Kenia Barreiro de Souza

Kenia Barreiro de Souza
Federal University of Paraná | UFPR · Department of Economics

PhD in Economics


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I'm a adjunct professor at Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba Brazil. I have been working mainly using input-output, CGE and econometrics models focused on labor, social and gender economics.
Additional affiliations
February 2015 - February 2016
Federal University of Minas Gerais
  • Researcher


Publications (54)
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The consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) is increasing worldwide, especially in developing countries. Beyond the potential health outcomes of SSB taxation, its economic effects must be examined. This article aims to analyze the wide-economy impacts of SSB tax in Brazil in the short- and long-term. We used a national dynamic computable gen...
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This paper aims to build and evaluate long-term scenarios within the economy of the state of Sergipe so as to identify sectors with a greater capacity to leverage the state's economic growth and mitigate regional disparities. We use a dynamic and interregional CGE model, calibrated for the year 2015 and 41 sectors. Our simulations capture he effect...
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As a number one Europe's coal generator, Poland is the European Union (EU) member state mostly affected directly by European green policies. In this context, this paper aims to measure the impact of the EU Emissions Trading System on the Polish economy. Additionally, we compare the results based on two different methodologies-Input-Output model and...
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The taxation of sugar-sweetened beverages is a policy that has been adopted in many countries worldwide, including Latin American, to reduce sugar consumption. However, little is known about how taxation on these products may affect their demand. The present study aims to estimate the price elasticity of demand for sugar-sweetened beverages in Braz...
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Este trabalho analisa os impactos regionais e setoriais de curto prazo da construção da Usina Termelétri-ca Porto de Sergipe. Para tanto, utilizou-se o sistema interregional de insumo-produto de Sergipe, ano base 2009, constituído por 82 setores e 5 regiões: 3 sub-regiões de Sergipe, Restante do Nordeste e Restante do Brasil. Os resultados das simu...
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A Nova Economia da Amazônia é um estudo desenvolvido pelo WRI Brasil em parceria com 76 especialistas de instituições científicas de diversas regiões do país. O trabalho mostra que manter a floresta de pé não é uma ameaça para o desenvolvimento, muito pelo contrário, é uma oportunidade de crescimento qualificado e inclusivo para a região. Ao reconh...
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Modelos econômicos desenvolvidos por diferentes instituições brasileiras foram combinados para projetar cenários para a economia da Amazônia Legal (AML) em 2050. A Nova Economia da Amazônia (NEA), cenário orientado pelo Acordo de Paris, desmatamento zero, expansão da bioeconomia, restauração florestal e adequação da agropecuária e matriz e...
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Given the growing interest in taxing sugar-sweetened beverages, we estimated the effects of tax increase of sugary drinks for the Brazilian economy, focusing on the impact on household consumption, production, employment and tax revenues of the government. In order to identify these effects, we considered productive relations of SSB sector by calcu...
The aim of this study is to assess the socio-economic impacts of the São Francisco River Integration Project (PISF). In order to do that, a dynamic inter-regional computable general equilibrium model is used, called TERM-NEPISF. An increase in investments and in the total productivity of factors in the agricultural sectors was simulated. In general...
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Este trabalho objetiva avaliar os impactos regionais e setoriais de curto e longo prazo da construção e operação da Usina Termelétrica Porto de Sergipe. Utiliza-se um modelo dinâmico e interregional de Equilíbrio Geral Computável, calibrado para 28 regiões e 51 setores. Em termos metodológicos, a inovação deste trabalho consiste em desagregar Sergi...
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Este estudo apresenta a discussão acerca da influência da estrutura produtiva sobre as alterações na distribuição interpessoal de renda no estado da Bahia. Nesse caso, a análise está centrada na aplicação do modelo de insumo-produto denominado Leontief-Miyazawa, versão alternativa ao modelo original desenvolvida por Miyazawa (1976), a partir do qua...
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The Brazilian government shares the responsibility of financing public health among federal, state, and municipal levels. Health expenditures are thus uneven across the country and cannot contribute equally to health outcomes across disease categories. This study aims to identify how the health expenditures of municipalities affect the mortality ra...
The eradication of poverty as proposed by the first Sustainable Development Goal is one of the main challenges faced by all countries, especially the underdeveloped and developing nations. In this paper, we develop an approach for integrating the input–output framework with a microsimulation model where consumption and income data are highly disagg...
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This paper aims to estimate the long-term impacts of an austerity policy in the Brazilian regions. Our main contribution is to measure those effects using a dynamic interregional general equilibrium model, capturing the indirect impacts in sectors and regions, in addition to the direct effects of the expenditure cuts. The main results show that the...
