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Economist and retired Research Manager at Wageningen UR
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April 1981 - July 2020
Publications (230)
Suggestions to adapt the Common Agricultural Policy, given societal challenges and innovations in the pipeline.
Support for Farmers’ Cooperatives Study
Given the imbalances in bargaining power between contracting parties along the food supply chain, the European Commission (DG Agriculture and Rural Development) has launched a large study to gain better insights in the policies that could help farmers to self-organise in cooperatives as a means of...
The competitiveness of the European food industry is weak compared to the US and Canada and at approximately the same level as the Australian and Brazilian industry. Scenarios show that unless the productivity growth in the EU is higher than in the rest of the world, EU competitiveness remains weak. Despite the weak competitive performance, a fair...
Nested markets are segments of wider (more global) markets where the specificities of place and networks provide room for specific products, extra trade and premium prices. Nested markets imply boundaries (and often boundary organizations that actively deal with these boundaries). These boundaries are permeable. Nonetheless, they define a space tha...
Agricultural production is dominated by family farms, although other types of farming exist. In some sectors of agriculture (e.g. pigs and poultry, horticulture, wine) the increase in scale leads to a concentration of the production on very large holdings. At the same time we see farmers exploring different strategies like diversification. We also...
Farms face an increasing administrative burden due to the push for a more sustainable agri‐food system. Farms are required to demonstrate compliance with various sustainability schemes, and this trend is expected to intensify with a more performance‐based CAP and new directives and regulations. The need for smart data reporting is emphasised, with...
Farmers face an increasing administrative burden as agricultural policies and certification systems of trade partners ask for more sustainability reporting. Several indicator frameworks have been developed to measure sustainability, but they often lack empirical operationalization and are not always measured at the farm level. The research gap we a...
The European Commission has proposed a Framework Law on Sustainable Food Systems. To stimulate debate, this Point de Vue summarises the key messages of a policy brief by the European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils Network (EEAC). The European food system does not deliver sustainable diets with low environmental impacts wh...
Eating habits must change substantially in order to address the urgent societal challenges of personal, public and planetary health. Research surrounding various facets of dietary transition remains siloed, hindering breakthroughs.
Scope and approach
We argue the scientific case for transdisciplinary research centered around the transit...
I discuss the role of agricultural economists in policy design by presenting the case of the framework law on sustainable food systems. The European Commission is working on that framework law, and a group of experts of the EEAC has prepared a policy advise on its content. Such a proposal for a law is an artifact created by humans. Design thinking...
The production of farm sustainability indicators is vital for all actors in the food chain. This paper shows how robotic accounting could assist in the monitoring and compliance of farm performance, to assess the various aspects of sustainability. We show how financial farm accounting, which is routine on most farms, can be extended to deliver a ra...
Digitalisation affects the agri-food sector and its governance. However, what digitalisation of the sector will imply for future agricultural policymaking remains unclear.
The objective of the study is to develop and evaluate explorative scenarios of digitalisation in the agri-food sector of Europe that are explicitly relevant to...
Agricultural policies are widening the scope to contribute to environmental objectives, such as the Green Deal, Paris Climate Agreement and sustainable development goals. This leads to new monitoring and data needs. To fulfil these data needs, it is crucial to explore the opportunities and limitations of new technologies. This paper analyses the in...
A better understanding of food-related behaviour and its determinants can be achieved through harmonisation and linking of the various data-sources and knowledge platforms.
We describe the key decision-making in the development of a prototype of the Determinants and Intake Platform (DI Platform), a data platform that aims to harmo...
Peat soils that are drained to enable productive agriculture result in land subsidence and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. These have negative effects on the environment, in particular climate change, and rural infrastructure. This article reviews the EU and Dutch regulatory requirements for reducing GHG emissions and discusses options to reduce th...
The European Green Deal, its Farm to Fork strategy and Biodiversity strategy will set the scene for the future revisions of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The CAP will address an increasing set of objectives, including contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris climate agreement. To enable evidence-based policy making an...
Are agricultural economists losing their relevance and significance in research on sustainable food systems? Could the world thrive without the contribution of agricultural economists? How could agricultural economists have more impact in addressing the grand challenges of our time? In this paper we address these questions by reflecting on the fiel...
The large European research and innovation project IoF2020 has tested IoT (Internet of Things)
technologies in 33 use cases. In the final stage of the project, the beneficiaries offer the policy
recommendations based on the project results to support agriculture and food’s future digitalisation.
Current agricultural policies as the CAP and the Farm...
