Krzysztof Janc

Krzysztof Janc
University of Wrocław | WROC ·  Instytut Geografii i Rozwoju Regionalnego


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Publications (73)
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The work described here has sought to define the role of the Internet in knowledge acquisition among Polish farmers, as well as the diversity characterising their professional activity conducted online. Relevant discussion is in this way broadened to reflect the conditioning underpinning smart agriculture, most especially in the context of states e...
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The objective of the present study is to identify rules governing the distribution and thematic structure of creative activities, using the region of Lower Silesia in southwestern Poland as an example. This empirical study is based on the data obtained from the Central Registration and Information on Business (CEIDG) as of 2018. Rural areas (compar...
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The importance of agri-food systems for global sustainability calls for researching and advancing socio-technical transitions towards environmentally friendly models of farming. These transitions hinge on many prerequisites, one of which is providing access to land for farmers and new entrants who experiment with sustainable farming models. However...
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At present the digital divide has started to be considered not so much in the context of Internet access itself or the skills of Internet users, but in terms of Internet performance. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed that faster Internet made it easier to adapt to the new reality. But not all areas can benefit from good Internet connection. Theref...
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The regeneration of rural areas is a multifaceted process driven by a variety of actors operating in diverse contexts. Understanding specific barriers faced by these actors—as well as factors that contribute to the success of their initiatives—therefore seems to be a prerequisite for designing policies that can effectively support rural changemaker...
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Na obszarach wiejskich w Europie zachodzą intensywne procesy przemian, będące wynikiem rozwoju społeczeństwa opartego na usługach oraz gospodarki opartej na wiedzy. W rezultacie, znaczna część wsi doświadcza tzw. „kryzysu wiejskiego”. Jednym z proponowanych rozwiązań tego problemu jest koncepcja inteligentnego rozwoju (smart development), podkreśla...
Local Action Groups (LAGs) are area-based cross-sectoral partnerships in receipt of European Union (EU) funding, grouping inhabitants and organizations working for local development and solving local problems. LAGs usually run their own websites informing about various activities of local communities and the possibility of obtaining funds for local...
This study examines local neighbourhood councils' use of social media as well as citizen engagement during crisis situations. The aim is to answer the questions: what content is published by neighbourhood councils? How is engagement with posted content shaped by its subject matter? How has it evolved over time? The study's reference point is the em...
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Nowadays, one of the most significant challenges faced by rural areas is transforming their integrated approach to functioning. This transformation is linked to viewing social and economicchanges through the lens of smart rural development. Smart rural development entails activitiesaimed at empowering rural residents to use technology and social re...
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Streszczenie W wyniku rewolucji związanej z pojawieniem się i rozwojem Internetu ujawniły się nowe pola eksploracji naukowej, również w geografii. Jednym z rozszerzeń funkcjonalności Internetu są technologie blockchain (łańcuch bloków) i ściśle związane z nimi kryptowa-luty. Są one często postrzegane głównie z perspektywy zmian na rynkach finansowy...
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Abstrakt W literaturze przedmiotu wskazuje się szereg czynników warunkujących zrównoważony rozwój turystyki kulturowej, która przynosi korzyści związane z szeroko rozumianym rozwojem społeczno-gospodarczym. Jednym z nich jest pozytywne postrzeganie walorów danego obszaru przez różnych aktorów zainteresowanych rozwojem tej formy turystyki. Celem nin...
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Nowadays society is becoming increasingly dependent not only on access to the Internet, but also on its quality, assessed by the speed of data transfer. Therefore, identify regularities in this regard particularly in spatial terms is an important issue both from cognitive and application point of view. The aim of the study is to identify the spatia...
Technical Report
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Dokument opracowany przez Komitet Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju PAN na potrzeby Stanowiska Prezydium Polskiej Akadami Nauk w sprawie polityki przestrzennej państwa i planowania przestrzennego na poziomie kraju.
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Spatial mobility of the population is a key factor allowing for the delimitation of functional areas and the identification of ranges of impact of given spatial units. The work detailed here has built on this idea by seeking to identify areas of strong functional linkage in the cities in Poland that have been granted the status of powiat (i.e. unit...
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Local Action Groups (LAGs) are multi-sectoral, area-based partnerships operating throughout the European Union to support participatory local development in rural areas. One of the operational elements of the programme is that multi-sectoral partnerships at the local level select and fund local development projects. The aim of this paper is to expl...
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The 1990s saw a considerable facilitation of the concept of area-based cooperation between stakeholders from the public, economic and social sectors in the European Union (EU) with regard to local resource management. EU support programmes have given rise to community-based partnerships referred to as Local Action Groups (LAGs), in which the stakeh...
