Lara AlletHES-SO Valais-Wallis | HES-SO · Health - Physiotherapy
Lara Allet
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April 2014 - present
September 2009 - present
September 2009 - present
Publications (158)
The experience of owning a body (body ownership, BO) and the perception of our body dimensions (metric body representation, mBR) depend on the integration of multisensory cues. As the human sensory system is subjected to a decline along the lifespan, encompassing all sensory modalities, we hypothesize that body perception may be different in older,...
Background: The side hop test (SHT) measures the number of jumps performed over 30 s. Although this measure has demonstrated its value in clinical practice, the temporal parameters of the SHT allow for a deeper analysis of the execution strategy. The aim of this study is to assess the reliability and construct validity of contact time parameters du...
Living in an adequate environment suited to one’s abilities and needs is an essential condition to function in daily life. However, no complete tool currently exists to provide a rapid overview of a person’s environment, both material (accommodation and auxiliary means) and social (entourage and available services). Our aim was to develo...
Neck pain is one of the leading causes of years lived with disability, and approximately half of people with neck pain experience recurrent episodes. Deficits in the sensorimotor system can persist even after pain relief, which may contribute to the chronic course of neck pain in some patients. Evaluation of sensorimotor capacities in pa...
Background: Long COVID-19 is frequently observed in people who have contracted SARS-COV-2. It is characterized by a set of symptoms that can persist for months after infection and represents a challenge for all health care professionals. Among them, physiotherapists play an essential role thanks to their extensive knowledge in the rehabilitation fi...
A ketogenic diet (KD) reduces daily carbohydrates (CHOs) ingestion by replacing most calories with fat. KD is of increasing interest among athletes because it may increase their maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), the principal performance limitation at high-altitudes (1500–3500 m). We examined the tolerance of a 4-week isocaloric KD (ICKD)...
This project aims to assess opinions, attitudes, knowledge, beliefs, practices and perceived barriers and facilitators of injury prevention (IP) strategies in Swiss basketball teams.
An online survey was sent to athletes, coaches and medical staff of the three best basketball leagues in Switzerland. The survey was subdivided in...
The conceptualization of the home as a care environment and maintaining a high standard of care requires different professionals to collaborate. This study will explore collaborative practice in home care, needs and expectations of the stakeholders involved, and identify their roles and tasks. Secondly, it will investigate possible strat...
Background : After a diet- or surgery induced weight loss almost 1/3 of lost weight consists of fat free mass (FFM) if carried out without additional therapy. Exercise training and a sufficient supply of protein, calcium and vitamin D is recommended to reduce the loss of FFM.
Objective : To investigate the effect of exercise training, protein, calc...
Background : After a diet- or surgery induced weight loss almost 1/3 of lost weight consists of fat free mass (FFM) if carried out without additional therapy. Exercise training and a sufficient supply of protein, calcium and vitamin D is recommended to reduce the loss of FFM.
Objective : To investigate the effect of exercise training, protein, calc...
Home adaptation can be a key contributor to successfully aging at home, allowing older adults to remain in a familiar environment while maintaining their quality of life and well-being despite progressing functional difficulties. Although several theoretical studies on home adaptations exist, the benefits of custom home adaptations rem...
Background: Respiratory insufficiency is the most common cause of mortality among patients with a neuromuscular disease.
Methods: We followed the PRISMA statement for systematic reviews. We explored the effects of high frequency wall compression and intrapulmonary percussive ventilation, compared to a control intervention, on the lung volume and ca...
Direct access to physiotherapy requires physiotherapists to recognize red flags and determine adequate management plans.
Investigate Swiss physiotherapists' ability to diagnose and triage patients in a simulated direct access setting and whether their characteristics were associated with correct diagnoses and decision-making...
Background: Ketogenic diet (KD) reduces carbohydrate (CHO) daily ingestion replacing majority of calories by fat. KD is of increasing interest among athletes for evidence about VO2max increment. This is the principal performance limitation in high altitude. We so examine the tolerance of a 4-week isocaloric ketogenic diet (ICKD) under simulated hyp...
Background : After a diet- or surgery induced weight loss almost 1/3 of lost weight consists of fat free mass (FFM) if carried out without additional therapy. Exercise training and a sufficient supply of protein, calcium and vitamin D is recommended to reduce the loss of FFM.
