



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April 2009 - February 2014
National University of Jujuy
  • PhD Student


Publications (43)
Natural habitats have drastically regressed due to rapid changes in land-use during recent decades, generating a decrease in species diversity. In light of natural habitat destruction worldwide, there is a need to adopt an integrative approach to the study of biodiversity in order to better assess the magnitude of diversity loss in landscapes affec...
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Urbanization is one of the most important causes of ecological changes and biodiversity loss worldwide, and forests in Latin America provide valuable scenarios to understand the ecological effects of this human-driven phenomenon due to its high urbanization rate. Our aim was to investigate how urbanization shapes species richness (SR) and compositi...
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The growing number of gender studies encourages more refined analyzes and greater conceptualization of the underlying processes of gender gap in science. In Herpetology, previous studies have described gender disparities and a scrutiny of individual interactions may help revealing the mechanisms modelling the global pattern. In this contribution we...
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Land-use change is one of the main drivers of global biodiversity loss, significantly affecting ecosystems. Small water bodies, such as ponds, are particularly vulnerable to these changes; these alterations can create new ecological conditions that affect species behaviors and interactions, particularly predator–prey dynamics. By causing unequal ra...
Urbanisation stands as a primary driver of biodiversity loss globally, reshaping natural landscapes and imposing novel environmental conditions upon organisms. This ecological novelty poses challenges, and species capable of thriving in urban environments are considered tolerant. Among vertebrates, anurans are the most susceptible to land-use chang...
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The change and intensification in land-use is currently among the main causes of species declines and local extinctions around the world, therefore, forecasting changes in species diversity concerning habitat conditions may be crucial for conservation strategies. We explored the diurnal lepidopteran diversity in a modified landscape of subtropical...
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Calling activity directly affects male mating success in anurans; thus, it is expected that the maximum calling effort would be allocated during the most favorable conditions to breed. We described the diel activity pattern and the calling phenology of two sympatric, allotopic, direct-developing frog species in a subtropical montane forest of north...
The presence of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) in aquatic environments is one of the consequences of pesticides use. The reduced capacity of conventional wastewater treatment plants to remove these compounds encourages the development of cost-effective and efficient remediation approaches. The present study aimed to assess the ability of th...
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Scientific knowledge may present taxonomic, geographic and thematic biases, which could have negative consequences on conservation decisions, especially in highly threatened groups such as amphibians. This work aimed to explore the scientific production of anurans from Argentina during the 2010-2020 decade, to understand the current state of knowle...
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Los accidentes por ofidios son un problema para los habitantes de las pequeñas poblaciones rurales del noroeste de Córdoba, quienes viven y trabajan en contacto con los ambientes donde habitan las serpientes. Por consiguiente, resulta relevante estudiar y conocer la percepción y los saberes ancestrales de los pobladores de esta zona en relación con...
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The Salar de Olaroz, located in the Argentine Puna, is one of the largest lithium deposits of the world. Lithium extraction requires large amounts of fresh and brackish water, creating pressure on wetlands of these desert environments. The knowledge of the aquatic fauna of the area is of interest to monitor impacts of these extractive activities. I...
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El objetivo principal de este Manual es el desarrollo de un compendio de técnicas y protocolos estándares para el inventario y monitoreo de poblaciones de anfibios, actualizado con los procedimientos, herramientas y técnicas de análisis más recientes y adaptado a las condiciones y realidades nacionales. Su contenido está destinado a ayudar a supera...
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Women in scientific fields have achieved meaningful gains in terms of participation, and they even reached gender parity in Argentina. However, in spite of several documented attempts to close the gender gap, inequalities still remain in different academic areas. Considering that disciplines have developed under different historical contexts and in...
1. Modification and loss of natural habitats caused by human activities are among the main drivers of biodiversity decline worldwide. To evaluate how land-use changes affect species diversity at different spatial scales, amphibians represent an excellent group given that their complex life cycle requires both aquatic and terrestrial habitats. 2. In...
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Las desigualdades de género en ciencia son globalmente conocidas. Esto se evidencia principalmente en la baja representatividad y visibilidad de las mujeres. En este trabajo, brindamos información sobre el estado de estos tópicos en la Asociación Herpetológica Argentina (AHA), una de las sociedades herpetológicas más antiguas de Sudamérica. Para el...
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Daily vocal activity and their relationship with environmental keys in an anuran assemblage in the Yungas of Jujuy, Argentina. Biotic and abiotic factors play an important role in amphibian sexual behaviour and reproductive cycles. Advertisement calls, the main signal emitted by anuran males, is considered as a key tool for monitoring programs and...
Light pollution or artificial lighting at night (ALAN) is an emerging threat to biodiversity that can disrupt physiological processes and behaviors. Because ALAN stressful effects are little studied in diurnal amphibian species, we investigated if chronic ALAN exposure affects the leukocyte profile, body condition, and blood cell sizes of a diurnal...
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El público general desconoce que la República Argentina es uno de los países con mayor diversidad de anfibiosen América Latina, presentando unas 175 especies, con una gran proporción de endemismos, ciclos de vidaúnicos y adaptaciones fisiológicas y/o comportamentales a ambientes extremos (entre otras). La visión generales que la diversidad de anfib...
