Karolina Eszter Kovács

Karolina Eszter Kovács
University of Debrecen

Doctor of Education


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Publications (76)
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Background/Objectives: Sport persistence can be coded as an indicator of sport performance and commitment, incorporating personality traits such as resilience, adaptive coping, and positive personality traits. Thus, athletes do not merely persist in sporting activities but are qualitatively committed to them. Methods: In the present research, we us...
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Investigating sport persistence can make a significant contribution to a thorough examination and understanding of the factors underlying an athlete’s activity, integrating physical activity, sports motivation and commitment. This systematic review aimed to detect the papers focusing on the factors influencing sport persistence following the levels...
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Background/Objectives: Sport persistence is the embodiment of sports performance and mental toughness. It refers to our attempts concerning the performance plateau, failures, injuries, or even the resolution and processing of stressful situations associated with success and positive events. In our research, we used qualitative methods based on Bron...
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The study sought to explore the levels of emotional intelligence and academic engagement among college students, which has not been extensively represented in the existing literature within the Eritrean higher educational context. The study comprised a sample of 119 senior Asmara College of Education students selected through the convenience sampli...
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Although psychological capital is theorized to enhance academic success of college students, there is a lack of sufficient empirical evidence supporting this claim. Given this gap, the present study was conducted to explore the role of psychological capital in academic success of college students, mediated through student engagement. Undergraduate...
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Cultural intelligence and emotional intelligence have gained substantial attention as integral components of the intercultural adaptation process. Despite their significance, there exists a research gap in examining the specific levels of these competencies within homogeneous cohorts of international students. Therefore, the main purpose of this st...
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Children's hospitalisation is difficult for the family and the immediate environment. In these cases, the provision of psychological support is particularly important. Chronically ill children who are regularly hospitalised are in a particularly difficult situation, often feeling vulnerable. Our research aims to explore and analyse in detail the ps...
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Programs involving animals in therapeutic programs are becoming increasingly prevalent. These programs can vary greatly in their approach, scope, and objectives, and they can significantly impact the development of healthy children and those with various disorders. In this systematic review, we sought to investigate the psychological ramifications...
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Positive psychology, which seeks to understand well-being and its most prominent research area, the study of the flow experience (Seligman, 2012; based on Goschi et al., 2022), has gained worldwide recognition. According to recent research (Nagy, 2019), well-being has significant genetic and personality determinants, just as it is in Gagné's dynami...
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The issues of poor academic outcomes, dismissal, high attrition, and dropout rates among college students have long concerned for many educators and college communities. Several scholars have posited that these problems can be addressed through the development of emotional intelligence and increased student engagement. Considering these problems, t...
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The prominence of positive psychological capital in enhancing desirable outcomes for both individual employees and organizations in the work setting is well-established. However, empirical studies focusing on the application of psychological capital in educational settings to foster positive learning outcomes such as positive psychological function...
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Since February 24th, 2022, millions of Ukrainians have sought refuge in other, mainly European countries. Hungary, after Poland, is the second largest host of Ukrainian refugees. Only a portion of them are asylum seekers (~11.0% in Poland and ~ 1.1% in Hungary). The aim of the study is to compare the integrative acculturation attitudes between the...
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Számos kutatás vizsgálta az inkluzív, heterogén tanulói környezet, valamint a szülői bevonódás pozitív hatását a tanulói eredményességre, azonban a sajátos nevelési igényű tanulók esetén a címkézés miatti exklúziós folyamat és a szülők bevonódásának támogatását övező problémakör gyakran megoldatlan marad. Kutatásunk ennek fényében arra keresi a vál...
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Education systems usually fall into two main types: the Continental and Atlantic systems of education. Countriesbelonging to the third world often follow after the characteristics of the continental system, however, thespecificities of the country may overwrite some characteristics of the original concept. This article aims tointroduce some specifi...
