Krzysztof Falkowski

Krzysztof Falkowski
SGH Warsaw School of Economics | SGH · Institute of World Economy

PhD in Economics


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Krzysztof Falkowski - PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Areas of research interests: international competitiveness and innovation of economies, development economics, sustainable development. The published scientific output includes over 120 studies in Polish, English, Arabic and Russian. Member of international associations: WEA, WINIR, EAEPE. Since 2014, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Management and Economics (5Y IF = 1.3).


Publications (31)
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This book argues that a resilient region should act reactively and proactively in the face of shocks and disruptions and asserts that the institutionalization of regional cooperation may be the answer to development challenges in times of uncertainty and instability. It considers regional, transregional, and subregional cooperation initiatives for...
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Purpose – The main objective of this paper is to present the results of an analysis of sustainable competitiveness of the Visegrad Group (V4) countries in comparison with other EU member states, including the aspects of the European Green Deal and the challenges associated with its implementation in the V4 countries from the perspective of their su...
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Monografia jest wynikiem współpracy między badaczami z dwóch ośrodków akademickich: Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu (prof. dr hab. Bogusława Drelich-Skulska, dr hab. Sebastian Bobowski, prof. UEW) i Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie (dr hab. Krzysztof Falkowski, prof. SGH, dr hab. Andżelika Kuźnar, prof. SGH, prof. dr hab. Jerzy Menkes),...
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Due to its geographical location, the size and potential of its economy, as well as its cultural proximity and importance in Poland’s Eastern policy, Ukraine has been and remains an important economic partner of Poland. Mutual trade and investment relations of the two countries have been further strengthened in recent years by the large scale of mi...
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Ukraina z racji położenia geograficznego, wielkości i potencjału swojej gospodarki, a także bliskości kulturowej oraz znaczenia w polskiej polityce wschodniej, była i jest ważnym partnerem gospodarczym Polski. Wzajemne relacje handlowe oraz inwestycyjne obu krajów zostały w ostatnich latach dodatkowo wzmocnione przez wysoką skalę migracji, głównie...
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Niniejsze opracowanie stanowi wynik projektu badawczego zrealizowanego w ramach Instytutu Gospodarki Światowej SGH w Warszawie, którego celem było przedstawienie chińskiej Inicjatywy Pasa i Szlaku (BRI), motywów za nią stojących, głównych jej składowych oraz obecnych i potencjalnych przyszłych skutków. Realizacja tego projektu przypadła na okres pr...
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Cel : Celem artykułu jest: 1) syntetyczne przedstawienie prowadzonej w Azerbejdżanie, Kazachstanie oraz Rosji polityki w zakresie posiadanych mineralnych surowców energetycznych, 2) dokonanie szczegółowej analizy kształtowania się długookresowych przewag komparatywnych w eksporcie każdego z wymienionych krajów, 3) odpowiedź na pytanie, czy posiadan...
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Research background: The position of a country in the international division of labour is determined by the competitiveness of its trade, the structure of which may both reveal and perpetuate the comparative advantages possessed. This is particularly true for Dutch disease economies such as Russia. Recently, economic literature has seen a growing i...
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The aim of this paper is to present a detailed analysis of the international competitiveness of Azerbaijani economy and, based on it, to determine the importance of energy resources and their derivatives in shaping the competitive profile of its economy in international trade during 2000-2015. In order to assess the country's international trade co...
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The main objective of this article is to determine the influence of Russia (in terms of their exports to Russia) on the competitiveness of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in the international trade of high-tech goods in 2000-2016 in the context of the overall competitiveness of these countries in the international trade in this goods ca...
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The aim of the article is to assess the international competitiveness of the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) in high-technology goods trade. To this end, Balassa’s method of analysing revealed comparative advantages (RCA) was applied. An in-depth analysis of the dynamics of RCAs in the Baltic States’ exports between 1997 and 2014 has sho...
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The purpose of this study is: (i) to determine the competitiveness of Kazakhstan in contemporary international trade, with particular regard to the mineral resources possessed by the country; (ii) to show the consequences of Kazakhstan's resources-dependent competitive profile for the economic development of the country; (iii) to look at measures t...
This paper examines the possible impact of the UK’s impending exit from the EU on the international competitiveness of the Russian economy. To this end, an in-depth analysis of Russia’s competitive profile is conducted to identify the main advantages and disadvantages of its economy in international trade, followed by a discussion of relations betw...
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On 1st January 2015 the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) - a new integration block comprising initially Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia, and later that year also Armenia and Kyrgyzstan - appeared on the world map. This paper endeavors to identify the EAEU countries’ long-term international comparative advantages within four basic groups of goods acco...
The primary purpose of this paper is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the importance of the industrial sector for the EU economy overall and for the economies of all EU Member States separately in terms of the respective shares of the industrial sector in the creation of each country's gross value added (GVA), employment and labour productivity,...
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The main purpose of this study is to answer the question of how innovative Belarusian economy is. Its innovativeness has been assessed through an in-depth analysis of Belarus’ position in international trade, especially in high- and medium-high-technology goods, on the back of the assumption that any competitive advantages possessed in them testify...
Conference Paper
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Research background: The actual position of a country in the international division of labour is determined by the competitiveness of its trade, the structure of which may both reveal and perpetuate the comparative advantages possessed. This is particularly true for Dutch disease economies such as Russia. Recently, economic literature has seen a gr...
Unbalanced innovation systems are considered to be poorly developed. They can be found in as many as 19 global economy states. They are characterized by gross disparities in terms of the indexes that reflect both innovative capacity and position. Moreover, in the last decade, one could observe notable fluctuations in the innovation and human capita...
The group of countries known for their dynamic innovation systems includes five European countries (Ireland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Finland, and Sweden) as well as Singapore—a small and very competitive Asian country. Dynamic innovation systems are characterized by a high innovative ability and an innovation position above average. The typic...
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This monograph presents the results of the latest comparative studies conducted by the World Economy Research Institute at the Warsaw School of Economics. The book aims to determine Poland’s competitive position in the European Union 10 years after the country’s entry into the bloc. The Polish economy is shown in a broader comparative perspective a...
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Niniejsza monografia koncentruje się na ocenie znaczenia dla międzynarodowej konkurencyjności gospodarek dwóch zyskujących obecnie na znaczeniu czynników, a mianowicie kapitału ludzkiego oraz innowacji. Międzynarodowa konkurencyjność gospodarek rozumiana jest tutaj w wąskim znaczeniu jako utrzymywanie długookresowych przewag konkurencyjnych w handl...


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