Laura Caruso FermeNational Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET-CENPAT)
Laura Caruso Ferme
Ph.D Arqueología Prehistorica
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January 2002 - November 2013
Publications (82)
La determinación taxonómica proporciona datos relevantes y únicos sobre la gestión de los recursos leñosos. No obstante, el análisis taxonómico no puede dar información sobre otros aspectos igualmente importantes que permiten comprender la gestión de este recurso. La caracterización del estado de la madera utilizada como combustible permitirá evalu...
Navigation in the Mediterranean in the Neolithic is studied here through the boats that were used, the degree of technical specialisation in their construction and, above all, their chronology. After a brief explanation of the exceptional site of La Marmotta, the characteristics and chronology of the five canoes found at the settlement and one of t...
El material leñoso puede ser caracterizado, entre otras cosas, por su estado (seco o verde, sano o alterado) y por su procedencia (terrestre, marino o lacustre). Una vez incorporado al sitio arqueológico (carbonizado o sin carbonizar), la madera está sujeta a diversas interacciones con otras materias orgánicas, sustancias minerales y líquidos (agua...
The study of wooden artifacts recovered in dry context is scarce. The objective of this work is to identify morphometric patterns in wooden artifacts and to evaluate their relationship with the technological manufacturing processes. To this end, wooden artifacts were analyzed from the site Cerro Casa de Piedra 7, through the 3D scanning, calculatio...
In the Mediterranean area, direct archeological evidence proving the existence of navigation during the Neolithic, is not frequent. The only site in the Mediterranean where this direct evidence exists is La Marmotta. Therefore, the main objective of the present study is to approach the nautical technology of the first Neolithic communities through...
Archaeological investigation of Circum-Alpine lake, or pile, dwellings has afforded unprecedented insight into Neolithic and Bronze Age societies. The discovery in 1989 of a submerged settlement near Rome added an early (eighth millennium BP) geographical outlier to this distribution. Two decades of excavation at La Marmotta have identified more th...
Archaeological investigation of Circum-Alpine lake, or pile, dwellings has afforded unprecedented insight into Neolithic and Bronze Age societies. The discovery in 1989 of a submerged settlement near Rome added an early (eighth millennium BP) geographical outlier to this distribution. Two decades of excavation at La Marmotta have identified more th...
The lakeshore site of La Marmotta is one of the most important Early Neolithic sites of Mediterranean Europe. The site is famous for the exceptional preservation of organic materials, including numerous wooden artefacts related to navigation, agriculture, textile production, and basketry. This article presents interdisciplinary research on three of...
Este trabajo tiene como eje discursivo la información publicada sobre dos de las cinco piraguas neolíticas documentadas en el asentamiento neolítico de La Marmotta (Anguillara Sabazia, Lazio, Italia), y como este hallazgo puede darnos nuevos datos sobre la navegación y la expansión neolítica por el Mediterráneo. Se trata de un yacimiento excepciona...
The objective of this work is to reconstruct production sequences and use of woody raw materials among Patagonian hunter-gatherer groups. To this end, we studied small fragments of non-carbonized wood, pieces of wood with distinct types of technological features and formatized artefacts and/or wooden tools from two archaeological sites in south-cen...
The aim of this work is to deepen our knowledge about the use of wood as raw a material among Patagonian hunter-gatherers, to identify the woody species used in the manufacturing of artifacts and to assess the shifts or continuities in the wood techonology of these societies during the Holocene. For this purpose we analyzed 10 wood artifacts coming...
The archaeological site La Marmotta (AnguillaraSabazia, Italy) is a singular place as regards the conservation and recovery of wood and plant remains. The exceptional preservation at the site allowed the recovery of five canoes and numerous objects related to navigation, house building, agriculture, hunting and craft activities. The wide range of a...
The patterns in the use of wood for fuel by hunter-gatherer societies are shaped by the mobility, duration and function of different occupations. Indeed, many of the fuel properties of wood (flammability, lighting, combustion kinetics, heat), and therefore the functions of fire, depend on the size of its fuel. Consequently, the study and determinat...
In general, the recovery of wooden artifacts happens in submerged or subaquatic contexts and archeological deposits with a high level of humidity in sediments. Whereas in completely dry contexts, without significant oscillations in temperature and humidity, the recovery of wooden artifacts is much smaller. The main aim of this work is to study the...