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The report presents the results of a quantitative survey conducted among war refugees as part of the project "THE FATE OF YOUNG UKRAINIANS ON THE LABOR MARKET IN CENTRAL EUROPE" (financed by the National Agency for Academic Exchange: NAWA). The study was conducted in the form of a survey using the CAPI technique. The sample was selected according t...
Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Diabetes and Obesity is a book series that brings updated reviews to readers interested in advances in the development of pharmaceutical agents for the treatment of two metabolic diseases - diabetes and obesity. The scope of the series covers a range of topics including the medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, mole...
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Special education practice allows for the educational principles of parental involvement, pointing to a common dialogue on health issues and general well-being. Special education professionals primarily empower the families of children with atypical development by relying on the organizational factors of individual support and services. The decisio...
Technical Report
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A ReMO COST Action a nemzetközi tudományos élet különböző szintjeit képviselő résztvevők hálózata, mely a mentális egészség és jóllét kérdéseivel foglalkozik. A kutatói szférában fennálló mentális egészséggel kapcsolatos problémák fokozott jelenlétét a szakirodalom, az Európai Unió (EU) szakpolitikája, valamint más meghatározó források is kiemelik....
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A kutatás célja a Debreceni Egyetem osztatlan tanárképzésében tanuló hallgatók (N=108) egészségtudatossággal kapcsolatos attitűdjeinek, valamint tanulmányi eredményességük vizsgálata. Az eredmények alapján a hallgatókra viszonylag rugalmas megküzdés jellemző, egészségmagatartásuk jobb az Európai lakossági egészségfelmérés (ELEF) kutatási adataival...
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Background: Health-related behaviours and attitudes acquired in childhood significantly shape health behaviours in adulthood and play an important role in preventing children from becoming overweight. Interventions incorporating parental involvement can provide outstanding support in shaping a child's health-related behaviour. However, parental in...
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A hátrányos helyzetű gyermekek vizsgálata kiemelt területként jelenik meg mind oktatásügyi, mind egészségügyi vonatkozásban. A hátrányos helyzetű fiatalok elutasítóbb tanulással kapcsolatos attitűdjeire, alacsonyabb tanulmányi eredményességére, valamint a nem-tanulmányi eredményességi mutatók, mint az egészség és a sport, negatívabb manifesztációjá...
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A COVID-19 pandémia és az ennek okán bevezetett távolléti oktatás nagyfokú alkalmazkodást kívánt meg mind a gyermekek és fiatalok, mind tanáraik részéről, valamennyi oktatási színtéren. A pandémia hatása emellett nem csupán a fizikai egészség vonatkozásában rejtett veszélyforrásokat magában, hanem a mentális és szociális egészség vonatkozásában is...
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Regular physical activity from an early age is an important part of a healthy life because if we incorporate exercise early into our lifestyle, we are more likely to maintain our commitment to sport into adulthood and even throughout our lives. In our research, we used the PERSIST 2019 database, which contains data from students at higher education...
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Investigating parental involvement has moved to the foreground of research in the past two decades, and research results focusing on family engagement claim its positive impact on children's academic and non-academic achievement. However, less is known about parental involvement in the case of families with children with special needs. In our syste...
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The role of the parents is crucial in the children's effective functioning, having a long-term effect on the physical, mental and social health of the individuals. Sense of coherence is one of the most important elements of mental health, having a significant effect on the various aspects of life. So do parental goal emphasis by setting the main di...
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According to the results of higher education research, students’ higher educational pathways can be diverse. In addition to standard students, some students belong to one of the risky and corrective academic pathway types and thus face a higher probability of dropping out. Our study examined objective and subjective elements of health-awareness and...
The application of appropriate qualitative and quantitative indicators of youth’s mental health is vital for the entire health care system, including the individuals, health care providers, and health policy. These can enable both researchers and policymakers to carry out comparisons across time, interindividual differences and culture. In our scop...
