Karolina ZielińskaVistula University · Department of International Relations
Karolina Zielińska
Researching regional cooperation in the Middle East
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Research interests focused on international relations in the Middle East, especially on Israeli FP and regarding regional cooperation.
PhD on Development aid to Sub-Saharan Africa as an element of Israeli soft power (2018).
MA on Syro-Palestinian relations since 1963 (2005).
10 years of experience in the Polish governmental administration; including Polish Permanent Representation to the EU in Brussels during the Polish EU Council Presidency (2011) and as a NEPT in the EU Commission (2009).
Additional affiliations
December 2019 - July 2023
September 2018 - November 2019
Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of the Polish Academy of Sciences
- Professor (Associate)
November 2016 - June 2017
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Africa Centre
- Researcher
Publications (48)
This article’s aims are twofold. Firstly, it endeavours to define the concept of development diplomacy (that is, diplomacy done through development aid) as a part of public diplomacy that realises its aims thanks to soft power re- sources. Several theoretical sources are recalled and reflected upon in order to come up with a vision of the role of d...
Syro-Palestinian relations – a book, based on master's thesis, published with a Ministry of Science and Higher Education grant by Fundacja Studiów Międzynarodowych (Foundation of International Studies), 2007.
List of contents:
ROZDZIAŁ I: Kształtowanie stosunków syryjsko-palestyńskich
1.1.Relacje syryjsko-palestyńskie do 1948 r.: narodzi...
This book deals with Israeli development aid to Sub-Saharan Africa countries as a part of Israeli foreign policy.
The analysis is framed by the concept of soft power: an assumption that development cooperation increases attractiveness of the donor and contributes to constructive bilateral and multilateral relations. Israel is a particular case of...
The conflict with the Palestinian side is a long-term existential challenge for Israel. A resolution of the dispute or its absence will be decisive for the future ethnic character of this state and for its political system, as well as its externa...
The Syrian civil war – which has largely ended following bloody 8 years – serves as a prime case study of mechanisms which challenge border realities, as well as geography and demography, through engagement of manifold internal and external actors. This article discusses these processes and their implications by focusing on the Syro-Israeli borderl...
The case of Sudanese violent jihadism is a specific one, starting from 1881–1899 Mahdist’s uprising. Since the 1956 independence, the history of Sudan has been marked by civil wars taking place in various parts of its huge territory; violence under the outwardly jihadist banner culminated in the 1990s. The Islamic state used violent jihad, by the a...
Rok po ataku Hamasu izraelskie społeczeństwo jest głęboko straumatyzowane i podzielone. Kluczowe kwestie w dyskursie publicznym to uwolnienie przetrzymywanych przez terrorystów zakładników oraz za-pewni...
The case of Sudanese violent jihadism is a curious one, starting from 1881–1899 Mahdist’s uprising. Since the 1956 independence, the history of Sudan has been marked by civil wars taking place in various parts of its huge territory; violence under the outwardly jihadist banner culminated in the 1990s. The Islamic state used violent jihad, by the ar...
Inwazja terrorystyczna Hamasu a perspektywa regionalna. Znaczenie konfliktu dla przyszłości Bliskiego Wschodu oraz porządku światowego.
"W pozytywnym z punktu widzenia Zachodu i umiarkowanych państw regionu scenariuszu Hamas zostanie unicestwiony w sensie militarnym i zdyskredytowany jako reprezentant polityczny Palestyńczyków, a na scenach polityc...
This article explores the contributions of non-governmental entities to Israeli policies for preventing and responding to oil spills on land and at sea. It discusses the legal and practical aspects of Israeli policies, reviews the country's experiences with oil spills, and examines two case studies. The policies in question exhibit characteristic f...
Relacje handlowe Unii Europejskiej z Izraelem są asymetryczne, a zarazem ogólny bilans ich wymiany towarowo-usługowej szybko rośnie. UE jest dla Izraela głównym partnerem w tym obszarze, podczas gdy Izrael plasuje się dopiero w czwartej dziesiątce największych partnerów unijnych; UE utrzymuje przy tym dodatni bilans handlowy z tym państwem. Taki st...
