Kitija BalcareInstitute of Literature, Folklore and Art of the University of Latvia
Kitija Balcare
Ph. D. (cand.)
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Theatre critic and junior research fellow at the Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art of University of Latvia. Main interests are posthumanism, ecotheatre, and sustainability in the performing arts; as a journalist, specialises in sustainability and environmental issues. Currently Ph. D. (cand.) in environmental humanities field at the University of Latvia.
Publications (31)
As ecological threats grow, so does the need for changes in culture sector, including the performing arts. Theatre as a practice of collective imagination today must seek answers not only to the question of who we are, but also where we are, deepening ecological awareness among spectators. To talk about ecology in theatre, or the relationship betwe...
Integrating performing arts research into the environmental humanities frame, the aim of this paper is to highlight spatiotemporality in relation to environmental issues across ecotheatrical performances in Latvia.
This essay aims to characterize the documentary dance method developed by Latvian choreographer Kristīne Brīniņa. In her personal work, Brīniņa experiments with authenticity through verbatim and documentary theatre techniques, combining them with contemporary dance in the form of site-specific theatre. Her approach prioritizes devising with perform...
The aim of the paper is to analyze econarratives in productions of ecotheatre in Latvia looking for interconnections, represented in various forms and on various stages, between humans and non-human entities. Research reveals that blurring boundaries in between human and non-human, ecotheatre brings up a new landscape where nature is shared space:...
Climate change is occurring worldwide, affecting everyday life and cultural traditions cherished for centuries. Intangible cultural heritage is vulnerable to climate change, as it depends on local resources and on the skills and knowledge of living in a certain environment. By studying the example of the lamprey fishing tradition in the village of...
Integrating performing arts research into the environmental humanities frame, the aim of this paper, firstly, is to uncover theoretical ideas of posthumanist thinkers about species interdependency [Tsing 2012; Haraway 2015] in context of the environmental issues and, secondly, to integrate these perspectives into practices of the ecotheatrical perf...
Inspired by the medieval theological work “Malleus Maleficarum” by Heinrich Kramer, which accused women of witchcraft and being danger by her nature, an international female performing arts team has created a contemporary, post-dramatic performance “Malleus Maleficarum. The New Pact” (June, 2023). The performance questions the role of the women in...
Savos autordarbos kustību māksliniece Kristīne Brīniņa pēta ikdienas dzīvi kopienās un cilvēku savstarpējās attiecības, pārvēršot kustības stāstos, lielākoties īpašvietas izrādes formā, balstoties savos dokumentālajos pētījumos. Horeogrāfes darbi skar ekofeminisma idejas, bērnu un vecāku attiecības, sociālos jautājumus, tostarp vientulību un izolēt...
Taking into account that the performing arts could play a huge role in shaping the ecological awareness of society, it is important not only to look at the econarratives of performances but also to analyse the process of their production in terms of sustainability. Reduce, reuse, and recycle-these are essential components of environmentally respons...
The aim of this article is to explore environmentally conscious theatre practices in the Latvian performing arts scene in the period 2019–2022. Firstly, the article provides an insight into the concepts of ecotheatre and ecoscenography according to theatre scholars Una Chaudhuri, Theresa J. May, Lisa Woynarski, Tanja Beer, and Sofia Pantouvaki and...
Looking from the perspective of Anthropocene, there is an urgency of environmental concerns which is growing day by day. While there is an emphasis on environmental education made by NGOs, it is important to analyze what is the role of the performing arts, especially, theatre, to raise awareness of environmental issues among society. The article fo...
Teātrim izaicinot antropocentrisko domāšanu un piedāvājot jaunus naratīvus par cilvēka un dabas attiecībām, to raksturošanai pētnieki meklē un piedāvā aizvien jaunus jēdzienus – nereti jaunvārdus. Tā kā arī Latvijā teātra spēles laukumos aizvien biežāk teātra praktiķi piedāvā ekoteātra izrādes jeb teātri, kurš centrā izvirza cilvēka un dabas mijied...
