Katrin Pitzke

Katrin Pitzke
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance | IFA · Chemical and Biological Hazards


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Publications (51)
The working group “Air Analyses” of the German Senate Commission for the Investigation of Health Hazards of Chemical Compounds in the Work Area (MAK Commission) developed and verified the presented analytical method. This analytical method is a validated measurement procedure for the determination of gadolinium [7440-54-2] and its compounds in work...
The working group “Air Analyses” of the German Senate Commission for the Investigation of Health Hazards of Chemical Compounds in the Work Area (MAK Commission) developed and verified the presented analytical method. This analytical method is a validated measurement procedure for the determination of germanium [7440-56-4] and its non-volatile compo...
This analytical method is a validated measurement procedure for the determination of arsenic [7440-38-2], beryllium [7440-41-7], cadmium [7440-43-9], cobalt [7440-48-4], nickel [7440-02-0] and their particulate compounds after personal or stationary sampling. Sampling is performed by drawing a defined volume of air through a nitro-cellulose membran...
Introduction Firefighters are exposed to a variety of hazardous substances during fire-fighting activities. Especially fire smoke contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) some of which have been shown to cause cancer in humans. To assess the dermal exposure of firefighters during real-life firefighting, a whole-body dosimetry [TB1] [KS2] met...
Introduction During fire operations, firefighters are exposed to fumes containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The objective of this study is to identify factors that determine the uptake of PAHs during firefighting operations. Methodology Fifty-four firefighters who had a fire assignment in residential buildings in Germany were includ...
This analytical method is a validated measurement procedure for the determination of germanium [7440-56-4] and its non-volatile compounds in workplace air in a concentration range of one tenth up to twice of the currently valid Occupational Exposure Limit Value (OELV) in Germany of 0.85 mg/m³ as germanium in the inhalable dust fraction. For samplin...
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Introduction Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are carcinogenic to humans and are formed by incomplete combustion. PAHs are always present during firefighting operations, and fire department members can be exposed to them in the workplace. Methods In this study, we analyzed 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHP) in 36 urine samples from nine firefighters,...
This analytical method is a validated measurement procedure for the determination of arsenic [7440-38-2] and its particulate compounds e.g. arsenic trioxide [1327-53-3] and arsenic triiodide [7784-45-4] after personal or stationary sampling. Sampling is performed by drawing a defined volume of air through a nitrocellulose membrane filter using a su...
Nickel is widely used for the production of steel and alloys. It can provoke nickel allergy and several nickel compounds are classified as carcinogens. Data on the level of exposure of welders have been published repeatedly. However, data on nickel exposure during abrasive work are limited. The aim of this study is to estimate the nickel exposure d...
For the production of filters coated with metal oxides an aqueous metal salt solution is injected into a hydrogen/oxygen flame of a particle generator leading to the pyrolysis of the metal salts into nano-scaled metal oxide dust. The particles are introduced into a large sampling chamber (20 m³) via a dust tunnel (20 m). So far, the system was test...
Bei der Bestimmung der Konzentration von chemischen Arbeitsstoffen in der Luft am Arbeitsplatz existieren grundlegende Anforderungen an die Leistungsfähigkeit von Messverfahren und somit auch an ihre Messunsicherheit. Um die Qualität und Eignung eines solchen Messverfahrens beurteilen zu können, ist es notwendig, die Messunsicherheit der eingesetzt...
Das Metallaktivgas- und Metall- inertgas-Schweißen ist mit Gesundheitsrisiken durch einatembare Gefahrstoffe verbunden. Die individuelle Exposition wird von relevanten Randbedingungen am Arbeitsplatz bestimmt. Hier wurden Ergebnisse von Expositionsmessungen am Schweißer bei Werkstattversuchen (InterWeld-Pilotstudie) mit Ergebnissen aus vergleichbar...
Am 11. und 12. Mai dieses Jahres fand das mittlerweile 6. Symposium „Gefahrstoffe am Arbeitsplatz: Probenahme – Analytik – Beurteilung“ der gemeinsam im Jahre 2006 von der AG Analytik der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (DGUV) und der AG Luftanalysen der Ständigen Senatskommission zur Prüfung gesundheitsschädlicher Arbeitsstoffe bei der D...
Cobalt is a commonly used element in metal industry. Exposure to workers occurs mainly by inhalation of cobalt-containing dust. For the evaluation of cobalt exposure, risk assessment and investigations on occupational diseases, measurements of cobalt in respirable dust are needed. Up to now, often only data for cobalt in inhalable dust are availabl...
