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January 1995 - present
April 2012 - December 2022
Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
Field of study
- Equine Internal Medicine
Publications (62)
The measurement of the blood insulin concentration, and comparison to cut-offs, is essential in diagnosing insulin dysregulation, a common equine endocrinopathy. However, different insulin assays provide disparate results. We aimed to ease comparison between assays by compiling original and published data into a web app to convert insulin measureme...
Pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID) and dental disorders are of major concern in horses older than 15 years. Although PPID in geriatric horses and dental disorders in all age groups are well described, a connection between this endocrine disease and pathological changes in equine dental structures has not yet been investigated...
Pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID) is a common neurodegenerative disease mainly in horses older than 15 years. The domestic equine population is following the same demographic change as that seen in humans; it is aging and veterinarians are asked to attend to geriatric horses more frequently. Common problems seen regularly in older equine...
Evaluation of necessity for Preoperative antimicrobial prophylaxis in equine clean , elective orthopedic surgery. The first controlled clinical study on this issue.
Equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) is a widely recognized collection of risk factors for endocrinopathic laminitis. The most important of these risk factors is insulin dysregulation (ID). Clinicians and horse owners must recognize the presence of these risk factors so that they can be targeted and controlled to reduce the risk of laminitis attacks. Di...
Praeoperative amoxicillin/gentamicin in equine clean orthopaedic surgery - a randomised controlled study
Objective Facing the emerging health problem of antibiotic resistance, veterinary antibiotic use is an increasing public and political concern. This study was designed as a randomised controlled trial to evaluate effects of praeoperative antimicrobial prophylaxis in equine uncomplicated, clean orthopaedic surgery. Material and methods 75 horses und...
Retrospective analysis of postoperative complications in equines after clean, orthopaedic surgical procedures in order to detect differences between animals treated with antibiotics and horses without receiving these drugs.
Material and methods:
Details on 652 patients, surgical procedures and surgery-associated complications were com...
In order to soften primary constipations in the equine caecum or large colon, osmotic laxatives are used traditionally. An adverse effect of one of these, sodium sulfate, is hypokalaemia, which is seen in about 45% of equine patients. A mean decrease in potassium blood levels of 0.7mmol/l was previously shown by Gembicki (2011). The aim of this pro...
Equine herpesvirus myeloencephalopathy (EHM) is a severe manifestation
of equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) infection. Prevention and treatment
of EHM during EHV-1 outbreaks is critical, but no reliable and
tested specific medication is available. Due to the thromboischemic
nature of EHM and due to the fact that EHV-1 entry in cells is blocked
by hepari...
Multiple hypersensitivities (MHS) have been described in humans, cats, and dogs, but not horses.HypothesesHorses suffering from recurrent airway obstruction (RAO), insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH), or urticaria (URT) will have an increased risk of also being affected by another one of these hypersensitivities. This predisposition for M...
Pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction is a common problem with which equine practitioners are becoming involved ever more frequently. This current review aims to outline recommendations for diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of the condition when encountered in practice.
Latent equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) infection is common in horse populations worldwide and estimated to reach a prevalence nearing 90% in some areas. The virus causes acute outbreaks of disease that are characterized by abortion and sporadic cases of myeloencephalopathy (EHM), both severe threats to equine facilities. Different strains vary in...
BACKGROUND: Equid herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) is a highly prevalent pathogen in horse populations worldwide. Oronasal infection represents the classic route of disease transmission. Venereal shedding of EHV-1 is not regarded relevant in terms of virus spreading, which is in contrast to the close relatives of EHV-1, bovine and suid alphaherpesvirus, for w...
After spasmodic colics, primary impactions of the large colon and caecum are the most common causes of colic in horses. In many of these cases, laxatives are routinely used in the field to resolve the impaction. Laxatives with different mechanisms of action and molecular composition are mentioned in the relevant literature. In clinical studies, int...
Horses are obligate nasal breathers and depend on patency of their nasal passages. Several dynamic obstructive diseases in the pharyngeal and laryngeal area can be differentiated by high speed treadmill endoscopy and may be responsible for impaired exercise tolerance in the equine athlete. The anatomical specialty of guttural pouches predisposes th...
In 1980 Deegen et al. presented their first experiences with a new secretolytic therapy in RAO patients. Their talk included 31 RAO patients which did not respond to medical therapy. Most of them showed clinical improvements after a secretolytic therapy by massive infusion of isotonic saline solution. This talk triggered the publication of several...
Recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) in horses is a naturally occurring dust-induced disease mainly characterized by bronchiolitis which shows histological and pathophysiological similarities to human chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In human COPD previous investigations indicated an association with Chlamydophila psittaci infection. The...
RAO Questionnaire. Shows the questionnaire used to identify horses with or without RAO.
Objective: The case report describes the clinical and pathological findings in a horse with adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. Material and methods: A 17-year-old warmblood gelding showed diarrhea, weight loss and increased serum liver enzymes for two weeks. The horse was referred to the hospital when also fever occurred. Physical, haematological, blo...
Gegenstand und Ziel: Der Fallbericht geht auf die klinischen und pathologischen Befunde bei einem Pferd ein, das an einem Adenokarzinom des Pankreas erkrankt war. Material und Methoden: Ein 17 Jahre alter Warmblutwallach wies seit 2 Wochen Diarrhö, Gewichtsverlust und erhöhte Leberwerte im Serum auf. Er wurde in der Klinik vorgestel...
Objective: This case report describes an unusual complication after transarterial coil embolisation of the internal carotid in a horse with guttural pouch mycosis. Material and methods: A five-year-old Haflinger mare was presented due to epistaxis. Results: Clinical, endoscopic and hematological findings substantiated the diagnosis of guttural pouc...
