Lahcen Asebriy

Lahcen Asebriy
Mohammed V University | um5a · Department of Geology


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Publications (45)
Dinocyst distribution of the upper Campanian–lower Danian succession in the Tattofte section, western External Rif, northwestern, Morocco.
The Cap des Trois Fourches (Eastern Rif, northern Morocco) metamorphic basement exposes two major tectonic units, namely the Taidant unit underthrusting the overlying Tarjat tectonic unit. The Tarjat tectonic unit is composed of metamorphic rock originating from detrital material. This upper Tarjat tectonic unit exhibits: (1) orthogneiss bodies bei...
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The palynological analysis of the Eocene–Oligocene succession from the Tattofte section in the western External Rif (northwestern Morocco) reveals the presence of well-preserved and diverse assemblage, rich in dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts). Qualitative analyses, especially of the dinocysts, differentiate the individual stages of the deposits, wh...
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The palynological analysis of the Eocene–Oligocene succession from the Tattofte section in the western External Rif (northwestern Morocco) reveals the presence of well-preserved and diverse assemblage, rich in dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts). Qualitative analyses, especially of the dinocysts, differentiate the individual stages of the deposits, wh...
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Les recherches palynologiques menées dans les sédiments paléogènes de la coupe de Tattofte (Rif Externe occidental, Nord–Ouest du Maroc), ont révélé la présence d’une matière organique figurée bien conservée et riche en kystes de dinoflagellés (dinokystes). Les analyses qualitatives et quantitatives du contenu palynologique, surtout des kystes de d...
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Palynologicalinvestigations of Eocene sediments fromthe IbnBatouta section,locatedinthe external Tangier Unit (western External Rif, northwestern Morocco), revealed the presence of well-preserved figured organic matter, rich in dinoflagellate cysts. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of palynological content, mainly dinoflagellate cysts, allowed...
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Dans Ce travail, les sédiments d’âge Eocène de la coupe coupe Ibn Batouta, située dans l’Unité de Tanger Externe (Rif occidental, Nord du Maroc), font l'objet d’études lithostratigraphique et palynologique (systématique, palynostratigraphie et paléoenvironnement). 3085 palynomorphes dont 64 espèces de kystes de dinoflagellés, 7 espèces de spores et...
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Dans Ce travail, les sédiments d’âge Crétacé supérieur–Eocène des coupes de Sekada et Tahar, Rif externe occidental (Nord-Ouest du Maroc) et du sondage de Fresco 2 (Sud-Ouest de Côte d'Ivoire), font ici l'objet d’études lithostratigraphique, palynologique (systématique, palynostratigraphie, paléoenvironnement, paléogégraphie) et géochimiques. 20105...
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An interdisciplinary archaeometric study concerning the Amtoudi Agadir, declared World Cultural Heritage (northern border of the Sahara Desert, southern Morocco), was performed consisting in lithostratigraphic reconstruction of the bedrock, diagnosis of constitutivematerials (stones, mortars, and wooden elements), and analyses of constructive techn...
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Our detailed palynological study of the Upper Cretaceous–Lower Eocene marly succession from the Sekada and Tahar sections in southern Arba Ayacha, westernmost External Rif Chain (northwestern Morocco), has provided precise age determinations based on dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy. Dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts), which are the dominant palyn...
A hydrological-economic model is introduced to describe the dynamics of groundwater-dependent economics (agriculture and tourism) for sustainable use in sparse-data drylands. The Amtoudi Oasis, a remote area in southern Morocco, in the northern Sahara attractive for tourism and with evidence of groundwater degradation, was chosen to show the model...
The structure of the Temsamane fold-and-thrust stack corresponds to four units limited by anastomosing ductile shear zones cutting a trend of south verging recumbent folds. This ductile stack was formed in an inclined left-handed transpressional zone at the North African palaeomargin during Chattian to Langhian times producing two main deformationa...
