Laura Giordano

Laura Giordano
Università del Piemonte Orientale, Alessandri, Italy · DISIT


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Publications (184)
In this paper we propose a many-valued temporal conditional logic. We start from a many-valued logic with typicality, and extend it with the temporal operators of the Linear Time Temporal Logic (LTL), thus providing a formalism which is able to capture the dynamics of a system, trough strict and defeasible temporal properties. We also consider an i...
Weighted knowledge bases for description logics with typicality under a ‘concept-wise’ multi-preferential semantics provide a logical interpretation of MultiLayer Perceptrons. In this context, Answer Set Programming (ASP) has been shown to be suitable for addressing defeasible reasoning in the finitely many-valued case, providing a $\varPi ^{p}_{2}...
Weighted knowledge bases for description logics with typicality provide a logical interpretation of MultiLayer Perceptrons, based on a “concept-wise” multi-preferential semantics. On the one hand, in the finitely many-valued case, Answer Set Programming (ASP) has been shown to be suitable for addressing defeasible reasoning from weighted knowledge...
Weighted knowledge bases for description logics with typicality under a “concept-wise” multi-preferential semantics provide a logical interpretation of MultiLayer Perceptrons. In this context, Answer Set Programming (ASP) has been shown to be suitable for addressing defeasible reasoning in the finitely many-valued case, providing a \(\varPi ^p_2\)...
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In this paper we investigate the relationships between a multipreferential semantics for defeasible reasoning in knowledge representation and a multilayer neural network model. Weighted knowledge bases for a simple description logic with typicality are considered under a (many-valued) ``concept-wise" multipreference semantics. The semantics is used...
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In this paper we propose a general approach to define a many-valued preferential interpretation of gradual argumentation semantics. The approach allows for conditional reasoning over arguments and boolean combination of arguments, with respect to a class of gradual semantics, through the verification of graded (strict or defeasible) implications ov...
We propose an approach for reasoning about actions with domain descriptions including an \(\mathcal{E}\mathcal{L}^{\bot }\) ontology in a temporal action theory. The action theory is based on a Dynamic Linear Time Temporal Logic, whose extensions are defined through temporal answer sets. The work provides conditions under which action consistency c...
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Weighted knowledge bases for description logics with typicality have been recently considered under a “concept-wise” multipreference semantics (in both the two-valued and fuzzy case), as the basis of a logical semantics of multilayer perceptrons (MLPs). In this paper we consider weighted conditional $\mathcal{ALC}$ knowledge bases with typicality i...
Weighted knowledge bases for description logics with typicality have been recently considered under a "concept-wise" multipreference semantics (in both the two-valued and fuzzy case), as the basis of a logical semantics of MultiLayer Perceptrons (MLPs). In this paper we consider weighted conditional ALC knowledge bases with typicality in the finite...
In this paper we establish a link between fuzzy and preferential semantics for description logics and self-organizing maps (SOMs), which have been proposed as possible candidates to explain the psychological mechanisms underlying category generalization. In particular, we show that the input/output behavior of a SOM after training can be described...
A fuzzy multipreference semantics has been recently proposed for weighted conditional knowledge bases, and used to develop a logical semantics for Multilayer Perceptrons, by regarding a deep neural network (after training) as a weighted conditional knowledge base. This semantics, in its different variants, suggests some gradual argumentation semant...
The paper investigates the properties of a fuzzy logic of typicality. The extension of fuzzy logic with a typicality operator was proposed in recent work to define a fuzzy multipreference semantics for Multilayer Perceptrons, by regarding the deep neural network as a conditional knowledge base. In this paper, we study its properties. First, a monot...
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Weighted knowledge bases for description logics with typicality have been recently considered under a "concept-wise" multipreference semantics (in both the two-valued and fuzzy case), as the basis of a logical semantics of Multilayer Perceptrons. In this paper we consider weighted conditional EL^bot knowledge bases in the two-valued case, and explo...
We propose an approach based on Answer Set Programming for reasoning about actions with domain descriptions including ontological knowledge, expressed in the lightweight description logic EL^\bot. We consider a temporal action theory, which allows for non-deterministic actions and causal rules to deal with ramifications, and whose extensions are de...