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The factors influencing sports motivation create a complex system, integrating internal drivers, such as the love of sport and the need for competence, and external segments, such as the environment, institutions, or the media. In our research, we examined the sports motivation of students studying in higher educational institutions in five countri...
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The pandemic caused a new digital scheme of work to be implemented in higher educational institutes to avoid physical contact, which is referred to as emergency remote teaching in the literature (Hodges, Moore, Lockee, Trust, & Bond, 2020). The inevitable consequence of emergency remote teaching (later on ERT) was that the students’ inter-and extra...
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Kutatásunkban az idegen nyelvi tudás kérdéskörét vizsgáltuk egy speciális szegmensre, a szociális csoportra fókuszálva. A kutatás neveléstudományra vonatkozó relevanciája jelentős, hiszen az idegennyelv ismerete igen nagy szerepet kap napjainkban. A globalizáció, a munkaerőpiacon és az oktatásban is megfigyelhető nemzetközi mobilitás miatt nehéz el...
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As developing countries aim to improve their education to address the challenges of globalisation's economic and social demands, comparative education can provide references for reforms and changes. Through studying the educational systems of other countries, we can discover which reforms are possible and desirable. This article attempts to demonst...
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Background: This study aimed to investigate the association of the mental health and diabetes-specific variables with the illness representations in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Methods: A total of 115 children with T1DM were recruited through the outpatient clinic in Debrecen, Hungary. Our measures were The Pictorial Representati...
A sportperzisztencia, bár kevésbé kutatott terület, vizsgálata jelentősen hozzájárulhat a sportoló tevékenységének hátterében álló tényezők alapos vizsgálatához és megértéséhez. Integrálja a fizikai aktivitás, a sportmotiváció és sport melletti elköteleződés komponenseit, valamint az ezekre ható faktorokat. Az ezek közötti kapcsolathálózat azonban...
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In recent years, there has been an increasing emphasis on placing children in foster care. Our main research aims to explore the connections between the future orientation of disadvantaged young people living in residential care homes and foster families. In our pilot-study, we made it measurable by a comparative analysis of their study results. Th...
A társadalmi helyzet jelentős szerepet játszik életünkben, így a sportiskolai rendszerben is, különös tekintettel a vizsgálat fókuszában álló köznevelési típusú sportiskolákra. Ezen intézmények célja a sportkarrier támogatása mellett a tanulmányi eredményesség növelése is. Célunk a hazai köznevelési típusú sportiskolákban tanuló diákok szocio-ökonó...
Background & Introduction Due to the increasing prevalence of type-1-diabetes an increasing number of studies draws investigation draws attention to its psychological effects and long-term consequences. As Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic, non-curable, yet maintanable condition, with the affected children and their families facing a lifelong c...
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Higher educational dropout is a major education policy issue that can be influenced by several factors. In addition to the family background, it is necessary to mention the motivation for further education as an individual factor which has a complex effect. Another possible individual cause can be the attractiveness of the labor market. Due to the...
Introduction: Most of the adolescents suffering from type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) can be described with HbA 1c values below the target level. Several research investigated the impact of diabetes on the quality of life, however, no complex questionnaire has been developed to examine each area of the disease. Aim: The aim of the present study is t...
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Higher educational dropout is a significant area of education policy in Hungary. First, the proportion of graduated higher educational students is low when compared to the OECD average, which may be caused by dropout from higher educational courses. On the other hand, although the phenomenon of dropout has been closely investigated in several inter...
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A motiváció szerepe a felsőoktatási lemorzsolódásban és perzisztenciában A motiváció nem csak a pszichológia, de a mindennapi élet területén is fontos fogalom. Tevékenységeinket nagymértékben a motiváltságunk alapján végezzük. A motiváció úgy definiálható, mint "a szervezeten belüli vagy a szervezetre kívülről ható erő, ami a cselekvést aktiválja,...
