Katarzyna Kamińska-KorolczukUniversity of Gdańsk | UG · Institute of Political Science
Katarzyna Kamińska-Korolczuk
PhD, DSc, Prof. of the UG
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PhD, DSc, Prof. of the UG, researcher, academic teacher
Research fields:
Contemporary political and party systems - processes, institutions, and leadership.
Information policy of superpowers in the 21st century.
Political, party, and media systems and socio-political processes of the Baltic states and Germany (including minorities and migration).
The role of the media in the modern world - interactions between politics and the media and the media and politics.
Intercultural communication.
Publications (28)
Prowadzona przez Federację Rosyjską wojna przeciwko Ukrainie destabilizuje sytuację społeczno-polityczną nie tylko na terenie zaatakowanego państwa, lecz i w całym regionie. Nie pozostaje też bez wpływu na poczucie bez-pieczeństwa ludzi w innych częściach świata. W wyniku procesu globalizacji, który zachodził i zachodzi w wielu obszarach, w tym pol...
Political Parallelism as a Theoretical Concept and its Application on the Example of Brazil Political parallelism is one of the theoretical categories used to classify media systems and summarise the relationships occurring in the media under the influence of politics and in politics under the influence of the media. The aim of the article, a revie...
Estonia postrzegana jest jako państwo o wysokim zaawansowaniu usług cyfrowych. Jednocześnie jest położona geograficznie w miejscu Europy podatnym na kryzysy. To wpływa na potrzebę ciągłego rozbudowywania odpornej infrastruktury komunikacyjnej. Działania zmierzające do realizacji tego celu wdrażane są w Estonii od dawna, jednak nie zostały w pełni w...
The study aims to analyze the key formal and extralegal elements affecting the functioning of the office of president in Brazil. The subject of consideration is the political position of the president resulting from the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil of October 5, 1988, and the socioultural dependencies occurring in this country....
Kamińska-Korolczuk, K., 2022. Relacje dwustronne Niemiec z ChRL z perspektywy programów wyborczych niemieckich relewantnych partii politycznych w kampanii parlamentarnej 2021 r., Przegląd Geopolityczny, 42, s. 46-66.-46-Abstract: The article aims to present conclusions resulting from the analysis of the election programs developed by the relevant G...
The social media are more and more important in creating the strategy for conventional media development. The aim of this article is to demonstrate how social media as Internet tools can diversify access to media and affect on the dynamics of dialogue with readers. Discovering the specifics of the Internet communication via social media becomes imp...
Estonia and Latvia are the countries in which lives many different nationalities. The article presents the most important events from the development of Estonia and Latvia’s media systems, taking into account the actions of people from different circles of civilisation. This diversity did not threaten the development of communication in this part o...
The easiness of diversification of information sources, their transmission and the course of education of society in this area have an impact on political conscio- usness (views, evaluations and emotions of the individual towards politics) and the resulting individual political stances (a lasting attitude resulting from a cognitive, emotional and b...
Wypracowanie spójnej polityki informacyjnej państwa oraz powiązanej z nią polityki medialnej – prowadzonych w atmosferze zaufania, wolnych od manipulacji i zastępowania rzetelnych informacji fake newsami, których rozpowszechnianie prowadzi do destabilizacji międzynarodowego ładu – staje się strategicznym zadaniem dla współczesnych państw. Monografi...
The impact of hate speech contained in the statements of the Alternative for Germany party representatives on changes taking place in the media management system in Germany The purpose of the article is to present the introduced legal solutions regulating the functioning and management of the media system in Germany, which came into force under the...
Estonia and Latvia are the countries in which lives many different nationalities. The article presents the most important events from the development of Estonia and Latvia's media systems, taking into account the actions of people from different circles of civilisation. This diversity did not threaten the development of communication in this part o...
The article presents the structure of the Russian-language printed and electronic media available in Estonia and analyses their impact on the inclusion in the social system of people who do not use the national language of the country of residence. The analysis concerns the state where the level of readership of the printed and electronic press has...
The social media are more and more important in creating the strategy for conventional media development. The aim of this article is to demonstrate how social media as Internet tools can diversify access to media and affect on the dynamics of dialogue with readers. Discovering the specifics of the Internet communication via social media becomes imp...
Due to a difficult history of the region where are geographically located Estonia and Latvia, the process of adapting the media markets to the socio-political conditions was continued since when the two countries were regained their independence in 1991 to today. The changes associated with the transformation in social, political and economic spher...
This article attempts to confront introduced solutions in the access to public information in selected European Union countries - the Federal Republic of Germany, Estonia and Poland. The specificity of these countries is that in each of these countries applied solutions to adapt the system of law in this matter to the guidelines of the European Uni...
Freedom of the speech is the guiding principle of democracy and it is a result is freedom of the media. The author points out that the idea of independence of the press in relation to the media in Latvia is a highly controversial conception. This article presents the structure of ethnic groups which form the society of Latvia. It was noted that the...
The policy pursued by the federal government in Germany in relation to immigrants in this country is rapidly changing. Particular attention is devoted to young people now. Studies show that the earlier the host country of immigrants will activate immigrants to learn the language and the facts about history and culture, the greater are the chances o...
The author of the article analysed the influence of the social comfort on the participation of German citizens in a social and political life. Arguments justify the thesis that a wealth increase is an important factor influencing social con...