Kristina Jelinčić Vučković

Kristina Jelinčić Vučković
Institute of Archaeology · ARHINDOKS



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June 2006 - October 2009
University of Zagreb
Field of study
  • Roman Pottery


Publications (59)
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Ancient DNA research in the past decade has revealed that European population structure changed dramatically in the prehistoric period (14,000–3000 years before present, YBP), reflecting the widespread introduction of Neolithic farmer and Bronze Age Steppe ancestries. However, little is known about how population structure changed from the historic...
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Spanning the period between the 2nd and 9th centuries, this volume collects 45 papers dealing with the Adriatic area that aim to create a new dataset for the historical reconstruction of processes related to forms of settlement, aspects of production, and trade and the movement of pottery and other craft products between its two coasts. TRADE: Tran...
Conference Paper
In this paper we will present the state of research of Pannonian slipped ware in Croatia. This type of pottery, that recalls the forms and sometimes the decorations of terra sigillata, also shows taste of local people in eating habits and their skills as potters. Bibliography on Pannonian slipped ware in Croatia is slowly getting more numerous and...
Conference Paper
Different pottery categories from different production centres were found. Amphorae came from Northern African, Eastern Mediterranean, possibly Eastern Adriatic and Italian workshops along with transported goods. Sigillata finds vary from early Italian, Eastern Mediterranean and later North African types. From the 3rd century AD ARS is dominant alo...
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Ancient DNA research in the past decade has revealed that European population structure changed dramatically in the prehistoric period (14,000-3,000 years before present, YBP), reflecting the widespread introduction of Neolithic farmer and Bronze Age Steppe ancestries. However, little is known about how population structure changed in the historica...
L’article se propose de conjuguer deux approches et deux échelles de réflexion. La première, historique et menée à l’échelle d’un vaste espace italo-adriatique, s’efforce de réévaluer la chronologie des rapports entre Rome et la Dalmatie à partir de la deuxième moitié du IVe siècle et le contexte politique qui les voit naître. Se révèlent ainsi l’i...
Honey pots and beehives have not garnered much interest in studies of the history and archaeology of ancient Dalmatia in the past giving the impression of the absence of such evidence. What evidence does exist forms an important addition to the increasingly more perceptible mosaic of ancient Mediterranean apiculture. The current chapter synthesizes...
Conference Paper
he island of Brač is situated in the vicinity of Roman Salona, where over 90 Roman archaeological sites have been documented in different surveys. During the archaeological surveys conducted from 2003 to 2005, some of the larger sites were visited, and samples of amphorae were collected as part of the study Topography of Roman Villas on the Island...
Conference Paper
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There are more than 90 Roman rural sites on the island of Brač. In eighteen of them, African imports have been identified, including amphorae, African Red Slip Ware and cooking ware. African imports to the island began in the 2nd century and lasted till the 7th century, with an increase during the 3rd and 4th centuries. Finds suggest that oil and s...
Conference Paper
There are more than 90 Roman rural sites on the island of Brač. On 18 of them African import has been identified including amphorae, terra sigillata and cooking ware. African import on the island began in the 2nd and lasted till 7th c. with the emphasis on the 3rd and 4th c. Finds suggest that oil and salsamenta were dominant among the imported goo...
Conference Paper
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Istituto di archeologia (Zagabria, Croazia) tra 2001 e 2008 ha condotto gli scavi archeologici sul sito Ilok-Castello dei principi di Ilok. Durante le indagini, sono state trovate le tombe del I sec. d. C. ma anche gli strati e le fosse databili dal I sec. d. C. fino alla fine del IV sec. d. C. Da queste unità stratigrafiche provengo anche numerosi...
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During 2017 excavations we completed a research on the thermae where we discovered another apse with white mosaic floor (partly destroyed in Late Antiquity, on the southern part with a grave) that probably belonged to the tepidarium. On the northern part of the caldarium we excavated a kiln for the thermae. In one of its fills we found olive pits,...
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Projekt Baza antičkih arheoloških lokaliteta Republike Hrvatske Instituta za arheologiju (BAZA) kao svoj temelj koristi bogatstvo hrvatskih arheoloških lokaliteta. Stvorena je u cilju strukturiranja podataka sakupljenih pri radu Instituta. Kao izvor podataka korištena je dostupna literatura, saznanja koja su prikupljena znanstvenom djelatnošću Inst...
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Projekt Baza antičkih arheoloških lokaliteta Republike Hrvatske Instituta za arheologiju (BAZA) kao svoj temelj koristi bogatstvo hrvatskih arheoloških lokaliteta. Stvorena je u cilju strukturiranja podataka sakupljenih pri radu Instituta. Kao izvor podataka korištena je dostupna literatura, saznanja koja su prikupljena znanstvenom djelatnošću Inst...
Conference Paper
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The paper presents pottery finds from the Early Roman incineration grave 5 from Ilok-Cuccium on the Danube, attributed to a member of an auxiliary unit. The pottery can be divided in two major groups, the first comprising various categories of imported pottery and the second one forms of local origin and shapes. Imports include amphorae (Dressel 6B...