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Pandemia COVID-19 wpłynęła na ograniczenie funkcjonowania większości ludzi do obszaru najbliższego sąsiedztwa. Stąd też społeczności lokalne stanęły przed wyzwaniem organizacji wzajemnego wsparcia i przepływu informacji w sytuacji kryzysowej. Celem opracowania jest identyfikacja podstawowych cech funkcjonowania mediów społecznościowych wrocławskich...
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Cross-sectoral partnerships, known as Local Action Groups (LAGs), are a key pillar of the European Union's Community-Led Local Development approach in member states. LAGs prepare bottom-up territorial strategies, having a relatively high degree of freedom to set their own development goals and the scope of the activities for which they receive EU f...
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The development of the Internet drove significant changes in the social and economic functioning of people and spatial units. In the case of geography, the Internet changed its nature as a science about space, by expanding on the available topics and methods of study by which geographers come to know the world. New possibilities were a result, thou...
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Zarys treści: Sprawne funkcjonowanie społeczności lokalnych w ramach danego obszaru jest w dużej mierze uzależnione od potencjału oraz możliwości wykorzystania miejscowych zasobów. Jednym z ważniejszych zaso-bów i czynników kształtujących rozwój lokalny jest kapitał ludzki tkwiący w danej społeczności, a w szczególności w lokalnych władzach samorzą...
Nowadays, the education level is treated as an important endogenous resource of economic development, defining the development potential of territorial systems. In this context, the level of education can be treated as a resource of towns, regions or states. But this paradigm has undergone transformation in the last decades, especially at the time...
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Obserwujemy obecnie wzrost znaczenia przestrzeni cyfrowej-coraz więcej interakcji pomiędzy ludźmi, ich aktywności przenosi się w całości lub częściowo do tej przestrzeni. W rezultacie w nauce, w tym w geografii, pojawiły się nowe problemy oraz powstają i rozwijane są nowe sposoby badań. Uwzględniając to celem opracowania jest przybliżenie sposobów...
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OD ANALFABETYZMU DO WYKSZTAŁCENIA WYŻSZEGO Wprowadzenie Wiedza i jej wykorzystanie są nieodłącznymi elementami życia człowie-ka. Niezależnie od miejsca zamieszkania, rodzaju aktywności ekonomicznej, ustroju gospodarczego, człowiek korzysta z gromadzonej przez lata wiedzy i używa jej do osiągnięcia konkretnego celu. Współcześnie wiedza i jej prak-ty...
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Sprawne funkcjonowanie społeczności lokalnych w ramach danego obszaru jest w dużej mierze uzależnione od potencjału oraz możliwości wykorzystania miejscowych zasobów. Jednym z ważniejszych zasobów i czynników kształtujących rozwój lokalny jest kapitał ludzki tkwiący w danej społeczności, a w szczególności w lokalnych władzach samorządowych. Celem a...
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The objective of paper is to describe processes related to the so-called balkanization of the Internet
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Dobków to malowniczo położona wieś łańcuchowa, ciągnąca się przez około 3,5 km wzdłuż Bukownicy, jednego z prawobrzeżnych dopływów Kaczawy. Znajduje się on na terenie Pogórza Kaczaw-skiego (dokładnie na granicy z Górami Kaczawskimi) w Sudetach Zachodnich, w otoczeniu łąk, użytków rolnych i lasów. Otaczające krajobrazy kształtują w dużej mierze spec...
The objective of this paper is to describe the place of individual countries in digital space through the lens of Internet domains and specific websites. We will discuss the global geography of domains in reference to states and other entities of spatial organization, and changes in the positions of individual websites. These issues will be approac...
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The primary objective of this project was to develop an integrated computer tool to support the analysis and decision making with respect to the socio-economic processes of the province in the spatial setting, with the time horizon of 2025. The project involved the development of (a) a set of models of the social, economic and spatial changes; (b)...
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Alongside traditional approaches to defining the positions and prestige of cities, their functioning and visibility in digital space have recently gained attention. The objective of this paper is to describe the visibility of cities and their mutual connections in digital space. This study used the Google search engine to obtain information on Goog...
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Celem artykułu jest określenie znaczenia i wykorzystania przez użytkowników internetowych serwisów instytucji, będących źródłem wiedzy dla rolników. Zagadnienie to przedstawiono w kontekście transferu wiedzy. Możliwość pozyskania i wykorzystana informa-cji, która może być przekształcona w wiedzę, nie zawsze musi przekładać się na zachowanie użytkow...
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The purpose of this paper is to determine whether the connections in cyberspace relate in any way to borders as understood in geographical terms. This goal requires testing Tobler's First Law of Geography. Analyses of hyperlinks come under the domain of webometrics, which seeks to answer the fundamental question: Is it possible to measure the Web?...
