Laura Bouwman

Laura Bouwman
Wageningen University & Research | WUR · Health and Society Group

PhD, Rd


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April 2010 - present
Wageningen University & Research
  • Proffessor


Publications (63)
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The gap between the awareness and understanding of healthful eating on the one hand and actual eating practices on the other has been addressed in several ways in the literature. In this paper, we consider it from an everyday life perspective. Using discourse analysis, we analyse how Dutch consumers account for their everyday food choices. We show...
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Background: Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) is advocated by the WHO for the first 6 months. In Rwanda, the percentage of infants who are exclusively breastfed decreases from 94% among infants aged 0-1 month to 81% among those aged 4-5 months. Little is known about what influences mothers' breastfeeding practices. This study aimed to gain insights in...
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Background: Despite different interventions to improve child nutrition conditions, chronic malnutrition is still a public health concern in Rwanda, with a high stunting prevalence of 38% among under 5-year-olds children. In Rwanda, only 18% of children aged 6-23 months are fed in accordance with the recommendations for infant and young child feedi...
Objective: Describe the characteristics (development, intensity, deliverers, setting, strategies) and assess the effect of salutogenic-oriented lifestyle interventions on physical and psychosocial health outcomes in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Method: PubMed, Scopus and PsycINFO were systematically searched for randomised contro...
Conference Paper
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The EU food chain is at present highly carbon and water intensive. A significant contribution to reduce carbon emissions and water footprints can be achieved through the adoption of a more sustainable and healthier diet. However, while people are generally aware that food affects their health, the impact that food production and consumption have on...
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Introduction: Childhood obesity has serious health risks including the development of metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease and mortality later in life. The critical growth period from 3 to 7 years provides a window of opportunity for interventions. The goal of this study is to evaluate a one year, multidisciplinary, low-intensity treatment pr...
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This chapter focuses on some emerging ideas that are stimulated by, or relevant to, the salutogenic model of health. This is also the subject, in part at least, of other chapters in this book. Therefore, the developments discussed here are meant to supplement the other contributions. The salutogenic model of health is a useful foundation for thinki...
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Much research has identified a sea of factors related to unhealthy diets to make sense of why people struggle to eat healthy diets. However, little is known of factors that empower healthy eating. Antonovsky's salutogenesis provides an innovative framework to study these factors and identify resources and mechanisms underlying healthy eating practi...
Antonovsky’s salutogenesis is a theoretical perspective on health development that explores physical, mental, and social factors that contribute to a ‘healthy life orientation’ and also a theoretical approach to behavior change. Previous studies applying salutogenesis show that a high sense of coherence (SOC), a composite measure from salutogenesis...
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The objective of this article is to provide insight in the five-step development process of the best evidence, best practice intervention for obese young children 'AanTafel!'. A set of requirements for intervention development was developed to guide the data inquiry: the use of theory, influencing factors, tailoring, multi-disciplinarity, duration/...
Conference Paper
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Wie krijgen het voor elkaar om gezond te eten in lastige situaties, bij tijdsdruk, stress of ziekte? Onderzoek naar ervaringen van gezonde eters geeft zicht op hun levensoriëntatie die leidt tot gezonde keuzes bij het kopen, bereiden en consumeren van voedsel. Een reflectief vermogen en flexibiliteit blijken cruciaal. Maar op welke manier kan dit w...
Wageningse wetenschappers heb- ben een eerste profielschets ge- maakt van dé gezonde eter.
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Background: Treatment programs for overweight and obese young children are of variable effectiveness, and the characteristics of effective programs are unknown. In this systematic review with meta-analysis, the effectiveness of treatment programs for these children is summarized. Methods: PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and PsycINFO databases we...
Ample evidence exists on the negative influence on health of eating a diet high in energy, saturated fat, and salt and the onset of diabetes, cardiovascular, and malignant diseases (for an overview, see WHO 2004). The rising problem of obesity fuels the efforts of health promoters, policy makers, the food industry, and other experts concerned with...
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Het publiek werd verzocht te gaan staan. De spreker stelde vragen. Zoals: voor wie heeft het leven betekenis? Wie begrijpt de dingen die om hem heen gebeuren? Wie leeft met een partner? Na elke vraag gingen steeds meer mensen zitten en na de laatste vraag stonden er nog maar zes. Wat onderscheidt hen van de rest?
