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Broad Research Interests:
Romantic Relationships; Personality Judgments, Interpersonal Perception, and Accuracy; Psychological Assessment
Narrow Research Interests:
Adult Playfulness; Dispositions Toward Ridicule and Being Laughed (Gelotophobia, Gelotophilia, and Katagelasticism); Impostor Phenomenon
Additional affiliations
Publications (87)
Zur Frage, warum sich Partner*Innen anziehend finden und eine gemeinsame Beziehung eingehen gibt es diverse Volksweisheiten, die gerne auf die Ähnlichkeit zweier Partner*Innen abzielen. Man denke an „Gleich und Gleich gesellt sich gern“ oder das englischsprachige Pendant „Birds of a feather flock together“. Die Annahme, dass Ähnlichkeit eine wichti...
This editorial is aimed at providing a short resumé on recent developments of the International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology (IAPP) and sharing observations from the handling of manuscripts. The latter should offer guidance for authors when preparing future submissions. I hope that the discussion of these observations and recommendations...
We replicated and extended previous research examining the accuracy of judgments of four facets of adult playfulness (Other‐directed, Lighthearted, Intellectual, and Whimsical; OLIW) at zero‐acquaintance.
We conducted a conceptual replication study. One hundred sixty targets provided self‐ratings for the OLIW facets, textual self‐...
Adult playfulness describes the personality of the quick initiation and strong intensity of enjoyable experiences coupled with the frequency of engaging in playful behaviors. In addition to examining
the reliability and validity of the Short Measure for Adult Playfulness (SMAP), we compared the psychometric properties of the SMAP across (a) 4- and...
The interview has a tradition in psychology. In this chapter, we discuss it as an assessment method within the field of psychology. Therefore, we first discuss the general measurement problem in psychology (i.e., assessing non-observable constructs). We give an overview of findings on the objectivity, reliability, and validity of interviews, charac...
Adult playfulness describes individual differences in (re)framing situations so that they are experienced as entertaining, and/or interesting, and/or intellectually stimulating. There is increasing interest in its role for romantic life. Using the OLIW model of playfulness, we localized its facets Other-directed, Lighthearted, Intellectual, and Whi...
The Multidimensional Jealousy Scale is the standard instrument to assess cognitive, emotional, and behavioral jealousy. We examined competing factor models and external correlations with broad and narrow traits. Across two studies, we analyzed four samples (Ntotal = 2,117). CFAs supported the measurement model of three correlated factors in compari...
The study of intelligence is one of the foundations of scientific psychology, and for more than a century, researchers from psychology and other disciplines such as neuro-science, genetics, and education have been interested in extending the knowledge about the structure and correlates of intelligence. While there is yet no consensus regarding one...
People find humor in the darkest and most tragic situations. However, there is remarkable interpersonal variability when it comes to setting the so-called limits of humor. We examine how the Dark Tetrad personality traits (DT4; Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, and sadism) relate to responses to black humor jokes in online settings. A comm...
Objective: Playfulness describes individual differences in (re)framing situations in a way that they are experienced as interesting, intellectually stimulating, or entertaining. We extended the study of playfulness to groups of middle-and higher age and examined the relations of four facets of playfulness (Other-directed, Lighthearted, Intellectual...
We aimed to extend the research on the interpersonal perception of adult playfulness (global and facets: Other-directed, Lighthearted, Intellectual, and Whimsical [OLIW]) by testing whether judgmental accuracy relates to indicators of acquaintanceship.
Playfulness has been found to contribute to social relationships.
Adult playfulness is an individual difference variable that receives increasing interest. A multifacetted model of playfulness distinguishes between Other-directed, Lighthearted, Intellectual, and Whimsical playfulness. A 12-item brief version to assess these four facets with three items each, the OLIW-S, has been introduced in German. In this stud...
The Clance Impostor Phenomenon Scale (CIPS) is the most frequently used self-report instrument for the assessment of the Impostor Phenomenon (IP). The literature provided mixed findings on the factorial structure of the CIPS. We extend previous work on the German-language CIPS by testing a bifactor exploratory factor model in two large and independ...
Relationship satisfaction describes evaluations of and attitudes toward one’s relationship and is one of the most frequently studied variables in relationship research (Hassebrauck & Fehr, 2002). Relationship satisfaction is typically studied in couples, but it can also be studied in other types of relationships, such as between friends or colleagu...
Previous studies have shown that individual differences in adult playfulness are important in interpersonal relationships. However, there is a lack of research on the role of playfulness in human sexuality. Using three studies with four independently collected samples (Ntotal = 1,124) we tested the differential relations between global playfulness...