The present article examines the ways of obtaining firewood and of using it by Patagonian hunter-gatherer groups and the relationship with their high mobility. With these goals, we have selected a range of archaeological sites in varied types of vegetation: forest, forest-steppe ecotone and steppe (according to pollen reconstructions and current re...
The aim of this paper is to present a first assessment of the use of woody vegetation resources for combustion by hunter-gatherer societies in eastern areas of Tierra del Fuego. For this purpose, carbonized wood fragments from the archeological context of the Heshkaia 35 site (Moat Bay, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina) were analyzed. Results show a loc...
Use of fire has been recognized for a long time as a key innovation in the development of human groups, as a multisource technological improvement. Fuel wastes recovered from archeological sites are the direct evidence of the fire use in society economies of the past. In the process of production and use of fire, diverse parameters exist that inter...
The anthracological study of Paredon Lanfre (Patagonia, Argentina) highlights the presence of radial cracks with a marked difference between the percentage of affected coniferous charcoal (Fitzroya cupressoides and Austrocedrus chilensis) compared to the angiosperms (e.g., Nothofagus antarctica and Nothofagus dombeyi). The aim of this work was to o...
Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar las modalidades de adquisición y uso de los recursos vegetales leñosos en contextos coloniales. Con este propósito fueron estudiados los fragmentos de madera carbonizada y sin carbonizar procedentes del sitio Cancha de Pelota de Llao Llao (prov. de Río Negro). Dicho sitio, trabajado desde 1970 a 2...
Este trabajo tiene por objetivo estudiar el uso de los recursos vegetales leñosos llevado a cabo por sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras que habitaron el sitio Imiwaia I (costa norte del canal Beagle) durante el Holoceno temprano. Los resultados alcanzados indican que las sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras del sur de Tierra del Fuego hicieron un uso h...
This paper assesses the landscape and management of firewood resources during the Holocene at La Garrotxa (Girona, NE Iberia), a middle mountain region (400-1600 m a.s.l.) located within a volcanic area in the Pre-Pyrenees. Anthracological and palynological data from archaeological sites and lacustrine and peat deposits in this area have been consi...
The objective of this work is to carry out an integral study of macro and microbotanical remains with the aim of providing information to the palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and understanding the different practices employed in the acquisition of woody material used by hunter-gatherer societies from the northwestern region of the Santa Cruz Prov...
Cabeço da Arruda and Cabeço da Amoreira are shellmiddens that integrate the Mesolithic Muge shellmidden complex. Paleoenvironmental studies indicate that Muge valley was both rich in marine and terrestrial resources. The exploitation of diverse resources from the Muge landscape is a crucial issue to understand the economy, subsistence and social co...
Pedernal and Acequion localities are a key zone to understand the process of Inca annexation and control of precordilleran and lowlands areas of the southeast end of Tawantinsuyu. One of the main sites in this zone is Pedernal-Site 2 (PS2). This site is part of the so-called «Inca`s fort» in the colonial documentation of seventeenth century. The re...
Resumen El registro de vegetales leñosos es abundante en los conjuntos arqueológicos patagónicos atribuídos a grupos cazadores-recolectores. El objetivo del presente artículo es dar a conocer dos de las distintas metodologías de análisis utilizadas en los diversos estudios arqueobotánicos realizados hasta el momento en la Patagonia argentina: i) de...
The analysis of the recovered material of the San Pablo 6 site represents the beginning of the archaeobotanical
studies in Península Valdés (Chubut province, Argentina). There has no any other study of these characteristics
in Patagonia until now. This paper shows the first data of the use of wood resources by the hunter-gatherer
societies that inh...
En este artículo se presentan los resultados de un análisis dendro-antracológico en carbones de Austrocedrus chilensis, procedentes del sitio Cerro Pintado (prov. Chubut, Argentina). Los resultados de los mismos sugieren que este alero continuó funcionando como lugar de retorno hasta por lo menos el siglo XVII. El análisis dendro-antracológico desa...
La gestión del material leñoso por parte de las sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras patagónicas estuvo condicionada y determinada por la movilidad, la duración y la función de las distintas ocupaciones. El estudio arqueobotánico de restos vegetales leñosos permite comprender el papel que jugaron estos recursos dentro de una sociedad brindando una mej...
