Krasimira YanchevaUniversity of Economics Varna · Economics and Organization of Tourism
Krasimira Yancheva
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Krasimira Yancheva currently works at the Department of Economics and Organization of Tourism, University of Economics - Varna.
Publications (48)
Tourism industry forms a big part of the world and European GDP. In Bulgaria tourism is traditionally
an industry with high importance in terms of country economy and is also accepted to create livelihood for
great share of the population in particular country regions. The Covid-19 pandemic influenced tourism
significantly as this is one of the mos...
The present study aims to define and discuss opportunities for developing entrepreneurial culture regarding the management of regional museums of history in Bulgaria, based on a case study of the Regional Museum of History Varna (RMH Varna), Bulgaria. The challenging environment for the successful functioning of public cultural institutions leading...
This article examines MICE tourism as a specialized type that has seen rapid development in recent years, not only globally, but also in Bulgaria. However, the successful implementation and realization of its product is associated with the knowledge of a number of key trends in the MICE industry. In this regard, the author’s aspiration is to derive...
This article examines EVENT tourism as a specialized type that has seen rapid development in recent years, not only globally, but also in Bulgaria. However, the successful implementation and realization of its product is associated with the knowledge of a number of features and effective management of the destination for events. In this regard, the...
This publication presents the importance of traveling seminars as
a form of extracurricular activity for tourism education at the University of
Economics-Varna. The topic is extremely current, as they have been
included in the curriculum of the major for the past few years. The first part
of the publication explains the nature, features, and benefi...
MICE tourism is one of the successfully developing tourism industries on the global market, which has been growing
steadily over the last years. At a current state, the MICE industry is one of the key drivers of tourism destination
development and an important generator of income, employment and investments. It is notable that during MICE
events a...
The main challenges to the transformation of Bulgarian tourism stem from the specifics of post-Covid realities, characterized by a highly conjunctural nature for the country and the region. The significant volatilities that have occurred in the last few years raise the need for a new marketing positioning of Bulgaria on the domestic and internation...
Museum management in the 21st century and beyond is faced with a number of challenges that are imposed by a rapidly changing, aggressive supply and demand and dynamic environment, as well as by different patterns of consumer behavior. In relation to the right path for their successful development, museums in Bulgaria should pay attention to this en...
This volume brings together significant theoretical and empirical approaches concerning both sustainability in tourism and in monitoring the sustainable tourism of seaside destinations. It explores the monitoring of the harmonious tourism development on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast in the regions of Dobrich, Varna and Bourgas. The book presents a...
The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly affected tourism in the last two years. The tourism industry forms a big part of the world's GDP and is an important industry in terms of employment. The great leakage of qualified, experienced and motivated tourism workers is severe for the future recovery and development perspectives of the tourism business...
The covid-19 pandemic has significantly affected tourism in the last two years. The tourism industry forms a big part of the world's GDP and is an important industry in terms of employment. The great leakage of qualified, experienced and motivated tourism workers is severe for the future recovery and development perspectives of the tourism business...
The main reason for the creation of this paper is related to the new
challenges for the Bulgarian maritime tourism staff, which have come out as
a result of the Covid - 19 pandemic. The need for a transformation process in
the Bulgarian tourism labour market in the context of the „Blue Growth“ and
the „Green Deal“ of the EU also requires the outlin...
This paper is dedicated to the presentation of conceptual activities for the creation of the Main SILC Route in Bulgaria according to the completed objectives in project BSB-570 Silk Road Local Culture (SILC) on behalf of the Bulgarian side. The theoretical research is focused on a constructive review of all related achievements in the field of cer...
Туризмът е обществен феномен и стопански сектор, в който се преплитат интересите на много и разнородни заинтересовани субекти. Управлението на туристическата дейност е сложен процес, изискващ специфични знания и практически умения.
Основната цел на учебника „Управление на туризма“ е да предостави системни знания за субектите, обектите, механизмите...
This paper aims to reveal the main problems of tourism education in an electronic environment. The field of research is the electronically based learning process at the University of Economics-Varna, which has become valid since the beginning of the Covid pandemic. The stated theory and practice of e-training are considerably questioned by the cont...
Настоящата монография е подготвена в изпълнение на Договор НИР-ПНИ-22/27.04.2018г. с Икономически Университет-Варна за научни изследвания и приложни научни разработки. Актуалността на монографията сес сътои в открояване на предизивкателствата пред ефективното провеждане на практическото обучение на студентите от специалност "Туризъм" на фона на нег...
Thе publication presents the extracurricular education as a part of the curriculum of the specialty "Tourism" at the University of Economics-Varna. The report aims to acquaint the readers with the specifics of its implementation in the Department of "Economics and Organization of Tourism", as well as to analyze and systematize its forms and manifes...
The authors of this research paper try to reveal the achieved interim results on the project SILC Road Local Culture (SILC) in its cross-border dimensions performed on behalf of the project team from the University of Economics-Varna. The discussion starts with some historical implications of the development of the Great Silk Road as a logical inpu...
The European Destinations of ExcelleNce (EDEN) initiative provides the opportunity to enhance the visibility and recognition of emerging European tourist destinations, to create a platform for exchanging good practices at European level and to promote a network between award-winning destinations that could lead other destinations to adopt the model...
This article aims to present the results from a study conducted by a research project titled: "The prerequisites for professional development of students of" Tourism "at the University of Economics in Varna within the tourist area Varna (North Black Sea Coast) and tourist district Burgas (Southern Black Sea Coast) ". The paper shows the attitude of...