The aim of the paper is to analyze econarratives in productions of ecotheatre in Latvia looking for interconnections, represented in various forms and on various stages, between humans and non-human entities, whether plant, animal, biotope or any other form of life. Paper highlights how do theatre practitioners in Latvia represent care for nature –...
Attālinoties no modernisma drāmas kā saturā, tā formā un meklējot aizvien jaunas formas, kā runāt par šī brīža klimata krīzes diktētajām aktualitātēm cilvēka attiecībās ar ārpus cilvēka esošo pasauli (more-than-human world), postdramatiskajā teātra laukā Latvijā aizvien biežāk top izrādes, kuras no antropocentriska pasaules skatījuma pietuvojas bio...
The role of the performing arts in era of the climate change is growing along with the environmental concerns. Historically theatre has been human-centred. However, in recent decades theatre studies have embraced new concepts related to ecology and the environment, including green theatre, ecodramaturgy, ecodirecting, ecotheatre, and even theatre o...
This article examines econarratives drawn from original Latvian ecodrama and chronicles the rapid rise of ecotheatre in various styles of performance. The role of the performing arts to promote environmental conservation and engage local Latvian theatre groups has been especially significant during the global pandemic. Local ecotheatre has foregrou...
Mūsdienu krievu dramaturga Ivana Viripajeva (Иван Вырыпаев) darbā “Irānas konference”
(2017) zinātniskā konferencē Dānijā satiekas rietumu kultūras izcilākie prāti, lai spriestu par kādas citas valsts – Irānas – problēmām, cilvēktiesībām un reliģiju. Savukārt latviešu režisors Elmārs Seņkovs iestudē šo lugu Zoom platformā pandēmijas dēļ. Tas ļauj v...
Augot interesei par vides jautājumu aktualizēšanu teātra spēles laukumos
Latvijā, aug to izrāžu skaits, kurās antropocentrisku pasaules skatījumu
pakāpeniski nomaina ekocentrisks skatupunkts. Attālinoties no klasiskā teātrī
uzdotā jautājuma, kas mēs esam, ekodramaturģija tiecas uzdot skatītājam
jautājumu, kur mēs esam. Viena no ierastākajām un skat...
The aim of the study is to highlight the similarities and differences in these examples of eco-theatre, which are based on the life stories of real people. In these performances life stories are used as the dramatic backbone, thus bringing environmental issues closer to the audience and deepening their ecological identity provoking thoughts of envi...
21. gadsimtā aktīvi attīstās starpnozaru pētījumu joma – vides cilvēkzinātne (environmental humanities), kura pēta cilvēka un vides attiecības un mijiedarbību. Pēdējās desmitgadēs arī teātra zinātnes laukā ienāk jauni, ar ekoloģiju un vidi saistīti jēdzieni, kuri teātra procesu kontekstā izskan arvien biežāk, tostarp “zaļais teātris”, “vides teātri...
Environmental issues are growing day by day looking from the perspective of Anthropocene. While there is an emphasis on environmental education, what is the role of the performing arts, especially, theatre in order to raise awareness of environmental issues among society? The use of the performing arts in the context of environmental conservation r...
Due to the shadow of pandemic over theatre repertoire, creative teams of theatres in Latvia were looking for the new spaces and safe stages to maintain relationship with spectators. How the change of the space from classic “black-box” to unpredictable site-specific theatre and also to the digital room affected selected topics of the performances in...
Līdz ar pandēmijas ietekmi 2020. gadā teātru radošās komandas meklējušas ceļus pie skatītājiem. Vienlaikus pandēmijas laikā audzis cilvēka pavadītais laiks dabā, bet vai interese par dabas aizsardzības jautājumiem? Kā par ekoloģijas tēmām ar teātra skatītājiem pērn runājuši režisori? Kā būvēti dramaturģiskie materiāli izrādēm, ko varam saukt par ek...