Background Diabetes has previously been linked to mental health problems in children and adolescents, but more recent studies have yielded mixed findings. The aim of the current study was to compare symptoms of mental health problems in children and adolescents with and without type 1 diabetes (T1DM). Methods Life quality, subjective well-being, s...
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Hazánkban a sportiskolák hosszú múltra tekinthetnek vissza, habár az új típusú sportiskolai rendszer létrejötte 2012-höz köthető. A Sportiskolák Országos Szövetségének alapszabályzatában lefektetett cél a hazai utánpótlás nevelés biztosítása mellett a köznevelési feladatok teljesítése is, amely kiegészíti a NAT 2012 célrendszerét. A sportiskolában...
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A jelenleg is működő sportiskolai felépítés 2012-ben jött létre, melynek alapjait a Sportiskolák Országos Szövetsége fektette le. A köznevelési típusú sportiskolák feladata a tankötelezettség biztosítása mellett hazánk utánpótlás sportolói bázisának fenntartása és növelése, valamint élsportolók nevelése a kerettantervek és a nemzeti alaptanterv ala...
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The aim of our study is to investigate the progress of the implementation of everyday physical education introduced in Hungary in September 2012 and the investigation of the aims determined in the National Syllabus through the opinion of the participants of Physical Education (PE teachers, students) and non-PE teachers in primary education. The nat...
Introduction: Health awareness plays an important role in our life, which contains attitudes as well behavioural components. Social factors influencing health awareness were the basis of many previous investigations, measuring the effect of demographical and psychological factors. However, investigation of these factors usually happened with separ...
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The results of the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (Espad Group, 2016) indicate that substance use among Hungarian students enrolled in the public education ranks on the top in Europe as the incidence of smoking and binge drinking is increasing. At the same time, international research states that the youth in the Central-...
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Health awareness plays an important role in our life. It’s important to live an appropriate lifestyle because an adequate way of life helps to conserve the optimal health status and to prevent chronic diseases (Conner, 2005). The role of the family and parents is still significant. Children turn toward their peers but the family stands in the backg...
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A kutatásra a HBSC magyar kutatócsoport támogatásával került sor. Az egészségmagatartás és az iskolai teljesítmény összefüggései magyar serdülőknél nemzetközi összehasonlítás keretében 1 Absztrakt Az egészségkárosító magatartásformák jelenléte egyre szélesebb körben jellemző a fiatalok körében az Egyesült Államokban, az európai országokban és Magya...
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The aim of study was to examine coping and motivation of adolescent handball players in Debrecen. Forty-six male and thirty-one female handball players completed the questionnaires, furthermore eighteen male and eighteen females were participated in focus groups. The purpose of this study was to measure gender differences in sport motivation, psych...
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Health awareness plays an important role in our life. It’s important to live an appropriate lifestyle because adequate way of life helps to conserve the optimal health status and to prevent chronic diseases (Conner, 2005). The role of the family and parents is still significant. Children turn toward their peers but the family stands in the backgrou...
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The aim of this presentation is to measure the institutional effects of higher education on students’ sport activity. Sport is an important element of health behaviour; its positive impact can be perceived not only the individual, but the national and the global level as well. However, the frequency of doing sport shows a decreased likelihood with...
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The aim of study was to examine coping and motivation of adolescent handball players in Debrecen. Forty-six male and thirty-one female handball player completed the questionnaires, furthermore eighteen male and eighteen female was participated in focus groups. The purpose of this study was to measure gender differences in sport motivation, psycholo...
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Jelen tanulmány a sportolás énképre, szorongásra, pszichológiai immunkompetenciára és teljesítményigényre gyakorolt hatásaira fókuszál prepubertások körében. Minta: 47 sportoló (kézilabdázó) és 46 nem sportoló fiú alkotta a mintát (kor: 11-13 év). Módszer: Coopersmith-féle önértékelési kérdőív (Coopersmith, 1984), a Spielberger féle Vonás-és Állapo...


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