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Luke is one of the largest and richest classical Antiquity sites on the island of Brač. there have been no archaeological excavations, but several field surveys have been conducted at the site. The site has been known since 1899, when an altar stone dedicated to Jupiter Dolichenus was unearthed. the article describes the artefacts found in the spri...
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Institute of archaeology (Zagreb), CNRS Centre Camille Jullian (Aix–en–Provence), Université Paris-Est (Marne-la Vallée) and Community of Selca continued with excavation of Novo Selo Bunje site (October 17th–28th 2016). It presents the first phase of a 5 year project named Recherches sur l’exploitation économique de la Dalmatie à l’ époque romaine...
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Presentation generale de la mission et du site Le Chantier de Bunje sur l’ile de Brac constitue la premiere etape d’un projet mene par E. Botte (CNRS), A. Bertrand (Universite Paris-Est MLV) et K. Jelincic (Institut archeologique de Zagreb) intitule « Recherches sur l’exploitation economique de la Dalmatie a l’epoque romaine (IIe s. av. J.-C. - IIe...
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The Virovitica Kiskorija South site was a Roman village. In this paper archaeological, archaeobotanical, and archaeo-zoological finds are presented and interpreted, then compared with similar sites and information available from ancient sources. The site was divided into complexes that made a whole. The finds within each complex are presented and c...
Conference Paper
In 2006 a partially destroyed early Roman grave was excavated on the site of Ilok – Dvor knezova iločkih. Alongside weaponry and other small metal, glass and bone finds, it contained a large amount of various pottery finds. Especially significant are two cups of thin-walled pottery and an olive oil amphora of type Dressel 6B with stamp of Laecanius...
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In April 2012, the Institute of Archaeology conducted a two-day survey and mapping of the Novo Selo Bunje site. The mapping covered the visible and accessible architecture. A significant part of the area is inaccessible due to the thick forest that is destroying the site. It was established that the walls were built in two phases and in a planned m...
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The paper takes a look at a small part of the movable objects from the site of Virovitica-Kiškorija South, namely glass paste bracelets from late antiquity. The importance of these finds lies in the fact that they were found within the settlement rather than within the cemetery, which is where the majority of finds of this type known from the liter...
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The archaeological investigations at the Petrovac site in 2006 and 2007 yielded a small assemblage of Roman pottery in a secondary context: it was found within a single layer in association with prehistoric pottery outside the walls of a late mediaeval monastery, and it is dated be-tween the 1st and 4th century. As regards the structural and typolo...
Conference Paper
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Durante le ricognizioni dell’isola di Brazza, nelle vicinanze di Pučišća sono stati visitati due siti archeologici: Pučišća Oklade e Pučišća Mladinje brdo. La loro collocazione al confine tra le colline e una valle feconda concorda con la posizione geografica di altre ville rustiche sull’isola di Brazza. Sebbene i reperti siano modesti in numero, l...
Conference Paper
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Gruba rimska keramika s lokaliteta Virovitica – Kiškorija jug Roman coarse pottery from the site of Virovitica – Kiškorija South Prilikom zaštitnih arheoloških istraživanja provedenih 2005. godine na trasi zapadne obilaznice grada Virovitice istražen je lokalitet Virovitica – Kiškorija jug. Riječ je o antičkom i srednjovjekovnom naselju. Antičko je...
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Luke is one of the largest and richest Classical Antiquity sites on the island of Brač. There have been no archaeological excavations, but several field surveys have been conducted at the site. The site has been known since 1899, when an altar stone dedicated to Jupiter Dolichenus was unearthed. The article describes the artefacts found in the spri...
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This work contains an analysis of the fragments of Late Antique glass bracelets found during cultivation of the gardens around the houses of Petar Lukinić and Dinko Sušec. In the relevant literature, the bracelet types discovered there have been dated to the third to seventh centuries AD , which cannot, however, be applied to Pannonia. Taking into...
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The work contains an analysis of finds dated to Antiquity and the Late Middle Ages from Postira, on the island of Brač, discovered during rescue archaeological research at the site of the Pastoral Centre, south-west of the Early Christian Basilica of St. John. During research, a Roman-era altar dedicated to Venus, architecture from Late Antiquity,...
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U depou Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu pohranjeno je podosta antičkog materijala (keramika, staklo, novac, fibule) koji su pronalaženi na nekim manje poznatim lokalitetima u gradu i okolici i to u razdoblju od druge pol. 19. st., tijekom 20. st. te novijim rekognosciranjima i iskopavanjima početkom 21. st. Ovim člankom kanimo na njih skrenuti pozorno...
The work contains an analysis of finds dated to Antiquity and the Late Middle Ages from Postira, on the island of Brač, discovered during rescue archaeological research at the site of the Pastoral Centre, south-west of the Early Christian Basilica of St. John. During research, a Roman-era altar dedicated to Venus, architecture from Late Antiquity,...
