Klara B Jakobsdottir

Klara B Jakobsdottir
Marine and Freshwater Research Institute | MRI · Demersal division



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Publications (47)
Supplementary Material for: Deepwater Sharks at Their Northern Limits—Distribution, Diet and Trophic Relations (2025) Authors: Jón Sólmundsson, Klara B. Jakobsdóttir, Hildur Pétursdóttir Journal: Marine Ecoloy https://doi.org/10.1111/maec.12854
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Deepwater areas and continental slope regions south and west off Iceland are characterized by a relatively high species diversity and abundance of sharks that likely play a critical ecological role within this ecosystem. The study investigates trophic ecology of the sharks employing stomach content analysis and stable isotope analysis of nitrogen a...
Technical Report
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The main findings of the autumn groundfish survey, conducted from September 27–October 29, 2024, are presented. Results are compared to previous years, as the project has been carried out in a comparable manner since 1996. Report in Icelandic but abstract in both icelandic and english and captions to tables and figures in both icelandic and englis...
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The velvet belly lanternshark (Etmopterus spinax) is a small, bioluminescent shark that is caught as bycatch in many deep-sea fisheries in the Atlantic Ocean. Using data from 10,597 seasonal research survey tows spanning 11 years, the distribution, relative abundance, life history, and environmental preferences of E. spinax in Icelandic waters was...
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Management of thorny skate (Amblyraja radiata) in the Northwest Atlantic has posed a conservation dilemma for several decades due to the species' lack of response to strong conservation efforts in the US Gulf of Maine and the Canadian Scotian Shelf, confusion over the relationship between two reproductive size morphs of differing life histories tha...
Technical Report
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Lýst er með stöðluðum hætti fæðu 36 tegunda botnfiska (15 tegunda brjóskfiska og 21 tegundar beinfiska) á Íslandsmiðum út frá greiningum á magasýnum árin 1996-2023. Alls hefur verið skoðað í maga 590 þúsund botnfiska frá árinu 1996. Af þessum 36 tegundum eru 17 þar sem fæðu hefur ekki áður verið lýst með magnbundnum hætti hér við land. Fjöldi magas...
Technical Report
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This report describes the implementation and main results of the Icelandic autumn groundfish survey (IAGS), carried out 28 September-24 October 2023. This standardized survey has been conducted annually since 1996 and the present results are compared with those of previous years. The report is in Icelandic but abstract in both English and icelandic...
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Morphological similarities between skates of the genus Dipturus in the north‐eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean have resulted in longstanding confusion, misidentification and misreporting. Current evidence indicates that the common skate is best explained as two species, the flapper skate (Dipturus intermedius) and the common blue skate (D. batis)....
Technical Report
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The report describes the implementation and main results of the Icelandic Groundfish Survey, carried out during 28 February to 24 March 2022. This standardized survey has been conducted annually since 1985 and the present results are compared with those of previous years.
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Handbók þessi lýsir framkvæmd rannsóknaverkefnisins „Stofnmæling botnfiska á Íslandsmiðum“ (SMB) sem fer fram í marsmánuði á hverju ári. Í handbókinni er nákvæmlega lýst fyrirhugaðri framkvæmd verkefnisins í mars 2022, m.a. umfangi gagnasöfnunar, hvernig safna eigi líffræðilegum upplýsingum, skráningu mælinga, veiðarfæri og veiðiaðferðum. Einnig er...
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ÁRIÐ 2017 veiddist brislingur (Sprattus sprattus) í fyrsta sinn á Íslandsmiðum svo vitað sé. Á næstu árum fjölgaði brislingum sem veiddust við landið og í rannsóknarleiðangri í mars 2021 fengust alls 375 brislingar, einkum fyrir Suður- og Vesturlandi. Í leiðöngrum haustið 2021 fengust um 300 brislingar, nokkrir við Suðurland og í Faxaflóa en flesti...
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Using national and international research survey data and applying a combination of models and mapping tools, this study revealed temperature and depth as the crucial environmental drivers of both the distribution and the abundance of four benthopelagic chondrichthyans inhabiting Norwegian and Icelandic waters: rabbitfish (Chimaera monstrosa), velv...
