Konstantinos Kalachanis

Konstantinos Kalachanis
New York College | NYC

PhD in Philosophy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, M.Sc. Environment and Health, capacity buliding for decision making, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Research Coordinator, New York College, Athens, Greece.


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January 2023 - August 2023
Ellinogermaniki Agogi R & D Dept
  • Researcher
July 2019 - present
New York College
  • Research Associate
June 2012 - present
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • Lecturer
  • Teaching the course Bioethics to the students of MSC Environment & Health, Capacity Building for Decision Making


Publications (141)
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This study traces and analyzes the itinerary followed by Argo and her crew, according to the unknown author of Argonautica Orphica: The voyage of the Argonauts from Iolcos to Colchis and their return following a different path, from Phasis River through central Europe to the Atlantic Ocean and then through the Mediterranean Sea. Conclusions are dra...
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The nature of celestial bodies according to Anaximander Konstantinos Kalachanis Abstract Anaximander, one of the early Presocratic philosophers, made significant contributions to astronomy by attempting to explain the structure and function of the Universe through natural and mathematical principles. He argued that the Earth remains stationary at t...
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А particularly interesting fragment from work оf Anaximenes quotes that “πυρίνην μὲν τὴν φύσιν τῶν ἄστρων, περιέχειν δέ τινα καὶ γεώδη σώματα συμπεριφερόμενα τούτοις ἀόρατα” which is interpreted in English as follows: The nature of stars is fiery and they include some earth-like bodies that rotate with them and are invisible (Aetius, De Plac. II, 1...
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The Argonauts’ trip along the northern limit of the Libyan Desert, from Syrtis Gulf to Tritonis Lake, is described by Apollonius Rhodes’ text ‘Argonautica’. The Argonauts sailed in this lake and located a narrow passage through which they exit to the Mediterranean’s coast. In this work, we followed the ancient text carefully, step by step, in order...
Conference Paper
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Το φαινόμενο της ζωής είναι μία από τις πλέον περίπλοκες διεργασίες που λαμ- βάνουν χώρα στο Σύμπαν και απαιτεί μία σειρά από προϋποθέσεις. Με βάση τις συνθήκες που επικρατούν στο Σύμπαν, αλλά και τους εξωπλανήτες που έχουμε παρατηρήσει, είναι προφανές ότι η ζωή ν και ειδικά η νοήμων ζωή είναι κάτι αρ- κετά σπάνιο. Το ερώτημα ωστόσο για την ύπαρξη...
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The relation of bear mythology with the transformation of girls into women, as well as the connection and involvement of Artemis and bears with the beginning of woman's adulthood and motherhood is considered. Particular attention is paid to the worship of Artemis Brauronia and to rituals like the Arkteia rite. Finally, the connection of bear mythol...
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Einstein αντιθέτως, η ροή του χρόνου εξαρτάται από την κίνηση του παρατηρητή, ενώ στην Γενική Σχετικότητα δεσπόζει ο ρόλος της βαρύτητας. Λέξεις κλειδιά: νυν, χρονική ροή, παρατηρητής, Νεύτων, Ειδική Σχετικότητα, Γενική Σχετικότητα ARISTOTLE vs EINSTEIN ON ΤΗΕ NOTION OF TIME Konstantinos Kalachanis Abstract Aristotle's conception of time is based o...
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Background: Spine biomechanics is a field of applied research aiming to unravel the biomechanical understanding of the spine and its disorders and to understand the implications of their interventional therapy to improve clinical practice, physical performance and daily living. Its scientific whereabouts can be traced in the work of Aristotle, who...
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Један од најзначајнијих филозофа античке Јоније био је Анаксагора из Клазомене, на малоазијској обали Егејског мора. У овом прилогу разматрано је његово објашњење стварања Универзума, на основу претпоставке о постојању фундаменталних компоненти материје (хомеомерије) и Ума, као и погледи на огњену природу звезда и покушаји да опише њихову суштину б...