The conversion of dust components is of high importance for retrospective evaluations of exposure levels, of occupational diseases or the time trend of occupational dust exposure. For this purpose, possibilities to convert nickel concentrations from inhalable to respirable dust are discussed in this study. Therefore, 551 parallel measurements of ni...
This analytical method is a validated measurement procedure for the determination of indium [7440-74-6] and its compounds in workplace air in an concentration range of one tenth up to twice the currently valid German OEL of 0.0001 mg/m³ R (respirable fraction). For sampling a defined volume of air is drawn through a membrane filter (cellulose nitra...
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Objectives In Germany, the initial step of electronic waste (e-waste) recycling frequently takes place in sheltered workshops for physically and mentally handicapped workers (Werkstätten für behinderte Menschen (WfbM), in german language). E-waste recycling involves a potential risk of exposure to toxic metals. Therefore, we assessed the occupation...
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In addition to the gravimetric determination of airborne particles (total concentration), it is often necessary to selectively determine metals and their compounds in particle fractions because of their toxicological relevance. Usually, the total metal concentration is determined independently of the type of binding or oxidation state in a sample....
Metal occupational exposure limits mainly focus on total content of the respective metals of interest. The methods applied for trace metal analysis in occupational health and safety laboratories are usually standardized to pragmatic consensus digestion schemes, ensuring comparability of results. The objective of the present study entailed the evalu...
This analytical method is a validated measurement procedure for the determination of selenium [7782‐49‐2]and its inorganic compounds in workplace air in a concentration range of one tenth up to twice the currently valid OEL of 0.05 mg/m3 E. Sampling is performed by drawing a defined volume of air through a membrane filter using a suitable pump. The...
This analytical method is a validated measurement procedure for the determination of selenium [7782‐49‐2]and its inorganic compounds in workplace air in a concentration range of one tenth up to twice the currently valid OEL of 0.05 mg/m3 E. Sampling is performed by drawing a defined volume of air through a membrane filter using a suitable pump. The...
In den letzten Jahren wurden die Beurteilungsmaßstäbe für die Exposition gegenüber zahlreichen Gefahrstoffen am Arbeitsplatz neu definiert. Tendenziell sind diese Werte im Vergleich zu früher geltenden Grenzwerten deutlich niedriger. Weitere Absenkungen, insbesondere auch für weitere Gefahrstoffe, sind zukünftig zu erwarten. Die Probenahme und die...
Anfang der 1990er-Jahre wurde die Bestimmung des Gesamtmetallgehaltes in der Luft am Arbeitsplatz in Deutschland durch die Einführung einer Aufschlusskonvention mittels offenem Aufschluss in einer Salpetersäure/Salzsäure-Mischung harmonisiert. Inzwischen haben sich Mikrowellen-Druckaufschlussverfahren aufgrund ihrer zahlreichen Vorteile in vielen B...
Schweinfurter Grün ist ein künstlich hergestelltes, als Grünpigment verwendetes Kupferarsenitacetat. Gegen Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts wurden mehrere arsenhaltige Farbmittel entwickelt, die zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts industriell produziert und im Handel unter vielen verschiedenen Bezeichnungen vertrieben wurden. Die Farben entwickelten sich zur M...
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Metallhaltige Stäube in der Luft an Arbeitsplätzen müssen überwacht und beurteilt werden können. Dazu wird der Staub auf Filtern abgeschieden, die enthaltenen Metalle werden aufgeschlossen und quantitativ analysiert. Dafür wurde ein neues Mikrowellen-Druckaufschlussverfahren im IFA entwickelt. Um dieses Verfahren zu überprüfen und zu etablieren, ha...
Conference Paper
Objectives Exposure to nickel (Ni) is widely distributed in the production and processing of steel or alloys. We compiled concentrations of inhalable Ni together with information about the duration of the measurement, analytical method, and workplace characteristics in the MEGA database. Methods This analysis was based on 8052 personal measurement...
The aim of this study was to estimate average occupational exposure to inhalable nickel (Ni) using the German exposure database MEGA. This database contains 8052 personal measurements of Ni collected between 1990 and 2009 in adjunct with information on the measurement and workplace conditions. The median of all Ni concentrations was 9 μg/m(3) and t...
Published in the series Analyses of Hazardous Substances in Air , Vol. 13 (2012) The article contains sections titled: General principles Equipment, chemicals and solutions Equipment Chemicals Solutions Calibration solutions Sampling and sample preparation Sampling procedure Sample preparation Operating conditions for ICP‐OES Analytical...
Veröffentlicht in der Reihe Analytische Methoden zur Prüfung gesundheitsschädlicher Arbeitsstoffe: Luftanalysen , 16. Lieferung, Ausgabe 2009 Der Artikel enthält folgende Kapitel: Grundlage des Verfahrens Geräte, Chemikalien und Lösungen Geräte Chemikalien Lösungen Kalibrierlösungen Probenahme und Probenaufbereitung Probenahme Probenaufber...


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