Katja JoronenUniversity of Turku | UTU · Department of Nursing Science
Katja Joronen
PhD, Professor
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My main research interest is in health promotion for children, adolescents and families in different contexts, e.g. health and social care, school community, and social media. Planetary health is also one of my research interests. I'm working as a Professor at Department of Nursing Science, University of Turku. My current project YouTubers as Peer Mental Health Educators in Adolescent's social environments (TUBEDU): https://sites.utu.fi/tubedu/en/
Additional affiliations
January 2006 - August 2016
January 2000 - April 2005
Publications (115)
Strabismus influences health-related quality of life. Individuals may have functional and psychosocial consequences of strabismus that impact their well-being. As strabismus is prevalent in all age groups, patients are seen in varied specialties in healthcare organizations. Therefore, healthcare professionals need to be aware of the ps...
Gamified health interventions can offer child-centered and tailored health-promoting strategies. Evidence suggests that its various mechanics foster engagement that can be utilized to promote health and well-being and influence health behavior. At present, psychosocial challenges among school-aged children are becoming a global predicament. We cond...
Perspectives of healthcare have, in past decades, focused more on active citizenship, human rights and empowerment. Healthcare consumer involvement as a concept is still unstructured and consumers have no apparent opportunities to participate in their care processes. The focus is often on the expertise of professionals, even if mental health consum...
There has been a lack of information on vaccine acceptance for Finnish adults. We conducted a secondary analysis of cross-sectional data collected through the Finnish Medicines Agency Medicine Barometer 2021 survey (response rate: 20.6%). We described and explained vaccine acceptance by investigating the associations between socio-demographic facto...
To evaluate associations between the health‐related quality of life (HRQOL) and demographic, self‐reported strabismus‐related and orthoptic status variables in Finnish strabismic adults.
Participants ( n = 137) of this study were adult patients who previously participated in the pilot study to translate and validate Adult Strabismu...
Kiusaaminen, yksinäisyys ja vertaissuhteiden puute heikentävät nuorten elämänlaatua. Vertaisyhteisöjen merkitys kasvaa nuoruudessa ja kaverisuhteet ovat osa nuorten sosiaalista verkostoa. Tämän integroidun systemaattisen
kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää vertaisyhteisöjen merkitystä kiusatuille nuorille. Systemaattinen tiedonhaku t...
(1) Strabismus has an impact on individuals’ health-related quality of life. The impact should be assessed with valid patient-reported outcome measures such as the Adult Strabismus Questionnaire (AS-20). The AS-20 was further refined using a Rasch analysis for the American population. The aims of the study were to translate and culturally adapt the...
About 20-30% of children worldwide report depressive symptoms. This study examined associations between children's depressive symptoms, life events, and family factors.
Nationally representative data (n = 95,725) were drawn from the 2017 School Health Promotion Study in Finland. The respondents were 4th and 5th grade pupils...
(1) Schools have a significant role in violence prevention activities. This study aimed to first identify profiles of Finnish comprehensive schools based on school violence. The second aim was to examine the associations between profiles concerning health promotion actions, reactive or punitive actions, and school characteristics. (2) The study use...
The prevalence of bullying worldwide is high (UNESCO, 2018). Over the past decades, many anti-bullying interventions have been developed to remediate this problem. However, we lack insight into for whom these interventions work and what individual intervention components drive the total intervention effects. We conducted a large-scale individual pa...
This paper is published in The Finnish Journal of Youth Research (Nuorisotutkimus), Vol 39(4), 36-50.
Despite increased awareness of the prevalence of sexual harassment and violence among young people, they are too often left to cope alone with the phenomenon. The article describes the sexual harassment and violence experienced by 8th and 9th grad...
This paper is published in The Finnish Journal of Youth Research (Nuorisotutkimus), Vol 39(4), 51-62.
Much research has been conducted on bullying, especially from the perspective of the victims and the consequences of bullying. The aim of the literature review was to examine the role of the school community in the perpetration of bullying. To th...
Engaging parents in school health examinations can promote adolescents’ well-being. We examined parents’ participation in universal school health examinations in Finland reported by adolescents in school surveys (14 to 16-year-olds, N = 58,232). Further we studied variation between service providers and schools, and student and school-level factors...
Previous research on the fears and anxieties of expectant mothers has focused mostly on their fears about giving birth rather than parenting. This study aims to describe mothers’ fears and concerns about parenthood during pregnancy and to examine the similarities and differences in the perspectives of primiparous and multiparous mothers. The qualit...
Depressive mood is a common problem among children in Western countries. Professionals in school and other health services have an important role in identifying children at increased risk for depression. The Short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire (SMFQ) is a widely used screening tool, but its 13 items still make it quite time-consuming...
Community paramedicine (CP) has extended the role of paramedics and the main goal is to provide non-emergency care, which reduces the visits to emergency departments. The aim of this study was to describe the Finnish CP and examine the factors that were involved in CNPs’ decision-making processes. The study was based on data from 450 consecutive CP...
Adolescents are increasingly finding school difficult and physical, mental and social problems increase the risk of exclusion. School health services help to identify problems and prevent them from escalating and the school nurse should be consulted when children are struggling academically. This study explored associations between school difficult...