In this paper we discuss the relationships between conditional and preferential logics and neural network models, based on a multi-preferential semantics. We propose a concept-wise multipreference semantics, recently introduced for defeasible description logics to take into account preferences with respect to different concepts, as a tool for provi...
The paper investigates the properties of a fuzzy logic of typicality. The extension of fuzzy logic with a typicality operator was proposed in recent work to define a fuzzy multipreference semantics for Multilayer Perceptrons, by regarding the deep neural network as a conditional knowledge base. In this paper, we study its properties. First, a monot...
In this paper we investigate the relationships between a multipreferential semantics for defeasible reasoning in knowledge representation and a deep neural network model. Weighted knowledge bases for description logics are considered under a “concept-wise” multipreference semantics. The semantics is further extended to fuzzy interpretations and exp...
In this paper we establish a link between preferential semantics for description logics and self-organising maps, which have been proposed as possible candidates to explain the psychological mechanisms underlying category generalisation. In particular, we show that a concept-wise multipreference semantics, which takes into account preferences with...
The paper describes a preferential approach for dealing with exceptions in KLM preferential logics, based on the rational closure. It is well known that rational closure does not allow an independent handling of inheritance of different defeasible properties of concepts. In this work, we consider an alternative closure construction, called Multi Pr...
In this paper we investigate the relationships between a multipreferential semantics for defeasible reasoning in knowledge representation and a deep neural network model. Weighted knowledge bases for description logics are considered under a "concept-wise" multipreference semantics. The semantics is further extended to fuzzy interpretations and exp...
Reasoning about exceptions in ontologies is nowadays one of the challenges the description logics community is facing. The paper describes a preferential approach for dealing with exceptions in Description Logics, based on the rational closure. The rational closure has the merit of providing a simple and efficient approach for reasoning with except...
In this work we describe preferential Description Logics of typicality, a nonmonotonic extension of standard Description Logics by means of a typicality operator T allowing to extend a knowledge base with inclusions of the form T(C) ⊑ D, whose intuitive meaning is that “normally/typically Cs are also Ds”. This extension is based on a minimal model...
We define a modular multi-concept extension of the lexicographic closure semantics for defeasible description logics with typicality. The idea is that of distributing the defeasible properties of concepts into different modules, according to their subject, and of defining a notion of preference for each module based on the lexicographic closure sem...
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In this paper we develop a concept aware multi-preferential semantics for dealing with typicality in description logics, where preferences are associated with concepts, starting from a collection of ranked TBoxes containing defeasible concept inclusions. Preferences are combined to define a preferential interpretation in which defeasible inclusions...
Inthispaperwedescribeaconcept-wisemulti-preferencesemantics for description logic which has its root in the preferential approach for modeling defeasible reasoning in knowledge representation. We argue that this proposal, beside satisfying some desired properties, such as KLM postulates, and avoiding the drowning problem, also defines a plausible n...
In this paper we develop a concept aware multi-preferential semantics for dealing with typicality in description logics, where preferences are associated with concepts, starting from a collection of ranked TBoxes containing defeasible concept inclusions. Preferences are combined to define a preferential interpretation in which defeasible inclusions...
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In this work we describe preferential Description Logics of typicality, a nonmonotonic extension of standard Description Logics by means of a typicality operator T allowing to extend a knowledge base with inclusions of the form T(C) v D, whose intuitive meaning is that normally/typically Cs are also Ds. This extension is based on a minimal model se...
We explore the relationships between Description Logics and Set Theory. The study is carried on using, on the set-theoretic side, a very rudimentary axiomatic set theory Ω, consisting of only four axioms characterizing binary union, set difference, inclusion, and the power-set. An extension of ALC, dubbed ALCΩ, is defined in which concepts are natu...
Starting from the observation that rational closure has the undesirable property of being an “all or nothing” mechanism, we here consider a multipreferential semantics, which enriches the preferential semantics underlying rational closure in order to separately deal with the inheritance of different properties in an ontology with exceptions. We sho...
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We continue our exploration of the relationships between Description Logics and Set Theory, which started with the definition of the description logic \(\mathcal {ALC}^\varOmega \). We develop a set-theoretic translation of the description logic \(\mathcal {ALC}^\varOmega \) in the set theory \(\varOmega \), exploiting a technique originally propos...
