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Kuan‐Hui Elaine Lin currently works as assistant professor at Graduate Institute of Environmental Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan and works as research scientist at George Perkins Marsh Institute, Clark University. Before joining NTNU She worked at the Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 2014-2019. Kuan‐Hui does research in integrated methodology and Geoinformatics (GIS), Historical climatology, Disaster risk studies, and Environmental policy. Her current projects include 'A Database for Anthropocene', and 'Reconstructing East Asian Climate Historical Encoded Series (REACHES) Database'.
Publications (40)
Suburban areas have experienced disproportionately more fatalities during major earthquakes. Place-based models attribute this spatial disparity to hazard, exposure, and social-vulnerability factors. However, the impact of migration on seismic fatality remains underexplored, primarily due to the challenges of accessing mobility data. In this study,...
We present a novel approach for reconstructing annual temperatures in East Asia from 1368 to 1911, leveraging the Reconstructed East Asian Climate Historical Encoded Series (REACHES). The lack of instrumental data during this period poses significant challenges to understanding past climate conditions. REACHES digitizes historical documents from th...
This study reports the methodology for reconstructing anomalous temperature index series of China in 1368–1911 based on the REACHES database which digitizes the Chinese records quoted in the Compendium of Meteorological Records of China in the Last 3000 Years. The reconstruction adopts an ordinal scale index approach ranging from −2 (very cold) to...
The Okmok volcanic eruption in Alaska has recently been discovered and is precisely dated to have occurred in 43 BCE. Some Chinese climate records of 43–33 BCE have been found in historical documents that provide descriptions of observed environmental abnormities that appear to be consistent with the anticipated changes due to volcanic climate forc...
Suburban areas have disproportionately experienced higher fatalities during major earthquakes. Place-based models attribute this spatial disparity to hazard, exposure, and social vulnerability factors. However, the impact of migration on seismic fatality remains underexplored, primarily due to the challenges in accessing mobility data. In this stud...
A massive eruption of Okmok volcano in Alaska has been recently discovered and precisely dated to have occurred in 43 BCE. Some Chinese climate records of 43–33 BCE in historical documents have been found that provide descriptions of observed environmental abnormities that appear to be consistent with the anticipated changes due to volcanic climate...
Documentary climate data describe evidence of past climate arising from predominantly written historical documents such as diaries, chronicles, newspapers, or logbooks. Over the past decades, historians and climatologists have generated numerous document-based time series of local and regional climates. However, a global dataset of documentary clim...
Narrative evidence contained within historical documents and inscriptions provides an important record of climate variability for periods prior to the onset of systematic meteorological data collection. A common approach used by historical climatologists to convert such qualitative information into continuous quantitative proxy data is through the...
In December 2012, Brgy. Andap, New Bataan in Compostela Valley suffered catastrophic damages due to Typhoon Bopha. Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) activities were conducted in Brgy Andap six months after the calamity to elicit the community's local ecological knowledge on the land use and livelihood changes; their impacts on environmental degra...
Evidence contained within historical documents and inscriptions provides an important record of climate variability for periods prior to the onset of systematic meteorological data collection. A common approach used by historical climatologists to convert such qualitative documentary evidence into continuous quantitative proxy data is through the g...
This study presents a new epistemological analysis of drought chronology through a well-defined methodology for reconstructing past drought series, as well as series of other associated ecological and societal impact variables. Instead of building a grading system based on mixed criteria, this method facilitates transparency in the reconstruction p...
This project compiled 463,530 instrumental observations of daily temperature, precipitation and sunshine at up to 319 stations in China between 1912 and 1951. The principal sources are monthly reports of the Institute of Meteorology, Nanjing, observatories in Japanese‐occupied Manchuria, and the Japanese Army in North China. Gross errors, rounding...
In contrast to the momentous literature on risk communication before and during disasters, studies addressing the significance of communication in post disaster recovery and reconstruction phase are limited. This paper aims to fill this gap by paying special attention to the cross-scale interactions and communications in the phase that has a potent...
This study presents a new epistemology to analyze drought chronology through a clear-cut methodology for reconstructing past drought series as well as series for other associated ecological and societal variables. Instead of building grading system based on mixed criteria, this method can facilitate transparency in the reconstruction process and ca...
This paper describes the methodology of an ongoing project of constructing an East Asian climate database REACHES based on Chinese historical documents. The record source is Compendium of Meteorological Records of China in the Last 3000 Years which collects meteorology and climate related records from mainly official and local chronicles along with...
Weather‐ and climate‐related hazards are responsible for monetary losses, material damages, and societal consequences. Quantifying related risks is, therefore, an important societal task, particularly in view of future climate change. For this task, climate risk assessment increasingly uses model chains, which mainly build on data from the last few...
The agricultural impacts of tropical cyclones remain the primary threat to livelihoods in Southeast Asia and Latin America. The impacts take two forms, one is windthrow, i.e . uprooted or snapped trees, caused by strong wind, and the other is hydrogeological effects from heavy precipitation. The empirical effects are different for the two forms. Ho...
The theoretical relationships between resilience and vulnerability have long been debated, but limited research has been done to test their relationships from an empirical perspective. This study presents an important case to demonstrate the empirical verification of the relationships. After reviewing relevant theories, we propose revisions of two...
Communication is fundamental to the transfer of information between individuals, agencies and organizations, and therefore, it is crucial to planning and decision-making particularly in cases of uncertainty and risk. This paper brings forth some critical aspects of communication that need to be acknowledged and considered while managing risks. Most...