Primary care, the principal function of the health care system, requires effort from all local primary health care teams. Community Paramedicine (CP) has managed to reduce the use of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) for non-emergency calls, but for the paramedic to move from traditional emergency calls to non-emergency care will mean new...
School engagement has been shown to protect students from dropping out of education, depression and school burnout. The aim of this Finnish study was to explore the association between child-parent relationships and how much 99,686 children aged 9–11 years liked school. The data were based on the 2019 School Health Promotion Study, conducted by the...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a behavioral infant calming technique to support mothers' parenting self-efficacy and parenting satisfaction. The methods of this randomized controlled trial are based on the CONSORT guidelines. Data were collected during March 1 to May 20, 2019, from 3 postpartum units in 1 university-level hosp...
: The first aim of this study was to describe mothers’ self-efficacy, satisfaction and perceptions when parenting their infants during the first days postpartum. Furthermore, the study aimed to explore the distinct sociodemographic as well as mother and infant related factors that are associated with the above parenting aspects.
Sosiodemografisten tekijöiden on todettu olevan yhteydessä nuorten palvelujen saatavuuteen ja kokemuksiin palveluista. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata sukupuolen, kouluasteen, sosioekomisen aseman, kuntaryhmityksen ja syntyperän yhteyttä nuorten kokemaan tyydyttymättömään palvelutarpeeseen kouluterveydenhoitajan palvelujen näkökulmasta. Tutkim...
We examined oral health behaviour and its association with school achievement among Finnish adolescents.
Materials and methods:
This study is part of the Finnish national School Health Promotion study (SHP). The study population comprised a representative sample of Finnish 15-year-olds (N = 45,877). A questionnaire inquired about the re...
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality and serious health problem worldwide. It is important to observe lifestyle related risk factors in patients with CAD for effective planning and implementation of secondary prevention strategies. The aim of this study is to describe the prevalence of lifestyle rel...
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death and morbidity globally. South Asia, including Nepal, has higher risks for CAD due to relatively higher exposures to risk factors. This study evaluated the prevalence of lifestyle-related risk factors and the associations of risk factors with socio-demographic variables among C...
Introduction and aim: Several countries have developed children and family services towards more integrated people-centred care based on involvement of families as partners in care and early intervention strategy. The aim was to find out what kind of integrated family services are in those selected OECD countries where integrated services have been...
The consequences of having an excessively crying infant in the family are acknowledged in research, yet to our knowledge, no literature review has been made regarding the overall consequences to the family and infant. This integrative review fills the gap with the aim to review and synthesise current research.
To identify, desc...
To examine the association between peer relations, self‐rated health and smoking behaviour in vocational school setting.
Smoking in adolescence causes health and socioeconomic inequality in adulthood. There is evidence that smokers are physically less active, have lower academic aspirations and perceive poorer health than non‐smoke...
Since the beginning of 2000, the primary healthcare services around the globe are challenged between demands of home care and number of staff delivering it. The delivery of healthcare needs new models to reduce the costs, patient's readmission and increase their possibilities to stay at home. Several paramedicine programmes have been dev...
Objective: We examined school connectedness as a significant predictor of adolescent well-being. Methods: We analyzed data for 34,776 adolescents who took part in the School Health Promotion study in Finland. We used a multinomial regression model to assess the associations among adolescent smoking, school connectedness, and anti-smoking policies....
Purpose: Based on focus groups, we analyse how practical nursing students deal with being as smokers and future healthcare workers. The way they justify their smoking is discussed within a group of peers.
Methods: The study has a qualitative design with an inductive approach using focus group interviews (FGIs) for data collection. A total of 29 stu...
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata perusopetuksen 8. ja 9. vuosiluokan oppilaiden itseraportoitujen luvattomien koulupoissaolojen määrää sekä tarkastella erilaisten tausta- ja perhetekijöiden yhteyttä luvattomiin poissaoloihin. Taustatekijöinä olivat vastaajan sukupuoli ja luokka-aste sekä vanhempien työllisyystilanne ja koulutustausta. Perheteki...
This article examines the self‐rated health, symptoms and health behaviour of upper secondary vocational students in Finland. The data consist of the responses of first‐ and second‐year vocational students (n = 34 554) to the 2013 School Health Promotion Survey. The data were analysed statistically and processed separately for girls and boys. Assoc...
Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, miten lasten ja nuorten terveyttä, hyvinvointia, kasvua ja
oppimista edistäviä palveluja on järjestetty sosiaali-, terveys- ja opetustoimen yhteistyönä 11 eri maassa. Aineisto koottiin kirjallisuudesta, verkkosivuilta ja sähköisellä kyselyllä valtionhallinnon asiantuntijoilta eri maissa. Tarkastelu tehtiin kahdesta näköku...
Blog in Prime minister’s offices
Authors: Joronen Katja, Kanste Outi, Halme Nina, Perälä Marja-Leena, Pelkonen Marjaana.
Aim: The purpose of this paper is to describe the development of the instrument related to fears of persons with type 2 diabetes and evaluate the relevance of the instrument.