The paper describes a preferential approach for dealing with exceptions in KLM preferential logics, based on the rational closure. It is well known that the rational closure does not allow an independent handling of the inheritance of different defeasible properties of concepts. Several solutions have been proposed to face this problem and the lexi...
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We explore the relationships between Description Logics and Set Theory. The study is carried on using, on the set-theoretic side, a very rudimentary axiomatic set theory Omega, consisting of only four axioms characterizing binary union, set difference, inclusion, and the power-set. An extension of ALC, ALC^Omega, is then defined in which concepts a...
Reasoning about exceptions in ontologies is nowadays one of the challenges the description logics community is facing. The paper describes a preferential approach for dealing with exceptions in Description Logics, based on the rational closure. The rational closure has the merit of providing a simple and efficient approach for reasoning with except...
In this work we study a rational extension $SROEL^R T$ of the low complexity description logic SROEL, which underlies the OWL EL ontology language. The extension involves a typicality operator T, whose semantics is based on Lehmann and Magidor's ranked models and allows for the definition of defeasible inclusions. We consider both rational entailme...
Issue title: Special Issue on the 30th Italian Conference on Computational Logic: CILC 2015Guest editors: Marco Maratea, Viviana Mascardi, Davide Ancona and Alberto Pettorossi
Starting from the observation that rational closure has the undesirable property of being an "all or nothing" mechanism, we here propose a multipreferential semantics, which enriches the preferential semantics underlying rational closure in order to separately deal with the inheritance of different properties in an ontology with exceptions. We prov...
In this paper we exploit Answer Set Programming (ASP) for reasoning in a rational extension SROEL-R-T of the low complexity description logic SROEL, which underlies the OWL EL ontology language. In the extended language, a typicality operator T is allowed to define concepts T(C) (typical C's) under a rational semantics. It has been proven that inst...
Conference Paper
In this paper we define an extension of the description logic \(\mathcal {SROIQ}\) based on a preferential semantics to introduce a notion of typicality in the language which allows defeasible inclusions to be represented in a knowledge base. We define a polynomial encoding of the resulting language into \(\mathcal {SROIQ}\), thus showing that reas...
Conference Paper
We describe DysToPic, a theorem prover for the preferential Description Logic \(\mathcal {ALC}+\mathbf{T}_{min}\).This is a nonmonotonic extension of standard \(\mathcal {ALC}\) based on a typicality operator \(\mathbf{T}\), which enjoys a preferential semantics. DysToPic is a multi-engine Prolog implementation of a labelled, two-phase tableaux cal...
In this paper we provide a semantic reconstruction of rational closure. We first consider rational closure as defined by Lehman and Magidor [33] for propositional logic, and we provide a semantic characterization based on a minimal models mechanism on rational models. Then we extend the whole formalism and semantics to Description Logics, by focusi...
Computer Interpretable Guidelines (CIGs) are assuming a major role in the medical area, in order to enhance the quality of medical assistance by providing physicians with evidence-based recommendations. However, the complexity of CIGs (which may contain hundreds of related clinical activities) demands for a verification process, aimed at assuring t...
Conference Paper
Computer Interpretable Guidelines (CIG) are an emerging research area, to support medical decision making through evidence-based recommendations. New challenges in the data management field have to be faced, to integrate CIG management with a proper treatment of patient data, and of other forms of medical knowledge. The GINSENG (GuIdeliNe SEcoNd Ge...
The paper introduces a framework based on constructive conditional logics to define axiomatization, semantics and proof methods for access control logics. We formalize the well-known says operator as a conditional normal modality and, by considering some specific ombinations of access control axioms, we define four access control logics, namely, Co...
Conference Paper
Clinical Guidelines (CGs) are developed for specifying the “best” clinical procedures for specific clinical circumstances. However, a CG is executed on a specific patient, with her peculiarities, and in a specific context, with its limitations and constraints. Physicians have to use Basic Medical Knowledge (BMK) in order to adapt the general CG to...
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We define a notion of rational closure for the logic SHIQ, which does not enjoys the finite model property, building on the notion of rational closure introduced by Lehmann and Magidor in [23]. We provide a semantic characterization of rational closure in SHIQ in terms of a preferential semantics, based on a finite rank characterization of minimal...
