Kenneth HyltenstamStockholm University | SU · Centre for Research on Bilingualism
Kenneth Hyltenstam
Ph.D., Professor Emeritus
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Skills and Expertise
Publications (67)
Forskarrapporter till slutbetänkande av Sannings- och försoningskommissionen för tornedalingar, kväner och lantalaiset.
Milani & Salö (eds.).
1. Minoritetsspråkspolitik och sociolingvistiska verkligheter - Linus Salö (Stockholms universitet) och Tommaso M. Milani (Göteborgs universite...
This paper discusses the notion of language aptitude as a factor contributing to successful language acquisition achievements in polyglots. The difficulty in distinguishing between what is, indeed, language aptitude and what is language awareness is the main focus of the paper. A polyglot is operationalized here as a person who, after puberty, (a)...
This article presents an edited conversation between Kenneth Hyltenstam, Christopher Stroud, Linus Salö and David Karlander. Its main topic is the rise and consolidation of bilingualism research/multilingualism research as a demarcated subject area in Swedish academe. The article delves into this history via the professional, scholarly trajectories...
It has recently been suggested that bilingualism, rather than age of acquisition, is what underlies less than nativelike attainment in childhood L2 acquisition. Currently, however, the empirical evidence in favor of or against this interpretation remains scarce. The present study sets out to fill this gap, implementing a novel factorial design in w...
Kapitlet redogör för modersmålsundervisningens framväxt och utveckling i Sverige i ett historiskt och samtida perspektiv. Dessutom ges en översikt över centrala teman och frågor i aktuell forskning om modersmålsundervisning. I kapitlets avslutande del identifieras några kunskapsområden som behöver utforskas närmare i framtida studier.
This entry departs from the early scholarly discussion on the notion of a critical period (CP) for language acquisition by Wilder Penfield and Lamar Roberts and later Eric Lenneberg. These authors suggested that differences in the outcomes of child and adult second language acquisition most likely had a biological basis. The notion of a CP had its...
Whereas the cognitive advantages brought about by bilingualism have recently been called into question, the so-called ‘lexical deficit’ in bilinguals is still largely taken for granted. Here, we argue that, in analogy with cognitive advantages, the lexical deficit does not apply across the board of bilinguals, but varies as a function of acquisitio...
This document was written in the early years of this century, about 15 years ago. It emerged out of more than a decade’s engagement in matters of multilingualism, language, politics and education in Mozambique specifically, and Southern Africa more generally, that we had been involved in through the Centre for Research on Bilingualism at Stockholm...
Whereas the cognitive advantages brought about by bilingualism have recently been called into question, the so-called ‘lexical deficit’ in bilinguals is still largely taken for granted. Here, we argue that, in analogy with cognitive advantages, the lexical deficit does not apply across the board of bilinguals, but varies as a function of acquisitio...
From the editors' introduction:
"Chapter 1, Age Effects on Language Acquisition, Retention and Loss: Key Hypotheses and Findings, asks to what extent the ultimate attainment in an L2 differs from that of native speakers, and why the rate of nativelike ultimate attainment differs between child and adult second language learners. A related issue is t...
High-Level Language Proficiency in Second Language and Multilingual Contexts - edited by Kenneth Hyltenstam June 2018
High-Level Language Proficiency in Second Language and Multilingual Contexts - edited by Kenneth Hyltenstam, Inge Bartning & Lars Fant, June 2018
High-Level Language Proficiency in Second Language and Multilingual Contexts - edited by Kenneth Hyltenstam, Inge Bartning & Lars Fant, June 2018
High-Level Language Proficiency in Second Language and Multilingual Contexts - edited by Kenneth Hyltenstam, Inge Bartning & Lars Fant, June 2018
Mayberry and Kluender (2017) offer a rich review of empirical research that contributes to the understanding of age-related effects on first and second language acquisition. Their keynote article compiles current, primarily linguistic and neurolinguistic, research on the notion of a critical period for language (CPL). The authors conclude “that the...
