Krzysztof Stachowiak

Krzysztof Stachowiak
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań | UAM · Faculty of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management



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Krzysztof Stachowiak currently works at the Faculty of Human Geography and Planning, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland. Krzysztof does research in Economic Geography. Their current project is 'Mechanisms of the operation and development of the creative economy.'


Publications (38)
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India has long been known for its film industry and remains by far the largest film producer in the world, surpassing other film-producing superpowers like the US and China. A major factor in India’s dominance in the global media landscape is the outsourcing of film production, especially within Europe. Although there are studies trying to explain...
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The book offers an interdisciplinary overview of the film and place relationship from an intercultural perspective. It explores the complex domain of place and space in cinema and the film industry's role in establishing cultural connections and economic cooperation between India and Europe. With contributions from leading international scholars,...
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Artykuł ma na celu określenie skali wykorzystania europejskich lokalizacji w popularnym kinie indyjskim oraz wyjaśnienie czynników, które wpłynęły na zainteresowanie Europą przez twórców filmowych z Indii. W pierwszej części przeprowadzono analizę liczby produkcji z tego kraju w Europie, ich rozłożenie przestrzenne (według krajów i regionów) oraz j...
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Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja głównych cech i specyfiki materialnego kapitału kulturowego miast wielkopolskich, którego trzon stanowi zasób zabytków nieruchomych. W pierwszej części przedstawiono krótko koncepcję kapitału kulturowego i wyjaśniono specyfikę zabytków jako kapitału, koncentrując się na wartościach przydawanych zabytkom. Dało to po...
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The research on a creative economy has been gaining momentum globally in the recent years, but the associated concepts such as the cultural economy, the creative class, creative cities and so on, have typically been urban or national in orientation. There is evidence showing that many important developments in creative industries take place now in...
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Książka jest poświęcona gospodarce kreatywnej, interpretowanej jako wykorzystanie kultury i jej zasobów w rozwoju gospodarczym. W niniejszym opracowaniu sformułowano koncepcję gospodarki kreatywnej i przedstawiono główne mechanizmy jej funkcjonowania. Szczególna uwaga została poświęcona przestrzennemu wymiarowi tej gospodarki, który uzupełnia i roz...
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In the last 10 years, there has been a shift from a focus on the direct economic contribution of the creative industries to their innovation capacities and indirect economic contribution. Two main strands of literature have tried to capture this. The first strand looks at innovation characteristics and processes in the arts and the creative industr...
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The aim of this chapter is to explore how cultural and creative industries (CCIs) can contribute to an economic development of cities and city regions with a focus on the role of different types of specialisation in this process. The role of specialisation is confronted here with that of diversification, which – in turn – contributes to a long-last...
The paper presents the role that cultural intermediaries play in creative economy. Cultural intermediaries are a specific and very important category of subjects in the creative economy. They play a key role especially in the dissemination of creative goods. They also serve as intermediaries between creators and producers. However, they are not onl...
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The paper aims to analyse film clusters as a spatial form of the organisation of audiovisual production. Audiovisual industries, including film production, shows a distinct tendency to spa-tial concentration and forming clusters. Film clusters are specialised assemblies in which audio-visual material is produced, i.e. films, TV programmes, serials,...
This chapter aims to look at the emergence of knowledge-creating activities in the post-socialist city of Poznań, Poland, where profound changes have occurred over the last 25 years. The post-1989 transition to a market-oriented economy, along with the growing importance of knowledge activities, has induced the re-creation, or in some cases the cre...
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The aim of this article was to examine the relations of physical and human geography with selected disciplines of natural and exact sciences as well as social sciences. The results shows that: (1) the position of geography among other disciplines is relatively high, however the relative position of human geography in social sciences is higher than...
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absTracT: The paper analyses spatial and locational aspects of cultural and creative industries (CCI) taking into consideration the internal heterogeneity of this group of activities. Emphasis is put on similarities and differences in those aspects found for the sector as a whole and for its individual branches. On the basis of the proposed criteri...
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W artykule dokonano identyfikacji i charakterystyki głównych problemów metodologicznych badania sektora kreatywnego. W pierwszej części uwagę poświęcono zagadnieniom semiotycznym związanym z podstawowymi pojęciami, zwłaszcza z ich definiowaniem, klasyfikacją i tłumaczeniem. W drugiej części artykułu przedstawiono wyniki empirycznego badania zbioru...
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Over the past two decades the cities in Central and Eastern Europe have witnessed a wide-ranging transformation in many aspects. The introduction of a market-oriented economy after half a century of socialism has brought about deep social, economic, cultural and political changes. The first stage of the changes, the 1990s, involved the patching up...
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Universities are key resources in the cultural and business development of creative knowledge cities. They are generally highly integrated in the city and its economy, and play a crucial role in attracting and retaining talent. Strong ties between universities and cities seem to be essential conditions for further development. Policies may be devel...
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The role of so-called creative sector in contemporary urban and regional transformations has been steadily growing. Debate on the creative sector has largely focused on metropolitan regions. Our paper raises questions: (i) Is the creative sector a real newly emerging chance for local development? (ii) What are the conditions for starting or stimula...
The paper presents in a broad outline the main characteristics of the evolution of the Finnish high-tech industry and ICT sector within the context of general changes in industry and the national economy. In the last decades of the 20th century Finland dynamically developed a knowledge-based economy and became one of the leaders of the information...
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The aim of the article is to characterise an institutional approach in economic geography and its role in regional studies. An overview is given of the research problems and theoretical conceptions of this stream with its emphasis on the role of broadly understood institutions in regional development. Institutional analysis in economic geography re...


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