We introduce a notion of rational closure for the logic SHIQ based on the well-known rational closure by Lehmann and Magidor [21]. We provide a semantic characterization of rational closure in SHIQ in terms of a preferential semantics, based on a finite rank characterization of minimal models.
Temporal logics can be used in reasoning about actions for specifying constraints on domain descriptions and temporal properties to be verified. In this paper, we exploit bounded model checking (BMC) techniques in the verification of dynamic linear time temporal logic (DLTL) properties of an action theory, which is formulated in a temporal extensio...
Conference Paper
We describe PreDeLo 1.0, a theorem prover for preferential Description Logics (DLs). These are nonmonotonic extensions of standard DLs based on a typicality operatorT, which enjoys a preferential semantics. PreDeLo 1.0 is a Prolog implementation of labelled tableaux calculi for such extensions, and it is able to deal with the preferential extension...
The paper provides a framework for the verification of business processes, based on an extension of answer set programming (ASP) with temporal logic and constraints. The framework allows to capture expressive fluent annotations as well as data awareness in a uniform way. It allows for a declarative specification of a business process but also for e...
The verification of compliance of business processes to norms requires the representation of different kinds of obligations, including achievement obligations, maintenance obligations, obligations with deadlines and contrary to duty obligations. In this paper we develop a deontic temporal extension of Answer Set Programming (ASP) suitable for verif...
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We define the notion of rational closure in the context of Description Logics extended with a tipicality operator. We start from ALC+T, an extension of ALC with a typicality operator T: intuitively allowing to express concepts of the form T(C), meant to select the "most normal" instances of a concept C. The semantics we consider is based on rationa...
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We define the notion of rational closure in the context of Description Logics. We start from an extension of ALC with a typicality operator T allowing to express concepts of the form T(C), whose meaning is to select the "most normal" instances of a concept C. The semantics we consider is based on rational models and exploits a minimal models mechan...
Computer Interpretable Guidelines (CIG) are an emerging area of research, to support medical decision making through evidence-based recommendations. However, new challenges in the data management field have to be faced, to integrate CIG management with a proper treatment of patient data, and of other forms of medical knowledge (e.g., causal and beh...
We provide a semantical reconstruction of rational closure. We first consider rational closure as defined by Lehman and Magidor for propositional logic, and we provide a semantical characterization based on minimal models mechanism on rational models. Then, we extend the whole formalism and semantics to Description Logics focusing our attention to...
Conference Paper
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This paper provides a general semantic framework for nonmonotonic reasoning, based on a minimal models semantics on the top of KLM systems for nonmonotonic reasoning. This general framework can be instantiated in order to provide a semantic reconstruction within modal logic of the notion of rational closure, introduced by Lehmann and Magidor. We gi...
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In this paper we describe an approach for reasoning about typical-ity and defeasible properties in low complexity preferential Description Logics. We describe the non-monotonic extension of the low complexity DLs EL ⊥ and DL-Litecore based on a typicality operator T, which enjoys a preferential seman-tics. We summarize complexity results for such e...
In this paper we present a framework to support business process compliance verification. A process model, provided in a Business Process Modeling tool, is annotated with information relevant for compliance verification. In particular, if a condition is mentioned in a regulation, an activity that makes that condition true, or that requires it as a...
This paper provides a general semantic framework for nonmonotonic reasoning, based on a minimal models semantics on the top of KLM systems for nonmonotonic reasoning. This general framework can be instantiated in order to provide a semantic reconstruction within modal logic of the notion of rational closure, introduced by Lehmann and Magidor. We gi...
In this paper we combine Answer Set Programming (ASP) with Dynamic Linear Time Temporal Logic (DLTL) to define a temporal logic programming language for reasoning about complex actions and infinite computations. DLTL extends propositional temporal logic of linear time with regular programs of propositional dynamic logic, which are used for indexing...
Conference Paper
In this paper we introduce a tableau calculus for a nonmonotonic extension of the low complexity Description Logic DL-Litecore\mbox{\em DL-Lite}_{\mathit{core}} of the DL-Lite family. The extension, called DL-LitecTmin\mbox{\em DL-Lite}_{\mathit{c}}{\bf T}_{min}, can be used to reason about typicality and defeasible properties. The calculus perform...