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Према антропичком принципу, физички свет је структуиран да удоми живот који може да га посматра. То значи да су вредности физичких константи такве да космос има повољне услове за њега. И јаки и слаби антропички принцип - упркос њиховим разликама - као да истичу да је основна улога универзума развој живота, посебно интелигентног живота. Али без зане...
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У својим космолошким разматрањима Хераклит претпоставља да је ватра основни принцип и најфундаменталнији елемент од кога су настали други елементи и сви објекти. Али осим материјалног елемента ватре, Хераклит такође спомиње још једну њену врсту, грмљавину, коју карактерише постојање интелекта. Од ватре према њему долази не само настанак већ она одр...
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The work of Heraclitus is characterized by his references to the changes that take place in the cosmos. Fragment B 49 argues that no man enters the same river twice, as both the river and man are different. There seems to be a contradiction as it is not possible for man to be the same and different at the same time. According to the Theory of Ident...
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Modern western civilization can be traced back to the Roman antiquity in terms of policy, legislation, art, and culture. The development of ancient Rome from a kingdom in Latio to a democracy and finally a thriving empire has paved the way for medicine and public health. As a kingdom, Rome has established laws for maternal health and abortion. Late...
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Clinical pharmacy involves pharmacists in direct patient care concerning optimizing medicines and promoting health awareness and disease prevention. The whereabouts of the field can be traced to Scribonius Largus, a renowned physician and pharmacist in ancient Rome. Although Largus served as an imperial physician, he has also been an exemplary phar...
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The Republic of Plato is a philosophical treatise describing the ideal city-state, a self-sufficient civil entity in the world of Ideas (Forms) that enables both individuals and the society to thrive. Elements of the Republic can be tracedwoka in modern policymaking. Plato's ethical and political philosophy consists of a standpoint of reflection to...
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Η κλιματική αλλαγή αποτελεί μία μεγάλη και άμεση απειλή για την ανθρώπινη υγεία, τις οποίας οι συνέπειες θα είναι ακόμη περισσότερο ορατές στις επόμενες γενεές ανθρώπων. Παρά το γεγονός ότι υπάρχουν φυσικοί παράγοντες που προκαλούν κλιματικές αλλαγές (ηφαίστεια, κύκλοι του Milankovitch κ.α.) εντούτοις το ανθρώπινο αποτύπωμα, ιδιαίτερα από την εποχή...
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An important event of world history is the Greek-Persian war (5th century BC), as its outcome (with the victory of the Greeks) defined the evolution of culture in Greece and in whole Europe. If the plan of Persian King Xerxes I, had succeeded ("I will unite all countries in one, crossing the whole of Europe" (VII, 8)), our "developed" world would h...
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Размотрени су идеје и философски погледи Анаксимандра из Милета (611/610–547/546. пре н. е.), једног од најзначајнијих пред сократoвских филосoфа, првог који је покушао да дâ научно виђење света, природе небеских тела и положаја Земље у универзуму ослобођено митологије, као и његов допринос практичној астрономији и увођењу сунчаних сатова у грчки с...
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Aristotle (384-322 BC), the founder of the peripatetic sect of philosophers was a polymath and his work covers almost every major area of human inquiry such as physics, biology, metaphysics, ethics, rhetoric and politics. However, it seems that he had an inclination for the investigation of nature and human being. The heart is considered by Aristot...
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According to the anthropic principle, the physical world is structured to host a life that can observe it, so the values of the physical constants are such that the universe has favorable conditions. Both the weak anthropic principle and the strong one-despite their differences-emphasize that the basic role of the Universe is the development of lif...
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Le coeur dans l'oeuvre de l'éminent philosophe et mé-decin grec Aristote (384-322 av. J.-C.) Aristote (384-322 avant J.-C.), le fondateur de la secte péripatéticienne des philosophes, était un polymathe et son travail couvre presque tous les grands domaines de l'enquête tels que la physique, la biologie, la mé-taphysique, l'éthique, la rhétorique e...
