Katherina KuschelPontifical Catholic University of Peru | PUCP · Business Center (CENTRUM)
Katherina Kuschel
Ph.D. in Social Psychology
Research stay @EnTechnon @KIT 🇩🇪
Project on soft-landing programs.
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She co-edited a Routledge book on wellbeing and women entrepreneur (WE), and a special issue at the International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal on WE within STEM.
She developed the research line of women’s innovation and entrepreneurship from an ecosystem perspective at Univ. Tecnológica Metropolitana (Chile 2018-19). She participated in a comprehensive international study on the role of WE in regional innovation ecosystems (Canada 2017) and entrepreneurial failure (Germany 2016).
Additional affiliations
January 2020 - present
January 2018 - December 2019
November 2016 - December 2017
Publications (73)
In this study, we analyzed how urban, housing, and socioeconomic variables are related to COVID-19 incidence. As such, we have analyzed these variables along with demographic, education, employment, and COVID-19 data from 32 communes in Santiago de Chile between March and August of 2020, before the release of the vaccines. The results of our Princi...
The process of starting a business has plenty of challenges and difficulties. Decisions can influence future development and even determine the survival and success of a startup at an early stage. This study identifies the critical domains of decision that founders need to focus on during the early stages of their ventures. A qualitative content an...
This study explores how highly educated Indian women
entrepreneurs prioritize and manage the work and family role
boundaries. It also explores whether boundary management
strategies vary based on motherhood and business stages. We
explored these issues by interviewing twenty-five financially
successful well-educated women entrepreneurs from five ci...
The purpose of this study is to develop and empirically test a structural equation model (SEM) for healthy and effective self-regulation based on the propositions of self-determination theory (SDT). A cross-sectional data sample (N = 6,705) is used to test the model. The results of the SEM demonstrate good to excellent global fit indices (RMSEA = 0...
Dirigir, emprender, innovar e invertir en el mundo de los negocios son temas relevantes para el desarrollo social y económico de las naciones. Últimamente, se han estado estudiando estos fenómenos como procesos sociales, contextuales y relacionales. Muchos de estos procesos son particulares para las economías de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC). Es...
La industria de las startups está creciendo aceleradamente en América Latina, lo que representa una oportunidad para superar la crisis ocasionada por la pandemia del COVID-19. Esta investigación identifica las barreras al emprendimiento en el Perú que deben sobrepasar las mujeres extranjeras fundadoras de startups, caracteriza el proceso de interna...
The concept of resilience has been recently integrated into the entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) approach, as regional economies are pressured to raise their robustness against exogenous and endogenous crises. However, the Global South, particularly Latin American countries, has unique business dynamics and paradoxes due to the informal economy, weak...
Este estudio identifica y caracteriza los programas de apoyo a mujeres con intenciones de emprender, emprendedoras nacientes y establecidas disponiblesen el ecosistema chileno desde el sector público y privado con el fin de proponer recomendaciones para una política nacional de emprendimiento femenino.El análisis del catastro de sesenta y nueve pro...
The concept of resilience has been recently integrated into the entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) approach, as regional economies have the pressure to raise their robustness against exogenous and endogenous crises. However, there is still a lack of credible, accurate, and comparable metrics for entrepreneurial ecosystems. In this study, we argue that...
This multiple case study of nine entrepreneurial ventures with social emphasis operating in Colombia, Peru, and Chile identifies vital elements that make these firms impactful in three dimensions: economic, environmental, and social. The results found that the founder's proximity to the social/ecological problem is a trigger to start up a business....
Women entrepreneurs enjoy being the boss of their venture because of the freedom and flexibility to carry out multiple roles and responsibilities. Yet, having a challenging career like entrepreneurship takes a toll on women by increasing their workload and mental strain, creating difficulty balancing work and non-work life. The literature provides...
This chapter introduces our Life–Work Continuum model that addresses the shortcomings of Work–Life Balance approaches to organizational culture (OC). This model embraces the wellbeing of working people in human centered (HC) organizations. We examine obstacles presented by the “work-life” dichotomy that emphasized conflictual interactions between “...
Although the high levels in Latin America, women’s necessity-driven entrepreneurship is a field that has been little explored. Contemporary research suggests that entrepreneurs may experience less work-life conflict than other workers, but that gender differences mean that women are at a disadvantage in terms of uses of time and the sexual division...
This multiple case study of nine entrepreneurial ventures with social emphasis operating in Colombia, Peru, and Chile identifies vital elements that make these firms impactful in three dimensions: economic, environmental, and social. The results found that the founder's proximity to the social/ecological problem is a trigger to start up a business....
The field of ‘women in entrepreneurship’ is growing attention from
public policy and academia. However, the literature has been dominated by models and frameworks that were developed mostly in developed economies with a set of particular characteristics that do not match the Latin American reality. This conceptual paper identifies five contextual c...