Objective : To investigate the effect of exercise training, protein, calc...
Early detection of fall risk is crucial for targeted fall prevention and rehabilitation. This systematic review facilitates decision-making concerning the optimal choice for a suitable fall risk assessment test for older persons in four different settings. This systematic review provides an overview of reliability and diagnost...
Bariatric surgery leads to loss of fat and fat-free mass (FFM). To preserve FFM it is recommended that weight loss interventions are accompanied by physical activity. However, it remains unknown if functional capacities spontaneously improve after a substantial weight loss. Study’s aim was to assess the effect of bariatric surgery on s...
A prominent feature of ankle sprains is their variable clinical course. The difficulty of providing a reliable early prognosis may be responsible for the substantial rate of poor outcomes after an ankle sprain. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prognostic value of objective clinical measures, pain, and functional scores for ankle spr...
Persons aged ≥ 65 years are currently the world’s fastest growing age group. An important complication of age is the increasing risk of falls. Falls have multifactorial etiology and modifiable risk factors open for interventions in prevention and rehabilitation, are of high interest. In this context, strong hip abductors seem to be impor...
Good balance is a pre-requisite for various activities of daily life and sports. Physiotherapists thus regularly assess and train patient’s balance capacities. In order to interpret the test results of unilateral balance tests, a comparison with normative data is common. In patients who had an injury or a surgery, the performance of the...
Background: Respiratory insufficiency is the most common cause of mortality among patients with a neuromuscular disease.
Methods: We explored the effects of high frequency wall compression and intrapulmonary percussive ventilation, compared with standard care or no treatment, on the lung volume and capacity, and quality of life in patients with neu...
In everyday life we constantly act and interact with objects and with others' people through our body. To properly perform actions, the representations of the dimension of body-parts (metric body representation, BR) and of the space surrounding the body (peripersonal space, PPS) need to be constantly updated. Previous evidence has shown that BR and...
There is an increasing prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) and diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) in older people in many countries across the world. Older adults with type 2 DM have a significantly higher incidence of falls compared with their counterparts without DM. This review synthesize published findings on sensorimotor, cognitive, balance...
Older adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) have high incidence of falls. The aim of this study was to compare sensorimotor functions, balance, mobility, fear of falling, and fall history in older people with DM (with and without neuropathy) and non-diabetic healthy controls.Methods
We enrolled 153 participants aged 50–70 years: 51 p...
Early detection of fall risk in persons older than 65 is of clinical relevance, but the diagnostic accuracy of currently used functional tests (eg short physical performance battery [SPPB] and timed up and go test [TUG]) to assess older persons’ fall risks remains moderate. Recent literature highlights the importance of strong...
To identify risk factors for falls in older people with diabetes mellitus (DM) and to develop a low-cost fall risk screening tool.
Older adults with DM (n = 103; age = 61.6 + 6.0 years) were recruited from diabetic clinics. Demographic, DM specific factors, lower limb strength and sensation, cognition, fear of falling, hand reaction t...
Diabetes mellitus (DM), aging and falls have been recognized as a growing and a challenging triad. Despite many tools to assess risk of falls, they may not be applicable for fall risk assessment in DM patients. The aim of the study was to develop a low- cost tool to predict the faller status of DM people.
People with DM (n=103...
Les chutes des personnes âgées constituent un problème de santé publique majeur. Environ 30% des plus de 65 ans tombent au moins une fois par année. En Suisse, le BPA rapporte des coûts annuels directs de plus de 1.5 milliard de franc.
Plus de deux tiers des chutes se produisent à domicile lors d’activités quotidiennes. Plusieurs facteurs explique...
Implementierung des GLA:D Programm in der Schweiz
Introduction: In order to motivate patients who have undergone bariatric surgery to take care of themselves and reconstruct their self-image, it proves essential to help them to focus on the body-subject (perceptual and affective sensory feelings). Aim: The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of dance therapy on the patient’s experience of t...
Venous leg ulcers are slow-healing wounds with a high recurrence rate of 70% and a 60% risk of becoming chronic. Signs and symptoms such as pain or exudate are not only a burden on those affected but also on the healthcare system and society in general. The estimated leg ulcer prevalence in the general population is 1%. Treatment costs...