The importance of providing structural validity evidence for test score(s) derived from psychometric test instruments is highlighted by several institutions; for example, the American Psychological Association (2014) demands that evidence for the validity of an instruments' internal structure and its underlying measurement model must be provided be...
The Impostor Phenomenon (IP) describes experiences of perceived intellectual fraudulence despite the existence of objectively good performances, and it is a robust predictor of experiences and outcomes in higher education. We examined the role of the IP in the domain of second language (L2) acquisition by testing its relations with a robust predict...
Humor has been the subject of considerable scholarly interest, its function in interpersonal and social contexts in particular. This entry provides an overview of what is understood as (sense of) humor, its role in close relationships, and its associations with relationship satisfaction.
Adult playfulness describes individual differences in (re)framing everyday situations as personally interesting, and/or entertaining, and/or intellectually stimulating. We aimed at extending initial evidence on the interconnectedness between language use and adult playfulness by asking 264 participants (M = 26.5 years, SD = 9.7; 66.7% women) to pro...
Short-term mating (STM) describes a sexual strategy that is characterized by inclinations to seek and engage in uncommitted short-term sexual relationships, which is also referred to as unrestricted sociosexuality (Holtzman & Strube, 2013). There is robust evidence that having a good sense of humor and showing humor-related behaviors (e.g., produci...
The Kaufman Domains of Creativity Scales (K-DOCS) assess individual differences in creativity across five domains (Everyday, Scholarly, Performance, Science, and Artistic). We provide data on the psychometric properties and the structural and nomological validity of the German adaptation of the K-DOCS from three samples (Ntotal = 1,379). Our findin...
We studied the similarity among partners' character strengths (i.e., positively valued traits) across two studies. In Study 1, N = 68 couples completed the 240-item VIA Inventory of Strengths and in Study 2, N = 143 couples completed a 24-item brief-form and measures of life-and relationship satisfaction. We computed raw, normative, and distinctive...
Humor is a strategy that healthcare workers can use to help patients cope with stress and manage complex situations. However, people differ in how they deal with laughter. Our aim was to investigate gelotophobia (fear of being laughed at) among healthcare professionals and its relationships with humor styles and inclinations to use humor for coping...
The Impostor Phenomenon (IP) is characterized by an external-instable-specific attributional style (i.e., Impostors perceive successful performance as due to chance). To our knowledge no study has yet tested this notion in real-life situations. Therefore, we invited 76 participants to complete computer-based numerical and verbal intelligence tasks,...
We extend the knowledge on dispositions toward ridicule and being laughed at (gelotophobia, gelotophilia, and katagelasticism) by testing their localization in a system of maladaptive personality traits. Across two studies, we used self-ratings (Ntotal = 1,438) and informant reports (Ntotal = 378 dyads). The differential associations for the dispos...
The generalized SX2-test is a test of item fit for items with polytomous responses format. The test is based on a comparison of the observed and expected number of responses in strata defined by the test score. In this manuscript, we make four contributions. We demonstrate that the performance of the generalized SX2-test depends on how sparse cells...
The fear of being laughed at (gelotophobia) is an individual differences variable characterized by negative reactions to laughter. Based on the theory of trait-congruent information processing, we conducted a series of experiments to examine a gelotophobia-related memory bias toward laughter in the Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm. The DRM i...
There has been increasing interest in the analysis of dyadic data. While there is ongoing progress in the development of statistically fine-grained methods to model complex dyadic data, many studies examine relationship duration in dyads using cross-sectional data (e.g., when testing the effects of acquaintanceship on the accuracy of personality ju...
In a recent study, Rolón and colleagues (2021) provided self-report data on a six-item extraversion scale, self-reported COVID-19 infection status, and political ideology from n = 53 previously infected and 164 previously noninfected participants. Based on comparisons of the subsamples concerning domain and facet scores in extraversion (0.04 ≤ g ≤...
There is robust support for the notion that playfulness is important for how people initiate and engage in their romantic relationships. Our study sought to extend the knowledge on associations between four facets of playfulness (Other-directed, Lighthearted, Intellectual, and Whimsical; OLIW) with facets of relationship satisfaction (RS) in 116 mi...
Playfulness is an understudied personality trait in adults. We examined the relationships between facets of adult playfulness and sensation seeking (SS) in distant vocational groups, namely, librarians (N = 339) and police officers (N = 399). First, manifest and latent group comparisons (measurement invariance [MI] analysis) showed that police offi...
