Katarína HegedušováInstitut of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences · Department of Geobotany
Katarína Hegedušová
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September 1999 - December 2017
September 1999 - present
Publications (80)
Amorpha fruticosa is a non-native invasive species of Slovak flora spreading along
waterways. In the past, it was planted to strengthen road embankment soil. These
plantings on the edges of motorways and expressways are potential seed sources.
A survey of the distribution of A. fruticosa along all motorways and expressways in
Slovakia was carri...
The diversity of vascular plants in temperate floodplain forests varies between biogeographical regions of Europe. Our study aims to identify the key environmental drivers of plant species richness in forests dominated by black alder (Alnus glutinosa) in Central Europe with four regions: Pannonian lowland, Matricum as the southern part of the Weste...
A resource based conceptual model of plant diversity (RBCM) assumes direct relationships between resource supply and the diversity of a local plant assembly. However, the RBCM largely ignores variation in soil toxicity imposed by climatic effects. Both soil limiting resources and soil toxicity vary along climatic gradients but their net and int...
Changing environment markedly shapes plant diversity and vegetation across all spatial scales. It leads to innumerable local, regional and sometimes global changes in plant communities. Here, we present eleven full-text research articles of the Special Issue “Plant communities in changing environment”, which focuses on the evaluation of plant diver...
Spatial heterogeneity of biodiversity is linked to environmental gradients across landscapes. In forest vegetation, trees essentially affect the forest understorey flora, not only by forming the microecological conditions but also by their competitiveness. Here, we investigate the changes in taxonomic diversity along the altitudinal gradient in for...
The file of the electronic Expert system for the identification of habitats in Slovakia.
The habitat catalog of Slovakia presents a comprehensive overview of all habitats occurring in Slovakia, including their description, ecology, distribution and characteristic species composition. In addition, an electronic expert system was also created, which can assign the analyzed vegetation record to a specific habitat based on a similarity cal...
There is much knowledge about the impact of non-native Robinia pseudoacacia on native ecosystems, but mostly it is related to one group of organisms. In this article, we provide an analysis of the impact of R. pseudoacacia on the surrounding biota with a broader scope in a model area with homogeneous abiotic conditions compared and analysed by the...
Monitoring the occurrence of new alien species among native flora is the first prerequisite for preventing their later invasive spread. During the last decade, we recorded data regarding 25 alien taxa new to Slovakia including 21 casual and 4 locally naturalised species, with ornamental plants predominating significantly. The locally naturalised sp...
The book summarises over 50 years of intensive botanical research in the Veľká Fatra National Park.
It provides a lot of information and data about one of our largest and best-preserved national parks in a highly professional yet attractive and understandable form. Symbolically, the publication was completed just at the time when the national park...
The heterogeneity of the geological, geomorphological (relief), climatic and soil conditions of the study area (smooth hilly-, but also steep rocky-relief, exposed sunny slopes and cold ravines, snowfields, bogs, etc.) allowed the survival of various flora elements and the existence of a wide range of plant communities.
The species richness and veg...
The floodplain of the rivers Danube, March/Morava and Thaya/Dyje in eastern Austria and western Slovakia harbours a great diversity of meadows, reed swamps and sedge-bed communities. However, the grasslands along the Danube have not been adequately addressed by any study up to now, and a transnational revision of the alluvial grasslands is complete...
Plant species diversity of black alder-dominated forests was studied in three biogeographical regions (Alpine, Continental and Pannonian) of Central Europe. They were represented by regions of the Polish Plain (Continental), the High Western Carpathians and Matricum of the Western Carpathians (Alpine) and the Pannonian lowland (Pannonian). We analy...
The sixth, final volume of the edition of Plant Communities of Slovakia, summarizes the present results of the syntaxonomic revision of shrub and forest vegetation. It is the largest monograph up to now, featuring shrubby and lowland-forest vegetation on alluvia of large rivers and streams (Alnetea glutinosae, Alno glutinosae-Populetea albae, Salic...
Traditionally focussed on maximising productivity, forest management increasingly has to consider other functions performed by the forest stands, such as biodiversity conservation. Terrestrial plant communities typically possess a hump-back relationship between biomass productivity and plant species richness. However, there is evidence of a reverse...
