Khaled A. Metwally

Khaled A. Metwally
Khaled verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Khaled verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Zagazig University

Prof. of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Sciences, Zagazig University. Egypt (Asst.)
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Sciences Research (Biomass Green Biofuels and Bioproducts Synthetic)


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Assistant professor of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Sciences, Zagazig University. Egypt.
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September 2018 - present
Faculty of Technology and Development Zagazig University
  • Assistant Professor


Publications (26)
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This work aimed to co-digest various wastes to assess the best combination of all mixing ratio, also at choosing the best ratio between untreated primary sludge (UPS) singly from two sources, (South valley University (SUPS) and Abu tesht wastewater station (AUPS) and raw chicken manure (RCM) and comparing the results in either case. The co-digestio...
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The effect of a machine feeding rate (FR; 1, 1.5 and 2 Mg h-1) and/or three level of selected fineness degree (FD; 3, 5 and 7 mm) on machine performance, pellet physical parameters, required energy and production cost of three main types of broilers diets was examined in this experiment. The examined broiler diets were formulated to meets the Ross...
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Design and Validation of a Variable-Rate Control Metering Mechanism and Smart Monitoring System for a High-Precision Sugarcane Transplanter. Agriculture 2023, 13, 2218. https://doi. Abstract: The current study aimed to design and test the accuracy of a variable-rate control metering mechanism (VRCMM) and a remote smart monitoring system (RSMS) for...
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Date fruit drying is a process that consumes a significant amount of energy due to the long duration required for drying. To be er understand how moisture flows through the fruit during drying and to speed up this process, drying studies must be conducted in conjunction with mathematical modeling, energy analysis, and environmental economic analysi...
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The purpose of this study is to investigate how a tracking indirect solar dryer (SD) powered by photovoltaic cells affected the drying kinetics (DK) and thermo-environmental conditions of tomato slices. In this current investigation, three air speeds (1, 1.5, and 2 m/s) are used, as well as three slice thicknesses (ST) (4, 6, and 8 mm) and two SD,...
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The fluctuation of solar radiation throughout the day presents a significant obstacle to the widespread adoption of solar dryers for the dehydration of agricultural products, particularly those that are sensitive to high temperatures, such as basil leaf drying during the winter season. Consequently, this recent study sought to address the limitatio...
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Agreenhouse experiment was carried out in soil columns. Surface soil samples (0.0 – 0.2 m depth) were collected from the Fac ulty of Technology and Development Farm (Clayey soil), and the second one from the Soil,Water and Environment Research Institute, Giza Governorate Egypt (Clay Loam soil) This study aims to investigate the effect of polyacryla...
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A new automatic simple heating technique was established to improve performance within poultry houses using renewable energy sources (Biogas energy). Four different heating systems were used in the work as follow: H.S 1 ; Conventional heating system using the cylinder of Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG with open direct fire flame. H.S 2 ; Heating syste...
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Soil compaction negatively impacts soil properties, especially physical properties, thus reducing soil productivity and plant growth. This study aimed to investigate the role of polyacrylamide (PAM) (0, 0.25, 0.5, and 1.0 g L-1) in improving the properties of compacted soil (0, 2.5, and 4.5 kg rammer) and maize growth in clayey and clay loam soils....
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The efficiency of irrigation as a standard engineering measure has been traditionally used to assess water use management. The objective of this study was to evaluate the technical performance of linear move sprinkler irrigation such as operating speeds for different specifications. Catch cans method was conducted to evaluate the distribution unifo...
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Profitable production of rabbit meat requires comfortable environment for expression of good quality traits embedded in the genetic components of rabbits. One of the major problems facing rabbit production is heat stress, especially in hot regions of the world. This is further aggravated by global warming being experienced as a result of climate ch...
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The provision of suitable bedding for rearing broilers is an ongoing challenge for poultry producers. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of using different types of crop residues as alternative bedding materials to wheat straw on growth performance, carcass traits, health, and welfare of broilers; moreover, the effects on the b...
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The enhancement in methane production under cold climates is one of the essential prerequisites to enable year-round performance improvement of any biogas plant. In Egypt, the winter is reasonably cold which offers a good opportunity to study the enhancement in the methane yield and corresponding performance improvement of a family-scale biogas dig...
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Die holes distribution is the most important factor of any feed pelleting system, as far as machine efficiency is concerned. This study was carried out with fish diet, where had been processed without steam addition (cold pelleting). The aim of the study was to explore the impact of fish feed extruder die surface holes distribution patterns on extr...
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The current work investigated the influences of different light sources on growth performance, carcass characteristics, blood biochemicals, physiological status and health aspects. One hundred and twenty growing California rabbits were assigned into four empirical collections in an experiment of completely randomized design. Rabbits of the first co...
Design and evaluation of center pivot irrigation system (DEPIVOT) is a method for assessing the technical efficiency of center pivot sprinkler irrigation systems, such as operating speeds, for various requirements. Catch cans method was conducted to evaluate the distribution uniformity (DUlq) and Christiansen coefficient of uniformity (CU), catch c...
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In the present study, 200 Brown commercial egg-type layers (60 wk old) were used to study the effects of different levels of ecofriendly synthesis of calcium (Ca) nanoparticles (0.0, 0.50, 1.0, and 1.5 g/kg diet) with biocompatible Sargassum latifolium algae extract (SL-CaNps) on exterior egg quality traits, electronic microscopic view of eggshells...
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Lighting regimes are possibly used as a strategy to improve rabbit production in tropical regions; on this background, this study was conducted to assess the possible role of different light (L):dark (D) regimes in improving growing New Zealand white rabbit’s performance. Sixty-four growing rabbits were randomly divided into four groups. Rabbits of...
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The adverse influences of elevated ambient temperatures during the summer season on the rabbit industry have received increased global attention. Therefore, this study intended to compare the potential effects of nano-selenium (nano-Se) synthesized by biological (BIO) and chemical (CH) methods on growth performance, carcass variables, serum metabol...
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The main objective of the research is to study the role of technical education in the development of human resources in Egypt and Japan, where the most important aspects of the study to identify the role of technical education in Japan in building technical personnel, compare technical education in Egypt and Japan and identify sources of technical...
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The aim of this study is developing and constructing a local mower with windrowing mechanism for harvesting faba bean (Vicia faba L.) crop in small holdings. The practical experiments were divided into two groups. The first one is the preliminary experiments to choose the proper crop conveyor angle and the horizontal distance between cutter bar and...
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The experiments of this study were carried out during the agricultural seasons of 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 at a private mill for milling grains in Abou Kbeer district, Sharkia Governorate to optimize some operating parameters affecting the performance of hammer mill prototype. The performance of hammer mill was evaluated under different parameters i...