El análisis arqueobotánico permite conocer el papel que jugaron los recursos vegetales dentro de una sociedad, brindando una mejor aproximación a la dinámica social y económica de un grupo. Este trabajo tiene por objetivo caracterizar las modalidades de adquisición y uso del recurso leñoso y establecer que factores intervinieron en la organización...
Archaeological research at the historical site Ewan (Ewan I and Ewan II-unit 1) dated from the beginning of the 20th century, allowed to conduct an archaeobothanical analysis of plant consumption by Selknam hunter-gatherers from Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). The identification of the species used, and the analysis of their principal morphometric ch...
This paper focuses on the high-resolution pollen analysis of one new pollen record from Lake Banyoles
(Girona, Spain) and its contextualisation with other archaeobotanical records (charcoal, seed and wood
remains) from the early Neolithic lakeshore settlement of La Draga. Around ca.7250 cal BP, coinciding
with the first settlement phase of La Draga...
The characterization of sedimentary particles and minerals present in the charcoal and woody archaeological remains contributes to determining the different sedimentary, archaeological and taphonomic processes that affected them. In order to prove this assumption, woody remains at the Orejas de Burro 1 archaeological site (Argentina) were studied,...
CERRO CASA DE PIEDRA 7 (prov. Santa Cruz): Estudio de las modalidades de adquisición y usos de los recursos leñosos entre grupos cazadores -recolectores Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, septiembre 2014
This work is focused on the use of firewood by the first farming communities of the settlement of La Draga (Banyoles, Spain). The two occupation phases have been dated between 5324 and 4980 cal. bc. Charcoal remains are used to represent the vegetation landscape. The comparison of the charcoal analysis data with other archaeobotanical studies carri...
This paper studies the different practices employed in the acquisition of woody material used by hunter–gatherer societies from the northwestern region of the Santa Cruz Province, Argentine Patagonia, during the early and middle Holocene. In addressing this theme, we study carbonized and non-carbonized wood recovered from six stratigraphic levels f...
An experimental work has been carried out for the determination of clays and minerals from both, modern wood and archaeological wood remains from the site of Orejas de Burro 1 (Argentina) in order to establish their chemical composition and the causes of their variation. The results from the modern samples show a chemical composition with only the...
19 revista de recerca i formació en antropologia 19 El uso de los recursos leñosos entre grupos cazadores-recolectores patagónicos: Estudio de la movilidad a partir de la arqueobotánica Laura Caruso Fermé -Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 1 Resumen Tradicionalmente, en arqueología, el conocimiento de los territorios de captación ha sido caracteriz...
This paper presents the multidisciplinary sampling strategy that has been applied at the archaeological site of La Draga during the last three fieldwork campaigns (2010–2012). A preliminary evaluation of the results is presented in order to discuss the efficiency of the strategy in answering the outlined scientific questions. The strategies applied...
El análisis arqueobotánico permite conocer el papel que jugaron los recursos vegetales dentro de una sociedad, brindando una mejor aproximación a la dinámica social y económica de un grupo. En todos los sitios arqueológicos, cualquiera sean sus características, es posible la aplicación de análisis arqueobotánicos. La única limitante será la ausenci...
El análisis arqueobotánico posibilita un acercamiento a aquellas actividades que pudieran estar relacionadas con la gestión de los recursos vegetales por parte de los integrantes de una sociedad. El estudio taxonómico de carbones y madera será importante dentro del marco de un proyecto de investigación, pero no determinante para poder identificar m...
del calibre realizado en maderas y carbones del sitio arqueológico "Cerro Casa de Piedra 7" (Santa Cruz, Argentina) brindó importante información en cuanto al consumo y modalidades de selección del material leñoso por parte de grupos cazadores-recolectores, que evidenciaron resultados totalmente disímiles para el caso del carbón y la madera de Noth...
The fact that archaebotanical studies performed to date in sites attributed to Patagonian hunter-gatherer societies have been very scarce, has relatively relegated the role played by plant resources within the economy of these societies. This report is a first approach to the study of forest exploitation by the Selknam hunters-gatherers at the arch...