In the 21st century we face major global challenges crossing the borders of nations and sectors. Humanity is over-consuming nature and its natural resources, urban centres are becoming overpopulated, a major part of the population faces malnutrition and the climate is changing rapidly. The Covid-19 pandemic makes us realise even more that we are co...
This paper analyses the composition and volatility of the total income and wealth of dairy farmers and the importance and volatility of the different components contributing to their total income and wealth based on Dutch FADN data. The results confirm some existing findings on the stabilising impact of CAP subsidies and off-farm income on farmers’...
The eco‐schemes proposed by the European Commission for the new Common Agricultural Policy ( CAP ) have the potential to make agriculture more sustainable and climate smart. Based on Dutch policy advice we suggest basing the implementation on food systems thinking and to align public eco‐schemes with private initiatives. Dutch policy seeks to creat...
Disconnects between farming and urban systems are widely seen as impairing the resilience of biobased production systems (BBPSs). However, the institutional mechanisms that underlie these resilience problems are not well understood. In this explorative paper, which integrates elements from institutional and resilience theory, we develop a framework...
This paper argues that there is a need for a food systems perspective to identify potential
solutions for global challenges. The food system approach and food system
innovations offer strong instruments to study and understand possible transition
pathways to more sustainable and healthier food systems. We bring these points
to life with some exampl...
This paper analyses the composition and volatility of the total income and wealth of dairy farmers and the importance and volatility of the different components contributing to the total income and wealth based on Dutch FADN data. The results confirm some existing findings on the stabilising impact of CAP subsidies and off-farm income on the total...
Farm income is a central objective in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Due to an increasing complexity of farming, measuring farm income has been become less straightforward. This paper analyses farm complexity and its' impact on income indicators with data from the Dutch FADN. It uses the recent report from the US National Academy of Science...
The Common Agricultural Policy post 2020 will address an increasing set of objectives, including contributing to the sustainable development goals and the Paris climate agreement. Current monitoring systems are focussed on structural and economic data and hardly cover performance indicators on the sustainability performance of farms. The EU finance...
In het concept kringlooplandbouw is de veehouderij niet weg te denken. Dieren vervullen een essentiële functie door reststromen te verwaarden. De nutriënten uit hun mest kunnen weer benut worden in de plantaardige productie. De productie van dierlijke producten en de daaraan gerelateerde productie van mest ligt onder een vergrootglas vanuit meerder...
The horticultural sector in Jordan is undergoing a crisis, due to a decline in export. Innovation can improve the performance of the sector. To this end, the government of Jordan should pursue an innovation policy with the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS) as object of the governance. Based on a review of the AKIS in Jordan it is...
Research on dietary intake and its determinants is crucial for an adequate response to the current epidemic of diet‐related non‐communicable chronic diseases. In order to respond to this challenge, the RICHFIELDS project was tasked with designing a research infrastructure (RI) that connects data on dietary intake of consumers in Europe, and its det...
This report gives an overview of the expected developments of the Dutch agricultural sector and its
constituent subsectors, based on existing policy and policy proposals. This overview clarifies whether
the environmental and animal welfare policy goals will be achieved or whether extra measures are
Research infrastructures (RIs) are essential to advance research on the relationship between food, nutrition, and health. RIs will facilitate innovation and allow insights at the systems level which are required to design (public health) strategies that will address societal challenges more effectively.
In the EuroDISH project...
The FLINT project (Farm Level Indicators for New Topics in policy evaluation) was aimed at testing the feasibility of collecting data on the sustainability performance of farms through the European Farm Accountancy Data Network ( FADN ). The project defined a list of sustainability themes based on an assessment of policy needs, the existing literat...
Background Recent initiatives in Europe have encouraged the formalisation of research infrastructure to unify fragmented facilities, resources and services; and to facilitate world-class research of complex public health challenges, such as those related to non-communicable disease. How this can be achieved in the area of food and health has, to da...
There is a growing need for data on the sustainability of agriculture, not only with industry but especially
also with researchers and policy makers who have to monitor and evaluate the Common Agricultural
Policy (CAP), including its cross‐compliance, greening and rural development measures. The FLINT project
(‘Farm Level Indicators for New Topics...
The Scientific Foresight project 'Precision Agriculture and the future of farming in Europe' has been requested by the Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) Panel. This report is a summary of the study and has been compiled by Lieve Van Woensel and Christian Kurrer with James Tarlton (Scientific Foresight Unit, EPRS). The technical horiz...
Societal expectations about agricultural production are changing. There are increased demands on issues such as food safety, animal welfare and the impact of agriculture on the environment (land, water and air). These changes have been refl ected in the European Union’s (EU) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), but information on these issues is lacki...