Gelotophobia (the fear of being laughed at) is an individual difference variable that relates to a particular set of emotional reactions, behaviors, and processes towards laughter and ridicule that are potentially detrimental to learning processes. We extend the research of gelotophobia to the educational domain by exploring the direct effect of ge...
A good (sense of) humor is among the most frequently desired qualities in potential short- and long-term partners, and numerous studies found humor to be an important quality people seek for in close others. This entry gives a short overview on why humor is considered to be among the most attractive traits and the role of sex differences, from a th...
A good (sense of) humor is among the most frequently desired qualities in potential short- and long-term partners, and numerous studies found humor to be an important characteristic that people seek in close others. This entry gives a short overview both on why humor is considered to be among the most attractive traits and also on the role of sex d...
There is increasing interest in the study of individual differences in playfulness in adults; the way people frame or reframe situations in a way that they are experienced as personally interesting, and/or intellectually stimulating, and/or entertaining. In this review, we describe and discuss its role for romantic life. After a brief introduction,...
The number of factors in exploratory factor analysis is often determined with tests of model fit. Such tests can be employed in two different ways: Tests of global fit are used to compare factor models with increasing number of factors against a saturated model whereas tests of relative fit compare factor models against models with one additional f...
While there are numerous applications of play-based interventions, there is little research on playfulness-based interventions. We applied interventions that aim at stimulating playfulness and test effects on happiness and depressive symptoms.
In a randomised placebo-controlled online intervention, N = 533 participants were a...
Personality assessment typically relies on self-report questionnaires utilizing Likert-type scales. Recently, the Expanded format has been proposed as alternative, but research on the consequences of adapting Likert-like responses to Expanded items is sparse. We adapt a multidimensional measure into the Expanded format: the PhoPhiKat-45. This is th...
Objective: How people deal with ridicule and being laughed at plays a role in romantic life. We extend the research on the fear of being laughed at (gelotophobia), joy in being laughed at (gelotophilia), and joy in laughing at others (katagelasticism) by testing their associations with romantic jealousy and its consequences for relationship satisfa...
We extend the research on three dispositions toward ridicule and being laughed at, namely, interindividual differences in the fear of being laughed at (gelotophobia), joy in being laughed at (gelotophilia), and joy in laughing at others (katagelasticism), by testing their relationships with attributional styles in two studies. Study 1 (N = 527) sho...
We examined the accuracy of judgments of three dispositions toward ridicule and being laughed at in two thin slices studies. Participants (N1/2 = 218/132) provided short written self-descriptions (Study 2 also included diary data across 14 days). In each study, ten judges provided their impressions of the targets’ dispositions based on targets’ wri...
The fear of being laughed at (gelotophobia) plays a detrimental role in courtship (e.g., predicting a lower likelihood of entering a relationship) and romantic relationships (e.g., low relationship satisfaction). Gelotophobia correlates positively with anxious and avoidant romantic attachment. This study aims to replicate (a) the associations betwe...
How people deal with humor and laughter is culturally constructed within a society but each member may differ in their attitudes. Depending upon this, this study aimed to test the factor structure of PhoPhiKat-45 (Ruch and Proyer Humor: International Journal of Humor Research, 22, 183–212, 2009a) which is a subjective measurement designed to assess...
A dyad is composed of two people who relate to each other (e.g., romantic partners, two friends, parent-child, or patient-therapist dyads). Interactions between the dyad’s members and/or their characteristics (e.g., personality traits) are called dyadic. Dyadic interactions follow Koffka’s gestalt principle “the whole is other than the sum of its p...
Der CRE-W unterstützt Organisationen bei der Personalauswahl und -entwicklung, indem er einschätzt, wie Kandidaten auf situationsbezogene, realistische Arbeitsprobleme reagieren. Er misst die Innovationsfähigkeit der Testteilnehmenden und die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass sie ihre kreative Initiative am Arbeitsplatz einsetzen werden.
Beim CRE-W handelt...
Gelotophobia (fear of being laughed at), gelotophilia (joy in being laughed at), and katagelasticism (joy in laughing at others) describe individual differences in how people deal with ridicule and being laughed at. We study their association with romantic attachment styles and romantic outcomes in adults. Study 1 (N = 247) shows that gelotophobia...
Adult playfulness is an individual differences variable that allows people to (re-)frame everyday situations in a way to make them entertaining, stimulating, and/or interesting. Recently, a structural model with four facets (i.e., Other-directed, Lighthearted, Intellectual, and Whimsical; OLIW) and a subjective measure with 28 items have been devel...