This document was written in the early years of this century, about 15 years ago. It emerged out of more than a decade's engagement in matters of multilingualism, language, politics and education in Mozambique specifically, and Southern Africa more generally, that we had been involved in through the Centre for Research on Bilingualism at Stockholm...
This book explores the nexus of North and South, the complex entanglements and mutual constitution of discourses, knowledges, and semiotic practices. North and South are understood metaphorically: the book aims to encompass both the North in the South in the form of the contemporary and continuing effects of capitalism, colonialism and imperialism...
Internationally-adopted children are a unique population of language learners. They discontinue acquisition of their birth language when they are adopted by families that speak other languages. Their unique language learning history raises important practical, clinical and theoretical issues. Practically speaking: what is the typical language learn...
Chapter 4
Formulaic language in advanced long-residency L2 speakers
Britt Erman, Fanny Forsberg Lundell & Margareta Lewis
A central aspect in language is the way individual words combine to form multiword structures (hence MWSs), and these are instantiations of the abstract, generally used concept of formulaic language. The overall goal...
As part of a research project on the investigation of second language (L2) ultimate attainment in 41 Spanish early and late near-native speakers of L2 Swedish, the present study reports on voice onset time (VOT) analyses of the production of Swedish word-initial voiceless stops, /p t k/. Voice onset time is analyzed in milliseconds as well as in pe...
This study examined the effects of age of onset (AO) of L2 acquisition on the categorical perception of the voicing contrast in Swedish word-initial stops varying in voice onset time (VOT). Three voicing continua created on the basis of natural Swedish word pairs with /p-b/, /t-d/, /k-g/ in initial position were presented to 41 Spanish early (AO <...
In: K. Hyltenstam & I. Lindberg (eds.), Svenska som andraspråk – i forskning, undervisning och samhälle [Swedish as a second language – in research, education and society], 2nd rev. edition. Lund: Studentlitteratur (pp. 221-257)
In: G. Grañena & M. Long (eds.), Sensitive Periods, Language Aptitude, and Ultimate L2 Attainment. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (pp. 69-102)
The scholarly discussion on the notion of a critical period (CP) for language acquisition dates back to the 1950s and 1960s, when first Wilder Penfield and Lamar Roberts (1959) and later Eric Lenneberg (1967) suggested that differences in the outcomes of child and adult second language acquisition most likely had a biological basis.
Within the field of SLA, the incidence of nativelikeness in second language (L2) speakers has typically been explained as a function of age of acquisition. An alternative interpretation, however, is that L2 learners do not attain nativelike proficiency because of first language (L1) maintenance. This interpretation has nevertheless remained mostly...
In: N. Abrahamsson & K. Hyltenstam (eds.), High-level L2 Acquisition, Learning, and Use (thematic issue of Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 32:2). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Thematic issue of Studies in Second Language Acquisition (34:2)
While language aptitude has been investigated actively within second language research, there is a current dearth of research
on the effects of aptitude in cases of attrition. The aim of the present investigation was to explore the role of language
aptitude for L1 proficiency in speakers who experienced a break with their L1 setting prior to pubert...
In: L. Bjar & C. Liberg (eds.), Barn utvecklar sitt språk [Children developing language] (2nd revised edition). Lund: Studentlitteratur (pp. 29-56)
The incidence of nativelikeness in adult second language acquisition is a controversial issue in SLA research. Although some researchers claim that any learner, regardless of age of acquisition, can attain nativelike levels of second language (L2) proficiency, others hold that attainment of nativelike proficiency is, in principle, impossible. The d...
This article challenges a recent proposal for the theoretical interpretation of L1 and L2 interaction that results from the abrupt change of language environment in internationally adopted children. According to this proposal (Pallier, Dehaene, Poline, LeBihan, Argenti, Depoux and Mehler, 2003; Ventureyra, Pallier and Yoo, 2004), such children expe...
Results from a number of recent studies suggest that nativelike adult second language (L2) learners possess a high degree of language learning aptitude, the positive effects of which may have compensated for the negative effects of a critical period in these learners. According to the same studies, child learners seem to attain a nativelike command...