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Medieval fortified granaries known as “agadirs” are very common in southern Morocco, being catalogued as world cultural heritage by United Nations. These Berber buildings (made of stones and tree trunks) usually located on rocky promontories, constitute historical testimonials related to the origin of Morocco, and, as tourist attractions, have a po...
This work studies the influence of active tectonics in the drainage networks and topography of the eastern Rif belt, eastern Middle Atlas, and Rekkame high plateau. We have performed a trend-topographic surface analysis at small to medium scales, several landscape analyses at medium scale, and the slope analysis of the relief. Furthermore, we have...
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Palynological investigation of the Upper Cretaceous–lower Paleocene succession from the Tahar section near Arba Ayacha in northwestern Morocco (westernmost External Rif Chain) reveals the presence of rich, diverse and well-preserved dinoflagellate cyst assemblages. For the first time in the study region, biostratigraphic interpretations based on th...
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The distribution pattern of diagenetic conditions to very low-grade metamorphism in the eastern Rif has been determined based on a study of clay-mineral assemblages and illite crystallinity of Mesozoic metapelites. Lowgrade conditions were reached in marbles and also in the Beni-Malek serpentinites, as suggested by the mineral assemblages present i...
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The Beni Bousera peridotite massif and its metamorphic surrounding rocks have been analyzed by the fission track (FT) method. The aim was to determine the cooling and uplift history of these mantle and associated crustal rocks after the last major metamorphic event that dates back to the Lower Miocene–Upper Oligocene time (∼22–24 Ma). The zircon FT...
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L’ouvrage «Rabat : géodiversité et patrimoine socioculturel», apparaît à point nommé au moment où le Comité du patrimoine mondial, réuni à Saint-Pétersbourg (Russie), a décidé à l'unanimité, le vendredi 29/06/2012, d'inscrire le site "Rabat, capitale moderne et ville historique: un patrimoine en partage" sur la liste du Patrimoine mondial, parrainé...
Terra Nova, 24, 505–512, 2012 The subducted North Maghrebian passive margin was exhumed in the Tortonian (11–7 Ma) by an upper-crustal brittle-ductile extensional detachment and brittle low-angle normal faults in a continental subduction transform setting. The Temsamane detachment in the eastern Rif is defined by a ductile shear zone approximately...
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The subducted North Maghrebian passive margin was exhumed by an upper crustal brittle-ductile extensional detachment and brittle low-angle normal faults in a continental subduction transform setting. The Temsamane detachment in the eastern Rif is defined by a ductile shear zone approximately 100 m thick with a low-angle ramp geometry that cuts down...
This work represents an initial attempt to link the evolution of the topography in relation to the general tectonic framework of western Morocco. For this purpose, in a section of the Western Moroccan Meseta different tools are combined in order to attain the general objective. Apatite fission-track (AFT) data of granitic rocks of the Rabat–Khenifr...
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In this work we have determine the characteristic of low grade metamorphism in metapelites from Temsamane and Ketama Units from the eastern Rif and the mineralogical assemblages of serpentinites of peridotites from Beni-Malek. The Tánger-Ketama unit has an estratigraphic sequence from the Lower Jurassic to the Cenozoic and it is composed by metapel...
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The Kasbahs of Chellah and Oudayas (world cultural heritage) are the most important archaeological Roman and Islamic sites of the imperial city Rabat (Morocco). Submitted to natural hazards and environmental aggressions, these monuments have undergone marked degradation, visible on all sides. An interdisciplinary analysis involving different geolo...
The Kasbahs of Chellah and Oudayas (world cultural heritage) are the most important archaeological Roman and Islamic sites of the imperial city Rabat (Morocco). Submitted to natural hazards and environmental aggressions, these monuments have undergone marked degradation, visible on all sides. An interdisciplinary analysis involving different geolog...
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Resumen: La semiventana de Beni-Malek permite proponer que el autóctono relativo de la Unidad metamórfica de Tánger-Ketama son las unidades de Temsamane. En el cabalgamiento principal se encuentran las peridotitas de Beni-Malek, un cuerpo de peridotitas serpentinizadas que se dispone sobre unos 5 a 10 metros de mármoles miloníticos con una lineació...