Questions (2)
My current interests: Agricultural Biomass Recycling
Biomass conversion technologies
بعض أهم توصيات وقرارات الجلسة الختامية لمؤتمر الأطراف 27 بمدينة شرم الشيخ جمهورية مصر العربية
الشعار معا نحو التطبيق
1) التشديد على ضرورة مضاعفة الجهود للتأكيد من الوفاء والوصول إلى نتائج ملموسة.
2) يعتبر إنجاز تاريخى لأول مرة إقرار إنشاء صندوق للخسائر والأضرار الناجمة عن التغير المناخى.
3) القرارات التى تم التواص اليها خلال قمة التنفيذ هى رسائل للعالم.
4) دعوة للنظر إلى المسائل المرتبطة بترتيبات التمويل للإستجابة للخسارة والضرر المرتبط بالآثار المناولة للتغير المناخى.
5) برنامج شرم الشيخ للتكييف المناخى هو خطة عمل لتخفيف الإنبعاثات الضارة.
6) ستستمر رئاسة المؤتمر فى الدفع قدما للتعامل مع تغير المناخ.
7) تجديد التزام الأطراف بعدم تجاوز درجة حرارة 1.5 درجة مئوية
8) إنشاء مركز القاهرة للتعلم والتميز فى التكيف والصمود الذى أعلنته مصر، والذى سيبنى قدرة التكيف فى جميع أنحاء القارة الإفريقية
9) الدرع العالمى، نظام تأمين جديدًا لتقديم المساعدة المالية للدول الضعيفة المتضررة من آثار تغير المناخ إنشاء مركز القاهرة للتعلم والتميز فى التكيف والصمود الذى أعلنته مصر، والذى سيبنى قدرة التكيف فى جميع أنحاء القارة الإفريقية
10) قمة طموح المناخ، آلية لرفع الطموحات الوطنية لمواجهة تغير المناخ بموجب اتفاقية باريس.
11) منتدى الهيدروجين الأخضر المتجدد لإيجاد سبل لتعزيز الاستثمار فى الهيدروجين الأخضر المتجدد، ويشمل شركاء مثل «اليونيدو» والوكالة الدولية للطاقة المتجددة ومجلس الهيدروجين الأخضر.
Some of the most important recommendations and decisions of the closing session of the Conference of the Parties 27 (COP27) in Sharm El Sheikh, Arab Republic of Egypt:
COP27 motto is together for implementation
1- An invitation to consider issues related to financing arrangements to respond to loss and damage associated with the handling effects of climate change.
2- Emphasizing the need to redouble efforts to ensure fulfillment and tangible results
3- It is considered a historic achievement for the first time to approve the establishment of a fund for losses and damages resulting from climate change.
4- The decisions reached during the Implementation Summit are messages to the world.
5- Sharm El-Sheikh Climate Adaptation Program is an action plan to reduce gas emissions.
6- The conference presidency will continue to push forward in dealing with climate change.
7- Renewing the parties' commitment not to exceed the temperature of 1.5º
8- The establishment of the Cairo Center for Learning and Excellence in Adaptation and Resilience announced in Egypt, which will build adaptive capacity throughout the African continent.
9- Global Shield, a new insurance system to provide financial assistance to vulnerable countries affected by the effects of climate change
10- The Climate Ambition Summit, a mechanism to raise national ambitions to address climate change under the Paris Agreement.
11- The Renewable Green Hydrogen Forum, to find ways to promote investment in renewable green hydrogen, and includes partners such as UNIDO, the International Renewable Energy Agency and the Green Hydrogen Council.


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