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Introduction: A quintessential element of Hippocratic medicine is treatment of mental diseases which was based on a detailed examination of the symptoms as well as the study of human physiology and final outcome of the diseases which is based on humoral theory. Purpose: The aim of the work is to highlight the contribution of Hippocrates to the stud...
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Here are discussed ideas and philosophical views of Anaximander of Miletus (611/610-547/546 B.C.), one of the most important Pre-Socratic philosophers, the first who tried to give a scientific view of the World, free from mythology, about the nature of celestial bodies and Earth's position in the Universe, and his contribution to practical astronom...
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490-570) υπήρξε ένας από τους σπουδαιότερους υπομνηματιστές του Αριστοτέλη και συνάμα από τους σημαντικότερους Χριστιανούς λογίους. Στο έργο του γί-νεται εκτενής λόγος για το ζήτημα της δημιουργίας του κόσμου, η οποία κατά τον φιλόσοφο λαμβάνει χώρα εκ του μη όντος, έχουσα συνάμα σαν μονα-δικό ποιητικό αίτιο τον Θεό. Επιση-μαίνει ωστόσο ο φιλόσοφος...
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Теорија Великог праска се односи на почетак Универзума, који потиче из сингуларности, теорије која је верификована досадашњим посматрачким подацима. У складу са њом, универзум, простор и време имају почетак. Слично је и са писцима ране хришћанске цркве, који подржавају ex nihilo ἐκ μὴὴ ὄντος (ек ме онтос = од „не-бића“) стварање света кроз божанску...
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This is a first presentation and critical assessment of the two volumes of articles and theater plays under the general title Tέχνη, Φιλοσοφία, Θεραπεία τ. Α & Β., Athens, Arnaoutis Publications 2016 - 2017. This presentation shared by two authors, Mrs Efcharis (Anna Maria Marangou, a poetess) & Dr Dora Psaltopoulou (Assistant Professor of Music Th...
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Corpus Hippocraticum outlines in detail the environmental impacts on human health, including those derived from nutrition. The Philosophy of Nutrition lies οn the study of its role both on the preservation of physical and mental health, as well as, its impact in cases of the disease. In Corpus Hippocraticum is also highlighted the importance of cho...
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Transformative learning refers to the process of transforming frameworks through which adults interpret the experiences, values, feelings, and shape their actions and living conditions, combined with the cultural context in which they are socialized. In this process the adult re-evaluates the experiences he has gained since his childhood, resulting...
Conference Paper
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In ancient Greece the observations of the famous doctor Hippocrates of Kos had shown proved the environmental impact on human health. Although the term "environment" should not only include the nature surrounding us but also space since the evolution of life depends primarily on events such supernova explosions, formation of stars and falls of mete...
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The Big Bang Theory considers that the Universe, space and time have a beginning. Similar is the position of the Christian writers of the early Christian Church, who support the ex nihilo-ἐκ μὴὴ ὄντος (ek me ontos = from the "non-being") creation of the world through the divine "energy", with the two theories converging to the fact that space and t...
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The Big Bang Theory considers that the Universe, space and time have a beginning. Similar is the position of the Christian writers of the early Christian Church, who support the ex nihilo-ἐκ μὴὴ ὄντος (ek me ontos = from the "non-being") creation of the world through the divine "energy", with the two theories converging to the fact that space and t...
Conference Paper
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oύν την φυσική παρουσία είτε του εκπαιδευτή είτε του εκπαιδευόμενου και έχει ευρεία χρήση και στον τομέα της εκπαίδευσης ενηλίκων. Βασικό χαρακτηριστικό των προγραμμάτων εξ' αποστάσεως εκπαίδευσης είναι η χρήση συστήματος ασύγχρονης τηλεκπαίδευσης (Moodle), το οποίο προάγει την κριτική σκέψη και την δημιουργικότητα του εκπαιδευόμενου μέσα από την σ...