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Opportunistic records, especially for rare species, are often the first available data revealing geographic expansions in a context of global change in marine ecosystems. On the basis of a first record in the north of the North Sea of the mesopelagic fish Diretmichthys parini (Post and Quéro, 1981), initially described as tropical and subtropical,...
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Otolith shape has previously been used to identify ecotypes within the Icelandic cod (Gadus morhua) stock, using DST profiles to validate the results. Fish otolith shape variation has repeatedly been found to be largely determined by growth rate. To examine the effect of growth rate on the relationship between otolith shape and cod ecotypes (using...
Technical Report
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Abstract A sampling dedicated for the project “Ecologically and economically sustainable mesopelagic fisheries” (MEESO), funded by the European Union, took place during a cruise designed to study pelagic ecosystems of the Nordic Seas during summer (IESSNS) in July 2020. The main aim of the MEESO work was to study the abundance, distribution and com...
Technical Report
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Gerð er grein fyrir framkvæmd og helstu niðurstöðum stofnmælingar botnfiska á Íslandsmiðum sem fram fór dagana 1.‐23. mars 2021. Niðurstöður eru bornar saman við fyrri ár, en verkefnið hefur verið framkvæmt með sambærilegum hætti ár hvert frá 1985. The report describes the implementation and main results of the Icelandic Groundfish Survey, carrie...
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Otolith shape has previously been used to identify ecotypes within the Icelandic cod (Gadus morhua) stock, using DST profiles to validate the results. Fish otolith shape variation has repeatedly been found to be largely determined by growth rate. To examine the effect of growth rate on the relationship between otolith shape and cod ecotypes (using...
Technical Report
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This report describes the implementation and main results of the Icelandic autumn groundfish survey, carried out between 9 October and 2 November 2020. This standardized survey has been conducted annually since 1996 and the present results are compared with those of previous years.
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Adaptation to life in the deep-sea can be dramatic, with fish displaying behaviors and appearances unlike those seen in any other aquatic habitat. However, the extent of which adaptations may have developed at a microbial scale is not as clear. Shotgun metagenomic sequencing of the intestinal microbiome of 32 species of deep-sea fish from across th...
Technical Report
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Thisreport gives an overview over distribution and biological parameters of chimaerasfound in Icelandic waters during annual groundfish surveys. There are six chimaeroid speciesfound in annual groundfish surveysin Icelandic waters: four from the family Chimaeridae: Chimaera monstrosa (rabbitfish); Hydrolagus affinis (Small‐eyed rabbitfish); Hydrol...
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The distributional response of marine fishes to climate warming would be expected to be very different than that of homeothermic birds and mammals, due both to more direct thermal effects on poikilothermic fish physiology and on reduced habitat fragmentation. In this study, we use a combination of linear models and graphical tools to quantify three...
Technical Report
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The report describes the implementation and main results of the Icelandic Groundfish Survey, carried out between 27 February and 20 March 2020. This standardized survey has been conducted annually since 1985 and the present results are compared with those of previous years.
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Handbók um stofnmælingu botnfiska á Íslandsmiðum sem hófst 27. febrúar 2020. Lýst er framkvæmd verkefnisins, m.a. umfangi gagnasöfnunar, hvernig safna eigi líffræðilegum upplýsingum, skráningu mælinga, veiðarfæri og veiðiaðferðum. Einnig eru fyrirmæli um það hvernig aðferðum skuli beitt við tog og gefnar nákvæmar staðsetningar og aðrar upplýsingar...
Technical Report
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Nýliðun er lykilþáttur varðandi viðgang fiskistofa. Upplýsingar um nýliðun eru mikilvægar í stofnmati enda segja þær til um fjölda einstaklinga sem bætast munu við stofna og veiðar á komandi árum. Hrygningarstofn þorsks við Ísland hefur farið stækkandi á síðustu árum en á sama tíma hafa fáir sterkir árgangar þorsks komið inn í stofninn. Í þessari s...