Hip muscle weakness in older people seems to be an influencing factor of falls. Currently, it is unclear which muscles out of the hip muscle group play an important role in older people. A validating process in the measurement regarding muscle strength related to falls is necessary before answering that question.
Firstly, we a...
Background: Reduced hip muscle strength has been shown to be a major factor related to falls in older persons. However, comprehensive assessment of hip abduction strength in the clinical setting is challenging. The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility and intra-rater reliability of a quick and simple hip abductor strength test in a...
Objectives: To give obese patints the motivation to take care of themselves. To help them focus on self perception rather than on their figure and BMI. This study aimed to analyze the impact of dance therapy on the body as subject as experienced by the patient. Methodology: After randomization, 27 female patients undertook a dance therapy program f...
Diminished hip abductor strength decreases postural control which is a parameter that is associated with an increased risk of ankle sprains. In our study we evaluated the influence of hip abductor fatigue on sagittal plane ankle kinematics and shank muscle activity during a single-leg forward jump. Sagittal ankle plane kinematics are important in a...
Introduction/Background. Persons aged over 65 years have an increased risk of falling and falls often trigger serious consequences like independency loss and increased mortality. An early detection of persons at risk of falling and a well-targeted fall prevention is thus of great interest. Previous studies showed that hip abductor strength is the m...
Introduction/Background. The world’s population is ageing and most countries are experiencing growth in the number and proportion of older persons. Advancing age is often related to an increase in the number of falls and fall related injuries. Fall injuries in older persons engender loss of confidence and fear of falling, with deleterious effects o...
Persons aged over 65 years have an increased risk of falling and falls often trigger serious consequences like independency loss and increased mortality. An early detection of persons at risk of falling and a well-targeted fall prevention is thus of great interest. Previous studies showed that hip abductor strength is the mu...
Le nombre des personnes âgées (≥ 65 ans) augmente rapidement. Cela peut amener un nombre plus grand de chutes, souvent associées à une perte d’indépendance dans cette population spécifique. Chez les personnes âgées, la force musculaire faiblissante contribue à un risque accru de chuter et de subir les effets indésirables qui sont souv...
La faiblesse musculaire des membres inférieurs chez les personnes âgées est un facteur de risque de chute. Par conséquent, l’évaluation de la force des muscles et sa préservation au cours du vieillissement est d’une grande importance clinique. Elle contribue potentiellement au maintien de l’indépendance. Nous avons cherché à savoir, p...
SOFMER congress 2017.
Impaired muscle function at the hip has been implicated to be a major factor related to falls in older patients. Falls mostly occur in an upright position, therefore, the measurement of hip abductor strength in the often used side-lying or supine position is not functional. The aim was to investigate, for older per...
Assessment of ankle mobility is complex and of clinical relevance after an ankle sprain. This study develops and tests a biomechanical model to assess active ankle circumduction and its reliability. The model was then applied to compare individuals' ankle mobility between injured and non-injured ankles after a sprain episode. Twenty patients with s...
Ankle sprains are the most common sport related injuries. An alternative to physical therapy in the treatment of ankle sprains is home based exercise therapy.
This study aims to compare the effectiveness of Wii Fit™ exercise therapy in ankle sprain patients on temporal-spatial and kinematic gait parameters with a) conventional therapy and b) a cont...
In elderly individuals an increased muscle strength contributes to the diminution of the falls risk and associated adverse events. An increasing interest in lateral control exists due to the fatal consequences of postero-lateral falls. Therefore a proper assessment of frontal plane hip muscle strength in elderly is important but remains...
Ankle sprain is one of the most common sports-related injuries and can lead to recurrences and chronic ankle instability (CAI). In the acute phase, ankle sprain patients experience mostly pain, limited ankle mobility, and reduced ankle muscle strength. CAI patients have a history of their ankle “giving way” and/or “feeling unstable,” after at least...
Les personnes obèses ont une mauvaise image et une mauvaise estime d’elles-mêmes. La minceur constitue un pilier de la valeur qu’elles s’attribuent. C’est sur le corps objet, celui qu’elle voit, déconnecté de toutes sensations corporelles et affectives, que la personne obèse focalise ses distorsions cognitives. La danse thérapie offre...
