Konstantin Fedyaev

Konstantin Fedyaev
Russian Academy of Sciences | RAS · Space Research Institute


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Publications (38)
Проведено исследование энергетически малозатратных баллистических траекторий перелета космического аппарата к Венере с попутным пролетом астероидов. Показано, что при использовании схем, включающих гравитационный маневр, требуемый для доставки посадочного аппарата в заданный район на поверхности Венеры, возможен пролет хотя бы одного астероида. Все...
The ballistic trajectories of a spacecraft flight to Venus with an asteroid flyby have been analyzed. It is shown that when using schemes including a gravity assist maneuver required to deliver the lander to a given area on the surface of Venus, the passing of at least one asteroid is possible. A total of 39 asteroids were discovered, whose passage...
Conference Paper
For a Venus exploration project that includes a lander, it is important to ensure landing at any desired landing site on the planet's surface. Due to the short duration of the launch window, traditionally assumed to be on the order of two weeks from the optimal launch date, it is very difficult to ensure that every point on the surface of Venus is...
Conference Paper
The presented research is devoted to the determination and analysis of flight trajectories to the trans-Neptunian object Sedna. In this work, two possible ways of reaching Sedna are considered: a direct flight and a flight including gravity assist manoeuvres. Launch dates for the mission are chosen in 2029-2050. The gravity assist manoeuvres consid...
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A problem of constructing the trajectory of a spacecraft flight to Venus within the framework of a mission including landing of a lander in a given region of the planet's surface is being considered. A new celestial mechanics related method based on the use of gravity assist maneuver near Venus is proposed to transfer the spacecraft to a heliocentr...
A problem of constructing the trajectory of a spacecraft flight to Venus within the framework of a mission including landing of a lander in a given region of the planet's surface is being considered. A new celestial mechanics related method based on the use of gravity assist maneuver near Venus is proposed to transfer the spacecraft to a heliocentr...
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In the framework of the project "Venera-D" a problem of landing the descent module in a given area of the surface of Venus is considered. With the standard approach to selection of the launch window and with limitations on the value of the re-entry angle into the atmosphere, as well as on the maximum allowable overload for lander during descent, a...
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A problem of determining attainable landing sites on the surface of Venus is an essential part of the Venera-D project aimed to explore the planet using a lander. This problem appears due to the inability for the descent module to land at any point on the surface of Venus because of the short duration of the launch window (about 2 weeks from the op...
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The problem of designing the trajectory of the descent module of the Venera-D mission which is expected to launch in 2029 is considered. A method is described that allows landing in any desired area on the surface of Venus without additional energy costs, taking into account restrictions on the required value of the angle of entry into the atmosphe...
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The article focuses on trajectory design to the trans-Neptunian object (90377) Sedna for launch in 2029-2034. Sedna is currently moving to the perihelion at a distance of around 74 au from the Sun. The perihelion passage is estimated to be in 2073-74. That opens up of opportunities to study such a distant object. Known for its orbit and 10 thousand...
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This study discusses the usage of Venus gravity assist in order to choose and reaching any point on Venusiansurface. The launch of a spacecraft to Venus during the launch windows of 2029 to 2031 is considered for this purpose.The constraints for the method are the re-entry angle and the maximum possible overload. The primary basis of theproposed st...
Presentation of the results of the determination and analysis of the flight to the transneptunian object Sedna. Presented at the GLEX 2021 conference.
Conference Paper
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The Oort Cloud is a hypothetical outer part of the Solar System and is considered a source of long-periodic comets that can occasionally be visible while approaching the Sun. Other bodies belonging to the Oort Cloud may stay at a very significant distance from the Sun and be considered asteroids or planetoids, depending on their sizes. Orbits of th...
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The article focuses on trajectory design to the trans-Neptunian object (90377) Sedna for launch in 2029–2034. Sedna is currently moving to the perihelion at a distance of around 74 au from the Sun. The perihelion passage is estimated to be in 2073-74. That opens up of opportunities to study such a distant object. Known for its orbit and 10 thousand...
Conference Paper
This research is devoted to the determination and analysis of trajectories to the trans-Neptunian object Sedna in launch windows within the 2029-2037 period. Brief analysis has been carried out for the launch within 2029-2034 and a more detailed one was performed for 2036 and 2037 launch years. The gravity assist maneuvers considered in the researc...
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We consider the concept of applying gravity assist maneuvers near Venus using resonant orbits with a period equal to the Venusian one. We show that the proposed operations based on this concept allow the reachable landing areas on the surface of Venus to be expanded radically. The price of this approach is an increase of the time interval needed to...
