Koen AesaertKU Leuven | ku leuven · Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Koen Aesaert
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Skills and Expertise
Publications (43)
Providing a rich home literacy environment (HLE) is considered to contribute to the development of students’ reading comprehension. However, less research attention has been given to the underlying mechanisms that influence this relationship, including potential mediating characteristics. The present study aims to assess whether students...
Effective teaching plays a vital role in promoting student learning across various domains, including reading comprehension which is an indispensable skill for all learners but difficult to master for most. Recent studies have shown that the effectiveness of teaching is context-specific, influenced by both student characteristics and the classroom...
Reading and reading comprehension are crucial skills, yet many students in grade 4 struggle with them. To address this, several instructional practices have gained popularity. For one, explicit reading strategy instruction (ERSI) is deemed useful, given the finding that successful readers tend to employ reading strategies. As a second ex...
Notwithstanding reading comprehension is a key competence in today’s society, many late elementary students struggle with it. In this respect, effective instructional incentives are required to foster students’ reading comprehension. However, appropriate assessment instruments to monitor students’ reading comprehension on a regular basis and to mak...
A principal’s technology leadership (TL) practices can facilitate information and communication technologies (ICT) integration into K-12 schools, alongside a drastic change in teachers' organizational behaviors to accompany this technological and cultural transformation process. However, there is little evidence of which TL practices contribute to...
Although there is a growing body of literature that recognizes the importance of being digitally competent today, there have been few empirical investigations into the assessment of primary school students’ digital competences. This study presents a systematic review of the empirical research on the assessment of primary school students’ digital co...
This study aims to explore the interrelatedness of socio-ethnic classroom diversity, teachers’ citizenship beliefs, teacher practices to create a citizenship-fostering classroom climate, and their relationship with social citizenship competences of primary school students in Flanders. Data were gathered from 686 sixth-grade primary school students...
This study aims to investigate how teachers’ citizenship beliefs relate to the way they teach citizenship in the classroom. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 65 sixth-grade primary school teachers in Flanders. The results show a dominant presence of conservative citizenship beliefs, which are also reflected in the citizenship contents...
Within the context of our information society, reading comprehension is a key competence. However, many students experience difficulties with it. This is especially true in upper primary education, which is a critical period in the development of this competence. In this respect, the reading literature increasingly emphasizes the importance of moni...
Background: A significant number of secondary school students struggle with comprehending texts proficiently. Enhancing their reading comprehension requires knowledge about how this ability is related to various motivational and behavioural characteristics. The central aim of this study was therefore to investigate the (in)direct relationships betw...
In our current diverse society, young people need a wide scope of social citizenship competences to coexist with and understand the otherness of others. Schools are one of the social practices in which students develop these social citizenship competences. This study aims to identify how socio-ethnic diversity in the classroom is related to the soc...
This study aimed to provide a more comprehensive view on the relationship between metacognitive awareness, intrinsic and extrinsic listening motivation, and L1 primary school students’ critical listening skills. A critical listening test and different self-report questionnaires were administered to 649 native Dutch-speaking sixth-grade students. Qu...
Effective listening comprehension skills are an important prerequisite for the academic success of primary school students. However, the assessment of listening skills in the instructional language appears to have received only scant attention in the literature. Therefore, the goal of the present study was twofold. Firstly, a comprehensive listenin...
Despite the importance of listening, little investigation of potential correlates of listening comprehension in the language of schooling is done. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate which stu-dent- and class-level characteristics are related to sixth-grade students' listening skills in Flanders. A sample of 974 students in 70 c...
Begrijpend lezen bij 15-jarige leerlingen: is er een verband met leerling-, leraar-en/ of schoolgerelateerde factoren? 1. Inleiding Het voorbije jaar kon je er niet omheen in de media: het niveau van begrijpend lezen van onze Vlaamse leerlingen is dramatisch gedaald. Vele redenen voor deze achteruit-gang passeerden de revue. Hieronder een korte sam...