Ju starkare ett språk är politiskt, desto mer gynnade är det språkets talare. Utan tve- kan är engelska det globalt starkaste språket idag. Bland alla de fördelar personer med engelska som modersmål har är gynnsamma utbildningsvillkor ett exempel: Om man har engelska som modersmål får man nämligen nästan alltid hela sin grundläggande skolgång och v...
In: A. Hauksdóttir & B. Arnbjörnsdóttir (eds.), Mál málanna. Um nám og kennslu erlendra tungumála. Reykjavík: Stofnun Vigdísar Finnbogadóttur. (in Icelandic)
In: Nordisk tidsskrift for andrespråksforskning [Nordic Journal of Second Language Research], 1:1, 9-36
In: L. Bjar & C. Liberg (eds.), Børn udvikler deres sprog. København: Gyldendal. (in Danish)
In: K. Hyltenstam & K. Fraurud (eds.), Multilingualism in Global and Local Perspectives. Stockholm: Stockholm University & City of Stockholm (pp. 319-340)
In: Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Étrangère (AILE), 18, 99-127.
Subjects for the present study were selected on the criterion that their second language, Swedish, sounded native-like in everyday oral communication. They had started their acquisition at one of four age ranges : 4-5 ; 8-10 ; 12-15 ; 19-23. Each age of onset (AO) group comprise...
In: C. Doughty & M. Long (eds.), The Handbook of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Blackwell (pp.538-588).
Introduction; Maturational Constraints as the Default Hypothesis; The Empirical Evidence; Theoretical Foundations; Toward an Understanding of the Role of Maturation; Future Research: Basic Methodological Requirements; A Final Remark
In: A. Hauksdóttir, B. Arnbjörnsdóttir, M. Garðarsdóttir & S. Þorvaldsdóttir (eds.), Forskning i nordiske sprog som andet- og fremmedsprog. Háskóli Íslands, Háskólaútgáfan
TESOL Quarterly invites commentary on current trends or practices in the TESOL profession. It also welcomes responses or rebuttals to any articles or remarks published here in The Forum or elsewhere in the Quarterly.
Offers comments on an earlier article on age and second language learning, and questions the authors' of that article's interpretation of the research they reviewed. The authors of the original article respond to these comments and questions. (Author/VWL)
This paper discusses research that has been carried out on maturational constraints for SLA, specifically on the conceptualisation formulated in the critical period hypothesis (CPH). Our review shows that the positions taken by researchers are very diverse, something we believe has its basis in a lack of explicit hypothesis formulation and the use...
Code-switching - the alternating use of several languages by bilingual speakers - does not usually indicate lack of competence on the part of the speaker in any of the languages concerned, but results from complex bilingual skills. The reasons why people switch their codes are as varied as the directions from which linguists approach this issue, an...
Oral and written second language data from two groups of adolescent bilingual speakers (L1 Finnish/L2 Swedish, L1 Spanish/L2 Swedish respectively) were analyzed and compared to equivalent data from a group of matched monolingual speakers of Swedish. Each group comprised 12 subjects, all of whom were students at upper secondary school level. The bil...
Bilingualism Across the Lifespan examines the dynamics of bilingual language processing over time from the perspectives of neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics. This multidisciplinary approach is fundamental to an understanding of how the bilingual's two (or more) language systems interact with each other and with other higher c...
Various aspects of the vocabulary of near‐native second‐language learners of Swedish were analysed and compared to that of matched native Swedish speakers. Quantitative measures of lexical usage focussed upon comprised lexical density, lexical variation and lexical sophistication. Further, a qualitative and quantitative analysis of lexical errors w...
Different language sample elicitation techniques may be appropriate for different linguistic phenomena and for learners at different phases of acquisition. These techniques include elicited production, manipulation of given linguistic material (sentence combining, sentence completion), intuition and grammaticality judgment tests, introspection, clo...
In this paper, the acquisition of Swedish syntax of negation by adult second‐language learners has been studied. Insights into the route of acquisition have been gained through a close examination of the learners' variation in their placement of the negative element, i.e., the way in which some learners variably place the negation before and after...
Thesis--University of Lund, 1978. Bibliography: p. 29-30.