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We present the results of our analysis of the optimal flight to the trans-Neptunian object (90377) Sedna at the launch in 2029. Sedna is a distant space object with a perihelion and aphelion ∼74 and 1000 AU, respectively, suggesting that this celestial body may belong to the Oort cloud. The orbital period of Sedna is more than 11 000 years. In our s...
Conference Paper
The paper considers the problem of determining accessible landing areas on the surface of Venus and the possibility of expanding them by extending the launch windows in the period from 2026 to 2031, taking into account the constraints on the payload mass and the maximum overload level acting on the lander during descent in the Venusian atmosphere....
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Приведены результаты анализа оптимального перелета к транснептуновому объекту (90377) Седнапри старте в 2029 г. Седна является дальним космическим объектом с перигелием и афелием порядка74 и 1000 а.е. соответственно, что говорит о возможной принадлежности этого небесного тела коблаку Оорта. Орбитальный период Седны составляет более 11 тыс. лет. В р...
Рассматривается концепция применения гравитационных маневров у Венеры с использованием резонансных орбит с периодом, равным венерианскому. Показано, что предлагаемые операции, опирающиеся на эту концепцию, позволяют радикально расширить достижимые области посадки на поверхности Венеры. Ценой такого подхода является увеличение интервала времени, нео...
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The paper considers the problem of finding accessible areas on the Venus surface and the prospect of their increasing by extension of launch windows during the period from 2026 to 2031; taking into account the restrictions on the payload weight and the maximum overload level affecting the lander during the descent in the Venus atmosphere. The proje...
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The paper considers calculating the periods of radio signal transmission through the atmosphere of Venus between a small spacecraft placed in a limited orbit in the vicinity of the collinear libration point of the Sun-Venus system and a Venus orbiter. The problem arises in the framework of the project under discussion to study the atmosphere of Ven...
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Amethod for preventing the collisions of hazardous celestial objects with the Earth by diverting them from the trajectory of their encounter with the Earth is investigated. For this purpose, we propose to use small near-Earth asteroids that are transferred to the trajectories of a gravity-assist maneuver near the Earth by imparting a comparatively...
Conference Paper
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One possible method for prevent dangerous sky objects collision with the Earth by means of changing the orbit of such objects is discussed. A concept of the method includes usage of small near-Earth asteroids that can be transferred to the gravity assist maneuver trajectory by means of a rather small velocity impulse. After the maneuver the small a...
Conference Paper
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The basic concept involves targeting a very small asteroid, about 10 meters across, to impact a larger dangerous one. The minimum size of the small asteroid is determined by the ability to detect it and to determine its orbit. Near-Earth asteroids (NEA's) are selected from those that have a fly-by distance from Earth of the order of hundreds of tho...
An analysis of the existing astrometric and radar observations of the Apophis asteroid is performed. On the basis of this analysis, characteristics of future measurements of the asteroid orbit and limitation on their conduction are accepted. A proposed launching of a spacecraft to the asteroid in order to obtain high-accuracy measurements of its di...
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A class of problems of linear programming characterized by at least one of the following two specific features is considered: either the current basic solution may contain small components or the current basic matrix is ill conditioned and tends to a degenerate matrix when the standard simplex method is applied. In particular, various problems of t...
The article concerns the problem of selection of topological molecular descriptors to be used in constructing mathematical models of structure—property relationships for hydrocarbons. A new method of solving this problem is proposed. The approach involves construction of parameter-dependent basis topological descriptors and selection of the descrip...
A problem of computer generation of chemical structures with given property values is considered. It is supposed that there exists a structure-property correlation equation containing the Hosoya index and the numbers of different atom types. Such an equation allows us to reduce the aforementioned problem to the task of generation of chemical graphs...
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absent in structures from the range of applicability. The selection of these fragments is empirical in character and is based on additional information on their influence on the value of the property. Allowing for the range of applicability not only makes the results of predictions more reliable, but also in some cases makes it possible to avoid th...
An optimality criterion and a requisite simplex algorithm for the solution of a degenerate problem of linear programming are set out. Results of the solution of a practical problem are given which display the efficiency of the new algorithm, and a comparison is made between this algorithm and analogous algorithms known earlier.


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