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Јован Филопон (490-570) је одбацио у своме раду неколико аспеката аристотеловске философије природе, као што је узрок кретања небеских тела и непостојање празнине у Универзуму. Аристотел је сматрао да је пети елемент - етар - узрок кретања небеких тела, што Филопон није прихватио, пошто његова хришћанска вера није била у складу са постојањем етра....
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The theme of the Platonic dialogue Res Publica is the search for the definition of justice, which contributes to the harmonious coexistence of its parts. As Plato mentions, Res Publica is made up of three social groups that correspond to the parts of the human soul: the Philosopher-Kings (Reason), the Guards (Appetite), and the Creators (θυμοειδές)...
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Distance learning is characterized by the use of technological tools that substitute for the physical presence of either the trainer or trainee and is also widely used in the field of adult education. The main feature of distance learning programs is the use of an asynchronous platform system (Moodle), which promotes learner's critical thinking and...
Conference Paper
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Σύμφωνα με τους Χριστιανούς διανοητές όπως ο Μέγας Βασίλειος, ο κόσμος προέρχεται από την ανυπαρξία, το μη ον. Ο όρος αυτός από την αρχαιότητα έλαβε διάφορες μορφές, ωστόσο στον Χριστιανισμό περιέγραφε την κατάσταση ανυπαρξίας πριν από την δημιουργία του κόσμου. Ανάλογος προβληματισμός υπάρχει και σήμερα, όπου παρά την συνεισφορά της θεωρίας της Με...
Conference Paper
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Tόσο η ασθενής ανθρωπική αρχή, όσο και η ισχυρή,-παρά τις διαφοροποιήσεις τους τονίζουν ότι ο βασικός ρόλος του Σύμπαντος είναι η ανάπτυξη της ζωής και ιδιαίτερα της νοήμονος ζωής. Δίχως όμως να αγνοείται η σημασία της ύπαρξης της ζωής στο Σύμπαν, προτείνεται ένα φιλοσοφικό πλαίσιο βάσει του οποίου ο άνθρωπος δεν τοποθετείται στο κέντρο του Σύμπαντ...
Conference Paper
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oύν την φυσική παρουσία είτε του εκπαιδευτή είτε του εκπαιδευόμενου και έχει ευρεία χρήση και στον τομέα της εκπαίδευσης ενηλίκων. Βασικό χαρακτηριστικό των προγραμμάτων εξ' αποστάσεως εκπαίδευσης είναι η χρήση συστήματος ασύγχρονης τηλεκπαίδευσης (Moodle), το οποίο προάγει την κριτική σκέψη και την δημιουργικότητα του εκπαιδευόμενου μέσα από την σ...
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Following our earlier paper (Kalachanis et al., 2017), we elucidate some parts referring to earlier attempts to decipher on a geomythological approach. Literature on geomythology may be traced back to ancient times (Plutarch, Plato, Homer, Hesiod etc), yet later investigations have bestowned famous trips based on scientif-icaly based identification...
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Σύμφωνα με τα Αργοναυτικά του Ορφέα, η επιστροφή αρχίζει με την δολοφονία του Αψύρτου. Οι Αργοναύτες διέπλευσαν τον ποταμό Φάσι προς τις πηγές του στον Καύκασο, φτάνοντας στη Μαιώτιδα λίμνη. Ύστερα από περιπλάνηση 10 ημερών όταν η Αργώ έφτασε στα Ριπαία όρη, όπου βρίσκονται οι πηγές του Δούναβη, οι Αργοναύτες διέπλευσαν μέσω ενός στενού ρείθρου βγα...
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Following our earlier paper (Kalachanis et al., 2017), we elucidate some parts referring to earlier attempts to decipher on a geomythological approach. Literature on geomythology may be traced back to ancient times (Plutarch, Plato, Homer, Hesiod etc), yet later investigations have bestowned famous trips based on scientif-icaly based identification...