在聯合國國際減災辦公室及政府間氣候變遷小組的風險分析架構上,本研究將地震風險視為地震危害度 (hazard)、人口與建物暴露性 (exposure) 與脆弱性(vulnerability) 三項風險 (risk) 因素的總體函數。我們以集集地震為分析案例,整合危害度、暴露性與脆弱性三類因素對房屋倒塌與人員死亡進行兩步驟的因果分析,以Poisson迴歸模型進行估計。結果顯示,地震危害度、人口與建物暴露性與社會經濟脆弱性對集合式住宅倒塌棟數與全倒戶數皆有影響,即使在控制集合式住宅倒塌棟數與房屋全倒戶數之後,前述三項風險因素對地震死亡人數仍具統計顯著效應。其中地震的災害變量與人口建物暴露變量的效果最顯著,震動強度、斷層經過與集合式住宅倒塌三者加上其交互作用,是造成集集地震死亡的首要因素。相較之下社...
Loss and damage from floods and landslides are escalating in the Philippines due to increasing frequency and intensity of typhoons. This paper investigates the types and scale of loss and damage in two municipalities that were affected by typhoon-induced floods and landslides in 2004 and 2012. It assesses peoples preferences on adaptation measures...
The paper assesses the loss and damage from flash floods/landslide, the level of adaptive capacity, and the livelihood vulnerabilities of different groups of communities due to typhoon Bopha, which affected many communities in the province of Compostela Valley in December 2012. Huge rocks and timbers/logs buried many community settlements, business...
從化石燃料走向再生(乾淨)能源; 從咖啡色經濟走向綠色經濟; 從如常模型(business-as-usual, BAU)走向低碳經濟與彈性社會。在2015年底的COP21巴黎會議後,很有可能不再只是國際政治談判的願景,而是一個具有法定約束力的國際減排規範,以達成全球均溫增加不高於 2°C的轉型目標。然而更艱辛的問題是,該如何在全球各行動體不同的利益與不同的行動尺度上進行轉型?
While disaster studies researchers usually view risk as a function of
hazard, exposure, and vulnerability, few studies have systematically
examined the relationships among the various physical and socioeconomic
determinants underlying disasters, and fewer have done so through seismic
risk analysis. In the context of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in T...
The theoretical importance of understanding how livelihoods shape local vulnerability to the effects of climate change has received broad attention, but with relatively few attempts to produce and implement an analytical framework based on the theory. This study develops a livelihood vulnerability analytical framework, and applies it to the case of...
While disaster studies researchers usually view risk as a function of hazard, exposure, and vulnerability, few studies have systematically examined the relationships among the various physical and socioeconomic determinants underlying disasters, and fewer have done so through seismic risk analysis. In the context of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in T...
Since the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Group II expanded the term climate change in its 2001 report as " Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability " , vulnerability has become a theme in the fields of hazard risk, disaster management, sustainability science and, of course, climate change. Vulnerability is a broad concept with wide...
The project investigated the effects of the cross-scale communication and interaction on the policy making and its reciprocal impacts on individual risk interpretation and decisions taken for risk reduction. The foci were on the communication and interaction across scales, with specific goals to review the following: 1) legislative, institutional,...
The paper reports on the World Social Science (WSS) Fellows seminar on Risk Interpretation and Action RIA), undertaken in New Zealand in December, 2013. This seminar was coordinated by the WSS Fellows program of the International Social Science Council (ISSC), the RIA working group of the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) program, the IRD...
This paper assessed the impacts, losses and damages from typhoon-induced landslides, the livelihood vulnerabilities and the level of adaptive capacity of different groups of communities in the province of Compostela Valley, Davao del Norte in the Mindanao region of the Philippines. The worst incident of flooding and landslide in the area was caused...
Four successive typhoons (Unding, Violeta, Winnie and Yoyong) hit Infanta, Quezon in December 2004 inducing landslides in the upland areas and inundating the lowland and coastal areas where flashfloods carrying logs, rocks and thick mud covered community settlements and agricultural farm. Farms in the lowland areas were buried in mud and rocks prev...
The paper reports onfive early career researchers from around the world were selected to review the RIA framework under the theme of 'decision-making under conditions of uncertainty', and develop novel theoretical approaches to respond to and improve this framework. Six working groups emerged during the seminar: 1. the assessment of water-related r...
This study deals with two fundamental themes in vulnerability framework: livelihoods and hazards. It designs three-layered research domains that constitute a full and holistic understanding of the local vulnerability to typhoon related hazards. Two stages of vulnerability assessment are considered and built accordingly: vulnerability scoping diagra...
This study discusses the relationship between poverty and vulnerability. It investigates how vulnerability can be integrated into the livelihood framework for poverty alleviation and vulnerability mitigation, as well as the development of adaptive livelihood mechanisms to combat increased risk from natural disasters. Vulnerability is conventionally...
This case study aims to draw lessons for vulnerability reduction efforts by examining events following a devastating earthquake that hit Chi-Chi Township in central Taiwan on September 21, 1999. Scoring 7.3 on the Richter scale, the Chi-Chi Earthquake caused the deaths of more than 2,400 people, injuring 11,000. Afterwards, integrative work on vuln...
Development-environment correlated problems in developing countries are incredibly complicated concerning their developing process. Based on the knowledge of coupled human-environment system framework for vulnerability analysis, this study tries to build a mode of political ecology criticism for discussing the relationship between vulnerability and...
Gradually as disasters are viewed embedded in the dynamic social and economic process in relation to the historical roots of development and environment paradox, the term made more common lexicons connecting with ideas of underdevelopment and powerlessness, and has given more attention to the political, economic, and social process that generate in...