Katalin Sulyok

Katalin Sulyok
Eötvös Loránd University · Department of International Law

Ph.D. (ELTE) LL.M. (Harvard)


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Publications (33)
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This article maps the shared legal anatomy of climate and environmental lawsuits, in which plaintiffs claim protection for future generations before domestic or international courts. By closely analyzing the litigation strategies of plaintiffs and the inquiry of courts, the article argues that these proceedings revolve around structurally similar l...
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This article maps the elements of the epistemically legitimate argumentative space of judges in scientific disputes, where scientific facts and arguments intrude into the legally relevant aspects of the legal controversy. The article distinguishes four main forms of legitimate hybrid reasoning styles. It identifies the epistemic risks threatening t...
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This chapter comparatively assesses the various standards of review major international courts and tribunals set in science-intensive environmental litigation. The overview of case law suggests that relevant fora have become gradually more inclined to apply more intrusive standards to assess the science-based positions of the parties. The reasonabl...
Conference Paper
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The EUFJE 2019 Annual conference focused on the role of science and technology in the environmental case practice of national courts. EUFJE tasked the authors of this report to craft a questionnaire and two case studies to map the various judicial tools with which different jurisdictions handle and engage with the techno-scientific aspects of envir...
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This report is based on the answers provided by the judge members of the EU Forum of Judges for the Environment to a questionnaire on domestic air pollution litigation in the EU.
Science, which inevitably underlies environmental disputes, poses significant challenges for the scientifically untrained judges who decide such cases. In addition to disrupting ordinary fact-finding and causal inquiry, science can impact the framing of disputes and the standard of review. Judges must therefore adopt various tools to adjust the lev...
Science, which inevitably underlies environmental disputes, poses significant challenges for the scientifically untrained judges who decide such cases. In addition to disrupting ordinary fact-finding and causal inquiry, science can impact the framing of disputes and the standard of review. Judges must therefore adopt various tools to adjust the lev...
Science, which inevitably underlies environmental disputes, poses significant challenges for the scientifically untrained judges who decide such cases. In addition to disrupting ordinary fact-finding and causal inquiry, science can impact the framing of disputes and the standard of review. Judges must therefore adopt various tools to adjust the lev...
Science, which inevitably underlies environmental disputes, poses significant challenges for the scientifically untrained judges who decide such cases. In addition to disrupting ordinary fact-finding and causal inquiry, science can impact the framing of disputes and the standard of review. Judges must therefore adopt various tools to adjust the lev...
Science, which inevitably underlies environmental disputes, poses significant challenges for the scientifically untrained judges who decide such cases. In addition to disrupting ordinary fact-finding and causal inquiry, science can impact the framing of disputes and the standard of review. Judges must therefore adopt various tools to adjust the lev...
Science, which inevitably underlies environmental disputes, poses significant challenges for the scientifically untrained judges who decide such cases. In addition to disrupting ordinary fact-finding and causal inquiry, science can impact the framing of disputes and the standard of review. Judges must therefore adopt various tools to adjust the lev...
Science, which inevitably underlies environmental disputes, poses significant challenges for the scientifically untrained judges who decide such cases. In addition to disrupting ordinary fact-finding and causal inquiry, science can impact the framing of disputes and the standard of review. Judges must therefore adopt various tools to adjust the lev...
Science, which inevitably underlies environmental disputes, poses significant challenges for the scientifically untrained judges who decide such cases. In addition to disrupting ordinary fact-finding and causal inquiry, science can impact the framing of disputes and the standard of review. Judges must therefore adopt various tools to adjust the lev...
Science, which inevitably underlies environmental disputes, poses significant challenges for the scientifically untrained judges who decide such cases. In addition to disrupting ordinary fact-finding and causal inquiry, science can impact the framing of disputes and the standard of review. Judges must therefore adopt various tools to adjust the lev...
Science, which inevitably underlies environmental disputes, poses significant challenges for the scientifically untrained judges who decide such cases. In addition to disrupting ordinary fact-finding and causal inquiry, science can impact the framing of disputes and the standard of review. Judges must therefore adopt various tools to adjust the lev...
Science, which inevitably underlies environmental disputes, poses significant challenges for the scientifically untrained judges who decide such cases. In addition to disrupting ordinary fact-finding and causal inquiry, science can impact the framing of disputes and the standard of review. Judges must therefore adopt various tools to adjust the lev...
Az elmúlt fél évszázad során a felszín alatti ivóvízkészletek váltak az emberiség alapvető ivóvízforrásává, mivel globális készleteinknek 97%-a mára víztartó rétegekben rejlik. A felszín alatti vízkészletek jelentőségét növeli, hogy a felszíni vizek gyakran olyan mértékben szennyezettek, hogy alkalmatlanok emberi fogyasztásra, szemben a felszín ala...
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A tanulmány a holland Legfelsőbb Bíróság Urgenda-ítélete fényében elemzi a klímaváltozással kapcsolatos felelősség kérdését érintő ún. klímaperek történetét, főbb jellemzőit, jogdogmatikai nehézségeit. A klímaperek fogalmának és típusainak bemutatása után tárgyalja a nemzeti és nemzetközi bírói joggyakorlatban eddig született főbb döntéseket, majd...
A jelen tanulmány az Alaptörvénynek P) cikkének normatív jelentéstartalmát vizsgálja az Alkotmánybíróság környezetvédelmi gyakorlatának tükrében. A P) cikk a jövő nemzedékek érdekében védeni, megőrizni, és fenntartani rendeli a kulturális és természeti örökséget, többek között a biodiverzitást és a természeti erőforrásokat. E rendelkezés autentikus...
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------- Full text freely available here: http://vjel.vermontlaw.edu/files/2017/06/Sulyok_FP.pdf ------- Under Articles 2 (right to life) and Article 8 (right to private life) of the European Convention on Human Rights, the European Court of Human Rights (Strasbourg Court) decides cases involving personal health injuries allegedly caused by toxic ex...
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In 2006 a novel approach to talent support was promoted by several talent support programmes in Hungary. The new idea was a network approach. The nationwide network of so-called TalentPoints and its framework, the Hungarian Genius Program, gained substantial European Union funding in 2009, and today it is growing rapidly. A novel concept of talent...


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