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Este estudo técnico projeta os impactos do aumento nos preços dos combustíveis na economia brasileira por meio de um modelo de Equilíbrio Geral Computável (ECG) dinâmico inter-regional. A simulação realizada considerou o aumento de 18,8% no preço médio da gasolina e de 24,9% no preço médio do diesel. Os resultados indicam uma queda do PIB nacional...
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Entre 2002 e 2015, o número de jovens ocupados diminuiu 19,98% enquanto o número de adultos ocupados aumentou 34,18%. O descompasso entre essas duas taxas está relacionado a um conjunto de fatores como o ciclo econômico, níveis de qualificação e decisões individuais de participação no mercado de trabalho. Além disso, variações na composição da dema...
Technical Report
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No início de 2021, após quase um ano do primeiro caso de COVID-19 confirmado no Brasil, fica evidente o descontrole da pandemia no País. Diante do estrangulamento da rede de saúde e aceleração do número de casos e de óbitos, diversas cidades adotaram recentemente medidas restritivas mais rígidas para controlar a propagação da doença. Nesse contexto...
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This study projects the economic impacts of COVID-19 outbreak on the Brazilian economy using a dynamic interregional computable general equilibrium model. We considered two scenarios. The first scenario has two channels of transmission over the economic system: a negative shock of labour supply due to the rates of morbidity and mortality caused by...
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A participação feminina na oferta de trabalho é mais instável que a masculina. As mulheres são mais afetadas em períodos de crise, pela maternidade, discriminação e têm menores chances de encontrar um emprego no setor formal. No presente trabalho foram utilizados os microdados da PNAD entre 2001 a 2015, em um modelo probit, para verificar como cara...
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This research note aims to estimate the economic impact of pandemic COVID-19 on the tourism sector in Brazil. Tourist activities were the first to be strongly affected by the pandemic, and these impacts are expected to be the most prolonged among economic activities. In developing economies like Brazil, tourism services are supplied by a mix of for...
Since August 2019, crude oil stains have appeared on the beaches of the Brazilian Northeast. Five months on, this could be considered the most severe environmental disaster of this type. However, the economic impacts are still unknown. We show that the coastal areas of Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte and Ceará were the worst affected in terms of gross d...
Technical Report
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Este estudo projeta os impactos da COVID-19 na economia brasileira utilizando um modelo inter-regional dinâmico de equilíbrio geral computável. São considerados dois cenários de simulação. O primeiro cenário considera dois canais de transmissão sobre o sistema econômico: choque de oferta de trabalho decorrente das taxas de morbidade e mortalidade p...
Technical Report
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Este estudo projeta os impactos da COVID-19 na economia brasileira utilizando um modelo inter-regional dinâmico de equilíbrio geral computável. São considerados dois cenários de simulação. O primeiro cenário considera dois canais de transmissão sobre o sistema econômico: choque de oferta de trabalho decorrente das taxas de morbidade e mortalidade p...
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O objetivo deste artigo é estimar os efeitos de longo prazo do ajuste fiscal, conduzido pelo Governo Federal, sobre a economia sergipana. Para tanto, são utilizadas simulações com um modelo dinâmico de Equilíbrio Geral Computável, ano base 2013, constituído de 27 estados e 67 setores. Nessa abordagem, considera-se que os investimentos privados reag...
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Este artigo objetiva apresentar a trajetória de longo prazo da Economia Baiana, considerando sua estrutura produtiva, trajetória tendencial e o aporte de investimentos públicos e privados. A motivação para o estudo surgiu do acesso a um conjunto de políticas selecionadas pelo governo estadual, o qual permitiu a simulação dos potenciais desvios do c...
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This paper investigates the impacts of a very important credit policy in Brazil called Northeast Financing Constitutional Fund (FNE in Portuguese) using a dynamic and inter‐regional computable general equilibrium model calibrated for 2013. Simulations were carried out based on FNE investment data for 2014 and 2015, allowing for isolation of the eff...
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O primeiro semestre de 2015 foi marcado por elevações importantes dos preços de energia elétrica, fruto dos problemas de geração hídrica e da consequente utilização de geração térmica na oferta de energia. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisar os impactos econômicos das mudanças nos preços da energia elétrica em Minas Gerais, identif...
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This paper reconsiders the Brazilian wage curve using individual data from the National Household Survey at 27 Federative Units over the period 2002 - 2009. We find evidence in favor of the Brazilian wage curve with an unemployment elasticity of -0.08 when the lagged unemployment rate is used as an instrument for current unemployment rate. We also...
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The manufacturing industrys loss in participation, phenomena called ”deindustrialization”, has been observed for the Brazilian economy for a while and seems to have intensified from mid-2000s. However, the literature has not developed a consistent or integrated analysis of this process. We have used a detailed simulation model to identify how macro...
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This article aims to estimate the economic impacts of expenditure on tourism in the Brazilian Northeast and its effects on the states’ productive structure and regional inequalities. We use an interregional input–output matrix for the nine northeastern states and the rest of Brazil. The main results show that tourist expenditure in the Northeast wa...