Conference Paper
We propose a nonmonotonic extension of low complexity Description Logics EL⊥ and DL-Litecore for reasoning about typicality and defeasible properties. The resulting logics are called EL⊥Tmin and DL-LitecTmin. Concerning DL-LitecTmin, we prove that entailment is in Π2p. With regard to EL⊥Tmin, we first show that entailment remains EXPTIME-hard. Next...
Conference Paper
In this paper we study the applicability of constructive conditional logics as a general framework to define decision procedures in access control logics. To this purpose, we formalize the assertion A says φ, whose intended meaning is that principal A says that φ, as a conditional implication. We introduce \(\textsf{Cond}_{\rm ACL}\), which is a co...
Conference Paper
We introduce a tableau calculus for a nonmonotonic extension of low complexity Description Logic \(\mathcal{EL}^\bot\) that can be used to reason about typicality and defeasible properties. The calculus deals with Left Local knowledge bases in the logic \(\mathcal{EL}^{\bot} {\bf T}_{min}\) recently introduced in [8] . The calculus performs a two-p...
We briefly outline our research activity in the field of nonclassical logics started in the 90s. In particular, we describe our research in the application of non-classical logics to knowledge representation and in the development of proof methods for non-monotonic and conditional logics.
In this paper we provide a framework for the specification and the verification of business processes, which is based on a temporal extension of answer set programming (ASP) and we address the problem of verifying the compliance of business processes to norms. The logical formalism we use, is a combination of Answer Set Programming and Dy-namic Lin...
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In this paper we propose nonmonotonic extensions of low complexity Description Logics EL ⊥ and DL-Litecore for reasoning about typicality and de-feasible properties. The resulting logics are called EL ⊥ Tmin and DL-LitecTmin. We summarize complexity results for such extensions recently studied. Entail-ment in DL-LitecTmin is in Π p 2 , whereas enta...
Conference Paper
In this paper, we propose the logic P min , which is a nonmonotonic extension of Preferential logic P defined by Kraus, Lehmann and Magidor (KLM). In order to perform nonmonotonic inferences, we define a “minimal model” semantics. Given a modal interpretation of a minimal A-world as A ∧ □¬A, the intuition is that preferred, or minimal models are th...
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In this paper we address the problem of verifying business process compliance with norms. To this end, we employ reasoning about actions in a temporal action theory. The action theory is defined through a combination of Answer Set Programming and Dynamic Linear Time Temporal Logic (DLTL). The temporal action theory allows us to formalize a business...
Conference Paper
Extensions of Description Logics (DLs) to reason about typicality and defeasible inheritance have been largely investigated. In this paper, we consider two such extensions, namely (i) the extension of DLs with a typicality operator T, having the properties of Preferential nonmonotonic entailment P, and (ii) its variant with a typicality operator ha...
Conference Paper
We define an Intuitionistic Conditional Logic for Access Control called CICL. The logic CICL is based on a conditional language allowing principals to be defined as arbitrary formulas and it includes few uncontroversial axioms of access control logics. We provide an axiomatization and a Kripke model semantics for the logic CICL, and we prove that t...
Conference Paper
Logic programming has been deployed to support non-monotonic reasoning since the late ’80s. In this paper, we review semantics, formalisms and computational mechanisms for logic programming for non-monotonic reasoning. We also discuss some formalisms that have emerged from the cross fertilization between the two areas and some applications in as di...
Wedefine an Intuitionistic Conditional Logic for Access Control called CICL. The logic CICL is based on a conditional language allowing principals to be defined as arbitrary formulas and it includes few uncontroversial axioms of access control logics. We provide an axiomatization and a Kripke model semantics for the logic CICL, prove that the axiom...
Extensions of Description Logics (DLs) to reason about typicality and defeasible inheritance have been largely investigated. In this paper, we consider two such extensions, namely (i) the extension of DLs with a typicality operator T, having the properties of Preferential nonmonotonic entailment P, and (ii) its variant with a typicality operator ha...