Milí priatelia botanici, zasa sme o rok starší, a to zároveň znamená, že sa k vám dostáva aj nové číslo nášho Bulletinu a v ňom tradičná rubrika s množ-stvom zaujímavých nálezov. Svoje príspevky nám tentoraz zaslalo 12 autorov. Celkovo rubrika prináša údaje k 122 taxónom (38 nižších rastlín a 84 vyš-ších rastlín). Opäť sa môžete zoznámiť s pozoruho...
The great book of plants, rocks, minerals and fossils is a unique, richly illustrated work, which in a comprehensive form gives an image of the flora of the whole of Central Europe. The updated texts present in an engaging way information on the life, reproduction, distribution, occurrence of plants and their importance for humans, as well as data...
Here, we present a brief introduction to sixteen full-text research articles of the Special Issue “Progress in Slovak Botany: a successful path to modern research on flora and vegetation” which are more-less a reflection of the current state of the study of botany in Slovakia. The papers bring results of classification and syntaxonomical revision o...
Deciduous thermophilous oak forests (phytosociological class Quercetea pubescentis) are among the most species-rich and most endangered forest communities in central Europe. Thanks to the varied topography, bedrock, biogeographical influences and rather well-preserved semi-natural and near-natural forest vegetation, Slovakia harbours a diverse heri...
This phytosociological study of the Carpathian species-rich mesophilous mountain hay meadows (Triseto flavescentis-Polygonion bistortae alliance, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class) presents the first unified large-scale classification system in four countries: Slovakia, Poland, Romania, and Ukraine. The starting dataset contained relevés of the Molinio...
Special issue on the impact of biological factors on hydrological processes, edited by the authors of this Foreword, brings together 11 full-text papers on these complex interactions, ranging in scale from storing the water by lichen species to competing the nations for increasingly scarce water resources in securitized transboundary watersheds. In...
We hypothesize, that replacement of native tree edificators in original hardwood forest by black locust plantation hardly affects fundamental habitat conditions and consequently species diversity of biocoenosis. To verify the hypothesis we selected plain area along small stream with homogeneous habitat conditions originally covered by native hardwo...
The North American perennial Rudbeckia laciniata is one of the most common neo-phytes in Central Europe. In the foothills of Lúčanská Malá Fatra Mts, west of Martin (part Stráne-Osikovo), this species was planted as a bee plant on the submontane hay meadow in the early 1960s. Based on species composition this vegetation type belongs to the Galio-Ur...
We present a revised and unified classification system of Quercetea pubescentis class in Slovakia. To assess target vegetation units we used a large data set of relevés of the Slovak forest vegetation obtained from national phytosociological database of Slovakia and private databases stored in Turbowin. Starting dataset consisted of 15 714 relevés...
Our article brings new occurrence data of 34 alien vascular plants in the territory of central Slovakia. Four of them, Caucalis platycarpos, Hibiscus trionum, Kickxia elatine and Xanthium strumarium are included in the recent Red list of vascular plants of Slovakia. Distribution data about Erechtites hieraciifolius shows its strong spreading in the...
The cover of introduced tree species in Europe has recently increased, due to several factors. Attempts to understand the impact of non-native edificator trees on the environmental conditions and diversity of undergrowth have so far been limited to a few studies. In this paper, we analyse the effect of one of the most commonly planted non-native tr...
Biological homogenization is a process of biodiversity loss driven by the introduction and invasion of widespread species and the extinction of specialized, endemic species. This process has accelerated in recent years due to intensive human activities. We focused our study on large areas of forest vegetation that have not yet been intensively stud...
Information about invasive alien species and their interactions with the environment and native ecosystems is
very important to prevent widespread loss of original habitats and biodiversity. Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia)
is one of the most widespread alien plant species in Europe and has become a dominant forest tree species,
which is frequen...
Our study brings new information about occurrence of 29 endangered vascular plants from the territory of central Slovakia. Species findings were recorded in the years 2017 and 2018. The annotated list comprises one regionally extinct (RE), one critically endangered (CR), two endangered (EN), five vulnerable (VU) and 20 near threatened (NT) plant sp...
Replacing native forests by alien tree plantations can lead to changes in the species composition of the understory. However, differences in the understory species spectrum can also be a part of the natural variability of forest stands. We have tested the suitability of the twin plots method for an evaluation of the impact of alien trees on the spe...
Even though temperate forests have lower non-native plant species richness and cover in comparison to some other habitats, such as anthropogenically influenced habitats or some grassland habitats, several recent studies from Central Europe suggest that there has been an increase in the numbers and proportions of non-native species in forests. Previ...
