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László Attila Horváth

László Attila Horváth

MS. (Geology)
Early retirement; occasional works, Running the Geo-Intuition YouTube channel...


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August 1988 - October 1995
MOL Rt (previously name: Országos Kőolaj- és Gázipari Tröszt (OKGT),
  • Geologist Supervisor
  • Supervised: the well completions at the Big Gas Storage of Hajdúszoboszló, Hungary: well repairing; exploration drillings, coring, prediction of high pressures zones, reporting evaluation of drilling projects...
September 1981 - June 1986
Babeș-Bolyai University
Field of study
  • Geology


Publications (30)
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In the time of formulation, the substantial nature of gravity, the real physical condition resulting from the presence of an electromagnetic field; the authors of this article used examples from their profession field which led them to formulate this present theory. This new theory of gravity gives very easy and simple reasonable answers several mi...
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ABSZTRAKT: ’Non omne quod nitet aurum est – Not all gold that glitters’. Similar thoughts get in the mind of those who try to understand the third part of plate tectonics’ theory, which describes the phenomenon of subduction. This short writing was born to show, no matter how solid the proof might seem for the theory of subduction, there are some...
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The aim of the present paper is to prove the existence of a graviton particle. The idea that the graviton particle exists was born randomly, intuitively, in the author of the current article, on 26 September 2021 [1]. At the beginning of this article – after the introduction – there is a brief explanation of why graviton has not been detected so fa...
Research Proposal
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This short paper presents a novel perspective on the author's electromagnetic gravity concept. In the autumn of 2024 (26 September-12 October), simple experiments were carried out by him that provide some support for this alternative theory, which allows for the existence of gravitational waves and gravitons. From this it was not difficult to concl...
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This part was intentionally copied from the article under translation by the author, because of the concept he did not believe in the "gravitational waves discovered by LIGO" from the first minute. He wrote two articles on the news of the discovery [1,2]. The summary will reveal another reason for this statement. In order to understand the nature o...
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The principle of uniformitarianism extended to physics.
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The essay 'Independent of our consciousness' in the book "AZ ESZME (THE IDEA)" was written with the intention to criticize such a concepts as Marxian dialectical materialism concerning to the Universe. According to these materialist and similar philosophical and scientific views, the Universe is a reality independent of our consciousness.
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The present essay [1] has been written with the intention of answering some important questions about the Universe, such as: does the Universe have a limit, a beginning and an end, and what kind of ideological system (religious, modern scientific, or idealizing nature) gives a good answer?
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The following short excerpt is from the back cover of the booklet "The Real Cause of Gravity demonstrated by Facts." It refers to the possibility of discovering the Higgs boson.
Research Proposal
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Last week, an experimental offer born in thought was described [1.] This addition will be read in the following. In this short presentation, an experiment will be briefly described that will probably easily prove that the electromagnetic-gravity theory described in the article[2] is consistent with reality.
Research Proposal
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Last week, an experimental offer born in thought was described [1.] This addition is described below.
Research Proposal
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Abstract. In this short presentation, an experiment will be briefly described that will probably easily prove that the electromagnetic-gravity theory described in the article X is consistent with reality [1].
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Absztrakt: A jelenlegi írás a graviton részecskének létezésének bizonyítását tűzte ki célul. Ezen partikula meglétének lehetősége véletlenszerűen, intuitív módon ötlött fel a jelenlegi cikk írójában 2021. szeptember 26-án [1.]. Az írás elején-a bevezetés után-rövid magyarázat található arra vonatkozóan, hogy miért nem sikerült eddig a gravitont kim...
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Graviton is a particle associated with the elementary field. Its main characteristics are: inextricably linked to the matter that created it; adhesive; vortex-like in shape; like a matter-deficient hole in electromagnetic matter, especially at its surface; plays a fundamental role in the emission and capture of light quanta. This means that its exi...
Raw Data
Horváth László-Attila c.) Gravitációs hullámok Ahhoz, hogy érthetővé váljék a gravitációs hullámok milyensége, először is érdemes elképzelni az apriori létkifejeződést egy ugyanolyan nagyobb dimenziójú önazonos entitás részeként, vagy ezen belül ugyanolyan, illetve más-de önmagához hasonló természetű és kiterjedésű-létmanifesztálódások társaságában...
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Contemplation about what is primary the being or consciousness.
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On February 4, 1975, an earthquake of magnitude M: 7.4 occurred in Hancheng City (China), which caused only few deaths due to its good prognosis. However, it should be mentioned here that a year from the date of the occurrence of this event in Tangsan, another M: 7.6 magnitude movement took place in another Chinese city, less than 400 km away. The...
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sszefoglalás (Absztrakt): Vjacheslav Nagorny ukrán kutató előrejelzései szerint Japánban óriási (M=8,85 erősségű) földrengés várható a Nankai-árokban (egészen pontosan Hamamatsu várostól délre (34.34° É, 137.55° K) ez év július 23-án 1. Az előrejelzés részletesen olvasható a kutató PREDICTION OF RARE EVENTS AND PHENOMENA című tanulmányában, amely a...
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According to the Ukrainian researcher, Vjacheslav Nagorny, an undersea megathrust earthquake off the coast of Japan (M = 8.85) is expected to occur in the region of Trough (near 34.34°N 137.55 °E), on July 23 12. The forecast can be read in detail in the treatise of the researcher with the next title: 'PREDICTION OF RARE EVENTS AND PHENOMENA' which...
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Non omne quod nitet aurum est-all that glitters is not gold.' Similar thoughts get in the mind of those who try to understand the third part of plate tectonics' theory, which describes the phenomenon of subduction. This short paper is to show, no matter how solid the proof might seem for the theory of subduction, there are some points along the lin...
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ABSTRAKT It is seen throughout modern history, that it's not always the best performance which earns the highest of prizes. Such cases would be the Nobel Peace Prize of 2009 or the Nobel Prize in Physics of 2017 inter alia.
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ABSZTRAKT A természetben létezik egy olyan valós jelenség, ami mindennap megfigyelhető. Ez az árapály, aminek a konkrét leírására csak a tizenhatodik század elejére születtek sikeresebb próbálkozások. Amíg az óceánok, tengerek vizeinek a partjaik mentén történő ciklikus emelkedését Kepler a Hold vonzásának tulajdonította [1], addig a szóban forgó j...
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In the next short essay shows one of paradox of Plate Tectonics, and Growing Earth Theory… Without of detailed explanation exists suggestion that the Expanding Earth Theory gives better results in understanding our Earth…
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The capital endeavour of this article to get to that fact through different, physical processes observed in the reality, what can be considered the efficient cause of the gravitation. The result received so test it through related other phenomena.


Questions (10)