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La maggior parte dei reperti trovati durante gli scavi e le ricognizioni archeologiche è rappresentata dalla ceramica. La varietà della ceramica romana richiede un approccio scientifico particolare, perché ogni tipo di ceramica romana aveva un ruolo speciale nella vita quotidiana, e cosi’ deve essere studiata. Riguardo alla ceramica, prevalgono que...
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Archaeological research on the position of Dvor knezova Iločkih (Court of the Dukes of Ilok) in Ilok has been carried out systematically since 2001. In 2006, the research was focused on the efforts to define the north part of Gothic palace, the central yard and the northwest corner with its ramparts and towers. The first stage of research, which re...
In September 2006, the investigation of the medieval St. Peter the Apostle Church was initiated in Ilok, as part of the project by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia named “The Research, Reconstruction and Revitalisation of the Cultural Heritage of Ilok-Vukovar-Vučedol”. The investigation was preceded by two investigations carried o...
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The paper brings new findings at archaeo¬logical sites located near the villages of Majur (Zagreb County, Commune of Farkaševac) and Ladinec (Koprivnica-Križevci County, Commune of Sveti Ivan Žabno), which are situated to the north and south of the Sveti Ivan Žabno-Bjelovar road. The findings are based upon typological and chronological analysis of...
The paper takes a look at a small part of the movable objects from the site of Virovitica-Kiškorija South, namely glass paste bracelets from late antiquity. The importance of these finds lies in the fact that they were found within the settlement rather that within the cemetery, which is where the majority of finds of this type known from the liter...
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The excavations conducted in 2005 are a follow-up of systematic archaeological excavations that began in 2001. It was determined that the supporting piers in the northern wall cannot be fully defined at this stage of excavations. Large parts of the unearthed piers broke off and were found beneath the pier base slightly moved. The wall discovered al...
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Archaeological traces dating to Classical Antiquity and the Middle Ages found west of the entrance to Virovitica, south of the Podravina road, during works on the western ring-road of the city of Virovitica. South of the site designated as Virovitica Kiškorija Jug are the northern slopes of the Bilogora Mountain. The location where the structures a...
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La vita sull´isola di Braĉ, nell´antichitá, era contraddistinta da una grande vivacitá. Questo lavoro tenta di contribuire all´ampliamento delle informazioni acquisite (esistenti) che si hanno della vita quotidiana su questa isola. Finora l´isola di Braĉ era stata vista solo come il luogo dal quale si cavavano le pietre per gli edifici di Salona e...
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The high Danube bank near Ilok, which is situated on the western slopes of Fruška gora, was continuously settled in all prehistoric periods, and after that - as the finds analyzed herein indicate - in the Roman time, but Ilok experienced its peak in the Late Middle Ages, in the period of Nikola and his son Lovro. The beginning of excavations in Ilo...
When the Romans conquered the area around Ilok in the first century AD, it became part of Lower Illyricum. After Trajan's division of Pannonia into Upper and Lower sections, Ilok, i.e. Cuccium, was part of Lower Pannonia until Diocletian's division. Diocletian divided Lower Pannonia into Pannonia Valeria and Pannonia Secunda. The center of Pannonia...
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The high Danube bank near Ilok, which is situated on the western slopes of Fruška gora, was continuously settled in all prehistoric periods, and after that - as the finds analyzed herein indicate - in the Roman time, but Ilok experienced its peak in the Late Middle Ages, in the period of Nikola and his son Lovro. The beginning of excavations in Ilo...
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When the Romans conquered the area around Ilok in the first century AD, it became part of Lower Illyricum. After Trajan’s division of Pannonia into Upper and Lower sections, Ilok, i.e. Cuccium, was part of Lower Pannonia until Diocletian’s division. Diocletian divided Lower Pannonia into Pannonia Valeria and Pannonia Secunda. The center of Pannonia...
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U radu se govori o rimskoj rustičnoj vili smještenoj na sjeveroistočnom dijelu otoka Brača, nedaleko od Novog Sela, na predjelu Bunje. Raspravlja se o zemljopisnom položaju lokaliteta, zastupljenosti u literaturi, zatečenom stanju i sadržajima lokaliteta. Na lokalitetu uz tragove poljoprivredne djelatnosti autorica prepoznaje i tragove klesarskog o...
Archaeological trial excavations on the site with the noteworthy toponym Kliškovac (Turski grad, Pavlovac) in Suhopolje, conducted from 16 to 26 August 2005, proved the existence of a multilayer burial graveyard arranged in rows. The graves are as a rule oriented west-east, i.e. with the heads of the deceased to the west. The graves indicate that s...
The research on the position of Kliškovac was made possible through the financial support of the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports within the project “Medieval Archaeological Heritage in Croatia (5th-16th ct.)”. Leader of this project and of the research on Kliškovac is prof. dr. sc. Željko Tomičić. The research is a sequel to an e...


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