Kristel Tardif-Grenier

Kristel Tardif-Grenier
Université du Québec en Outaouais · Département de psychoéducation et de psychologie

Research lab : It takes a village:


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Publications (43)
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Introduction Adolescents with an immigrant background, whether first‐generation (born abroad) or second‐generation (at least one parent born abroad), face challenges that could compromise their psychological adjustment compared to their third‐plus generation peers. Yet, many are developing positively despite the presence of adversity. To understand...
The present mixed methods study explored perceived differences in social support across three immigrant generations of early adolescents residing in Canada. A total of 960 first-generation ( n = 249, M age = 13.02, σ = .69, 54.2% girls), second-generation ( n = 327, M age = 12.88, σ = .69, 57.5% girls) and third-plus-generation ( n = 384, M age = 1...
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Many biopsychosocial changes occur in early adolescence. Adolescents with an immigrant background face additional challenges, such as ethnic discrimination, which is associated with anxiety symptoms. Studies among immigrant adults have shown that using strategies to cope with ethnic discrimination is associated with decreased anxiety. Little is kno...
Background Social well-being arises from the fulfillment of the basic need for relatedness. In school, it largely hinges on teacher-student relationships (TSR) and sense of school belonging (SSB), two important levers for educational success, and especially for immigrant-background youths. Aims This study aims to disentangle the stable and time-sp...
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This paper describes the nature of home-school value discrepancies perceived by students, and tests associations between such value discrepancies and teacher-student relationships with student generational status as a moderator. Using a sample of 1,551 students from grades 10 and 11, chi-square tests and ANOVAs were used to describe the nature of d...
Using a series of nationally representative cross-sectional surveys, this study shows that younger Canadian adults (aged 18–34) rated their own mental health positively (as “very good” or “excellent”) less often than older adults (i.e., 35+), both before and during the pandemic. Also, younger adults’ positive mental health ratings declined particul...
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Une meilleure connaissance des profils d'adaptation des jeunes adultes immigrants (JAI) est un prérequis à une réponse sensible à leurs besoins et ultimement, à leur inclusion. La présente étude s'appuyant sur une approche centrée sur la personne vise à identifier les profils d'adaptation psychosociale et scolaire chez les JAI et à cibler les carac...
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Les activités sportives organisées représentent un contexte privilégié pour stimuler le développement positif (DP) des jeunes qui grandissent en milieu défavorisé. Cependant, les retombées positives de ces activités ne sont pas systématiques et dépendent notamment des actions et des paroles des entraîneurs qui les encadrent. On en sait peu sur la m...
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The objective of the present article is to show how the social network plays different support roles in Quebec immigrants’ socio-professional integration. Based on Tardy’s (1985) theoretical framework and a qualitative methodology, namely life narratives, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 immigrants to map their social network and i...
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Studies highlighting the importance of parental involvement in schooling have multiplied over the past years. However, well-validated tools assessing the different dimensions of parental involvement are lacking, especially when addressing young students’ perception of their parents’ involvement. This study offers a preliminary validation of the Stu...
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Immigration is a major life experience that changes family dynamics and can increase stress and internalizing symptoms in some children. Very few studies have documented these changes using the perspectives of children themselves. This study relied on a convergent mixed-method design (quan + QUAL) and focused on the family representations after imm...
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Given the increasing number of immigrant students in schools, the purpose of this study is to examine how they perceive their relationships with their teachers and their teachers' attitudes towards them. Data was collected from 819 students in eight Quebec high schools. Results show that 2nd generation students perceive their relationships with the...
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Teachers’ professional satisfaction promotes students’ educational success. Studies have shown that teaching in a context of high cultural diversity may affect teachers’ level of satisfaction (e.g., satisfaction with students, perceived warmth in the teacher–student relationship, sense of efficacy). This longitudinal study conducted among 69 Canadi...
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Most existing studies investigating profiles of anxious and depressive symptoms in adolescent boys and girls do not consider the high cooccurrence between them, which prevents from identifying how heterogeneous groups might distinctly use coping strategies. To address this gap, the current study relies on a sample of 976 adolescents (56.0% girls (n...
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Adolescence is a time of increased risk for developing symptoms of anxiety and depression, especially for girls. The stress and social isolation experienced during confinement add new threats to already vulnerable adolescents' daily lives. This study is aimed at determining which sociodemographic characteristics (age, family composition, achievemen...
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This study assesses the specific anxiety symptoms that are present in the context of perceived ethnic discrimination in 696 (M age = 13.3, σ = .77, 57% girls) seventh and eighth-grade students with immigrant backgrounds from four different Canadian high schools. Multiple hierarchical linear regressions were conducted to determine the association be...
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Providing high-quality teaching practices is central to promote student engagement in school. High quality teaching is even more important in schools located in low socioeconomic neighborhoods, where a larger proportion of children present more important academic difficulties and lower classroom behavioural, affective, and cognitive engagement. The...