The European Union's trade relations with Israel are asymmetrical, but the overall volume of their trade in goods and services has been growing rapidly. The EU is Israel's top partner in this field, while Israel ranks outside the top 30 of the EU's biggest partners; the EU has a positive trade balance with this country. This state of affairs has tu...
Once gas extraction from the Karish gas field starts, which is scheduled for September 2022, Israel will have a gas surplus enabling it to export around 10 bcm of this fuel to the European Union states every year. To this end, it intends to use the infrastructure connecting its gas...
Po uruchomieniu wydobycia gazu ze złoża Karisz, które ma nastąpić we wrześniu 2022 r., Izrael będzie dysponował nadwyżkami umożliwiającymi mu rozpoczęcie eksportu do państw Unii Europejskiej ok. 10 mld m3 surowca rocznie. Ma do tego wykorzystywać infrastrukturę łącząca własne złoża...
Konflikt ze stroną palestyńską to dla Izraela długoterminowe wyzwanie egzystencjalne. Rozwiązanie sporu lub jego brak przesądzi o przyszłym charakterze etnicznym i ustrojowym oraz bezpieczeństwie zewnętrznym i wewnętrznym państwa. Tekst przedstawia kluczowe z p...
A case study essay in: Sebastian Kevany, BAREFOOT GLOBAL HEALTH DIPLOMACY Field Experiences in International Relations, Security, and Epidemics, Elsevier, 2021, pp. 81-83.
Israeli 2010s foreign policy is marked by development of ties – in a wide range of spheres of cooperation – with various countries in Israel’s neighbourhood and beyond. This policy is often compared to, and seen as, a continuation of the “periphery doctrine”, launched in the
late 1950s. While some experts contest mere appropriateness of the term “p...
Jednym z najbardziej kontrowersyjnych punktów programu utworzonego w maju 2020 r. rządu w Izraelu jest zapowiedź decyzji w sprawie anektowania zajmowanych przez osiedla żydowskie części okupowanego terytorium Zachodniego Brzegu Jordanu. Ten dyskusyjny – zarówno w samym Izraelu, jak i w świecie – punkt znalazł się w umowie koalicyjnej ośmiu partii (...
Twenty-fi ve years after the conclusion of the peace treaty, Israel and Jordan are bound by security partnership and limited economic cooperation. People-to-people relations remain problematic. State-to-nation imbalance occurring on both sides of the relationship has under-mined the achievements of the cooperation so far, and the uncertainty regard...
Published in Stosunki Międzynarodowe - International Relations, 2017, 53/4, pp. 245–248 (in Polish)
The paper reports from the proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference on Israeli Studies Israeli Identities: Past, Present and Future which took place at the University of Wrocław on September 10-12, 2017. The report reflects on the discussions which took place during plenary sessions of the conference and on the contents of the conference panels. Fu...
This Tel Aviv Note discusses shifting demographics and humanitarian concerns in light of recent developments on the Israeli-Syrian border.
Regards impact of relations with Sub-Saharan Africa countries on Israel's international position in 1956-1973
W artykule przedstawiono historię relacji Izraela z krajami Afryki Subsaharyjskiej w latach 1956-73 oraz przeanalizowano wpływ, jaki relacje te miały na pozycję międzynarodową Izraela w omawianym okresie. W szczególności, uwaga poświęcona...
Constructing history and contemporaneity: post-emotionalism theory and the Bosnian conflict
- an article, „Studia Międzynarodowe”, Tom 3 (1-4) 2007, pp. 265-291.
List of contents:
1. Charakterystyka konfliktu w Bośni i Hercegowinie
2. Czasy koegzystencji i proces rozbudzania partykularnych pamięci zbiorowych
3. Pamięć zbiorowa podczas wo...
Palestinian question in the context of the Syrian engagement in Lebanon - an article, „Stosunki Międzynarodowe – International Relations” 1-2 / 2006, pp. 134-149.
List of contents:
1. Społeczność palestyńska w Libanie
2. Geneza zaangażowania syryjskiego w wojnę libańską
3. Między interwencją syryjską a izraelską: zmienność sojuszy
4. Rozłam w fat...