Kristyna Rybova

Kristyna Rybova
Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem | UJEP · Department of Geography



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Publications (46)
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Příspěvek byl prezentován na Výroční konferenci České geografické společnosti 2024 v Ústí nad Labem.
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Over the last few decades, the urban transport planning framework has changed significantly towards sustainable mobility planning. It brings new requirements for the education of transport experts. In the paper, we discuss the future of academic education concerning these changes based on case studies of two prestigious technical faculties in Germa...
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Předkládaná metodika přináší aktérům a institucím ovlivňujícím podobu dopravy na území či v zázemí národních parků a chráněných krajinných oblastí návod pro tvorbu plánů udržitelné mobility. Metodika klade důraz na provázanost s dalšími sektory, především cestovním ruchem, respektuje potřebu ochrany přírody a krajiny v předmětných územích, reflektu...
Sustainable urban mobility endeavours to balance the mobility demand with reasonable and efficient supply to minimise negative impacts of transport. Within the EU, the related strategic approach adheres to Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs), which cope with the issues mentioned and look for congruence among objectives in transport, land use a...
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Cílem příspěvku je představit dílčí výsledky mezioborového projektu, který se zaměřuje na rodiči preferované školy na českém venkově. Žádané venkovské školy byly ve fázi extenzivního výzkumu identifikovány na základě vybraných administrativních a statistických dat na úrovni obcí a škol. Za venkovské školy jsou považovány ty, které se nacházejí v ob...
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The aim of the paper is to investigate and characterize various cases of demand for diverse rural elementary schools on the example of our country, Czechia. The paper is a partial result within the wider research project which complementary part is presented elsewhere within the ECER congress. This paper aims to answer following research questions:...
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Rural schools have an image of less preferred. The aim of the paper is to characterize various cases of schools in countryside that had been identified as demanded on the basis of administrative data about all public schools in Czechia (n = 3 800). 13 case studies were selected in 2 steps. They were studied through the analysis of documents and the...
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The level of waste management varies significantly from one EU state to another and therefore they have different starting position regarding reaching defined EU targets. The forecast of waste production and treatment is essential information for the expected future EU targets fulfilment. If waste treatment does not meet the targets under the curre...
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Předkládaná metodika přináší místním a krajským samosprávám návod pro evaluaci dopravních politik a strategií a dále dílčích dopravních opatření. Je přizpůsobena potřebám měst a krajů ČR, reflektuje nejnovější poznatky z problematiky dopravního plánování směrem k rozvoji udržitelné mobility a dále moderní přístupy k evaluaci. Metodika se také věnuj...
Kniha nabízí charakteristiku jednotlivých druhů evaluace nástrojů městské mobility a popisuje jejich hlavní postupy. Problematiku evaluace zasazuje do širšího kontextu městského dopravního plánování na základně nejnovějších odborných pramenů a vychází také z aktuální praxe českých měst. Ambicí publikace je podpořit evaluaci v Česku jako nezbytnou...
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The article aims to discuss conditions of spatial organization of elementary schools in the Czech countryside and to validate whether there is any relation between the different types of rural schools and the diverse types of rural areas. Usually, rural schools are perceived in contrast to urban schools as a homogenous group of institutions with co...
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The protected areas in Czechia have been challenging a sharp increase in the number of visitors and the associated growth of negative effects of tourism, such as high car intensities, related emissions, and noise over the last years. As a result, the relevant authorities are confronted with a conflict between the protection of the natural environme...
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Plánovaná vysokorychlostní trať Praha – Ústí nad Labem – Drážďany podle výsledků provedených dotazníkových šetření a rozhovorů přinese pravděpodobně zvýšení počtu cestujících mezi zmíněnými městy. Vybudování vysokorychlostního terminálu v Ústí nad Labem lze však chápat rovněž jako významnou příležitost pro povzbuzení ekonomického i urbanistického r...
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The most attention has been paid to a school choice in the research of urban areas for a long time (Raveaud & van Zanten 2007), although the dominance of urban school as a norm regarding to character of education while overlooking the specific circumstances of rural schools has been pointed out (Cuervo 2016). On the ther hand, the efforts to emphas...
Nowadays, dealing with organic waste (or biowaste) remains a global phenomenon. Especially developing countries worldwide generate more than 50 percent organicwaste. In the European Union (EU) with a share of 34%, biowaste is a dominantfraction of the municipal waste (EEA, 2020). Therefore, separate collection at source and environmentally sound tr...
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The poster presents partial outputs of the research project Schools in Demand: Circumstances of Elementary School Choice in Rural Space, namely from its first, extensive part.
Climate change adaptation planning is of high urgency in cities due to expected climate change impacts. Ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation (EbAs) are considered highly efficient in enhancing sustainable resilience of cities; however, incorporation of EbA measures into the decision-making process has not been fully achieved at the individual c...
During recent decades, the debate on how to sustain urban mobility has accelerated. Transport decision-making has been more reflective of sustainability issues and quality of life in cities; this process has especially accelerated with the setting of modern urban mobility planning concepts, substantially focusing on transport demand regulation and...
During recent decades, the debate on how to sustain urban mobility has accelerated. Transport decision-making has been more reflective of sustainability issues and quality of life in cities; this process has especially accelerated with the setting of modern urban mobility planning concepts, substantially focusing on transport demand regulation and...
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The modern way of life places considerable demands on energy and material resources. The limited amount of primary resources and the burden on the environment have supported the circular economy's tendencies which has EU recently incorporated into its legislation as Circular Economy Package. The aim of this package is to turn waste into material or...
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Poster byl prezentován na konferenci České asociace pedagogického výzkumu v Ostravě v roce 2020.