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The contribution to the development of astronomy and astrophysics by one of the most important philosophers of Ionia, Anaxagoras from Klazomenes of Asia Minor, is discussed. In particular, his explanation of the creation of the Universe considering the existence of fundamental components of matter (homeomerias) and mind, his views on the fiery natu...
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A key element of Heraclitus cosmology is its reference to fire as the principle and substrate of all natural processes. But apart from the material element of the fire, Heraclitus also mentions another kind of fire, the thunderbolt, which is characterized by the existence of intellect. His cosmology, however, is characterized by the ekpyroseis, tha...
Conference Paper
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: A key element of Heraclitus cosmology is its reference to fire as the principle and substrate of all natural processes. But apart from the material element of the fire, Heraclitus also mentions another kind of fire, the thunderbolt, which is characterized by the existence of intellect. His cosmology, however, is characterized by the ekpyroseis, t...
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With the present work it is understood that cosmic radiation is a basic parameter that shapes the environment of our planet. Therefore, recording and studying will bring significant benefits to technology, as technological provisions will be more effectively protected. In addition, human health benefits will be gained, as knowledge of the impact of...
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Ancient Greek Medicine, whose main representative was Hippocrates, had as its main feature not only the study of the causes ofdiseases but also the corresponding knowledge of the structural elements of man. In particular, humors theory has, according to ancient physicians, adequately explained the physiology of man, but also the causes of the disea...
Conference Paper
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Σύμφωνα με τα Αργοναυτικά του Ορφέα, η επιστροφή αρχίζει με την δολοφονία του Αψύρτου. Οι Αργοναύτες διέπλευσαν τον ποταμό Φάσι προς τις πηγές του στον Καύκασο, φτάνοντας στη Μαιώτιδα λίμνη. Ύστερα από περιπλάνηση 10 ημερών όταν η Αργώ έφτασε στα Ριπαία όρη, όπου βρίσκονται οι πηγές του Δούναβη, οι Αργοναύτες διέπλευσαν μέσω ενός στενού ρείθρου βγα...
Conference Paper
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M.Sc., M. Eng., Δρ. Τμήματος Φυσικής του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών Κωνσταντίνος Καλαχάνης Δρ. Φιλοσοφίας του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών, Επιστημονικός Συνεργάτης στο Τμήμα Φυσικής του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών Εισαγωγή Ο Αναξίμανδρος (611 π.Χ.-547 π.Χ.) υπήρξε μία από τις σημαντικότερ...
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The Atomic philosophers Leukippus and Demokritus believed that the void existed and they attached it the attribute of μη ον (non being), unlike Parmenides who could not accept the existence of non-being. The void is the space where the atoms move and then they fall into large voids creating the different worlds. However, according to modern physics...
Conference Paper
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ЕФСТРАТИJE ТЕОДОСИJУ Одсек за Астрофизику, Астрономију и Механику, Департман за физику, Универзитет у Атини МИЛАН С. ДИМИТРИЈЕВИЋ Астрономска опсерваторија, Београд АРИСТОТЕЛОВСКИ ЕТАР И ПРАЗНИНА У УНИВЕРЗУМУ Хипотезу о постојању етра нису разматрали само стари Грци, већ је такође истраживана и у оквиру физике. Филозоф који се интензивно бавио о...
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The human body is a single system inextricably linked to air, land, water, but still receives the influence of cosmic radiation from space. But it is also a fact that human exposure to environmental factors has ethical issues. His consent is not sought to be exposed to toxic agents (mainly chemists) surrounding him, his diet as pesticides and food...
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The concept of void in ancient Greek philosophy was not associated with "nothing", and played an important role in cosmology of Individual philosophers (Leucippus-Democritus), where not only has personality, but identical with non-being. The non-being is the area in which people move. Similar is the position of Aristotle, who said that in addition...