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This paper aims to evaluate the economic impacts of greenhouse gas emission reduction on the Brazilian economy. To this end, we developed an integrated input–output linear programming model for 2009 using the Supply and Use Tables and emissions data of the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology and Innovation. We simulated emissions targets f...
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The recent behavior of the Brazilian economy between 2003-2008 seems to indicate that the industry growth runs up against the difficulty of hiring skilled labor, such as technicians and engineers. This shortage may pose an obstacle to the development of the country, especially to hinder the expansion of sectors with higher technological content. Th...
The emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) generated by human activity is a major cause of global warming and climate change. There is considerable debate about the choice of the best mechanism to reduce emissions under a climate policy. The aim of this paper is to measure the impact of a policy of taxing GHG emissions on the Brazilian economy as a who...
The emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) generated by human activity is a major cause of global warming and climate change. There is considerable debate about the choice of the best mechanism to reduce emissions under a climate policy. The aim of this paper is to measure the impact of a policy of taxing GHG emissions on the Brazilian economy as a who...
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The objective of this study is to assess the economic impacts of release of payroll as proposed by Federal Government policy. For this purpose, it has been used a computable general equilibrium model designed for comparative static simulations. The results show positive effects for the long-term growth of the economy, increasing employment, GDP and...
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O problema da escassez de água no Brasil tem se intensificado nos últimos anos. Não diferente está a situação da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte (RMBH) que presenciou a mais severa escassez hídrica de sua história em 2015. Este estudo estima o impacto econômico de restrições na oferta de água utilizando um modelo de equilíbrio geral computáv...
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The service sector expansion has shown to be a multiple trend process, producing distinct sectorial compositions. The present paper aims to make a comparison between two large economies in different stages of development with an extensive service sector (Brazil and United States), by focusing on final and intermediary demand changes and sectorial p...
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As mudanças climáticas exacerbarão, nas próximas décadas, a vulnerabilidade de populações, lugares e pessoas ao redor do mundo, especialmente nos países em desenvolvimento. Este artigo investiga cenários hipotéticos futuros de vulnerabilidade às mudanças climáticas para os próximos 30 anos, em 66 microrregiões do Estado de Minas Gerais. Com base no...
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A dinâmica econômica recente do Brasil tem aumentado a demanda por pessoal especializado, em especial engenheiros, levantando uma série de hipóteses sobre a escassez de trabalhadores qualificados. Uma das formas de evitar um problema futuro é o planejamento de longo prazo da formação de engenheiros com base em projeções consistentes da demanda por...
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Os trabalhadores domésticos estão entre as categorias mais beneficiadas com os aumentos reais de renda no Brasil, embora sua remuneração média continue muito distante do restante da economia. Nesse contexto, este artigo buscou investigar as consequências econômicas das mudanças no mercado de serviços domésticos, utilizando um modelo de equilíbrio g...
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Aunque la participación del sector de servicios en el empleo y los ingresos bordea el 70% tanto en países desarrollados como en aquellos en desarrollo, se sabe que el desempeño económico del sector terciario no solo depende de su capacidad para producir valor agregado. En este trabajo se evalúa la estructura productiva de dicho sector considera...
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Although the services sector accounts for nearly 70% of employment and income in developed and developing countries alike, it is well known that the economic performance of the tertiary sector does not depend exclusively on its capacity to add value. This article will evaluate the productive structure of the sector, by considering intra-and inter-s...
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Domestic workers are among the groups most benefited from the increases in real income in Brazil. However, although with salaries growing faster compared to other categories, average earnings are far from the rest of the economy. In this context, this paper investigates the economic consequences of changes in the market for domestic services, using...
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The process of tertiarization is a fundamental feature of the labor market in the late twentieth century, marked by the expansion of employment and income of the tertiary sector. This study aims to evaluate the short-term dynamics of the Brazilian labor market, it’s seeking to define the characteristics related to the employee, to the firm and to t...
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Historically treated as waste for other sectors, from the mid-twentieth century, the service sector has grown in relative share of GDP, promoting various researches in the area that mainly emphasize its contribution to growth and economic development of nations. In this work is investigated the tertiary sector in Brazil, especially in the Southwest...


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