Karol KyslanTechnical University of Košice · Department of Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics
Karol Kyslan
Looking for collaboration in sensorless control and FCS model predictive control of PMSM drives.
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Karol received the MSc. and PhD. degrees in electrical engineering from Technical University of Košice, Slovak Republic, in 2009 and 2012. Since 2020, he has been working as Associate Professor at the Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics at Technical University of Košice.
His research interests include control of electrical drives, mechanical load emulation methods, finite control set model predictive control and speed sensorless control. He is a member of IEEE.
Additional affiliations
August 2020 - October 2020
November 2011 - July 2020
September 2009 - August 2012
Publications (54)
Dynamic emulation of mechanical loads belongs to advanced dynamometer control strategies. The main goal of this paper is to analyse and implement a control algorithm for dynamic emulation into an industrial converter by using a standard industrial programming tool. The reference torque of a load machine is calculated through the previously develope...
This paper describes the development of Pathfinder –an autonomous guided vehicle (AGV) intended for the transportation of material in hospital environments. Pathfinder is equipped with the latest industrial hardware components and employs the most recent software stacks for autonomous localization, navigation and mapping. As the most significant co...
This paper describes the development of Phollower-an autonomous mobile robot intended to perform various logistical tasks in both industrial and civil environments. Phollower is equipped with the latest types of industrial components and sensors. It also employs advanced embedded navigation and localization software to create its own virtual maps a...
The sensorless control of the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) has attracted wide attention due to its high reliability, economic and safety benefits. A fast and high-precision rotor-position estimation is inevitable for the implementation of sensorless control. Sliding-mode observer (SMO) is a preferred solution for sensorless control by...
The fault-tolerant control system (FTCS) for a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is presented and an analysis of speed sensor faults is proposed in this paper. The detection and compensation of speed sensor faults is based on the simple comparison of the measured signals with the signals estimated by reduced-order sliding mode observer (SMO...
Rotary shears are common part of the material processing lines (MPL). During the operation, these shears are loaded with impact cutting torque, which takes only short time but reaches values compared to motor-rated torque. Therefore, it is a technical challenge to ensure the speed stability during the cut. The presented paper deals with the analysi...
Finite control set model predictive control (FCS-MPC) stands out as a highly promising and extensively researched control approach due to its exceptional dynamic performance and the versatility it offers for defining control goals. This paper presents a systematic analysis of parameter mismatch and its impact on the control performance of finite co...
This paper presents a finite control set model
predictive direct speed control (FCS-MPDSC) for permanent
magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) with implemented twostep
compensation of the calculation delay and a novel cost
function design. The control algorithm is designed in dq
coordinates, and a discrete state-space model of the PMSM
is obtained using...
Rotary shears are common part of the material
processing lines. During the operation, these shears are loaded
with impact cutting torque, which is short in time, but reaches
high values, which are comparable to motor rated torque.
Therefore, it is a technical challenge to ensure the speed stability
during the cut. The presented paper deals with the...
Position control algorithms can be classified into two groups: point-to-point control and continuous path control. For point-to-point control implemented in programmable logic controllers, the speed setpoint is mostly the only setpoint transmitted to the industrial converter. Incorrect settings of the position controller in PLC may lead to position...
This paper presents a novel speed sensor fault detection, classification, and compensation mechanism in a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drive system. Application is based on state variable observers and shallow neural networks (NN). Classical fault detection mechanism based on state variable observers has been extended with neural netwo...
Sensorless control of permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSMs) in low-speed operation is a challenging task. High-frequency (HF) signal injection methods have been successfully applied for low-speed sensorless control of PMSM. One of the most recent methods is the HF pulse signal injection method in which a series of HF voltage pulses are inje...
The sensorless control of the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) has attracted wide attention due to its economic and safety benefits. A fast and high-precision rotor-position estimation is necessary for the implementation of sensorless control. In low-speed region, high frequency (HF) signal injection methods are mostly adopted. They suffer...
Compact geared servo drives are a common part of modern industrial automation; thus, their proper modelling is a necessary part for the application and control design. The presented paper focuses on the mathematical model of the cycloidal gearbox, which is used in the compact actuator with a permanent magnet synchronous motor. A measurement procedu...
Five-phase induction machines (5pIMs) are a viable alternative for a wide range of industrial applications. e penetration of drives with 5pIM into industrial applications is slow because of the complexity of the proposed control algorithms. In standard V/f control of induction machines, the stator current is not controlled directly and options for...
