Ken Schoutens

Ken Schoutens
University of Antwerp | UA · Faculty of Science

Master of Science


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Publications (21)
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While tidal marshes are valued for their ability to reduce the impact of storm waves on shores, there is still more limited understanding of how storm waves impact the integrity of tidal marshes, particularly in mudflat‐marsh transition zones with patchy vegetation cover. This study aims to investigate changes in hydrodynamics, sediment bed elevati...
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Nature‐based solutions, through conservation or (re)creation of vegetated shorelines, are recognized to mitigate the impact of waves and erosion risks on shorelines. Wave attenuation is known to be dependent on plant traits, resulting in increasing wave attenuation rates with increasing shoot density, shoot thickness, height, and stiffness. However...
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Many tidal marshes have been lost by past land use changes, but are nowadays increasingly restored and created to provide valuable ecosystem services such as nature‐based flood and erosion protection along estuarine shorelines. To be functional for flood and shoreline erosion protection, restored and created tidal marshes should develop erosion res...
Understanding the relationships among the environment, species traits and ecosystem properties is important for developing management measures that optimize the delivery of ecosystem services (ESs). Here, we identify the most important relationships responsible for the delivery of two key ESs provided by tidal marshes: (1) nature-based shoreline pr...
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Salt marshes play an important role in coastal protection by reducing the impact of waves and shoreline erosion risks. While mature vegetation is responsible for the persistence and stability of marsh ecosystems, seedling survival of pioneer species is especially crucial for marsh propagation. Marsh seedlings, however, may be threatened by climate...
Tidal marshes and mangroves are increasingly valued for nature-based mitigation of coastal storm impacts, such as flooding and shoreline erosion hazards, which are growing due to global change. As this review highlights, however, hazard mitigation by tidal wetlands is limited to certain conditions, and not all hazards are equally reduced. Tidal wet...
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The coastal protection function provided by the vegetation of tidal wetlands (e.g. salt marshes) will play an important role in defending coastlines against storm surges in the future and depend on how these systems respond to such forcing. Extreme wave events may induce vegetation failure and thereby risking loss of functionality in coastal protec...
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Nature-based strategies, such as wave attenuation by tidal marshes, are increasingly proposed as a complement to mitigate the risks of failure of engineered flood defense structures such as levees. However, recent analysis of historic coastal storms revealed smaller dike breach dimensions if there were natural, high tidal marshes in front of the di...
Tidal marshes are increasingly valued for their nature-based shoreline protection function, as they reduce waves, currents and erosion. The effectiveness of this function depends on the ability of tidal marsh plants to grow and survive under pressure from waves and currents. However, how this varies with species-dependent plant traits is poorly und...
Estuaries are highly productive ecosystems that play an important role in carbon fixing. The amount of carbon fixed by temperate brackish marshes depends, among others, on the biomass produced, its decomposition and the organic carbon stored in the soil. Here, we assumed that the functional trait composition of the vegetation both responded to envi...
Although tidal marshes are known for their coastal defense function during storm surges, the impact of extreme wave forcing on tidal marsh development is poorly understood. Seedling survival in the first season after germination, which may involve exposure to extreme wave events, is crucial for the natural establishment and human restoration of mar...
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Aims Tidal marsh vegetation along estuaries is exposed to strong environmental gradients that determine which species – enabled through specific traits – can establish and persist. With these ecosystems under anthropogenic pressure, in‐depth knowledge on conservation of remaining tidal wetlands and restoration potentials is needed. In this study we...
In face of growing land-flooding and shoreline-erosion risks along coastal and estuarine shorelines, tidal marshes are increasingly proposed as part of nature-based protection strategies. While the effect of plant species traits on their capacity to attenuate waves and currents has been extensively studied, the effect of species traits on their cap...
Nature‐based mitigation is increasingly proposed as a strategy to cope with global change and related risks for coastal flooding and erosion. Tidal marshes are known to provide shoreline protection as their aboveground biomass attenuates waves and their belowground biomass contributes to reducing erosion rates. The aim of this study was to quantify...
Conference Paper
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Die Ufer der Tideelbe im Wechselspiel von Mensch und Umwelt. Vegetation, Boden und Ökosystemleistungen Ergebnisse der Forschungsprojekte ElbService und tibass sowie Zwischenergebnisse des Makrophytenmonitorings der Beweissicherung Tideelbe Inhalte: 1. Einführung 2. Vegetation 2.1. Schiffswellen an den Pflanzen 2.2. Die Wellen hinter den Pflanzen 2....
Tidal marsh vegetation is increasingly valued for its role in ecosystem-based coastal protection due to its wave dissipating capacity. As the efficiency of wave dissipation is known to depend on specific vegetation properties, we quantified how these morphological, biochemical, and biomechanical properties of tidal marsh vegetation are, in turn, af...
The presence of instream aquatic vegetation (macrophytes) has an impact on the ecological functioning of rivers through their effects on transport and retention of dissolved and particulate matter, and also on the hydraulic functioning of rivers by increasing the hydraulic resistance, which results in higher water levels and may induce an increased...
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Rewetted, previously drained fens often remain sources rather than sinks for carbon and nutrients. To date, it is poorly understood which soil characteristics stimulate carbon and nutrient mobilization upon rewetting. Here, we assess the hypothesis that a large pool of iron in the soil negatively affects fen restoration success, as flooding-induced...
Sulfur mobilization. Mobilization of total dissolved Sulfur (S) over time (t = 0, 30 and 127 days) in the pore water of 40 soil cores that differ in experimental water level treatment (rewetted or drained) and initial soil iron content (high or low). Soil cores were classified into 4 groups: rewetted iron-poor fens (n = 10 cores from 2 sites), drai...


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