Conference Paper
We present an extension of the low complexity Description Logic {EL}^{+^bot} for reasoning about prototypical properties and inheritance with exceptions. We add to {EL}^{+^bot} a typicality operator T, which is intended to select the "most normal" instances of a concept. In the resulting logic, called {EL}^{+^bot}{T}, the knowledge base may contain...
Clinical guidelines (GLs) are assuming a major role in the medical area, in order to grant the quality of the medical assistance and to optimize medical treatments within healthcare organizations. The verification of properties of the GL (e.g., the verification of GL correctness with respect to several criteria) is a demanding task, which may be en...
Conference Paper
We present an extension EL+^T\mathcal{EL}^{+^\bot}{\bf {\rm T}} of the description logic EL+^\mathcal{EL}^{+^\bot} for reasoning about prototypical properties and inheritance with exceptions. EL+^T\mathcal{EL}^{+^\bot}{\bf {\rm T}} is obtained by adding to EL+^\mathcal{EL}^{+^\bot} a typicality operator T, which is intended to select the “typical”...
Conference Paper
The paper deals with the problem of agents conformance with multiparty protocols. We introduce a notion of conformance of a set of k agents with a multiparty protocol with k roles, which requires the agents to be interoperable and to produce correct executions of the protocol. We introduce conditions that enable each agent to be independently verif...
We present a tableau calculus for some fundamental systems of propositional conditional logics. We consider the conditional logics that can be characterized by preferential semantics (i.e., possible world structures equipped with a family of preference relations). For these logics, we provide a uniform completeness proof of the axiomatization with...
We extend the Description Logic ALC with a "typicality" operator T that allows us to reason about the prototypical properties and inheritance with exceptions. The resulting logic is called ALC + T. The typicality operator is intended to select the "most normal" or "most typical" instances of a concept. In our framework, knowledge bases may then con...
Conference Paper
In this work we summarize our recent results on extending Description Logics for reasoning about prototypical properties and inher- itance with exceptions. First, we focus our attention on the logic ALC. We present a nonmonotonic logic ALC + Tmin, which is built upon a monotonic logic ALC + T obtained by adding a typicality operator T to ALC. The o...
In this paper we propose a non-monotonic extension of the Description Logic ALCALC for reasoning about prototypical properties and inheritance with exceptions. The resulting logic, called ALC+TminALC+Tmin, is built upon a previously introduced (monotonic) logic ALC+TALC+T that is obtained by adding a typicality operator T to ALCALC. The operator T...
Conference Paper
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In this paper we propose a nonmonotonic extension ALC\mathcal{ALC} for reasoning about prototypical properties and inheritance with exception. The logic ALC\mathcal{ALC} . The operator T is intended to select the “most normal” or “most typical” instances of a concept, so that knowledge bases may contain subsumption relations of the form“T(C) is s...
Conference Paper
The paper defines a notion of conformance of a set of k agents with a multiparty protocol with k roles, requiring the agents to be interoperable and to produce correct executions of the protocol. Conditions are introduced that enable each agent to be independently verified with respect to the protocol.
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We present proof methods for the logics of nonmonotonic reasoning defined by Kraus, Lehmann and Magidor (KLM). We intro- duce tableaux calculi (called T ST) for all KLM logics. We provide deci- sion procedures for KLM logics based on these calculi, and we study their complexity. Finally, we describe KLMLean 2.0, a theorem prover imple- menting the...
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We extend the Description Logic ALC with a "typicality" operator T that allows us to reason about the prototypical properties and inheritance with exceptions. The resulting logic is called ALC + T. The typicality operator is intended to select the "most normal" or "most typical" instances of a concept. In our framework, knowledge bases may then con...
Conference Paper
We extend the Description Logic ALC\mathcal{ALC} with a “typicality” operator T that allows us to reason about the prototypical properties and inheritance with exceptions. The resulting logic is called ALC+T\mathcal{ALC}+{\bf T} . The typicality operator is intended to select the “most normal” or “most typical” instances of a concept. In our fram...
Conference Paper
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We present FreeP 1.0, a theorem prover for the KLM preferential logic P of nonmonotonic reasoning. FreeP 1.0 is a SICStus Prolog implementation of a free-variables, labelled tableau calculus for P, obtained by introducing suitable modalities to interpret conditional assertions. The performances of FreeP 1.0 are promising. FreeP 1.0 can be downloade...


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