This paper is focusing on the relatedness between the historical development of the Silk road and its implications for strategic development of contemporary tourism activities. The authors try to outline and explain the reasons for the Silk road development during different time periods and stages. The main reasons and outcomes of the Silk road for...
The report represents a study according to the framework of a project with reference number BSB Bulgaria. The aim of the report is to reveal the attitudes of stakeholders for their certification and relevant participation in the offering of the tourist cultural route "Along the Silk Road" in Bulgaria. In the course of the report is outlined a criti...
Тhe report is dedicated to the project Silk Road Local Culture – SILC – under the Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020. The programme is co-financed by the European Union through the European Neighbourhood Instrument and by the participating countries: Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Romania. The report outlines the opportuniti...
Abstract: Тhe report is dedicated to the project Silk Road Local Culture – SILC – under the Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020. The programme is co-financed by the European Union through the European Neighbourhood Instrument and by the participating countries: Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Romania. The purpose of the report...
Очень мало стран в Европе могут конкурировать Болгарию в области СПА, бальнео- и велнес-туризма. Благодаря обилию и многообразию термоминеральных вод и местонахождений лечебной грязи Болгария занимает ведущее место по этому виду туризма. Часть минеральных источников страны находятся на Черноморском побережье. Это предоставляет возможность эффективн...
The meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions (MICE) sector of tourism is growing rapidly worldwide. In 2017, Europe dominated the MICE industry and is expected to continue this trend till 2025. Asia-Pacific along with Europe contributed more than 50% in the global MICE industry share. The European MICE industry is primarily driven by the...
This article raises questions about the opportunities for development of wedding tourism in tourist destination Bulgaria in terms of the specific characteristics of its marketing mix. The study focuses on the features of wedding tourism that distinguish it from other forms of tourism and related economic activities. The empirical material centres o...
DOI: 10.36997/IJUSV-ESS/2019.8.3.81
The present work reveals opportunities for improving the portfolio of International Folk Festival “Varna
Summer” in order to increase the effects of its implementation. The theoretical argumentation of the study uses the
marketing theory to form a product portfolio. With the help of a survey and SWOT analysis, the strengths and
Тази статия проследява актуални научни изследвания за туризма на български автори в два аспекта: тематична/ проблемна/ ориентация и постигнати резултати. Всички те са рецензирани и публикувани след представяне на научни форуми с международно участие в страната в периода 2015-2017 г. На базата на контент анализ, по изведени водещи рубрики, синтезира...
Cultural events as means of enlightment and entertainment for people in the modern world are currently gowing in number, scale and variety. From traditional theater performances and cinema shows through various festivals, happenings and spectacular show performances along with projects such as "European Capitals of Culture", cultural events attract...
The article reveals in a critical way the current brand identity of tourist destination Bulgaria in terms of its multidimensional aspects. The relevant characteristics of the researched brand identity reflect the compound influence of the destination soft power, destination image and destination brand image. For that reason the paper focuses on the...
9]. В особенности это относится к регионам, примыкающим к государственным границам и потому обладающим благоприятными предпосылками для развития международного туризма. В начале 2010-х гг. с опорой на разработки по трансграничному регионообразованию в отечественной науке была создана теория трансграничных туристско-рекреационных регионов [7; 8]. В...
_________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT-The goal of this paper is to review some behavioral features of child aggression in order to suggest opportunities for handling it through creative tourism application. The research methods applied are theoretical synthesis, theoretical analysis and observati...
Настоящая статья кладёт начало актуальной, но слабо обсуждаемой теме в туристической теории и практике, касающейся роли, места и применения болгарского фольклора в туризме.
Мотивы автора заняться разработкой такой темы заключаются в недооценке, неполном и нерациональном использовании потенциала фольклора для развития туризма в Болгарии и даже в ха...
В съвременните условия на глобализация природното и културно-историческото наследство принадлежат на всички хора. Динамичното взаимодействие между туризма и културното наследство се явява едно от основните средства за културен обмен между различните общества, като предоставя невероятната възможност на всеки човек да се докосне до традициите и обича...
Dear reader,
We turn to you with gratitude that you hold in your hands this book. Possibly your interest in it is initiated by the fact that you are directly connected to tourism either as a worker or as a student or a trainee in some of the units of the training systems in the tourism industry, either as political, social and / or administrative...
The meetings, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions (MICE) sector of tourism is growing rapidly worldwide and particularly in the Asia Pacific region. One of the important challenges posed by rapid growth of this sector is to maintain service standards in a context of intense competition for this form of tourism. In particular, the development o...
Быстро меняющиеся потребности современного туриста требуют разработки и предложения аттрактивного туристского продукта. Такая возможность совершенствования, обогащения с точки зрения разнообразия этого продукта кроется в нематериальном культурном наследии Болгарии. Болгарские обряды, обычаи, традиции являются основным ресурсом, символом аутентичнос...
The modern forms of tourism offer current and potential customers more diverse and attractive opportunities for recreation and entertainment. While mass recreational tourism still retains its position as a major motivator for tourists, alternative forms of travel are also gaining ground and customers. Cultural tourism, which is the alternative to t...
Быстро меняющиеся потребности современного туриста требуют разработки и предложения аттрактивного туристского продукта. Такая возможность совершенствования, обогащения с точки зрения разнообразия этого продукта кроется в нематериальном культурном наследии Болгарии. Болгарские обряды, обычаи, традиции являются основным ресурсом, символом аутентичнос...
In the modern social system tourism has an even bigger importance despite the
indications of decreasing tourist demand as a result of the processes of crisis in
economics. One of the basic tendencies is the development of alternative forms of
tourism. The essence of alternative tourism is actually revealed in its name – it is the
alternative of mas...