Changes of the above-ground vegetation and soil the seed bank were studied in a secondary oligo-trophic montane grassland after abandonment and gradual colonisation by Norway spruce. The main aim was to compare the responses of the above-and below-ground species composition and richness as well as seed density to successional development. Next aim...
Knowledge of seed-bank dynamics and seedling recruitment is crucial for effective in situ conservation of endangered species. Herein, we studied Tephroseris longifolia subsp. moravica in five of nine existing population sites to determine its spatio-temporal regeneration patterns. Our main aims were: (i) to confirm the existence of a soil seed bank...
The article summarizes new information on the occurrence of 142 vascular plant taxa (including four hybrids) infrequent in the Veľká Fatra Mts. Among them 101 are autochthonous and 39 allochthonous to the flora of Slovakia, while origin of two taxa remains unclear. We recorded new sites of one endangered (EN: Utricularia minor) and three vulnerable...
Invasions of alien plants are considered as one of the major threats to the diversity of natural ecosystems. So far only few studies focused on alien species in forests, as they appeared to be more resistant to invasions. Recent studies revealed that it was only a temporary phenomenon and many forest habitats are continually being invaded. All stud...
Do various types of forests differ in alien species composition? In Biological Invasions: Interactions with Environmental Change.
The grassland of Bromion erecti alliance was studied on permanent plot in the Nature Reserve Nebrová in the Biele Karpaty Mts in 1993, 1996, 1997 and 2014. The aim was to assess changes in frequency and distribution of vascular plants within the plot in regularly managed habitat. The presence of species was recorded on small subplots 20x20 cm, the...
Hegedüšová K. & valacHovicˇ M. 2015. Vegetation pattern on the western slope
of the Devínska Kobyla Mt. in southwest Slovakia. – Phyton (Horn, Austria) 55 (1):
41–68, with 4 figures.
Recent vegetation data of dry grasslands and successive shrub vegetation in
the Devínska Kobyla Mt., southwestern Slovakia, mainly belonging to the alliances
We performed a survey of grassland communities in the Ukrainian Carpathians with the aim of: (1) syntaxonomically classifying the meso-and subxerophilous grassland vegetation; (2) analysing the main gradients in their species composition; (3) estimating the effect of selected environmental factors on grassland species composition; (4) assessing the...
Recent vegetation data of dry grasslands and successive shrub vegetation in the Devínska Kobyla Mt., southwestern Slovakia, mainly belonging to the alliances Festucion valesiacae, Bromo pannonici-Festucion pallentis, Cirsio-Brachypodion pinnati (Festuco-Brometea), Geranion sanguinei (Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei), Prunion fruticosae and Berberidio...
Tephroseris longifolia agg. is an intricate complex of perennial outcrossing herbaceous plants. Recently, five subspecies with rather separate distributions and different geographic patterns were assigned to the aggregate: T. longifolia subsp. longifolia, subsp. pseudocrispa and subsp. gaudinii predominate in the Eastern Alps; the distribution of s...
Ružičková, J.,Hegedüšová, K., Lehotská, B., 2014: Bare bottom communities of water reservoirs in Malé Karpaty Mts. and Trnavská pahorkatina upland. Phytopedon (Bratislava), Vol. 13, 2014/2, p: 39–45.
Hegedüšová, K., Ružičková, J., 2014: Forest communities of Lindava in the contact of Malé Karpaty Mts. and Trnava upland. Phytopedon (Bratislava), Vol. 13, 2014/2, p. 1–8. The paper brings results of phytocoenological research of the forest communities in Lindava, contact zone of the Malé Karpaty Mts. and Trnava upland. The phytocoenological relevé...
The fifth volume of the edition of Plant communities of Slovakia
summarizes the results of the syntaxonomical revision of dry
grasslands (Festuco-Brometea), fringe communities (Trifolio-
Geranietea), lowland and mountain hay meadows and pastures
(Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Nardo-Agrostion tenuis, Violion caninae),
acidophilous heathlands (Calluno-Uli...
The phytosociological affiliation of Tephroseris longifolia subsp. moravica, species of European importance, was studied in relation to two closely related species of the genus Tephroseris which have overlapping distribution within the Western Carpathian Mts: T. intergrifolia and T. crispa. The main aim was to compare plant communities inhabited by...