Research indicates that reading motivation is a central aspect in fostering reading comprehension. The relationship between reading comprehension and reading motivation can have important implications, especially during the adolescence, where the reading motivation of students tends to decline. The present study aims to analyze the relation among 9...
One-to-one laptop initiatives in education are increasing across the world. Governmental educational bodies, and/or schools are initiating projects which provide students with personal laptop computers for use at home and school. According to Penuel (2006), the crucial features of one-to-one laptop environments are: (1) provide students with use of...
Teacher training institutions use different strategies to develop future teachers’ technology competences. However, it remains unclear which of these strategies are related to pre-service teachers’ technology competences. Consequently, the main aim of this study is to identify which strategies of the SQD-model are related to pre-service teachers co...
Few empirical studies investigate the impact of pre-service teachers’ background and ICT profile in combination with the support they receive from their teacher training institution on their ICT competencies. Moreover, research focusing on preparing future teachers for ICT integration is generally limited to the impact of one single strategy. There...
Beginnende leraren moeten over voldoende competenties beschikken om ICT op een didactisch verstandige manier te integreren in de onderwijspraktijk. Deze kwantitatieve studie onderzocht in welke mate toekomstige leraren door hun lerarenopleiding worden voorbereid op deze competenties. Hiertoe zijn 931 laatstejaarsstudenten uit 20 instellingen via ee...
Most studies on the assessment of ICT competences use measures of ICT self-efficacy. These studies are often accused that they suffer from self-reported bias, i.e. students can over- and/or underestimate their ICT competences. As such, taking bias and accuracy of ICT self-efficacy into account, would improve the validity of these studies and the pr...
The main objective of this study is to develop a self-report instrument to measure preservice teachers’ ICT competencies in education. The questionnaire items of this instrument are based on an existing comprehensive framework and were created with input from experts in the field. The data were collected from a sample of 931 final-year preservice t...
In the past, several studies have investigated the relationship between gender and socioeconomic status on the one hand, and students' ICT competences on the other. In this research field, two problems seem to occur. First, research findings are inconclusive. Second, most studies are conducted from the perspective of self-perceived ICT competence....
Information and communication technology (ICT) use became of major importance for primary schools across the world as ICT has the potential to foster teaching and learning processes. ICT use is therefore a central measurement concept (dependent variable) in many ICT integration studies. This data paper presents two datasets (2008 and 2011) that con...
The aim of this study was to identify factors that are related to pupils' ICT self-efficacy. More specifically, a multilayered framework was used to identify which pupil, classroom and school levelfactors are related to primary school pupils' self-perceived competence in digital information
processing and communication. Information on pupils' ICT s...
The present study aimed to identify the role of both student- and school-level characteristics in primary school students’ achievement in the science curriculum. As societies become more culturally and linguistically diverse, many students enter the classroom with a home language that is different from the language of instruction used at school. Th...
In search of factors that affect pupils' ICT competences, research has developed and empirically validated several conceptual frameworks. Although these frameworks are valuable ways of initially identifying factors related to pupils' ICT competences, they do not take into account the broader classroom and school context in which pupils are embedded...
In the past decade, several studies have measured ICT competences from the perspective of ICT self-efficacy. Such indirect measurements tend to have validity problems, as they depend on the pupils’ ability to judge their own ICT competences. This study outlines the development of a performance-based digital test and the validation of a direct measu...
This study uses a multilayered framework of different independent school and teacher variables to study which factors are related to the use of ICT for teaching and learning in Flemish (Belgium) primary schools. Special attention is paid to widely accepted technology uses by teachers, which is labelled as ‘Institutionalised ICT use’. A questionnair...
In search of factors that affect pupils' ICT competences, research has developed and empirically validated several conceptual frameworks. Although these frameworks are valuable ways of initially identifying factors related to pupils' ICT competences, they do not take into account the broader classroom and school context in which pupils are embedded...
The purpose of this study is to analyze the content features of educational technology curricula for primary education developed by national governments. A quali-tative cross-case document analysis of the national educational technology curriculum of Norway, Flanders and England was conducted. The analysis focuses on the underlying visions, specifi...