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Resumen: Se han determinado las edades de huellas de fisión y las longitudes de huellas confinadas en apatitos procedentes de granitoides de la Meseta Oeste Marroquí con el objeto de reconstruir su historia termal desde el momento de su emplazamiento hasta la actualidad. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el bloque completo ha seguido una histor...
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In the Eastern External Rif, the lithostratigraphic and structural analysis of the Temsamane massif, allowed us to define a complete lithological sequence from Palaeozoic to Albian. The Palaeozoic metamorphic rocks are overlain by Triassic volcanic rocks, calcitic and dolomitic marbles of Jurassic age, calc-schists and marble levels of Neocomian ti...
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Résumé. L'association de la stratigraphie séquentielle à l'étude structurale et aux datations numériques a permis de préciser et de retracer l'évolution géodynamique du bassin néogène de Boudinar. Cette étude multidisciplinaire montre que ce bassin est constitué d'une succession de cortèges sédimentaires très influencés par les variations eustatiqu...
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L’activité sismique dans le Nord du Maroc est due en grande partie à une intense activité tectonique Plio-Quaternaire et Actuel engendrée par le rapprochement des deux plaques lithosphériques Afrique-Eurasie dont la vitesse de rapprochement est de l'ordre de 0.5 cm/an au niveau du détroit de Gibraltar. La direction générale de convergence est NNW-S...
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Using fission track thermological technics on apatite and zircon, this work addresses the problems of exhumation and denudation of the external Rif and the flysch zone.. Two thermal events at 130 and 80 Ma exist in the Ketama Unit ( External Rif). Together with X-rays diffractometry, these data document that the thermal events originated from low g...
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L'exploitation des données récentes de la sismologie, de la géologie et de la néotectonique a permis d'élaborer une carte sismotectonique pour le Rif et son avant-pays. La confrontation des données sismologiques et néotectoniques montre une centaine corrélation entre l'activité sismique et les failles actives. Les solutions des mécanismes au foyer...
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The cartographic description, based on new observations, shows that the Nekor major fault exhibits several segments which had an independent evolution in space and time. The stratigraphic, structural and tectonometamorphic correlations recently made in the central and eastern Rif show a perfect correspondence between the two Subrif blocks, separate...
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La description cartographique, basée sur de nouvelles observations, montre que la faille majeure du Nékor est formée de plusieurs tronçons qui évoluent indépendamment dans le temps et dans l'espace. Les corrélations stratigraphiques, structurales et tectonométamorphiques effectuées récemment dans le Rif central et oriental, montrent une homologie p...
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Liassic limestone outcrops of the Tifelouest and the Tafraout massives was explained according to two different ways: 1. cores of recumbent folds settled at the front of the Ketama nappe; 2. mega-olistoliths reworked into a Tortonian matrix. In the studied area we show that: 1. a major Messinian fault network consisting of conjugate dextral and sen...
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In the central Rif the Cretaceous series of the Ketama unit shows two cleavages and anchi to epizonal metamorphism in relation to the development of a schistosity S1. Both its Jurassic basement and the late Oligocene lying uncomformably on the Upper Jurassic are not metamorphic. This anomaly in the distribution of metamorphism is related to a diffe...
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The occurence of resedimented gypsiferous polygenic breccias in Senonian marls of the central Rif (Morocco) leads us to refute current paleogeographic and structural subdivisions of the Rifian Range. We propose to regroup zones such as the internal and external Mesorif and Ketama-Tangier unit into a single zone named Subrif. From a tectonic point o...
Conference Paper
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La région du détroit de Gibraltar est surtout influencée par les séismes du domaine atlantique, bético-rifain, et de la mer d'Alboran. Elle traduit le lent rapprochement des plaques Afrique-Eurasie. L'évaluation du risque sismique porte sur une période de 80 ans égale à la période d'observation (1901-1980). L'analyse comparative des modèles probabi...


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