The complex of Tephroseris longifolia agg. includes several subspecies with separate distribution in the Eastern and Central Alps reaching also Apennines, Pannonia and Western Carpathians. One of the subspecies, T. longifolia subsp. moravica, is considered as endemic of Western Carpathians and treated as endangered taxon of European importance (NAT...
M. Valachovič, K. Hegedüšová: Forest communities of the Jurske jazero (Malé Karpaty
Abstract: Two different swamp forests, one with dominance of black alder and second with
white birch are studied at the peat lake Jurské jazero. The first community represents typical
association of the alder swamps Carici elongatae-Alnetum glutinosae Schwicke...
Milí čitatelia, milí botanici, kolegovia,
rubrika prezentujúca zaujímavejšie fytocenologické zápisy pokračuje aj v tomto roku ukážkou výskytu zaujímavých spoločenstiev a druhov v nich obsiahnutých nachádzajúcich sa na území Slovenska. V špecifických prípadoch (viaceré zápisy z rovnakých spoločenstiev) sme pristúpili k zverejňovania ytocenologických...
Tephroseris longifolia subsp. moravica (Asteraceae) is an endangered narrow endemic taxon recently recorded from nine sites in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. We provide the first consistent information on its reproductive biology – mating system, seed output, germination, seedling emergence and survival. Based on results from isolation, hybridiza...
Tephroseris longifolia subsp. moravica is an endemic endangered taxon of European importance. Within the nine recently known populations it occurs in very specific site conditions of ecotone habitats. In our contribution, we try to quantify its realized niche with regard to the measured components of its biotic and abiotic environment. The main aim...
Dry grasslands are endangered by succession because of changes in management, soil conditions and abandonment. The successional changes in vegetation composition after 46 years of abandonment were subject of the study. The analyses were designed to minimize errors that could be caused by application of historical data. With the help of numerical cl...
Vegetation of deciduous forests in the Štiavnické vrchy Mts (Central Slovakia) was studied using the standard Zürich-Montpellier approach. The numerical classification and ordination technique were applied to determine the main forest vegetation types and to find the responsible environmental drivers related to their distribution patterns, respecti...
The research conducted here presents a syntaxonomical revision of the montane mesophilous meadows of the Polygono bistortae-Trisetion flavescentis alliance in central Europe – the Slovak part of the western and eastern Carpathians. These typical semi-natural grasslands occur mainly as small islands over the calcareous bedrocks. Associations of this...
The increase of temperatures at a global scale constitutes a threaten, among the others, for forest ecosystems, and imposes a deeper comprehension of plant behaviour towards drought stress, in order to better plan a sustainable management of water resources. Young plants of Pinus pinaster A i t. were exposed to prolonged drought stress, during whic...
The paper brings first results of field research in Malá Turecká valley and Mt. Majerova skala in Veľká Fatra Mts. Within two alliances Fagion sylvaticae and Tilio-Acerion three forest communities Dentario bulbiferae-Fagetum, Asperulo odoratae-Fagetum and Mercuriali-Fraxinetum were recognized. The phytosociological aspect of studied vegetation is d...
The paper presents new vegetation data from dry grassland sites in the biogeographical regions of
the Western Carpathians and the northern Pannonian Basin, mainly belonging to the alliances Bromo
pannonici-Festucion pallentis and Festucion valesiacae (Festuco-Brometea). The 124 phytosociological
relevés were sampled between 2005 and 2009 in Slovaki...
kodová, I. 2007: Changes in understorey vegetation after Norway spruce colonization of an abandoned grassland. — Ann. Bot. Fennici 44: 256–266. We studied the understorey vegetation (including both herbaceous and moss layers) during the Norway spruce (Picea abies) colonization of an abandoned grassland com-munity along a transect established in the...
The contribution provides information about localities of rare and endangered vascular plants on the Borská nížina lowland, which where found during the investigation of nonforest vegetation in 2003. Primarily the area outside the inundation of the river Morava and nature reserves were studied, because only few botanical data from this region are a...
This article presents results of phytocoenological research of a real forest vegetation of the Northwest part of Štiavnické vrchy Mts, in which there are recognised following syntaxonomical units: Carici pilosae–Fagetum, Asperulo–Fagetum, Luzulo–Fagetum, Querco–Carpinetum typicum, Q.–C. caricetosum pilosae, Q.–C. melicetosum uniflorae, Q.– C. poeto...