Low educational level (EL) and low physical fitness are both predictors of increased morbidity and mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes. It is unknown if EL is related to physical fitness. This would have important implication for the treatment approach of patients of low EL.
Materials and methods:
In 2011/12, we invited part...
Minimal data set underlying the findings of your manuscript.
The aim of this work was to identify relationships between complex and simple clinical measures of reaction time (RTclin) and indicators of balance in older subjects with and without diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN).
Prospective cohort design. Complex RTclin accuracy, simple RTclin latency, and their ratio were determined...
Optimal neuromuscular control mechanisms are essential for preparing, maintaining and restoring functional joint stability during jump landing and to prevent ankle injuries. In sub-acute ankle sprain patients, neither muscle activity nor kinematics during jump landing has ever been assessed.
To compare neuromuscular contro...
Les relations entre l’obésité, les capacités fonctionnelles et la qualité de vie sont complexes et variées. Des capacités fonctionnelles amoindries ainsi qu’une faible estime de soi sont des facteurs qui peuvent mener à un mode de vie sédentaire, à une isolation sociale et à une mauvaise qualité de vie. Il est par conséquent important...
Une prévalence élevée des chutes et surtout des chutes multiples chez les personnes âgées augmente le risque de fracture, de perte d’autonomie et de placement en maison de repos [1, 2]. Les chutes latérales et postéro-latérales ont un potentiel de blessure de la hanche plus élevé que d’autres chutes [3]. La perte de force de la hanche...
Les blessures liées aux chutes entraînent une perte de confiance, une peur de tomber et une restriction des activités ainsi que des effets préjudiciables sur l’indépendance et la qualité de vie [1, 2]. Les tests actuellement utilisés pour évaluer le risque de chute (p. ex. batterie de tests de performances physiques, timed-up-and-go e...
Au vu de l’augmentation continue des frais de santé, les interventions des professionnels de la santé doivent être efficaces et optimisées. Cette étude avait pour objectif de synthétiser le rapport coût/efficacité actuel de la physiothérapie. Les objectifs spécifiques étaient d’analyser le rapport coût/efficacité de la physiothérapie e...
To assess the effect of dance therapy combined with patient education on quality of life, functional capacity (lower limb power and endurance) and physical activity level in obese individuals.
Thirty-three obese patients were randomised to a control group (structured patient education ambulatory program), and 34 to an interve...
Given the continually rising health-care costs, interventions of health-care providers should be cost-effective.
This review aimed to summarize current cost-effectiveness of physical therapy. Specific aims were a) to analyze cost-effectiveness of physical therapy only compared to usual care only, b) to analyze cost-effective...
In prior work laboratory-based measures of hip motor function and ankle proprioceptive precision were critical to maintaining unipedal stance and fall/fall-related injury risk. However, the optimal clinical evaluation techniques for predicting these measures are unknown.
To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of common clinic...
Lateral ankle sprains represent the most common sports-related injuries. The Nintendo Wii Fit™ could be useful in the treatment of ankle sprains. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of exercise training using the Wii Fit™ in ankle sprain patients: (a) with physical therapy; and (b) a control group not receiving any treatment. Nin...
The objective of this study was to determine which gait measures on smooth and uneven surfaces predict falls and fall-related injuries in older subjects with diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
Twenty-seven subjects (12 women) with a spectrum of peripheral nerve function ranging from normal to moderately severe diabetic peripheral neuropathy walked on...
We determined lower limb neuromuscular capacities associated with falls and fall-related injuries in older people with declining peripheral nerve function.
Thirty-two subjects (67.4 ± 13.4 years; 19 with type 2 diabetes), representing a spectrum of peripheral neurologic function, were evaluated with frontal plane proprioce...
To assess ankle function 4 weeks after conservative management and to examine the correlation of function with gait.
A prospective comparison study.
Thirty patients with grade I or II acute ankle sprains were followed up after 4 weeks of conservative management not involving physical therapy.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of unstable shoes in reducing low back pain in health professionals.
Of a volunteer sample of 144 participants, 40 with nonspecific chronic low back pain were eligible and enrolled in this study. Participants were randomized to an intervention group, who wore unstable sh...