The European Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) collects detailed fi nancial economic information on a sample of farms in Europe. These data are used intensively for the evaluation of the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy. Owing to changes in policies, there is a need for a broader set of farm level data, especially on the sustainabilit...
Structural change has been a constant factor in agriculture, the Netherlands included. For decades the number of farms has decreased and the size of farms has increased. Agricultural statistics help to analyse and understand structural change, but at the same time structural change affects and to some extend complicates the compilation and use of a...
Om aan de huidige en toekomstige uitdagingen het hoofd te bieden, moet het Gemeenschappelijk Landbouwbeleid (GLB) van de Europese Unie compleet op de schop. Begin september presenteerden Krijn Poppe en Louise Fresco in hun Mansholtlezing in Brussel een voorstel om het GLB te hervormen en uit te breiden met voedselbeleid (Fresco en Poppe, 2016). In...
Emerging ICT tools and high-tech systems, like civil drones, create new or improved ways to acquire data about agricultural production processes. Scientific evidence about how these new data sources help farming to improve its resource efficiency and reduce its environmental impact is growing. Its uptake in agriculture is encouraged by the ongoing...
Modern information-based technologies, such as self-driving tractors, GPS (global positioning systems), robot milking machines, automated egg production, drones, satellite data and social media, will change farm practices and agricultural structures and contribute to the prosperity and resilience of farming systems. Food chains will not only become...
Dit rapport is geschreven door Instituut Clingendael en LEI Wageningen UR voor het Ministerie van Economische Zaken (meer specifiek voor de Directie Agro- en Natuurkennis (DANK)). Het hoofddoel van dit onderzoek is meer inzicht te verkrijgen in hoe DANK, door tactisch te opereren in de Brusselse beleidsarena in het bijzonder waar het de EU-kennisag...
Tomatentelers en varkenshouders hebben het moeilijk in Nederland; veredelaars en machinebouwers floreren. Doet Nederland er goed aan de kaarten te zetten op techniek en de bulkproductie aan andere landen over te laten? Het LEI denkt na over dat scenario.
To cope with the wide range of complex and interlinked challenges facing agriculture in the European Union (EU) the EU Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR) regularly carries out foresight exercises. The SCAR strategic working group on Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) carried out a foresight on how AKIS might develo...
The European Commission wants to create a favourable policy environment for supporting the establishment and development of farmers' cooperatives and other producer organizations. This paper - for the first time - presents the results of an effectiveness measurement of the existing support measures for farmers' cooperatives throughout the EU (in ei...
Er is het laatste jaar meerdere malen geroepen dat de varkenssector moet ophouden met het voortdurend openbaar maken van informatie zoals kostprijzen, inkomens, technische cijfers. “De groenteboer vertelt toch ook niet wat een krop sla werkelijk kost?”, zo luidt dan een argument. Als LEI Wageningen UR hebben we met deze discussie te maken. De oorsp...
This report forms the Dutch part of the deliverables from a project called "IMPRESA" which has been awarded financial support by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme. The project aims to evaluate the impact of research on agriculture performed in the EU, collecting data on recent trends in investment in agricultural research, a...
De vraag is hoe vlees in de keten op een andere manier tot waarde kan worden gebracht en zodanig dat dit lonend is voor de partijen in de keten. Het project ‘Verdienmodellen’ richt zich op het ontwikkelen en beoordelen van alternatieve businessmodellen met een ander ‘waarde(n)perspectief’ voor de vleesketens kip en varkensvlees(producten).
There are many different images of the livestock industry and many persons are unhappy with the outcome of the market process. Instead of explaining why the market leads to the current outcomes, it is wise to be prepared that politics will rearrange the property rights in order to produce different outcomes of the market mechanism. In this essay, I...
Information and Communication Technology as a Driver for Change in Agri‐food Chains
Agri‐food chains will be changed in the coming years by Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Technological trends and economic analysis suggest that ICT will be a major driver for innovation. Satellites and sensors make precision agriculture possible. Mor...
Agricultural Research and Innovation Systems in Transition
Agricultural knowledge and innovation systems (AKIS) are in transition in many countries from a linear, top‐down approach towards more flexible and interactive arrangements. This transition to a system more responsive to changing demands seeks to improve the adoption of innovation in order...
Dit rapport doet verslag van een onderzoek waarin is gekeken hoe vlees in de keten op een andere manier tot waarde kan worden gebracht zodat dit lonend is voor de partijen in de keten. Hierbij geldt: de beloning komt zo veel mogelijk toe aan degene die de toegevoegde waarde levert. Dit initiatief richt zich daarbij op het ontwikkelen en beoordelen...