The field of ‘women in entrepreneurship’ is growing attention from
public policy and academia. However, the literature has been dominated by models and frameworks that were developed mostly in developed economies with a set of particular characteristics that do not match the Latin American reality. This conceptual paper identifies five contextual c...
Entrepreneurial activity is becoming the preferred employment option for people seeking flexibility to align work and family demands. This alignment is a critical issue for working women in societies where work-family conflict is identified as the main reason to drop out of a job and as a motivation to start up a business venture (Kirkwood and Toot...
Learning outcomes
The learning outcomes are as follows: business model pivot, minimum viable product, strategic alliances, return on equity and burn-rate.
Case overview/synopsis
HMSolution’s (HM’s) mission is removing arsenic from drinking water. The case tells how HMS pivoted its business model between 2014 and 2015 and its challenge when faced w...
Learning outcomes
Pivotear, Producto Mínimo Viable, Alianzas estratégicas, ROE, Burn-rate
Case overview/synopsis
HMSolution tiene la misión de remover el arsénico del agua potable. El caso cuenta cómo HMS ha pivoteado su modelo de negocio durante 2014 y 2015 y, el desafío que presenta varias alternativas de crecimiento. La primera empresa propone...
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields are notably important for innovation and technological development, which in turn are seen as drivers of social and economic growth. Hence, researchers and policy-makers have paid substantial attention to analyzing and promoting high-growth ventures in STEM fields. However, STEM fields...
Case overview/synopsis:
El caso describe las acciones de Nestor Salcedo Guevara, socio fundador de Industrial Andina S.A. y propietario de Estaciones de Servicios NSG, empresas enfocadas en la fabricación industrial y la comercialización minorista de combustibles, respectivamente. El caso cubre un período de 40 años, desde la fundación de la corpo...
Case overview/synopsis:
This case describes the actions of Nestor Salcedo Guevara, founding partner of Industrial Andina S.A. and owner of NSG Service Stations, companies focused on industrial manufacturing and retail fuel sales, respectively. The case covers a period of 40 years, from the founding of Industrial Andina S.A. in 1978, its restructuri...
The issue of women participation in top management and boardroom positions has received increasing attention in the academic literature and the press. However, the pace of advancement for women managers and directors continues to be slow and uneven. This study fills a knowledge gap by reviewing the latest empirical evidence from 2009 to 2016 to ide...
Learning outcomes
Un estudiante de este programa podrá evaluar eficazmente las variables relacionadas con la decisión de una alianza estratégica para el crecimiento mientras, simultáneamente se enfrenta a otras dificultades internas, como lidiar con un equipo “no comprometido”. Además, el estudiante podrá equilibrar y ponderar de manera efectiva lo...
Learning outcomes
The purpose of this paper is to study and identify the four core management principles of the POLC management framework: planning, organizing, leading and controlling. In particular, students are expected to understand that the classical conceptual frameworks used in strategic management are useful and valid for the planning princ...
This study focuses on the transition processes of 12 women entrepreneurs in Chile who experience business failure and later were able to start new business ventures successfully. Results show that negative effects of intense entrepreneurial demands can spill over personal, family life, and romantic relationship, creating a high degree of guilt with...
To uncover the roles of work-life management for entrepreneurs and during the entrepreneurial processes. The aim of this edited book is to set a field of research “Entrepreneurial work-life experiences” at the intersection of Entrepreneurship research and work-life research.
This special issue aims to expand our understanding of the work-life interface of independent workers as a continually evolving multi-actor, multi-perspective, multi-level interface. READ MORE IN THE CALL BELOW
This paper explores the decision to become a mother among women in the technology industry, particularly if there is an “optimal context” regarding startup development (business stage and size). Eighteen interviews were conducted with an international sample of women founders and analyzed using a grounded theory approach. Findings suggest two sourc...
Women perform nearly two-thirds of total work (including household duties), comprise one-third of the formal labor force, but receive only one-tenth of the world income and own one-hundredth of the world’s property. This book brings together distinguished entrepreneurship scholars to provide a unique global vision of the wellbeing of women entrepre...
The issue of women’s participation in top management and boardroom positions has received increasing attention in the academic literature and the press. However, the pace of advancement for women managers and directors continues to be slow and uneven. The novel framework of this study organizes the factors at the individual, organizational and publ...
The issue of women’s participation in top management and boardroom positions has received increasing attention in the academic literature and the press. However, the pace of advancement for women managers and directors continues to be slow and uneven. The novel framework of this study organizes the factors at the individual, organizational and publ...
Empowered women have the potential to transform a necessity into an opportunity-driven entrepreneurship. And a special training program can help them achieve this goal.
The issue of women participation in top management and boardroom positions has received increasing attention in the academic literature and the press. However, the pace of advancement for women managers and directors continues to be slow and uneven. Built on a novel framework organized around factors affecting 1) career persistence (staying at the...
Balancing family and professional roles has become one of the challenges of the twenty-first century. This exploratory study aims to analyse the guilt, losses, aspirations and difficulties associated with work-family interaction and the career centrality of men and women, as well as their strategies to cope with work-family conflict. Using question...