Data and methods: Theoretical background for the instrument is based on literature review. 32 scientific articles were selected for the review. Structure of the instrument wa...
The present study examined whether parental involvement in their adolescents' lives is associated with adolescent smoking in a vocational school setting when controlling for socioeconomic background and parental smoking. The study was conducted in spring 2013 and involved 34 776 Finnish vocational school students (mean age 17.6 years). The data wer...
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata suomalaisten tyttöjen ja poikien koulukiusaamisen japsykosomaattisen oireilun yleisyyttä sekä selvittää, miten koulukiusaaminen ja taustamuuttujatovat yhteydessä oireiluun. Taustatekijöinä olivat luokka-aste, koettu terveydentila, vanhempienosallistuminen koulunkäyntiin ja vanhempainiltaan sekä ystävät koulussa....
The purpose of this review was to describe parents’ experiences of caring for a ventilator-dependent child at home. The data consisted of 19 articles searched from Medic, Arto, Linda, Cinahl, Medline and PsycINFO databases and manually for the 1998–2016. The data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. Parents’ experience of caring for a...
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millaisena lapset näkevät digitaalisten terveyspelien mahdollisuudet terveyden edistämisessä. Aihetta lähestyttiin sekä peleistä opittavien aihesisältöjen että pelin kiinnostavuutta lisäävien tekijöiden näkökulmasta. Tutkimusasetelmana oli tapaustutkimus. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin 1. luokan oppilaille suunnat...
Exergames have the potential to promote physical activity among children and adolescents. They also have other important benefits, but knowledge about other than the physical effects of exergaming remains thin.
To report the findings of a review of ten studies on the nonphysical effects of exergames on child and adolescent well-...
WHAT IS KNOWN ON THE SUBJECT?: According to estimates more than half of adult mental health service users are parents, but their experiences are largely lacking from research literature. Parental mental illness can often be viewed from a risk perspective. Parents with mental illness and their families have unmet support needs. WHAT THIS PAPER ADDS...
AimThe aim of this study was to examine prevalence of extreme thinness and thinness in adolescent boys and girls and to study associations between family factors, health behaviour and thinness in boys and girls. Background
Extreme thinness carries high health risks. The family and health behavioural factors related to adolescent thinness have not b...
The lack of pan-European guidelines for empowering children of parents with mental illness led to the EU project CAMILLE - Empowerment of Children and Adolescents of Mentally Ill Parents through Training of Professionals working with children and adolescents. The aim of this initial task in the project was to analyse needs, expectations and consequ...
This study describes Finnish parents’ (n = 461) parental
relationship satisfaction and examines factors associated
with relationship satisfaction after the death of a child in
the family. This reported study is part of a broader investigation
concerning parents’ experiences after the death
of a child. Most respondents were very (36%) or quite
School of Health Sciences
Ventilator care patients nursing actualization in intensive care unit from nurses perspective
Master thesis, 26 pages
Nursing science
Supervisors: PhD., University lecturer Meeri Koivula and PhD., University lecturer Katja Joronen
November 2014
This Master´s thesis consists of...
The aim of this study was to examine the associations among gambling frequency, health status, health risk behavior, and sexual risk-taking among eighth and ninth grade boys and girls (N = 101,167).
Data were obtained from the nationwide School Health Promotion Study conducted in Finland 2010 and 2011. Outcome measures were adolescents' health and...
Seasonal changes in mood and behavior have been reported among general population as well as among adolescents in the Northern hemisphere. The aim of the current study was to examine how the level of school well-being varies during the school year and how the seasonal effect shows on seventh, eighth and ninth grades. The data consisted of all lower...
Seasonal changes in mood and behavior have been reported among the population and among adolescents in the Northern hemisphere. Pupils’ state of well-being during the school year could give valuable information when planning adjustments to teaching and learning environments. It could also provide information for the school health perso...
This article describes the relationship between adolescent subjective well-being and experiences of family violence reported by a sample of 14- to 17-year-old adolescents living in one Finnish municipality (N = 1,393). Survey results found that experiences of family violence were common. The logistic regression model showed that experiences of viol...
Scand J Caring Sci; 2011; 25; 671–678
Children’s experiences of a drama programme in social and emotional learning
The aim of the school-based drama programme was to enhance child social and emotional learning. The programme was implemented by class teachers or teacher–school nurse dyads among fourth and fifth graders (10–12 years old) during the s...
Drama, theater and role-playing methods are commonly used in health promotion programs, but evidence of their effectiveness is limited. This paper describes the development, implementation and evaluation of a school-based drama program to enhance social relationships and decrease bullying at school in children in grades 4-5 (mean age of 10.4 years)...
Koulun ammattilaisten ja perheen arki kuormittuvat nykyisin yhä enemmän tunne-elämän ja ihmissuhteiden aiheuttamista ristiriidoista. Koululaisten tunne- ja sosiaalisten taitojen edistämisestä on todettu olevan merkittävää hyötyä sekä heidän henkilökohtaisessa ja sosiaalisessa elämässään että koulumenestyksessä. Tässä kirjassa keskitytään koululaist...