We aimed to extend research on dispositions toward ridicule and being laughed at by testing the localization of the fear of (gelotophobia) and the joy in (gelotophilia) being laughed at, and the joy in laughing at others (katagelasticism) in the HEXACO model and the Dark Triad traits (both have not been examined so far). Study 1 (HEXACO model: N =...
Individual differences in how people experience and engage in laughter and ridicule can be described by three personality dispositions: gelotophobia (fear of being laughed at), gelotophilia (joy in being laughed at), and katagelasticism (joy in laughing at others). We study the correlates of how people deal with ridicule and being laughed at with t...
Previous research has shown that adult playfulness contributes to relationship satisfaction (RS). Using 211 heterosexual romantic couples we test the association between four facets of playfulness (Other-directed, Lighthearted, Intellectual, and Whimsical; OLIW) and indicators of RS in an Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM)-design. The four...
Playfulness is an individual difference variable that enables people to (re-)frame everyday situations in a way such that they experience them as entertaining, and/or intellectually stimulating, and/or personally interesting. It has been argued that humor is a specific variant of play (the behavior associated with playfulness)—the play with ideas....
People differ in how they deal with ridicule and being laughed at along three individual differences variables; namely, the fear (gelotophobia) and joy (gelotophilia) of being laughed at and joy of laughing at others (katagelasticism). This study examines their associations with facets of relationship satisfaction (RS). Actor-Partner-Interdependenc...
Die Positive Psychologie befasst sich mit der Frage, was das Leben am meisten lebenswert macht und wie das „gute Leben“ erreicht werden kann. Zentrale Forschungsthemen sind die Konzeptualisierung und Erfassung des Wohlbefindens bzw. der psychischen Gesundheit, sowie von positiven Charaktereigenschaften (sog. Charakterstärken). Eine weitere wichtige...
Recent research has shown that individual differences in adult playfulness contribute to satisfaction in romantic relationships. The present study examines associations of four facets of playfulness (i.e., other-directed, lighthearted, intellectual, and whimsical) with approaches to romantic relationships in terms of love styles (i.e., Eros, Ludus,...
Verspieltheit im Erwachsenenalter beschreibt interindividuelle Unterschiede in der Fähigkeit, Situationen so zu gestalten, dass diese als unterhaltsam und/oder interessant und/oder intellektuell stimulierend erlebt werden. Das OLIW-Modell (Proyer, 2017) unterscheidet die Komponenten other-directed (z.B. liebevolles Necken), lighthearted (z.B. Präfe...
Individual differences in how people deal with ridicule and being laughed at can be described by three personality dispositions; namely, gelotophobia (fear of being laughed at), gelotophilia (joy of being laughed at), and katagelasticism (joy of laughing at others). Recent findings show that they are associated with indicators of the romantic life...
Verspieltheit beschreibt interindividuelle Unterschiede in der Fähigkeit, Situationen so zu gestalten, dass diese als unterhaltsam und/oder interessant und/oder intellektuell stimulierend erlebt werden. Die Literatur weist darauf hin, dass Verspieltheit mit positiv-psychologischen Verhaltensweisen einher geht (z.B. gesunder Umgang mit Stress) und v...
Während der Ausdruck von Lachen und Lächeln kulturübergreifend überwiegend als Ausdruck positiver Emotionen wahrgenommen wird, unterscheiden sich Menschen im Umgang mit dem Lachen und Ausgelachtwerden. Diese Unterschiede können mittels der drei Trait-Dimensionen Gelotophobie (Angst, vor dem ausgelacht werden; Fehlinterpretation von Lachen als Ausla...
Adult playfulness is a personality trait that enables people to frame or reframe everyday situations in such a way that they experience them as entertaining, intellectually stimulating, or personally interesting. Earlier research supports the notion that playfulness is associated with the pursuit of an active way of life. While playful children are...
There is robust evidence for a positive contribution of creativity to a broad range of work-related functions (e.g., salary, patent submissions). To address the increasing interest in the study of creativity at the workplace, Kaufman and Reiter-Palmon (2016) developed the Creative Response Evaluation – Work (CRE-W), which comprises 20 scenarios des...
Research on the interpersonal perception of personality examines how accurately others (e.g., peers) judge a target person. Typically, observers provide their judgments by completing personality questionnaires using items formulated in the third-person form (e.g., quot;He/She is outgoingquot;). To quantify the judgment accuracy, two indices are fre...
Individual differences in dealing with ridicule and being laughed at can be described by three unidimensional traits; namely, gelotophobia (fear of being laughed at), gelotophilia (joy of being laughed at), and katagelasticism (joy of laughing at others). Previous research has shown that romantic partners are similar in their dispositions towards l...