Technical Report
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ICES WGEF meets annually, with advice for a subset of stocks drafted in alternating years. Work in 2019 focused on those stocks for which it was an advisory year: (i) skate stocks in the North Sea ecoregion, the Azores and MAR; (ii) catsharks (Scyliorhinidae) in the Greater North Sea, Celtic Seas and Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast ecoregions; (iii...
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Tvö af tegundaríkustu fiskasamfélögum í hafinu umhverfis Ísland má finna á miklu dýpi í landgrunnshallanum fyrir vestan og suðaustan landið. • Dökkháfur (Etmopterus princeps) og svartháfur (Centroscyllium fabricii) og eru djúpsjávartegundir af dökkháfaaett (Etmopteridae) sem tilheyra þessum samfélögum og eru þeir algengir í haustralli Hafrannsóknas...
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Long‐term survey time series repeated occurrence of the deep‐sea chimaeroid species small‐eyed rabbitfish Hydrolagus affinis and large‐eyed rabbitfish H. mirabilis have been observed at same but few locations in Icelandic waters over 23 years. For H. affinis the catch at one specific station has consisted almost exclusively of mature males over the...
Technical Report
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Gerð er grein fyrir framkvæmd og helstu niðurstöðum stofnmælingar botnfiska á Íslandsmiðum sem fram fór dagana 26. febrúar til 20. mars 2019. Niðurstöður eru bornar saman við fyrri ár, en verkefnið hefur verið framkvæmt með sambærilegum hætti ár hvert frá 1985.
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D.batis dorsal view Prologue Dipturus batis complex was historically one of the most abundant skate in the NE Atlantic. First clear case of a fish species almost extinct because of commercial fishing. Since 1920ťs taxonomic confusion existed between the blue skate (Dipturus batis (Linnaeus,1758) also referred to as Dipturus sp.cf. f lossada) and th...
Technical Report
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The ICES Working Group on Elasmobranch Fishes (Co-chairs, Samuel Shephard, Ire-land and Paddy Walker, Netherlands) was held at IPMA, Lisbon, Portugal from 31st May to 7th June 2016.
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Scientific interest in deep-water marine resources has increased dramatically over the last 10–20 years as management bodies have sought advice on how to manage deep-water fisheries and protect deep-water ecosystems. The strengths and weaknesses of the management and monitoring of deep-water stocks, fisheries, and ecosystems in various areas of the...
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The intense fishing mortality imposed on Atlantic cod in Icelandic waters during recent decades has resulted in marked changes in stock abundance, as well as in age and size composition. Using a molecular marker known to be under selection (Pan I) along with a suite of six neutral microsatellite loci, we analysed an archived data set and revealed e...
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Throughout their geographic distribution, marine fish species often form subpopulations with limited connectivity, among which individuals display a variety of migratory behaviours. Fish behaviour experiments using Data Storage Tags (DSTs) have been useful to define the natural movement of individuals. In Icelandic waters, such experiments have ind...
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Nine out of 22 microsatellite primers tested were successfully amplified on three samples of cod Gadus morhua L. (two contemporary and one archived otolith samples). All loci were polymorphic (5–23 alleles/locus). The average observed heterozygosity across loci and samples was 0.625, ranging from 0.294 to 0.895 at each locus. All loci were under Ha...
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The cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) signaling pathway plays a key role in visual cortical plasticity. Inhibitors that block activation of all PKA regulatory subunits (RIalpha,RIbeta, RIIalpha, RIIbeta) abolish long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) in vitro and ocular dominance plasticity (ODP) in vivo. The details of this...
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The jellyfish green fluorescent protein (GFP) can be inserted into the middle of another protein to produce a functional, fluorescent fusion protein. Finding permissive sites for insertion, however, can be difficult. Here we describe a transposon-based approach for rapidly creating libraries of GFP fusion proteins. We tested our approach on the glu...
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This paper describes some aspects of the biology of the black dogfish (Centroscyllium fabricii) and the greater lantern shark (Etmopterus princeps) based on material collected during surveys of Marine Research Institute, Iceland. C. fabricii was most abundant at depths between 800 and 1200m (range 436–1653m). The overall sex ratio was 1.00:1.19 in...


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