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La modificación de los ambientes naturales debido a las actividades humanas es una de las principales causas de declinación de la diversidad de anfibios a escala global. La composición y configuración del paisaje determinan la diversidad de anuros presentes en un área geográfica determinada. Este estudio explora las relaciones entre la diversidad d...
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We present a review on the conservation status of the 177 species and subspecies of amphibians of Argentina and compare the first national assessment, conducted in 2000, with the most recent one, from 2012, to determine changes in conservation status over time. We also evaluate the degree of taxonomic and geographic non-randomness in extinction ris...
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We conducted the first ecological study of epigeous gasteroid fungi associated with the endangered ecosystem of high altitude Polylepis australis woodlands in Córdoba, Argentina. We collected samples from 48 plots of 900 m² each, located in four river basins. Plots were classified according to five successional stage categories: early and late rege...
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In diurnal species with short breeding seasons, an extension of diel activity to the night hours could be favoured to maximize mating opportunities, but individuals must deal with physiological and behavioural constraints. We tested this hypothesis in the Yungas Red-belly Toad (Melanophryniscus rubriventris (Vellard, 1947)). We registered the diel...
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Amphibians detect quality signals when selecting reproduction sites. We hypothesize that Melanophryniscus rubriventris, an explosive breeding toad that reproduces in small, ephemeral water bodies, is able to select sites without predators. We performed a field experiment simulating oviposition sites, two with predators (tadpoles and bugs) and one c...
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Climate often regulates different aspects of the life cycle and activity of amphibians. Climatic seasonality may impose severe restrictions on breeding patterns of direct-developing terraranan frogs. We studied the influence of abiotic cues on calling activity of males of the direct-developing frog Oreobates discoidalis in the Yungas forests of nor...
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Introducción La Selva de las Yungas es una de las ecorregiones con mayor biodiversidad de Argentina. Hasta el momento se han registrado unas 39 especies de anfibios anuros en estas selvas, de las cuales 12 son endemismos estrictos de esta ecorregión. Las especies restantes se comparten en su mayoría con la ecorregión del Chaco Árido-en las partes b...
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RESUMEN Hace más de medio siglo Robert Whittaker propuso que la diversidad regional (diversidad γ) podía ser dividida en dos componentes: α y β. A lo largo de los años surgieron dos formas básicas para relacionar estos tres componentes de la diversidad de especies: un método aditivo y otro multiplicativo. Ambos métodos de partición difi eren en sus...
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The Neotropical frog genus Elachistocleis Parker consists of 17 species, most of them described in the last two decades. External morphology characters traditionally used in anuran systematics to distinguish among species, such as skin texture, dermal protuberances, cranial chests and nuptial pads, are of relative value in Elachistocleis (Pereyra e...
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Elachistocleis haroi sp. nov. is described from El Algarrobal, Jujuy province, north-western Argentina. The new species is diagnosed by the dorsal pattern of mid-longitudinal bright yellow stripe from the intraocular zone, surpassing the postcephalic transverse skin fold, to vent; dorsum grayish brown mottled with a paravertebral symmetric pattern...
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4 December 2011 an adult male specimen of Philodryas psammophidea Gunther 1872 was observed preying on juveniles of Chacophrys pierottii (Vellard, 1948) in the locality of Salinas Grandes of the north-west of Córdoba province, Argentina (-29.596034° S, -64.853993° W; 187 m a.s.l.). The specimen of P. psammophidea was found at 13:00 pm, at the edge...
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Localidad.— Oreobates barituensis Vaira & Ferrari, 2008. República Argentina, provincia de Tucumán, departamento Tafí Viejo, ruta provincial N° 340 entre las localidades de Las Tipas y San Javier (26°41’42.04”S; 65°23’13.85”O; altitud: 1153 m s.n.m.; Fig. 1). Colectores M. S. Akmentins, L. C. Pereyra y G. Laufer. El día 18 de diciembre de 2011 a la...
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The three species of Gastrotheca known in Argentina are strictly endemic to NW subtropical Yungas Andean forests (Lavilla & Heatwole, 2010). Limited to the eastern slopes of the Andes, between 700 and 2600 m.a.s.l. (Akmentins et al., 2011) represent the southernmost distributional range of the neotropical marsupial frogs of the family Hemiphractida...
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Three species of marsupial frogs of the genus Gastrotheca are at the forefront of amphibian conservation concern in Argentina. Most of the data available on these amphibian species in the country are in the form of museum collections. In this study, we use the recent rediscovery of G. gracilis to test the applicability of a series of probabilistic...
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Localidad.— Elachistocleis skotogaster Lavilla, Vaira & Ferrari, 2003. República Argentina, provincia de Jujuy, departamento General Manuel Belgrano, paraje El Duraznito en las cercanías de la localidad de Tiraxi (24°0’13.64"S; 65°21’52.52"W; altitud: 1675m.s.n.m.). Colectores L. C. Pereyra, M. S. Akmentins y M. N. Akmentins. Durante un relevamient...
Differences among wetlands can have important consequences on reproductive success of amphibians; therefore habitat selection is expected to be of particular importance for anurans inhabiting heterogeneous environments. To investigate if the red-belly toad (Melanophryniscus stelzneri; Anura: Bufonidae) uses available habitats differentially and to...
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Thamnodynastes chaquensis Bergna & Álvarez, 1993. República Argentina, provincia de Jujuy, departamento General Manuel Belgrano, ruta provincial Nº 4 entre Termas de Reyes y Parque Provincial Potrero de Yala (24º7'45,60" S; 65º29'2,50" O; 1770 m snm). Colectores: M. S. Akmentins y L. C. Pereyra. 08 de noviembre de 2009. Hembra (SVL: 396 mm; LT: 499...
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En Argentina se ha constatado la presencia de poblaciones asilvestradas de Lithobates catesbeianus en las provincias de San Juan (Sanabria et al., 2005) y de Misiones (Pereyra et al., 2006). Las ranas toro pueden eliminar a los anfibios nativos directamente a través de predación o competencia por interferencia, o indirectamente por competencia por...


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