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According to the unknown author of Argonautica Orphica, the return of the Argonauts begins with the murder of Absyrtus. The Argonauts sailed the Phasis River upstream, reaching Lake Maeotis. After ten days of wandering, Argo reached the Riphean Mountains, where the sources of Danube are, and then the Argonauts, passing through a narrow channel, mad...
Conference Paper
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Since the Pre-Socratic period of ancient Greek philosophy it was widely accepted that the Universe consists of the four elements (fire, air, wind, water). Although in the Aristotelian philosophy is referred a fifth element -ether- which nature is considered as superior compared to the other elements. This theory, though abandoned by the Byzantines,...
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A key aspect of Hippocratic medicine is the study of the structural elements of the human body, which are called by Hippocrates humors, in order to make known not only human body physiology, but also the causes of diseases. In the Hippocratic work there are several indications that human is directly linked not only with the natural environment but...
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Abstract: When the atomic philosophers referred to atoms, they considered them as the pieces of matter that were not susceptible to further division. In modern physics �atoms� are not the fundamental constituents of matter. In such a case the term �atom� is inaccurate, since the basic elements of matter are the quarks and the leptons. Here are cons...
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When the atomic philosophers referred to atoms, they considered them as the pieces of matter that were not susceptible to further division. In modern physics atoms are not the fundamental constituents of matter. In such a case the term atom is inaccurate, since the basic elements of matter are the quarks and the leptons. Here are considered the vie...
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Размотрили смо Анаксименова схватања о формирању Земље и звезда, која се заснивају на акумулацији и "разређивању" првобитне супстанце, и дискутујемо неке сличне карактеристике са данашњом научном теоријом формирања звезда, посебно философово мишљење о ватреној природи звезда, које одражава теорије о производњи енергије у њиховој унутрашњости. We e...
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The question of whether the cosmic space in which celestial bodies move is a void or filled with something has been considered even in the ancient Greece. Whether certain material fills the void in the universe and what is its nature has been discussed throughout the centuries, even in modern physics. The philosopher who was particularly interested...
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The ancient Greek perception of Universe was characterized by the belief in the existence of a superior element -aether- which permeates the cosmic space. Aether was already reported by the Orphics as the element that forms the stars and the sky. Later Plato and Aristotle stressed the superior nature. However physicists of the 17th century. Conside...
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In the paper is presented Anaximenes theory of air as the initial cause of nature which is transcendental. We examine Anaximenes account on the formation of Earth and stars, which is based on the accumulations and ”thinning” of the primal substance, and discuss some similar characteristics with the scientific theory of star formation, while the phi...
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100 1. Παλαιότερες απόψεις περί μετεμψυχώσεως Υποστηρίζοντας ο Σωκράτης την αθανασία της ψυχής, κά-νει λόγο περί παλαιοτέρων διδασκαλιών κατά τις οποίες μία ψυχή που έρχεται στον κόσμο, στην πραγματικότητα ανάγει την προέλευσή της σε έναν άλλο κόσμο, όπου μετα-βαίνει ύστερα από τον σωματικό θάνατο 1 . Επομένως η ψυ-χή πραγματοποιεί έναν κύκλο, σημε...
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A quintessential element in Hippocratic medicine is the theory of humors: The human body contains four basic substances, called humors. Their relative proportions in the human body regulate the human temperament and its behavioral manifestations, and their correct balance defines 'health'. Hippocrates, a founding father of ancient-world medicine, s...
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Empedocles not only considered the existence of the four 'classical' elements as the cause of the beginning of the world, but he also supported the view of their unication, which results in the creation of the imaginary world of the Sphere. According to Empedocles, the Universe existed in the state of the Sphere before the explicit presence of the...
Ancient Greek Philosophers, after having observed the cycle of water in nature, came to the conclusion, that the maintain of the whole ecosystem depends on it. Trying to explain the beginning of the Universe and species used the element of hydor (water) in order to symbolize it. Homer was the first one who presented Oceanus surrounding the whole Ea...


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