L'ús dels recursos llenyosos entre grups caçadors-recol·lectors patagònics: Estudi de la mobilitat a partir de l'arqueobotànica
The properties of woody fuels during the combustion can complement the interpretation of the modes of acquisition and use of firewood by groups of the past. The experimental method allows to deepen about the properties of different plant species as fuel, but more importantly allows the reconstruction of the processes that have generated the archaeo...
The properties of woody fuels during the combustion can complement the interpretation of the modes of acquisition and use of firewood by groups of the past. the experimental method allows to deepen about the properties of different plant species as fuel, but more importantly allows the reconstruction of the processes that have generated the archaeo...
In the Patagonian archaeological record, the preservation of wooden artefacts is very restricted. Functional analysis of lithic artefacts is a way to get a better understanding about the use and consumption of vegetative/plant resources. However, although the study of lithic artefacts used during wood processing activities represents a good indicat...
Investigaciones etnoarqueológicas en un sitio ceremonial de la sociedad selknam de Tierra del Fuego Implicancias teóricas y metodológicas para los estudios arqueológicos
In the Patagonian archaeological record, the preservation of wooden artefacts is very restricted. Functional analysis of lithic artefacts is a way to get a better understanding of the use and consumption of vegetative/plant resources. However, although the study of artefacts used during wood processing offer good indications of the use of wood itse...
del calibre realizado en maderas y carbones del sitio arqueológico "Cerro Casa de Piedra 7" (Santa Cruz, Argentina) brindó importante información en cuanto al consumo y modalidades de selección del material leñoso por parte de grupos cazadores-recolectores, que evidenciaron resultados totalmente disímiles para el caso del carbón y la madera de Noth...
The information on the combustible properties of native species of the Andean Patagonian Forest is scarce. In research paper we present the results of eight experimental fires, with their analysis and interpretation of shrinkage cracks produced in the wood of two conifers of the southern hemisphere: Austrocedrus chilensis and Fitzroya cupressoides.
In this work we present the dendrochronological analysis of charcoal from Austrocedrus chilensis – cipres de la cordillera – found in a campfire at the archeological site Cerro Pintado in Patagonia, Argentina. Our goals, in the context of a series of studies in Patagonian archaeology, were to compare the charcoals from the campfire with the existin...
The preservation of bows and arrows in the archaeological record of Patagonia is rather scarce. However, in the specific case of Tierra del Fuego, the ethnographic information portrays a wide use of plants to manufacture these kinds of weapons. In order to overcome the biases between both records an archaeobotanical and morpho-metric study of a col...
The preservation of bows and arrows in the archaeological record of Patagonia is rather scarce. however, in the specific case of Tierra del Fuego, the ethnographic information portrays a wide use of plants to manufacture these kinds of weapons. In order to overcome the biases between both records an archaeobotanical and morphometric study of a coll...
Archaeological research at the historical site Ewan (Ewan I and Ewan II-unit 1) dated from the beginning of the 20th century, allowed to conduct an archaeobothanical analysis of plant consumption by Selknam hunter-gatherers from Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). The presence of charcoal leaves and carbonized seeds of Empetrum rubrum — “murtilla” — at t...
Cova Fosca is located in el Maestrat, an area that is very well-known for its richness in archaeological sites dating from the Upper Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic periods. The archaeobotanical macro remains found after the excavation of the site has led us to an initial understanding concerning the strategies of forest management of both th...
When analyzing hunter-gatherers economy, it seems obvious that we can’t deny the importance of plants as a source of food and raw materials. However, the recovery and analysis of botanical remains from the archaeological record needs a special effort that is not very often made. The result is a picture in which these resources are under evaluated....
The aim of this paper is to present a series of hut structures discovered in the central forest of Tierra del Fuego. This forest was exploited from the beginnings of the XXth century, thus it is not exceptional to find remains of hut structures. Up to some years ago, however, it did not seem possible to find huts built by the Selknam population. Th...
Se estudiaron las modalidades de aprovechamiento de las plantas entre los Selknam de Tierra del Fuego (Argentina) y se presentan aquí los resultados obtenidos a partir del análisis de los restos de madera carbonizada y sin carbonizar del sitito Ewan, ocupado a principios del siglo XX para la realización de un ritual de iniciación. Los resultados pe...