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Publications (26)
Dalam al-Qur'an, Allah SWT menyebutkan banyak hewan, termasuk al-kalb (anjing), yang disebutkan enam kali dalam tiga surah. Melalui ayat-ayat ini, al-Qur’an menjelaskan tentang hal-hal positif yang dimiliki oleh hewan ini. Namun, pandangan sebagian masyarakat muslim tentang al-kalb masih terbatas pada sifat negatifnya saja, anggapan sebagai binatan...
Sheikh Shamsul Haq Al-Azim Al-Abady is considered one of the great sheikhs of hadith in the Indian subcontinent. He devoted his life to serving the hadith, teaching it, and compiling it, and this is witnessed by his sheikhs, students, especially his famous book “Ghayyat al-Maqsud” an Explanation of the Book of “Sunnan” by Imam Abi Dawood, which is,...
مع تقدم الإنسان في العمر يواجه العديد من الأمراض والمشاكل المزمنة التي تؤثر في صحته الجسدية كما تؤدي إلى ظهور العديد من الأمراض النفسية التي لها تأثير كبير على الحياة اليومية لدى كبار السن. حيث لا يوجد لهذه الأمراض النفسية علاج حقيقي في المستشفيات الصحية الحديثة، وما يقدمون في بعض منها من الوصفات لمعالجتها لا يوجد لها أثر كبير، أدّى ذلك إلى استغلال...
Interest of student is very Significant in open and distance learning (ODL) education because of its profound influence on pedagogical implications. Extensive research has been conducted on the interest of science students in ODL during the post-pandemic period. However, understanding religious students’ interests holds particular significance beca...
This article attempts to highlight the approach of the Holy Qur’an &Sunnah in managing crises by presenting some models and ways to solve them. This includes the social crisis that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was exposed to, which is the crisis of defamation. This was a difficult ordeal, and it was a plot planned by the enemies of Isla...
الوسطيّة هي وسيلة هامّة لوحدة هذه الأمّة وسلامتها وأمنها من التفرقة والتشرذم، حيث إن الفكرة الوسطيّة هي التي تضمن وحدة الأطراف المتنازعة وجمعهم على صعيد واحد، كما أن الوسطيّة تنقذ الأمّة من الوقوع في براثن الكفر والتكفير والضلال. وأيّ جنوح عن الوسطية سيؤدي بصاحبه إلى الإفراط أو التفريط، وكلا هما سبب من أسباب تفرق الأمة وتشتتها، وضياع أمنها وسلامتها...
This research aims to shed light on the book "Awn al-Ma'bood" by Sheikh Muhammad Ashraf al-Azim al-Abady; By answering two main questions; They are: Who is Sheikh Muhammad Ashraf Al-Azeem Al-Abady? And What is the method of his book "Awn Al-Ma'bood”? The research followed the analytical descriptive approach, and it reached a number of results relat...
The "black seed" is one of the most important types of plants mentioned in the hadith of the Prophet S.A.W, Several authentic hadiths were reported from the prophet S.A.W confirming its health benefits from diseases. Based on this, many scientists studied this seed from a scientific and experimental point of view, they discovered many benefits for...
Hadith maudhu’ is a false and fabricated Hadith and has lied in the name of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, and such things were never done by the Prophet. This paper aims to study the spreading of hadith maudhu’ in the ICT era, to identify the reasons for spreading hadith maudhu’, and to suggest several guidelines to inhibit hadith maudhu’ from spreadin...
اختلف بعض المسلمين في هذه الأيام في أخذ اللقاحات المضادة للفيروس كورونا ( كوفيد-19) على أساس أن منشأ هذه اللقاحات بلاد غير إسلامية وكذلك عدم توافر المعلومات الكافيىة لمكونات هذه اللقاحات. ونظرًا لأهمّيّة الوقاية من هذا الوباء، جاء هذا البحث ليبيّن حكم الشّرع في أخذ هذه اللقاحات والاستفادة منها لعلاج المرضى المصابين بهذا الوباء، ولسلامة الأصحاء من ا...
The Qur’an was and still draws the mind to many verses and issues that draw the reader’s mind, searching for the lofty purposes behind the orthodox text, with a deep belief that the Qur’an does not speak out of whims, and it would not have been, and it is revealed by the Almighty, the Wise. The Holy Qur’an discussed all aspects of life, showing the...
Teaching and learning al-Quran for visually impaired people (OKU) is not something that can be taken lightly. Therefore, this paper will discuss about Iqra’ Braille 1 that has been transcribed by a few researchers from Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. This study was conducted using qualitative approach by analyzing Iqra’ Braille 1 in term of the co...
Perkembangan ilmu tafsir di Tanah Melayu bermula sejajar dengan kedatangan agama Islam ke Tanah Melayu. Kajian ini memfokuskan mengenai metodologi Syeikh Muhammad Said Bin Umar dalam mentafsirkan ayat-ayat Mutashabihat dalam kitab Tafsir Nur al-Ihsan. Kitab ini dikarang pada abad ke 19 iaitu pada tahun 1927 Masihi. Beliau adalah pengikut mazhab sha...
This paper highlights one of the controversial issues among Muslims and none Muslims which is the wonders of the holy Quran and its ascendency over modern scientific discoveries. From the Positive perspective the wonders of Quran don’t add a real value to scientific discoveries, whereas, Muslim scholars contend the magnificent effect of Quranic mir...
In the age of scientific revolution, religious sciences are often seen as incompatible with contemporary popular knowledge. For Islam, its scholars categorically refute any such claim regarding its Holy Scripture, the Quran. They instead believe that the knowledge contents of the Quran cannot be contradictory to any established scientific fact, and...
This study highlights the integration of knowledge in Islam’s second most holy scripture called ‘Prophetic Traditions’ (the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). To attain this aim, it explores a new model for indexing the ‘Prophetic traditions’ based on its scientific content specifically issues related to medical sciences. This study used qualitati...
Colour is an integral part of human life. In the Qur'ān, Allah (is the Almighty One) uses the words of al-lawn and alwān to describe the life on this earth which is consisted of the variety of colours. However, the meaning of al-lawn in the Arabic language is not limited to the purpose of colour, but it also means the form or type. The aim of this...
Quran is a primary resource for Islamic scientists and researchers. As a divine revelation of heaven and the source of legislation, it guides towards "sirat al-mustaqim". The holy Quran dominates the work of great writers and scholars and has attracted their minds with the finest literary features which have been embarked in the study and have dive...