Kristína DrienikováUniversity of Economics in Bratislava · Department of International Trade
Kristína Drieniková
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Skills and Expertise
Publications (22)
Since the end of World War II, global trade has gradually liberalised, which, alongside other factors, has led to its unprecedented growth. However, the onset of various crises, such as the global financial crisis in 2008, the European debt crisis in 2009, the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, and the energy crisis caused by Russia’s invasion in Ukraine, h...
Predkladaná vysokoškolská učebnica postupne v štyroch hlavných kapitolách najprv ponúka historické východiská pre formovanie zahraničnoobchodnej politiky EÚ. Následne podrobne mapuje zahraničnoobchodnú politiku a vzťahy EÚ voči tým krajinám, s ktorými má najužšie obchodné väzby vzhľadom na vysoký stupeň liberalizácie a spolupráce. V prvom rade ide...
A monograph dealing with the issue of the EU's foreign trade relations with the preferred region of the African, Caribbean, and Pacific (ACP) countries and the Indo-Pacific region comprehensively analyzes the development of the EU's relations with these regions. It examines not only the development of their foreign trade exchange and institutional...
Latin America as a developing region is facing various developing problems, however one of them is the most convex - the high crime rates. High inequality of the region only deepens the negative effect of criminality. Several authors deal with psychological, sociological, historical, legal, political impacts of crime, less attention is paid to the...
The article aims to examine the changes in the EU trade relations with the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic had a significant impact on the commodity structure of mutual trade in goods, however it did not have a negative effect on trade in services. The Trade Intensity Index indicates that EU - US trade in goods is below the...
The European Union has been the dominant trade partner of Western Balkan countries for a long time; however, China’s trade and economic influence in the region is growing yearly, and its engagement in the region has intensified after the launch of the Belt and Road Initiative. Serbia is the region’s most important strategic trading partner for the...
Economies, including the European Union, face the risk of losing ability to maintain their competitive positions on the global scale and of related inability to generate value added up to satisfactory degree. We therefore examine factors assumedly having positive impact on the domestic value added in exports, as a recently introduced key indicator...
Učebnica Ekonomika a obchodná politika rozvojových krajín – postavenie
v medzinárodnom obchode, dlhová kríza a vplyv migrácie je pokračovaním, resp.
nadväzuje na učebnicu Ekonomika a obchodná politika rozvojových krajín oboch
autoriek a spoluautorky doc. Puškárovej. Takisto sa zaoberá vybranými
čiastkovými otázkami v súlade s problematikou vyučovan...
V roku 2013 Čína oznámila ambiciózny projekt „One Belt One Road“, neskôr premenovaný na „Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)“. Ambíciou projektu je podporiť ekonomický rozvoj, obchodné vzťahy a prepojenie prostredníctvom čínskych investícií v hodnote 1 bilióna USD vo vybraných krajinách (Zogg, 2019). BRI je čínska agenda najvyššej úrovne, čínsky štátv n...
EU stepped up its efforts to reinforce its presence in the Asian region, especially in the Indo-Pacific region, due to increasing geo-strategic importance for the EU, high mutual interconnectedness, as well as trade and investment engagement. In September 2021, the EU adopted its first Indo-Pacific Strategy. The aim of the paper is to point out the...
Britain formally left the EU single market on January 1st, 2021, believing that backing out of integration will allow betterexploitation of its trade opportunities without regulation within the commonmarket. Pandemic has affected trade, productivity, global growth, etc.
Brexithas brought new trade arrangements (documenting the rules of origin, san...
Učebnica Ekonomika a obchodná politika rozvojových krajín si nekladie za cieľ obsiahnuť celú problematiku rozvoja tejto skupiny štátov, zaoberá sa vybranými čiastkovými problémami v súlade s problematikou vyučovanou na rovnomennom predmete.
Prvá kapitola poskytuje ucelený prehľad východiskových prístupov k rozvoju z pohľadu klasických teórií, teór...
Kazakhstan has an important position as the EU´s main trading partner in Central Asia and the EU has been its largest trade partner as well as the largest source of foreign direct investment. The importance of China as trade and investment partner is rising, on the contrary, the EU’s share is declining. Even though there remains plenty of scope for...
The HIV/AIDS threat, as a development obstacle in the underdeveloped world, has persisted for years. Globally, 37.9 million people are HIV positive and the majority, or 70% of them, live in Sub-Saharan Africa, a region with insufficient resources to fight the infection. HIV infection, if it progresses to AIDS, reduces labor force, decreases product...
The current geopolitical changes taking place in the world economy exert great influence on the EU (and Slovakia’s) foreign trade relations. This monograph examines the impact of geopolitical changes on the EU foreign trade relations with the countries of the Western Balkans, Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan, assesses the impact of the mutual EU and...
Considering the high orientation of Slovak foreign trade towards the EU markets, the Strategy of external economic relations of the Slovak Republic for 2014– 2020 identifies, among others, 4 main priorities: diversification of the territorial and commodity structure of exports increase the share of small and medium-sized companies and to boost expo...
The Asia-Pacific region has become the most dynamically developing region in the world and its significance for the regional economic integration processes has been growing rapidly as well. The paper focuses on the development of mutual cooperation among countries in the region within the framework of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for...
The article focuses on the main features of the EU social systems and their linkages to economic productivity and competitiveness. Furthermore, it compares the EU member states by the selected pillars of the Global Competitiveness Report with their position in the Index of Social Capital. The examination of the relation between overall competitiven...
The paper analyses the economic situation in Russia during the economic crisis, with a focus on foreign trade relations and changes that have occurred in this period and try to direct the country towards modernization type of economic growth. The change to Russia’s foreign trade policy and investment climate associated with its accession to the WTO...