Kristina Großmann

Kristina Großmann
University of Bonn | Uni Bonn · Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies



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September 2020 - September 2020
University of Bonn
  • Professor (Full)
September 2017 - August 2020
University of Passau
  • Project Manager
  • FuturEN analyses constellations of power, constitutions of identity and conceptions about the future of coal mining in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, along the nexus of ethnicity, gender and class.


Publications (64)
Diese Festschrift versammelt Beiträge über und für Berthold Damshäuser, der von 1985 bis 2023 Indonesisch an der Abteilung für Südostasienwissenschaft der Universität Bonn unterrichtete. Als Kenner und Freund Indonesiens war es ihm immer ein besonderes Anliegen, sich das Fremde vertraut zu machen. Berthold Damshäuser fungiert dabei als Mittler zwis...
Coal mining in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, evokes not only struggles on the control of land but also conflicts between different notions of land. Based on ethnographic research in a mining area, I describe a relational attached notion of land which is subdued by a detached, monetary-based understanding in the course of increased mining. In negot...
How to translate between different ecologies referring to land and how to formalize a flexible and dynamic approach to customary land practiced by Dayak in Central Kalimantan? In attempts to establish customary land management schemes in order to secure access to land for Dayak people, I describe adaptations and dilemmas in the course of translatin...
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Drawing on my involvement as a researcher in mining conflicts on customary land in Central Kalimantan, I reflect on my positionality, assumptions, roles, expectations and impacts on social change. Constant re-thinking of my own biases was necessary in order to grasp the nuanced and complex nature of villagers’ attitudes towards mining, and their en...
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Coal mining brings to the surface new masculinities and gender roles in Kalimantan, Indonesia. The rising employment of men in the mining industry creates new possibilities and constraints for men and women alike. For miners, work in the pit is a marker of a positively connoted masculinity connected not only to physical strength but more importantl...
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This book analyses how people in Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo, relate to their environment in different political and historical contexts. Drawing on multi-sited ethnographic studies of Dayak people, the indigenous inhabitants of Borneo, the book examines how human-environment relationships differ and collide. These "con...
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Indonesien: Die traditionelle Kräutermedizin Jamu erlebt in Zeiten von Covid-19 eine Renaissance.Dies bietet Chancen für Gesundheitswesen und Wirtschaft. Doch es ändert nichts daran, dass diePandemie die ohnehin schon Marginalisierten am härtesten trifft.
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Cartoons published in Germany and Indonesia provide insights into people's mindsets, attitudes, fears and hopes during the Corona pandemic. Our analysis of the work of leading cartoonists (one in Germany and two in Indonesia), focusing on healthcare and the wider socio-political issues raised by the pandemic, reveals wide differences in the meta-na...
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Initially introduced by Frederik Jackson Turner in 1893 to denote the specific situation of the territorial conquest of the American ‘Wild West’, the concept of the frontier is currently used in anthropology as an analytical means to understand highly insecure and dynamic processes that arise in marginal areas as a result of population transfers, r...
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As access to and control of land is increasingly contested, indigenous land management schemes promise to secure formal land rights. This article is concerned with one such scheme, Dayak, Wake Up ( Dayak Misik ) in Indonesia. The implementation of the scheme, orchestrated by a Dayak farmers’ organization, was rejected by the semi‐nomadic Punan Muru...
Cartoons published in Germany and Indonesia provide insights into people's mindsets, attitudes, fears and hopes during the Corona pandemic. Our analysis of the work of leading cartoonists (one in Germany and two in Indonesia), focusing on healthcare and the wider socio-political issues raised by the pandemic, reveals wide differences in the meta-na...
Research Proposal
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We investigate the diverse practices and ontologies of healing underlying scepticism towards a COVID-19 vaccine in Indonesia and Germany and how these are connected to different political and religious belief systems. The project adopts an interdisciplinary approach, combining theories and methods from anthropology, psychology, healthcare science a...
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As has been widely reported, a novel coronavirus appeared in Wuhan, China in December 2019. Spreading rapidly through the city, and eventually the province of Hubei in January, countries and cities in the region started to implement travel restrictions in regards to Wuhan and eventually all of China. However, before its extremely infectious nature...
Land- und Rohstoffkonflikte sind in hohem Ausmaß von genderspezifischen Faktoren geprägt. Gender umschreibt das sogenannte soziale Geschlecht, also konstruierte und (re-)produzierte Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmungen, Rollenzuschreibungen und Identitäten. Veränderungen in der Ressourcennutzung und der damit einhergehende Wandel sozialer, politischer un...
Published on boasblogs: Witnessing Corona (Medical Anthropology / Medizinethnologie, Curare: Journal of Medical Anthropology, Global South Studies Center Cologne und boasblogs).
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Struggles over land are a vibrant issue in today's Indonesia and especially pressing in Central Kalimantan, as it is the new frontier of coal extraction. The mining areas overlap with the land used by ethnic groups, all subsumed under the term 'Dayak'. Linking to ethnic revitalization since the 2000s, the Dayak Misik (Dayak, wake up) scheme promise...
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Struggles over land are a vibrant issue in today’s Indonesia and especially pressing in Central Kalimantan, as it is the new frontier of coal extraction. The mining areas overlap with the land used by ethnic groups, all subsumed under the term ‘Dayak’. Linking to ethnic revitalization since the 2000s, the Dayak Misik (Dayak, wake up) scheme promise...
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Networks were important in the forming of a collaborative workshop where representatives of relevant groups discussed strategies to shape socio-ecological change in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Networks enhanced capacity, power, control and exchange. Furthermore, participants increased their social capital and status. Being part of established ne...
