Ladislav BuritaUniversity of Defence · Communication and Information Systems
Ladislav Burita
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January 2014 - present
Publications (49)
Článek shrnuje výsledky výzkumu phishingových hrozeb a útoků za víceleté období. Získané phishingové e-maily podléhají statistické, frekvenční a obsahové analýze; zprávy jsou rozděleny podle obsahu do pěti segmentů: Obchodní, Fond, Charita, Převod a Ostatní. Je popsán experiment s komunikací s phishingovými útočníky; jsou k tomu nastavena nezbytná...
The published study is a part of the long-term research of emails with phishing attacks against the article's author. In the previous three years, 3 experiments were carried out to analyze phishing emails. The result is their detailed classification. The subsequent experiment was focused on defense against phishing attacks using the rules of the MS...
This research aims to describe and analyze phishing emails. The problem of phishing, types of message content of phishing emails, and the basic techniques of phishing email attacks are explained by way of introduction. The study also includes a review of the relevant literature on Web of Science and analyzes articles that deal with the threat of ph...
The article, written in a form of a case study, deals with teaching informatics in bachelor study programs at faculties oriented to business of the Hungarian public universities. Its main target is to map teaching of informatics, to analyze and summarize it. Informatics teaching has been dealt by the authors for a long time in articles at the confe...
The paper summarizes the experience of teaching Computer Science for Economists (CSE) course at the Faculty of Management and Economics (FaME) at Tomas Bata University (TBU) in Zlín. The paper presents approaches aimed at developing the effectiveness in increasing students’ knowledge and analyses just one aspect of the research – the importance of...
The paper describes the Knowledge Management System (KMS) about military universities (MilUNI), mostly in the NATO environment, but it also includes all European countries. The goal of the MilUNI is to support the cooperation among universities in education, research, and the staff and students exchange. The KMS is based on the Topic Maps theory us...
The paper describes the creation of the Knowledge Management System (KMS) based on Lessons Learned documents that were prepared at the Institute of Doctrine of the Military Academy. The objective of the KMS is to provide an access to the available information for the preparation of troops for foreign missions in a user-friendly way. The paper prese...
The paper describes the creation of a knowledge system about knowledge management on the basis of the Topic Maps theory, using the Ontopia open source software. Special attention is given to the ontology design and application processing to use the knowledge base. Applied components will be specified, as well as the architecture of the knowledge sy...
Knowledge-based approach and knowledge-based systems were the object of research in MENTAL project in 2008-2011. Team, in addition to meeting the project objectives, focused on the broader context and further application of the knowledge system (KS), which is presented in the article. KS is listed in Data mining, KS support for Linux distributions...
The article is based on the defense research project entitled 'Network Enabled Capability (NEC) Knowledge Management System in the Army of the Czech Republic (ACR) - MENTAL', the first research project dealing with Knowledge Management at the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic. The Knowledge Management System (KMS) is based on Topic Maps. Th...
The article is based on the defense research project "Knowledge Management of the NEC in the Army of the Czech Republic - MENTAL". The theoretical basis of the project is Topic Maps. The key issue for the project solution is designing and creating a suitable ontology. The implementation environment is technology Tovek Tools and ATOM2. The paper des...
The paper summarizes the experience of teaching Computer Science at the Faculty of Management and Economics (FaME) at Tomas Bata University (TBU) in Zlín. It describes methodology and technology support of using ICT in teaching full-time and part-time students. The experience of the introduction of new approaches and methods into teaching with the...
The article is based on the research project "Network Enabled Capability Knowledge Management of the Army Czech Republic", which the first project is dealing with the Knowledge Management at the Czech military. The theoretical basis of the project is Topic Maps. The key issue for the project solution is designing and creating a suitable ontology. T...
The need for professionals who are able to work with knowledge in companies and organizations leads to the reflection on the sources and content of preparation. The starting point is the experience gained in solving the military research project MENTAL. The article describes the problems of preparation of knowledge engineers and steps to create a k...
The article is based on the defence research project “Network Enabled Capability (NEC) Knowledge Management of the Army of the Czech Republic (ACR) – MENTAL”, which the first research project is dealing with the Knowledge Management at the Ministry of Defence Czech Republic. The theoretical basis of the Knowledge Management System is Topic Maps. Th...
The article is based on the doctoral thesis – Knowledge management in military area and the defence research project – Knowledge management of the NEC in the Army of the Czech Republic – MENTAL. These works cover theoretical part of knowledge management area and the research which is focused on modelling and development concept of knowledge-based s...
The paper deals with the latest experience that was presented at the NATO Network Enabled Capability (NEC) community. NEC is a phenomenon that is being discussed and implemented in all NATO Armed Forces and in some non-NATO Nations as well. The theme is divided into the following parts: NATO NEC Principles and Information (CZE). He is Czech panel m...
The need for training professionals who will be able to work with knowledge in companies and organizations and will be able to innovate their processes, leads to the reflection on the sources and content of instruction. The starting point is the experience gained in solving the MENTAL research project. The article describes the methodology used, pr...
The article is based on the defence research project “Network Enabled Capability (NEC) Knowledge Management of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic (ACR) – MENTAL”, which is the first research project dealing with the theme of Knowledge Management of the Ministry of Defence (MoD). The solution includes an analysis of knowledge in computer science...
The paper deals with concept and importance of NATO Command and Control Information Systems (C2IS) interoperability. There are shown ways of achieving C2IS interoperability in NATO; bodies, documents and interoperability stages. NATO Architecture Framework with the support of NATO Network Enabled Capability concept, data management strategy. The co...
The Multilateral Interoperability Programme (MIP) is a voluntary and independent activity in NATO environment by the participating nations and organiza-tions. The MIP concept is based on data exchange in form of common exchange data model to achieve the interna-tional interoperability in command and control information systems (C2IS) of the tactica...
The article presents results of an international project in the semantic approach to the information system development in security area. The aim of the project is the verification of semantic possibilities based on commercial software. The thesauri design and verification using document base and analytical SW is described, as well as UML applied t...
The article presents an example of information interoperability solution in a security field. NEC, transformation concept based on wide ICT utilisation, forms a framework for such endeavour. Results of information modelling developed in MIP group, including IEDM and development method, are introduced. It looks however, that IEDM reached its limits....
The paper deals with the University of Defence, its objectives and place within the educational system of the Czech Republic. The Department of Automated Command Systems and Informatics as well as its task in formation of the students' computer skills are mentioned. Applied approaches and the earliest tasks for the general informatics basis are int...
The paper consists of three parts. The first part characterizes the Command and Control (C2) system of the Army of the Czech Republic (ACR) that was developed by the Czech contractor DELINFO. The second part describes the simulation technology and simulation systems (SIM), used in the ACR. The most important is the tactical simulator ModSAF in simu...
1. vyd. "Zpracoval kolektiv pracovníků z katedry komunikačních a informačních systémů Fakulty vojenských technologií Univerzity obrany"--Tiráž
Vyd. 1. Nad názvem: Univerzita obrany, katedra komunikačních a informačních systémů 30 výt.
Vyd. 2., upr. Nad názvem: Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, Fakulta managementu a ekonomiky 200 výt.