The European Union’s Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR) is mandated by the Council to play a major role in the coordination of agricultural research efforts across the European Research Area (currently 37 countries). This includes questions of advisory services, education, training and innovation. The SCAR installed a collaborative...
This section presents the intermediate results of the review by the EU Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR) to identify agricultural knowledge structures in Member States (as well as other countries involved in the European Research Area). The Collaborative Working Group on Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) of this...
Structural precaution refers to legal requirements by which food products (whether as ingredients, additives, genetically modified or innovative in some other form) are only admitted to the market after authorization by public authorities and till then are presumed unsafe. In the EU such authorization is granted after provision of conclusive scient...
This report provides the overall conclusions of the full study. It was carried out by a European research consortium during 2011 and 2012. Data gathered in all 27 Member States have been presented and analysed in separate country reports. The data collected were also used in preparing eight sector reports, focusing on the role of cooperatives in ea...
The imbalances in bargaining power between the contracting parties in the food supply chain have drawn much scholarly attention but have also been closely examined by policy makers. The European Commission is committed to facilitate the restructuring of the agricultural sector by encouraging the creation of voluntary agricultural producer organisat...
In order to foster the competitiveness of the food supply chain, the European Commission is committed to promote and facilitate the restructuring and consolidation of the agricultural sector by encouraging the creation of voluntary agricultural producer organisations. To support the policy making process DG Agriculture and Rural Development has lau...
Een vergelijkend onderzoek naar de ontwikkeling van land- en tuinbouwcoöperaties in alle lidstaten van de Europese Unie toont aan dat coöperaties in alle landen en bijna alle sectoren van groot belang zijn voor de afzet van agrarische producten, én dat dit belang nog steeds toeneemt.
The imbalances in bargaining power between the contracting parties in the food supply chain have drawn much attention, also from policy makers. The European Commission is committed to facilitate the restructuring of the sector by encouraging the creation of voluntary agricultural producer organisations. DG Agriculture and Rural Development has laun...
The imbalances in bargaining power between the contracting parties in the food supply chain have drawn much attention, also from policy makers. The European Commission is committed to facilitate the restructuring of the sector by encouraging the creation of voluntary agricultural producer organisations. DG Agriculture and Rural Development has laun...
Boeren maken doorlopend keuzes: in de herfst of in het voorjaar ploegen, of helemaal niet. Lichte tractoren of zware. Of vaste rijpaden dankzij de satellietbesturing. Een interessante vraag vanuit de economie is of de overheid zich met die keuzes moet bemoeien.
This paper investigates the developments in the Dutch AgriâFood innovation system. Main components of the system are agriculture and agribusiness, the promotion of interests in the lobby system and the knowledge system. Each has its own dynamics but they are until now tied together by institutional arrangements. Based on a historical description we...
Column over de transitie van chemische bestrijdingsmiddelen naar gewasbescherming en wellicht binnenkort naar weerbare systemen. Taal doet er toe, zeker ook in een transitie. Kennis mag dan macht zijn, het is ook kwetsbaar bij verkeerde interpretatie.
In dit essay laat de auteur zien dat er marktprocessen zijn die bijdragen aan een duurzamer veehouderij, die versterkt kunnen worden. Verder is er onduurzaam overheidsbeleid dat geliberaliseerd kan worden. En daar waar de markt faalt, moet de overheid ingrijpen, maar kan daarbij marktgerichte instrumenten gebruiken.
This study provides the methodology to measure competitiveness and an assessment of the European dairy industry’s competitiveness and innovativeness. Several studies on competitiveness of industries are weakly theoretically founded, descriptive of nature or do not provide an overall assessment of all indicators used. This study provides an integrat...
Differences in transaction costs (i.e. costs of information processing, monitoring and control) between firms in local supply chains as well as in an international setting may have a negative impact on competitiveness and on creation of value added. Transaction cost disequilibrium is defined as a state in which transaction costs exceed the transact...
Research shows that innovation on the EU food market is limited as far as it concerns the import or development of products not previously present in the EU. One of the causes that has been identified explaining this state of affairs is the EU regulatory system for innovative foods. EU food legislation is said to be precautionary in that it imposes...
Abstract This paper compares SPS-requirements of the USA and of the EU from the perspective of the processing establishment, and analyzes the consequences of differences for national as well as firm policies. Differences in safety requirements may impede the competitiveness of the food industry. Backward, forward and location-specific requirements...