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Dominance of urban elementary school as a norm regarding to character of education or provision of service while overlooking the specific circumstances of rural schools has been openly pointed out in reaction to critical approaches in social sciences in developed countries since the 1970s (Cuervo 2016). The efforts to emphasize the unique culture o...
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Socio-ecological hazards are processes that − depending on the vulnerability of societal systems − may have profound adverse impacts. For this reason, the current discourse in disaster risk reduction (DRR) has been experiencing a shift toward a vulnerability-led paradigm, raising new questions about how to address (i) the complexity of vulnerabilit...
We explore the mismatches in post-socialist Central Europe between the goals of urban renewal (to address urban shrinkage) and flood risk management (resulting from the EU Floods Directive). Taking as examples three declining urban sites significantly affected by extreme floods since the 1990s, we argue that the failure to adopt a multilevel approa...
Conference Paper
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The first period of development of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) has been underway in the Czech Republic since 2015. The SUMP concept brings a different approach to transport planning in cities – from formulation of visions to goals and measures supporting the sustainable urban mobility vision. In contrast to “traditional” transport plan...
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The generation of recyclables in the Czech Republic has long been under the European average, but the proportion from municipal waste as a whole has been growing over the past few years. Previous research in the Czech Republic mainly focused on organizational or situational factors explaining recycling performance in municipalities. This study focu...
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Spatial planning axes are an important instrument of spatial planning to help connect urban areas and ensure the accessibility of rural areas and their development. The planning of such axes can steer population and traffic flows, decisions on the locations of economic developments as well as infrastructures such as cable networks. In this paper, c...
Conference Paper
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Předkládaný příspěvek shrnuje první výsledky výzkumu věnovaného problematice strategického rozhodování o udržitelném rozvoji měst a městské mobility v ČR. Analyzuje role a postoje vybraných klíčových aktérů, jejich pohled na udržitelnou městskou mobilitu, podmínky pro strategické dopravní plánování a hlavní bariéry zavádění dopravních opatření. Kv...
Conference Paper
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Axes are an important instrument of spatial planning for the connection of urban areas and for ensuring the acces-sibility of rural areas and their development. Planning can steer traffic flows, economic location decisions as well as infrastructures like cable networks. In this paper, current existing spatial planning axes and their continuity were...
Conference Paper
Adaptation to climate change of cities is currently becoming one of the key points in the planning processes. Adaptation contributes to preservation/improvement of the quality of life and human well-being. It should be an integral part of SMART Cities. Implementation of adaptation measures frequently faces numerous problems, including insufficient...
Increasing pressure of the European Union on diverting municipal waste from landfills requires an active role of households and commands a radical change of their behavior. Knowledge of behavioral patterns enables an effective design of municipal waste management systems. Based on several factors influencing environmental behavior, this paper aims...
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Municipal solid waste generation has been analyzed in broad range of studies but most of the studies neglect the spatial aspect of analyzed datasets. This paper’s aim is to explore spatial dependency in relations between municipal solid waste generation and socio-demographic aspects. The results obtained using geographically weighted regression are...
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Der vorliegende Bericht liefert einen Beitrag zum Vergleich raumplanerischer Achsenkonzepte in den Grenzregionen Sachsens und Nordböhmens am Beispiel der Planungsregion Oberes Elbtal/Osterzgebirge und des Bezirks Ústí nad Labem. Ausgangsbefund ist ein identifizierter Harmonisierungsbedarf der Achsen beiderseits der Grenze. Im Rahmen der Untersuchun...
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Ecosystem services provide a promising approach to enforce and harmonize nature protection and sustainable resource use. The present paper describes methods and results of GIS-based assessment and mapping of ecosystem services in the Osterzgebirge, a mountain range along the Czech-German border. The assessment focuses on five ecologically valuable...
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The European regulation of biodegradable municipal waste (biowaste) treatment places a significant demand on local biowaste separation systems and consequent treatment (composting, anaerobic digestion). When implementing separate collection systems, there is a public demand for systems based on containers and bags. Based on a case study of the city...
Conference Paper
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Socio-demographic structures of inhabitants of most European towns and cities are facing substantial changes. Populations are ageing, the number of smaller or single person households is increasing and city centers face sinking number of inhabitants. This changes in many cities and regions brings new challenges for implementation of modern smart so...
Conference Paper
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Most analyses dealing with the costs of the municipal waste management system focus on competition, ownership, quality of the service, economies of scale and density, or intermunicipal cooperation. Only a few of them consider system parameters that are under direct control of municipal representatives on a daily basis – e.g. pickup frequency, numbe...
Conference Paper
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Municipal waste generation has been already studied in broad range of studies but most of the studies neglect the spatial aspect of analyzed datasets. This paper’s aim is to explore spatial distribution of municipal solid waste, municipal mixed waste, glass and plastic generation in the Czech Republic. Data on municipal level for the year 2011 were...
Socio-demographic development currently ongoing in the Czech Republic and other developed countries influence broad range of aspects of social life including practicel questions of waste management. This article aims at relation between socio-demographic characteristics of inhabitants in municipalities and production of recaclables. For this purpos...
Full-text available Das von der Europäischen Union sowie Sachsen und Tschechien im Rahmen des Europäischen Fond für regionale Entwicklung (Ziel 3) geförderte Projekt „Mehrwert Natur Osterzgebirge. Ökosystemdienstleistungen erkennen, bewerten und kommunizieren.“ hatte zum Ziel, das ÖSD-Konzept exemplarisch f...
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Rising prices of the raw materials and negative externalities associated with the waste disposal and landfilling is closely connected with the tendencies towards material and energy recovery and waste prevention. The prerequisite of these successfull efforts is analyzing material flows, environmetal effects and modeling of the economic impacts of t...


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