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A gaharu (Agarwood) nursery programme in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, failed mainly because the multiple ecologies of members of an environmental organization and indigenous people conflicted. The former believed that the trees that produced gaharu should be protected for their role in storing carbon emissions, and that the nursery programme shou...
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Grounded in Southeast Asia's cultural, political, and environmental diversity, the five articles in this issue of SOJOURN not only document massive environmental transformations and the tremendous social exclusion that they entail, but also elaborate on conceptual shortcomings of modern universalist concepts of ecology. Shared understandings and ba...
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Environmental change is omnipresent and occurs worldwide at a worrisome pace and extent. The current human impact on our planet is unprecedented and has resulted in lively debates about the Anthropocene. This proposed epoch in which humans significantly impact the earth’s ecosystems challenge us to rethink the relationship between humans and ‘natur...
Forum Weltkirche, 2/2018. Internationales Katholisches Missionswerk missio e.V. Verlag Herder GmbH.
Inside Indonesia.
This article elaborates on the functionalities of Facebook and WhatsApp, and the possibilities and limitations of their usage in the anti-mining campaign in Bangka, Indonesia, with special focus on the participation and offline–online intertwining of communication processes. The research reported in this article contributes to a deeper understandin...
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We critically discuss the impact of sustainable development initiatives in Kerala, India, on biodiversity and on women farmers in the matrilineal Adivasi community of the Kurichya-tribe in Wayanad. By contextualizing development programs regarding the specifically gendered access to land, division of labor, distribution of knowledge and decision-ma...
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Framed with the concepts of material gendered political ecology and the Wirkmacht (agentive force) of gaharu (eaglewood), I give empirical insights into the intertwinement of power, marginality, identity and gender linked to natural resource governance in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Wirkmacht comprises the properties and functionalities of the r...
A major change in the ethnic composition of the village of Tumbang Tujang in the north of Central Kalimantan forms the starting point for my analysis of ethnicity, ethnic identity, ethnic revitalization and the use of strategic ethnic essentialism. In the 1980s Tumbang Tujang was mostly populated by Punan Murung whereas today Bakumpai form the ethn...
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This article reviews the literature on the relationship between gender and ethnicity in Indonesia's mining sector and outlines shortcomings and prospects for further research. Recent studies on mining and gender focus predominantly on women and how they are negatively affected by mining. Ethnicity, although a growing asset in struggles on environme...
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The contributions in this special issue are based on the general assumption that political and economic decisions always have an ecological impact and that societies have always transformed, (re-)produced, manufactured, and crafted nature. Environmental transformations are never socially neutral but are strongly connected to power relations (Görg,...
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An increasing number of companies in industries such as mining or logging with forest conversion plans, are advancing into remote areas in the interior of Kalimantan. This study investigates attitudes of local villagers towards those companies. We conducted a two months expedition to two villages to the sub-district of Uut Murung, Murung Raya, Kali...
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Local communities in the upstream part of Uut Murung live in a remote forest environment. Due to its richness of natural resources there has been much interest in the region by various actors, including the government, extractive industry and conservationists. This study aimed at understanding local peoples dependencies on natural resources and the...
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Das »Handbuch Indonesien« greift verschiedene Themen aus den Bereichen Kultur, Politik, Gesellschaft und Wirt- schaft in Indonesien und innerhalb der deutsch-indonesi- schen Beziehung auf. Es kommen deutsche und indone- sische MenschenrechtsaktivistInnen, Wissenschaftler- Innen, KünstlerInnen und Intellektuelle als Experten zu Wort.
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The scope of acting for Acehnese Muslim women's rights activists in the context of the introduction of Islamic criminal law and the formalisation of sharia is predominantly at the local level, though it is also connected to the national level and embedded in international discourses. These activists could participate in the drafting process of legi...
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Muslim women activists in Aceh play a central role in eliminating social and political ills and promoting women’s rights. In their visions of a new Aceh, they situate themselves between their Islamic belief and Acehnese identity as well as between the nation state and international conventions. The central question presented in this article relates...
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In the past five years, the province of Aceh at the north-western tip of Indonesia has been witness to tremendous societal transformation processes. On the one hand, the massive loss of lives and severe infrastructural damage caused by the Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004 lead to one of the world’s largest international humanitarian and recons...
Women are seen as important catalysts and promoters of a positive, social and political transformation. As agents of change, they provoke and contest existing political, cultural and religious orders and are therefore targets of repression and defamation. Nevertheless, women play a significant role in the creation of social future models, due to th...
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Aceh befindet sich seit der Dezentralisierungspolitik Indonesiens Ende der 1990er Jahre, der Tsunamikatastrophe 2004 und der Unterzeichnung des Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) 2005in einer politischen, kulturellen und gesellschaftlichen Transformation. Die Situation der Frauen in Aceh ist geprägt durch Repressionen aufgrund der Einführung der Sch...


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