Ample evidence exists on the negative influence on health of eating a diet high in energy, saturated fat and salt and the onset of diabetes, cardiovascular and malignant diseases (for overview see WHO 2004). The rising problem of obesity fuels the efforts of health promoters, policy makers, the food industry and other experts concerned with nutriti...
Conference Paper
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Debate organised by John Hesketh (Newcastle University) & Cinzia Hardy (November Club) International nutrition experts Dr Laura Bouwman and Dr Keith Grimaldi will look at all sides of this topical debate. Our DNA can tell us more than ever about how to eat – but do we really want to know?
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Het bevorderen van gezondheid is vaak gericht op het voorkómen en bestrijden van ziekte, waarbij het zoeken naar determinanten van ziekte en gezondheidsrisico’s voorop staat, zowel op individueel als maatschappelijke niveau. Met deze benadering is op zichzelf niets mis. Er zijn zo onmiskenbaar grote successen geboekt. Toch knaagt er iets omdat deze...
Their workshop will discuss Antonovsky’s Salutogenic Framework and how it offers a window of opportunity for enabling healthy lifestyle practices and nutrition promotion. During the interactive workshop, participants will have the opportunity to practice Salutogenic thinking through discussion, group exercises, and case studies. The conference will...
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In this paper, we aim to add a new perspective to supporting health-related behavior. We use the everyday-life view to point at the need to focus on the social and practical organization of the concerned behavior. Where most current approaches act disjointedly on clients and the social and physical context, we take the clients' own behavior within...
Pilot study: a novel multidisciplinary approach for young obese children - Volume 15 Issue 8A
Adolescent obesity calls for evidence-based treatment approaches given its long-term physical and psychosocial consequences. However, research shows there are many problems in the translation of scientific evidence into practice. The aim of this study was to develop science- and practice-based recommendations for the planning of future adolescent w...
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Salutogenic research provides fresh perspectives on healthful eaing, reveal Wageningen University's Dr Laura Bouwman, Prof. Dr. Maria Koelen and Emily Swan
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About a decade ago, scientists and science journalists presented nutrigenomics as a grand promise that each of us would soon know which foods fit in our personal healthy diet. Meanwhile, expectations have been adjusted to fit a changed reality. Simultaneously, societal issues surrounding personalized nutrition continue to rise, including whether co...
De huidige voedingsrichtlijn voor gezond eten gaat uit van een focus op biomedische gezondheid. Nu zou het voor consumenten ook een vanzelfsprekende zaak (moeten) zijn dat voedingskeuze direct te linken is aan fysieke gezondheid. Andere, sociale, culturele en economische aspecten spelen echter ook een rol in de keuze voor bepaald voedsel. Hoe kan v...
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Nutrigenomics science examines the response of individuals to food compounds using post-genomics technology. It is expected that in the future, personalized nutrition advice can be provided based on information about genetic make-up. Gene-based personalized nutrition advice emerges at the junction of different disciplines and technologies and may d...
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This paper draws on discourse analysis to examine how Dutch stakeholders in health education, health care, health insurance, social science, the food industry and the media make sense of innovations in the field of ‘personalized nutrition’ and their own role and significance in an early stage of technology development. Previous research has focused...
From one person to the next, optimal health is governed by a huge array of minor genetic differences. When modulated by a variety of food bioiactives, these differences result in changes in gene expression and subsequent phenotypic expression. Combining biomedical and social science with contributions from leaders in both fields, Personalized Nutri...
Information that is personalized to take into account a targeted individual’s characteristics and situation is more effective in influencing that person’s health behavior than general information. The central factor for effectiveness is perceived personal relevance. In most theoretical models of behavior change, concepts relating to this personal f...
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The potential effectiveness of personalized nutrition communication through the Internet is promising in terms of addressing personal relevance, flexibility, interactive options and amount of people that can be reached. However, little research on the contribution to behaviour change has been done. The MyFood program at Wageningen University aims a...
The gap between the awareness and understanding of healthful eating on the one hand and actual eating practices on the other has been addressed in several ways in the literature. In this paper, we consider it from an everyday life perspective. Using discourse analysis, we analyse how Dutch consumers account for their everyday food choices. We show...


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