Immigration affects children and teenagers in particular – there are approximately ten million of them immigrating to new countries every year. The significant amount of stress endured during this transition both directly and indirectly influences the development and well-being of immigrant children. The child’s point of view on migration is, howev...
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Students with externalizing or internalizing behavior problems are at increased risk of underachievement and school non-completion, often due to their lower school engagement. Two studies were undertaken to assess the unique and joint (i.e., interactive) associations between behavior problems and engagement during two developmental periods; childho...
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Background Adolescents, especially girls, are more at risk of developing anxiety and depression symptoms and it can be assumed that the stress and social isolation experienced during confinement has had negative consequences on adolescents’ mental health. However, not all of them experienced confinement in the same way. This study is aimed at deter...
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L’objectif de cette étude était de vérifier : a) si le fait d’appartenir à une minorité ethnoculturelle est associé à un risque accru de présenter des niveaux cliniques de symptômes dépressifs et anxieux chez des jeunes adultes émergents lesbiennes, gais ou bisexuels (LGB), et b) si le genre a un effet modérateur sur la relation entre l’appartenanc...
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The population of Canadian schools is becoming increasingly diverse in ethnic origins. Despite the challenges they face, paradox immigrant theory suggests that immigrant students have a more favorable profile than their non-immigrant peers in terms of academic success. The aim of this longitudinal study which was conducted with 66 elementary school...
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Immigrant students are numerous in Canadian schools. This qualitative study is based on interviews made with eleven administrators from five elementary schools located in low-income areas of Montreal and whose clientele is mainly immigrant. The objective of this study is to explore administrators' representations of school-immigrant family collabor...
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Le climat d’une école résulte des relations continues entre les individus qui la composent. Dans les milieux où la diversité ethnoculturelle est très présente, ces relations entre les acteurs contribuent donc nécessairement à la construction du climat. Il n’existe toutefois aucune définition claire du climat scolaire interculturel. Une telle défini...
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L’association entre l’implication parentale dans le suivi scolaire et la réussite éducative de l’élève est bien documentée. La présente étude vise à établir dans quelle mesure l’implication parentale dans le suivi scolaire est associée au rendement et à l’engagement scolaire d’élèves du primaire qui sont issus de l’immigration. Au total, 296 élèves...
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Les élèves issus de l’immigration sont fortement susceptibles de fréquenter un établissement scolaire situé en milieu défavorisé. À Montréal, deux communautés y sont particulièrement présentes soit les élèves originaires d’Afrique du Nord et des Antilles. Ces élèves, une fois parvenus au secondaire, présentent un profil scolaire, familial et scolai...
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Résumé Cette étude vise à évaluer la validité du questionnaire sur l’implication parentale dans le suivi scolaire (QIPSS), un instrument de mesure élaboré à partir d’une synthèse des modèles d’implication parentale existant dans les écrits scientifiques. L’échantillon de validation incluant 711 parents d’élèves du primaire majoritairement issus de...
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Plusieurs variables parentales sont connues pour influencer la reussite scolaire de l’enfant, notamment le niveau de scolarite de la mere. Cette variable nous renseigne toutefois bien peu sur la nature et la qualite de l’experience scolaire de la mere. Afin de raffiner la comprehension des mecanismes par lesquels le vecu scolaire maternel affecte c...
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Depuis les années 2000, les études sur la violence agie ou subie par les jeunes issus de la diversité culturelle sont de plus en plus nombreuses. Le présent bilan vise à recenser les études québécoises portant sur ce sujet et à faire l’inventaire des caractéristiques de ces études ainsi que de leur objet de recherche. Au total, 44 études portant su...
Le rôle joué par l’école et les enseignants dans l’engagement scolaire des enfants issus de l’immigration est peu documenté. Nous présentons ici la synthèse d’une recherche (voir Archambault et al., 2015) qui a porté un regard approfondi sur l’influence différentielle des pratiques enseignantes et des caractéristiques de l’environnement scolaire su...
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Recognized as key actors in the education and socialization of children, parents play an important role in fostering children’s academic success. As such, this thesis investigated the contribution of parental involvement on the school adjustment of a sample of elementary school students coming from immigrant families. In addition to providing a mod...
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L'immigration et la diversité ethnique ont toujours été des réalités constitutives de la société québécoise. Depuis une quarantaine d'années, toutefois, ces questions ont pris une importance accrue, tout particulièrement en milieu scolaire, alors que des immigrants de cultures de plus en plus diversifiées se sont intégrés à la communauté francophon...
Conference Paper
Malgré des percées considérables de la recherche en éducation, les résultats de ce domaine de recherche sont encore peu utilisés par les intervenants scolaires. Un des obstacles au transfert de ces connaissances est l’inaccessibilité du jargon ainsi que des publications scientifiques (Hemsley-Brown, 2004). À l’inverse, le leadership de la direction...
Technical Report
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Depuis plusieurs décennies, les professionnels de l’éducation réfléchissent aux mesures à mettre en place pour favoriser la réussite de tous les élèves. Les recommandations qui émergent de ces réflexions situent au cœur des priorités l’engagement des élèves dans leurs apprentissages dès le primaire. Au cours des dernières années, les chercheurs ont...


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