With the increase in power installed from distributed generation sources (DGS), many problems have appeared following the utilisation of novel topologies and structures. Higher-level controllers for the safe operation of power grids with a high penetration of DGS must be developed. This task becomes difficult as the size and complexity of modern po...
This paper presents an experimental comparison of different switching functions for reduced-order sliding mode observers (ROSMO) for sensorless control of surface-mounted permanent magnet synchronous motor (SMPMSM). In ROSMO, a signum function is used to calculate feedback signals for the observer. Due to the chattering phenomenon and switching fre...
Geared servodrives are tested with different types of short-term or long-term tests. This paper presents the industrial approach to load emulation in the testing process of electrical actuators. Presented emulation method is based on the real dataset provided by the customer. This dataset is modified, processed, and then used for the calculation of...
This article compares two sensorless control algorithms for a permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) based on the back-EMF sliding mode observer (SMO). Indirect SMO (I-SMO) treats the back-EMF voltages as a disturbance. Direct SMO (D-SMO) considers back-EMF voltages as state-space variables. The same phase-locked loop (PLL) is used for both ob...
This paper deals with the V/f control of a five-phase induction machine. Carrier-based sinusoidal PWM modulation for five phases is presented together with an open-loop and closed-loop control structure. The implementation of the algorithm is provided with the automated code generation and pure Simulink-based solution is shown in the paper. Experim...
Pumps play a pivotal role in both energy and water conservation. They account for the 20% of the world's total energy consumption and thus monitoring it becomes more relevant to decrease an energy wastage. The performance of the pump deteriorates for various reasons, such as cavitation, sedimentation of silt and water hammering, electrical and mech...
This paper presents an implementation of Unscented Kalman Filter for estimation of the speed and position of permanent magnet synchronous machine. Mathematical model of the motor is designed in dq synchronous reference frame fixed to rotor flux and discretized by Taylor series expansion. Mechanical rotor alignment with d-axis as a starting procedur...
Control of a high tension in strip processing lines is achallenging task that tackles several problems. Process of achievingthe high tension in multi-motor driving system where the motors arecoupled by a processed strip is limited by maximal torque of each driveand by friction between the strip and surface of tension roll. Bothquantities are descri...
This paper presents a predictive controller that simultaneously controls the position, speed and the current of PMSM. The controller is based on finite control set model predictive control approach. Motion profile generator is used for the generation of reference signals. Signals generated there enter into the controller and act as feedforward sign...
Strip material processed in continuous production lines causes a mechanical coupling among tension rolls driven by a multi-motor drive system. Thus, the drives are mutually mechanically coupled and influenced in their operation. One of the key techniques, to guarantee the output product quality in the fibre, paper, plastic and metal plating industr...
Strip material processed in continuous production lines causes a mechanical coupling among tension rolls driven by a multi-motor drive system. Thus, the drives are mutually mechanically coupled and influenced in their operation. One of the key techniques, to guarantee the output product quality in the fibre, paper, plastic and metal plating industr...
This paper presents the design of Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) for estimation of state space variables of permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM). The UKF is shown together with the field oriented speed control. At first, the position and the speed of PMSM are measured, and UKF is used only for a load torque estimation. It is indicated how dif...
Advantages of hybrid vehicles over pure electric vehicles are obvious and well-known. The paper presents a simulation study of the optimization of hybrid propulsion drivetrain. A vehicle model was optimized in order to scale drivetrain components to achieve better fuel economy and lower greenhouse emissions. A set of ADVISOR data for vehicle was op...
Material tracking is an important part of the automation control system which has a major impact on the product quality. This paper addresses a stand load identification in wire rod mill as a new algorithm added to existing control system. Tension control approaches are described and a modification of existing tracking system is proposed in order t...
This paper analyses a torque control structure for a load machine used as a dynamometer. Typical area of the use is a mimicking of behaviour of mechanical load, which is not available. Instead of that, the mechanical load is emulated by the load machine with a specific torque control. This approach belongs to dynamic emulation of mechanical load met...
The paper presents the position control of a permanent magnet synchronous motor by using the finite
control set model predictive control. The position, speed and acceleration references are generated by a ramp generator. A new cost function, including feed-forward and load torque compensations, is introduced. In order to save the computational powe...
The paper contributes to a study of web accumulator of a vertical type in a continuous line. It is focused on the control of parallel drives driving the looper car and pointing out the key problems the engineer meet at tuning their controllers. Although the control structure is well known, practical hints to estimate empirically some parameters of...
The paper presents an approach to the dynamic emulation of mechanical loads. The main goal was to implement known control algorithm to the industrial converter SINAMICS S120 with the control unit CU320 using Drive Control Chart programming tool. The reference torque of a load machine is calculated through the closed-loop control algorithm using PI...