Gegenstand und Ziel: Der Fallbericht beschreibt eine ungewöhnliche Komplikation nach Verschluss der A. carotis interna bei einem Pferd mit Luftsackmykose. Material und Methoden: Eine fünfjährige Haflingerstute wurde aufgrund von Epistaxis vorgestellt. Der Patient wurde klinisch, endoskopisch und labordiagnostisch untersucht. Ergebni...
Objective: A 13-year-old Frisian stallion with reduced general condition, hematuria and moderate anemia was presented to our clinic. Material and methods: Clinical, sonographic and laboratory examinations were performed. After euthanasia, necropsy and histopathologic examinations were carried out. Results: Transrectally, in the pelvic cavity of the...
Gegenstand: Ein 13-jähriger Friesenhengst wurde mit reduziertem Allgemeinbefinden, Hämaturie und einer mittelgradigen Anämie vorgestellt. Material und Methoden: Der Patient wurde klinisch, ul- trasonographisch und labordiagnostisch untersucht. Nach der Euthanasie erfolgte eine Sektion inklusive histologischer Untersuchung von Gewebe...
Vorberichtliche, klinische, endoskopische und lungenfunktionsanalytische Befunde sichern die sehr häufig zu stellende Diagnose der chronischen Bronchitis /Bronchiolitis. Die Art der entzündlichen Veränderungen lässt sich durch Bestimmung der prozentualen Anteile von Entzündungszellen in der bronchoalveolären Lavageflüssigkeit (BALF) näher charakter...
Traditional German law concerning lifestock and horse trade originated from 1899 ("Kaiserliche Verordnung"). These specialised regulations were abandoned in 2002, in order to harmonise European trading law. Nowadays in Germany, the rights of a new horse owner are - in comparison to his situation before 1st January 2002 - widely extended with a warr...
The collection of breath condensate by cooling spontaneously expired air is in human medicine a non-invasive and repeatable method to gain diagnostic material from the lower airways and lungs. The collection of breath condensate was performed successfully in 68 of 70 horses by using a teflon tube which passes a cool trap. The teflon tube was connec...
Preparation technique of BALF might influence differential cell counts. In this study, accelerations of 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 g and duration of centrifugation (five and ten minutes) were evaluated. Slides were prepared of 15 horses each, either by cytocentrifugation ("glass-cover"method) or by conventional cell smears. A comparison of cel...
A cystic calculus was removed by transurethral ballistic lithotripsy from the urinary bladder of a standing, sedated 16-year-old mare. A Lithoclast-EMS(R)-probe was used to fragment the stone into pieces, small enough to be removed either manually or by using a Young's forceps through the dilated urethra. Lithotripsy should be considered an appropr...
This article reports a case of guttural pouch bleeding which was managed successfully by using intravascular embolisation systems to occlude the damaged vessels. Percutaneous catheterisation of the common carotid artery allowed angiographic visualisation of the main head arteries: A. carotis externa, A. carotis interna and A. occipitalis, which sho...
This article reports a case of guttural pouch bleeding which was managed successfully by using intravascular embolisation systems to occlude the damaged vessels. Percutanous catheterisation of the common carotid artery allowed angiographic visualisation of the main head arteries: A. carotis externa, A. carotis interna and A. occipitalis, which show...
Equine and canine Cushing's syndrome, both of which are the result of elevated cortisol levels, show some different pathogenetical and clinical features and require different therapeutical approaches. In older horses the equine Cushing's syndrome (ECS) is not uncommon. Nearly all cases result from excessive hormone production in cells of the pars i...
Equine and canine Cushing's syndrome, both of which are the result of elevated cortisol levels, show some different pathogenetical and clinical features and require different therapeutical approaches. In older horses the equine Cushing's syndrome (ECS) is not uncommon. Nearly all cases result from excessive hormone production in cells of the pars i...
Antimicrobiotic-associated diarrhoea (AAD) is a well known phenomenon in horse medicine, but information about the incidence and severity of these cases is scarce. There is even less information about the nature of antibiotic-induced gastrointestinal disturbances, which are assumed to be responsible for the clinical picture. This article enlists th...
Disturbances of the intestinal flora are said to be a cause of indigestion and the development of antimicrobiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD). Their role in the pathogenesis of typhlocolitis in the horse is in discussion. In order to recognize disturbances of the intestinal flora the function and composition of the normal flora should be known. The a...
Both, the oral and intravenous application of two trimethoprim-potentiated sulfonamides induced measurable antibacterial activities in the feces of horses. With regard to the risk of antibiotic-induced alterations of the gastrointestinal flora, the route of application of potentiated sulfonamides seems to be of minor importance. The antibiotics use...
Large intestinal adenocarcinoma with osseous metaplasia was diagnosed in two horses, a 15-year-old standard bred gelding and a 9-year-old Haflinger mare. Clinically, both animals had displayed weight loss and anaemia. A presumptive diagnosis of abdominal neoplasia was made and the horses were humanely killed. At necropsy, the gelding and the mare w...
Using a broth microdilution technique, the in vitro susceptibility of bacterial isolates from the equine respiratory tract to trimethoprim, sulfadoxine, sulfadimethoxine, and combinations of these compounds was determined. The bacterial strains (n = 88) isolated recently from horses with respiratory symptoms belonged to the following species: Strep...
Five healthy horses were given a sulfadoxine/trimethoprim combination (Borgal, Hoechst AG) i.v. on day 1. The next ten days the horses got once a day a sulfadimethoxine/trimethoprim combination orally (Trafigal, Hoechst AG). The doses were given as recommended. One horse received no medicaments for control. On each horse six bronchoalveolar lavages...