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Streszczenie: Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie widoczności polskich miast w cyberprzestrzeni oraz cyberprzestrzennych powiązań pomiędzy nimi. Widoczność miast w cyberprzestrzeni zosta-ła określona poprzez analizę wyników uzyskanych przy zastosowaniu wyszukiwarki internetowej Google (liczba wskazań dla nazwy miasta). Powiązania pomiędzy miastami p...
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Celem artykułu jest ukazanie powiązań między serwisami WWW podmiotów, które uznano za istotne z perspektywy dostarczania informacji i wiedzy dla rolników. Relację między analizowanymi serwisami WWW określono poprzez analizę hiperłączy. Zakładając, iż hiperłącza znajdujące się na internetowych stronach odsyłają użytkownika do następnej strony o powi...
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Possibilities of hyperlink application in spatial research The main aim of the paper is to show the selected ways of analysing, the possible interpretations and expectations concerning the analyses of hyperlinks in spatial research. The connections existing in cyberspace for selected self-government websites of Lower Silesia were shown to illustrat...
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Area-based Partnerships as a New Model of Local Development Management – Regional Disparities and Impact on the Activity of Inhabitants. In the paper, the regional disparities of the impact of territorial partnership (Local Action Groups, LAGs), setting up projects co-financed from the LEADER+ Pilot Programme (LPP), on social and economic activity,...
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The main aim of the work described here was to investigate knowledge transfer to farms, as well as to analyse the levels of knowledge present as this relates to farm performance. Possible inefficiency of knowledge utilisation was investigated at the levels of the indi-vidual farm, the gmina (commune – unit of local government administration in Polan...
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Where the brains are, where the brains move: education, skilled migration, and human capital in Poland 1 Abstract: The aim of the article is to study the process of human capital creation and concentration in Poland. The research procedure consists of analysis of selected aspects of the creation of human capital at two levels of learning (the lowes...
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W artykule zanalizowano wpływ działań partnerstw terytorialnych (lokalnych grup działania – LGD), realizujących działania dofinansowane w ramach Programu Pilotażowego LEADER+ (PPL+) na aktywność ekonomiczną i społeczną mieszkańców. Porównanie wybranych wskaźników statystycznych w gminach objętych i nieobjętych działaniami LGD w latach 2003–2007 wsk...
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The aim of the article is to present the possibilities of using local indicators of spatial association (LISA) in the analysis of social phenomena on the urban scale. Apart from the methodological aspect concentrating on the description and possible applications of LISA, the paper also includes a cognitive aspect. It is related to defining spatial...
The aim of the article is to present the possibilities of using local indicators of spatial association (LISA) in the analysis of social phenomena on the urban scale. Apart from the methodological aspect concentrating on the description and possible applications of LISA, the paper also includes a cognitive aspect. It is related to defining spatial...
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While an analysis of hotspots might identify aspects that are spatial, technical or sociological, this study disregards the last two (non-geographical) areas of research, in order to concentrate on the spatial distribution of hotspots, albeit on reference levels that are global or else local (related to Poland). In fact, however, analysis of spatia...
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The Internet, despite being hailed as the end of geography, created its own geography of nodes and nets. On its basis, the space of flows is created, which is the result of interactions between the Internet users. The net users form its tissue; they are the nervous system of the Internet space. However, the Internet still seems to be a phenomenon w...
Human resources, and in a particular manner of their quality, play the key role in regional development. Depending on the quantity and quality of these resources, they can constitute either an essential barrier to or a stimulator of development. It is held, that one of the most important factors, allowing for the achievement of success by the terri...
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The main objective of that paper is to present the role that education plays as the factor that to great extend diversifies development potential. The focused on depiction of the relationships between development centres and peripheral areas. Polish space is obviously divided into the core-towns, especially large ones, and periphery-majority of rur...
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Abstract The paper aims to describe spatial diversity of human,and social capital in Poland as well as todefine,relation between ,these features. Composite indices were used to describe ,spatial diversity of human and social capital. High quality of human capitalin Poland is characteristic mainly,for big cities and their surroundings. The differenc...
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The main aim of the paper is to show one of the spatial autocorrelation measure-Moran's I statistic, and local indicators of spatial association. An additional aim is to show the possibility of applying spatial autocorrelation statistics in analysis of socioeconomic phenomena based on Gross Domestic Product example. Analysis of GDP was carried out...
The paper aims to describe regional differentiation of social structures in Europe. In addiction, the article analyses distance between Polish regions and European ones, as well as the relation between socio-economic development. The following research paper uses the Hellwig's multivariate classification method. The most advantageous social structu...


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