Lamharchi El Hassane

Lamharchi El Hassane
University Ibn Zohr - Agadir · Biology


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Publications (9)
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Poster ; Amazouz Said) La culture du framboisier a connu un essor considérable au Maroc depuis les premiers essais entrepris en 2007 pour atteindre 3100 ha en 2020/2021. Les spécificités de la culture à savoir les exigences élevées en main d'oeuvre et les normes drastiques en matière de résidus de pesticides ont fait du Maroc une source d'approvisi...
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Communication orale ; Amazouz Said) Le poivron (Capsicum annum) est une plante annuelle de la famille des Solanacées dont le rendement peut atteindre 80 Tonnes / hectare sous-serre. Cette culture est soumise à des restrictions de plus en plus ardues en matière de résidus de pesticides. Pour cela, la lutte intégrée contre certains ravageurs clés inf...
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Background and Objective: The California Red Scale (CRS) is a serious pest of citrus in many parts of the world. Different control methods have been adopted, but their effectiveness remains limited. The objective was to isolate fungi from the CRS corpses and determine the efficacy of two isolated strains, Aspergilllus flavus and Fusarium oxysporum...
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Background and Objective: Ceratitis capitata is considered as one of the most economically destructive pest. Several alternatives have been used but efficacy remains limited. The objective consists in the search for other natural enemies such as parasitoids and evaluate parasitism rate of larval stages from infested fruits by Medfly collected in ar...
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The Californian Red Scale (CRS) Aonidiella aurantii is one of the dreadful pests of citrus fruits given the amount of damage caused. The use of organophosphorus insecticide (chlorpyrifos-ethyl) is a common practice in chemical control of severe pests. In order to reduce the use of this product, two other coccicides (spirotetramat, pyriproxifene) al...
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Background and Objective: The California red scale (CRS), is a serious pest of citrus in many parts of the world. Different control methods have been adopted, but their effectiveness remains limited. The objective was to isolate fungi from the CRS corpses, and determine the efficacy of two isolated strains, Aspergilllus flavus, Fusarium oxysporum a...
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Aonidiella aurantii is a cosmopolitan and polyphagous insect which is considered one of the most important pests of citrus. California red scale attacks all aerial parts of the citrus tree including twigs, leaves, branches, and fruit by sucking the sap on the plant tissue with their long, filamentous mouthparts. All Infested fruit may be downgraded...
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The citrus sector in Morocco occupies a very important place and plays a socio-economic role of first choice and it’s among the most important branches of the national economy. Citrus cultivation covers an area of about 117 000 ha (14/15). Despite the increase in the area of citrus following the Morocco green plan, the phytosanitary problem remains...


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