This research reviews the literature about a new form of harassment, the cyberbullying. This harassment uses technologies such as Internet, smartphones, social networks, e-mail, to annoy, assault and harass other individuals. This work analyses why does this happen, who is the cyber-bully and who the cybervictim, in what contexts, how does the cybe...
Call for book chapters on "wellbeing and women in entrepreneurship".
El objetivo del proyecto es el impulso de la autonomía económica y el empoderamiento de mujeres emprendedoras en Chile. Este proyecto incluye recomendaciones para política pública y el desarrollo de una tesis doctoral en el plazo de 3 años.
By examining women founders participating in the Start-Up Chile acceleration program, this chapter identifies five elements by which female founders in technology ventures build their entrepreneurial identity: (1) low female participation in the technology industry and acceleration programs; (2) inappropriate role models; (3) scarce network; (4) sm...
Purpose: Given the scant literature of female founders in technology ventures, and scarce evidence of Latin American startups, we have examined gender similarities and differences between male and female-led teams regarding their business stage, growth expectations, strategic vision skill, and team composition.
This review presents a synthesis and a critique of the development of the existing work-family (WF) literature during the last decade in order to highlight gaps and limitations in current research. The study revises 83 peer-reviewed articles, book chapters and conference presentations (2004-2014) related to WF in economics, management and psycholog...
The generally small size, slower growth, and lower profitability of women’s businesses is known as the “female underperformance” hypothesis; innovation is similarly gendered. This has implications for the development of effective, inclusive and accessible regional support for innovative activities and entrepreneurship that support the development o...
Improving participation of women innovators and techpreneurs in regional innovation ecosystems: The creation of “new spaces”
This review presents a synthesis and a critique of the development of the existing work-family (wf) literature during the last decade in order to highlight gaps and limitations in current research. the study revises 83 peer-reviewed articles, book chapters and conference presentations (2004-2014) related to wf in economics, management and psycholog...
Based on the argument that emotions and cognitions are intertwined, this paper explores how different motivation to start up a business, identity and role centrality trigger certain negative emotions, and finally, how entrepreneurs cope with those emotions. This paper analyses the qualitative data a multi technique collection data from 19 Portugues...
Women in entrepreneurship can have a significant impact on economic and social development globally and particularly in developing countries. But the challenges entrepreneurial women face are unique and multiple, pressing the need for research and policies to maximize impact. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the challenges women star...
Relevance Despite the growing importance of innovation, opportunity-driven entrepreneurship, regional identity, and women’s participation in entrepreneurial activity, an analysis of the literature on women entrepreneurship in the context of regional innovation ecosystems reveals persistent theoretical, methodological, and empirical challenges. Rese...
Latin American investors are commonly suspicious of investing in copreneurial ventures (a male and female couple, integrated as a working team) and show even higher levels of uncertainty when the start-ups are led by a female founder. The purpose of this paper is to address issues related to women as leaders in copreneurial tech ventures an...
Cecilia Membrado is the founder of a marketplace platform for buying and selling second-hand fashionable clothes, that was established in Argentina in 2014. Cecilia needs to take her business to a global scale, starting with opening operations in Chile. The case details all the initiatives taken by the entrepreneur in her start-up and to resolve th...
This paper explores the challenges women working in high-technology start-ups most frequently have to face and solve. The study is based in a literature review of issues that help to explain the differences between the genders showing that this is an understudied research area with broad opportunity to further studies with potential to uncover new...
Cecilia Membrado is the founder of a marketplace platform for buying and selling second-hand fashionable clothes, that was established in Argentina in 2014. Cecilia needs to take her business to a global scale, starting with opening operations in Chile. The case details all the initiatives taken by the entrepreneur in her start-up and to resolve th...
Case of study for teaching basic concepts at Management Courses.
Case of study for teaching basic concepts at Management Courses.
Case of study for teaching basic concepts at Management Courses.
Starting with a social-construction-of-technology (SCOT) approach and a gender perspective, we have considered to show the relation that exists between the user, in this case, the Professors and the work-life balance policies, that Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona offers, in Bellaterra. We will see the translation strategies of these instruments o...
Questions (2)
We have around 7 academic cases that fit these 2 broad topics:
1) family business: professionalization, succession, growth strategies, legal issues, emerging countries.
2) entrepreneurship: developing and planning a technology start-ups, scaling an e-commerce company, applaying marketing analytics, business alliance with public institutions, pivoting in a business model, selling the company (exit strategy), emerging countries.
Any impact factor, any cost.
We need to reduce the time in searching.
Thank you!
Hello. I am looking for gender differences in the literature of new high-technology ventures (start-ups), in these areas:
· Knowledge and experience
· Funding sources, survival, growth and expansion
· Teams of co-founders and employees
· Industries and products
· Networking
· Performance
I have found some studies that cover gender differences in funding, incubator, co-founders, but anything else. Thank you.