Gelotophobia (fear of being laughed at), gelotophilia (joy of being laughed at), and katagelasticism (joy of laughing at others) are three unidimensional traits that describe individual differences in how people deal with ridicule and being laughed at. Based on the assumption that personality is expressed in how people describe themselves, we teste...
Playfulness is an individual difference variable that allows people to (re)frame a situation in a way that it is experienced as entertaining, intellectually stimulating, and/or personally interesting. We examined the interpersonal perception of playfulness at zero-acquaintance. One-hundred forty-four participants wrote short self-descriptions which...
Adult playfulness contributes to well-functioning romantic relationships. We study the association between playfulness (global and four facets; i.e., Other-directed, Lighthearted, Intellectual, and Whimsical) and six specific attitudes towards love-the love styles of Eros, Ludus, Storge, Pragma, Mania and Agape. Further, we argue that those high in...
Previous research and theoretical works have suggested that playfulness positively affects work-related variables such as creativity, intrinsic motivation, or curiosity. We aim to reexamine the relation between playfulness and three work-related individual differences variables, namely creativity in handling work-related situations (e.g., generatin...
We extend the study of antecedents to the Impostor Phenomenon (IP) by examining associations with adult playfulness. Previous studies showed that playfulness is associated with positive psychological functioning (e.g., healthy coping strategies) and may serve as a protective factor to IP experiences. Aside from a global measure of adult playfulness...
Sind verspielte Paare die zufriedeneren mit ihrer Beziehung? Verspieltheit wird als eigenständiges Persönlichkeitsmerkmal verstanden, durch das Personen alltägliche Situationen in für sie unterhaltende, intellektuell stimulierende und/oder persönlich interessante Situationen (um)definieren können (Barnett, 2007). Unter Einbezug eines neuen Struktur...
Für den Umgang mit Lachen und ausgelacht werden wurden im vergangenen Jahrzehnt eigenständige Persönlichkeitsmerkmale identifiziert (Ruch & Proyer, 2008): Gelotophobie (Angst davor, ausgelacht zu werden), Gelotophilie (Freude daran, ausgelacht zu werden und aktive Suche nach entsprechenden Situationen) und Katagelastizismus (Freude daran, über ande...
Das Persönlichkeitsmerkmal Gelotophobie (Ruch & Proyer, 2008) beschreibt individuelle Unterschiede in der Angst davor, ausgelacht zu werden und ist u.a. durch die Neigung, Lachen verzerrt wahrzunehmen (d.h. als bösartig und auf die eigene Person bezogen) charakterisiert. Während die Eigenständigkeit und Korrelate des Merkmals gut untersucht sind, e...
There is robust evidence for a positive contribution of creativity to a broad range of work-related functions (e.g., higher number of promotions, salary, career satisfaction, or patent submissions). Accordingly, recent years have seen an interest in the study of creativity at work, but there is a lack of well-validated and theory-based instruments....
Individual differences in dealing with ridicule and being laughed at can be described in three basic dispositions; namely the fear of being laughed at (gelotophobia), the joy of being laughed at (gelotophilia), and the joy in laughing at others (katagelasticism). Although the literature has shown that the three dispositions are of intra- and interp...
The Impostor Phenomenon (IP) is characterized by external attribution of success, feelings of inadequacy, and a fear of being exposed as intellectual fraud. The most frequently used and psychometrically sound IP measure is the Clance Impostor Phenomenon Scale (CIPS) whose German version has not been validated yet. The aim of this study was to exami...
The Impostor Phenomenon (IP; Clance, 1985) is characterized by an inability to internalize success, feelings of inadequacy, and a predominant fear of being exposed as a total intellectual fraud. The most frequently used and psychometrically best approved English-language measure of IP is the Clance Impostor Phenomenon Scale (CIPS), whose German ver...
The Impostor Phenomenon (IP; Clance, 1985) is characterized by an inability to internalize success,
feelings of inadequacy, and a predominant fear of exposition as an intellectual fraud. We aimed to
examine psychometric properties and validity of the German-language IP-measure Clance Impostor
Phenomenon Scale (CIPS; Clance, 1988). In two samples, a...
Playfulness is partly defined as trait that allows people to frame or reframe everyday situations in a way
such that they experience them as entertaining, and/or intellectually stimulating, and/or personally
interesting. A new structural model of adult playfulness (Proyer, 2015) proposes four facets; namely
other-directed, lighthearted, intellectua...