This paper presents the speed control of permanent magnet synchronous motor with salient poles based on two-step linearization method. In the first step, the direct compensation of the nonlinearities in the equations of current is used. In the second step, the input-output linearization in the state space is used for the decoupling of flux and torq...
Článok opisuje riadenie brúsnej veže, ktorá je súčasťou brúsky na nehrdzavejúcu oceľ. Brúsna veža sa pohybuje v dvoch osiach. Poloha brúsky vo vertikálnom smere je riadená priamo servomeničom, poloha brúsky v horizontálnom smere je riadená nepriamo frekvenčným meničom. Riadenie bolo navrhnuté na základe požiadaviek zákazníka s dôrazom na cenu rieše...
Príspevok sa zaoberá návrhom regulátora na riadenie jednosmerného motora s permanentnými magnetmi. algoritmus riadenia je založený na metóde prediktívneho riadenia s konečným počtom akčných zásahov. Tento typ riadenia sa stal pre svoje výhodné vlastnosti v posledných rokoch predmetom širokého záujmu pri výskume riadenia výkonových meničov a elektri...
This paper describes the design and realization of a hardware-in-the-loop simulator made from a real Skoda Superb vehicle. A combination of RT-LAB and CarSim software is used for real-time control and for handling the sensoric subsystems. The simulator provides almost realistic testing of driving cycles with on-line visualization. This unique devic...
The paper describes the design procedure for a finite control set model predictive control (FCS-MPC) of brushed permanent magnet DC (PMDC) machine supplied from DC-DC converter. Full order linear Kalman filter is used for estimation of an unmeasured load torque and reduction of speed measurement noise. A new cost function has been introduced with a...
The paper deals with development and implementation of the direct and inverse kinematics to control of 6 DOF industrial robot SEF-ROBOTER SR25 by a real time control system. To obtain the angular position of each joint an iterative algorithm is applied that is developed in the Simulink program. This solution creates a basis for real time control of...
This paper presents a finite control set model pre-dictive control strategy for the speed control of brushed permanent magnet DC machine. Main objective is to introduce and compare basic cost functions regarding speed control. Full order Kalman filter is used for the observation of the non-measured load torque and reduction of speed measurement noi...
Príspevok sa zaoberá návrhom a realizáciou hardware-in-the-loop simulátora priemyselného robota so šiestimi stupňami voľnosti. Jednotlivé osi robota sú poháňané priemyselnými meničmi SIEMENS Sinamics S120 a komunikujú po CAN zbernici s nadradeným riadiacim systémom RT-LAB, ktorý riadi činnosť robota v reálnom čase. Realizáciou vznikol otvorený riad...
The paper deals with design of a Hardware-in-the-Loop simulator of an industrial robot with six degrees of freedom. The robot is driven by industrial frequency converters of the SINAMICS S120 type. They communicate via CAN bus with the master control system RT-LAB executing control algorithms in real time. Such a complex task combines information f...
Identification of initial commutation angle belongs to the basic routines at the commissioning of industrial drives with permanent magnet synchronous machine. This paper deals with problem of commutation angle offset determination. Two methods are described and simulated in detail. The first method is based on application of a DC voltage and the se...
The paper describes system identification by using Artificial Neural Networks that is applied to a permanent magnet DC motor. To identify its dynamic behavior an experimental setup has been developed that enables to measure data of the system input (armature voltage) and output (current and rotor speed). Generally, the identification methods can be...
PID controller presents the most widely used controller in industrial applications. It needs efficient methods to set-up and tune parameters of its three components based on the properties of the plant and its parameters. In this paper the cascade controller for a DC drive (consisting of the speed and current controllers in series) is designed and...
One of the main objectives in web handling machinery is to reach a pre-set web speed while maintaining the constant web tension in sections of continuous processing line. The paper presents model of a multi-motor drive system in the continuous web-processing line where the motors driven the working rolls are mutually connected by elastic coupling c...
The paper discusses advanced control of a dynamometer performing dynamic emulation of mechanical loads. Assumed is certain class of nonlinear load with backlash. Paper presents and describes the basic control structure, which can be used for validation of speed algorithms and its practical implementation with rapid control prototyping. Validation o...
Článok sa zaoberá realizáciou elektrického dynamometra riadeného simulátorom OP 5600 od spoločnosti OPAL RT. Dynamometer je riadený pomocou metódy dynamickej emulácie mechanických záťaží, ktorá predstavuje súčasný prístup k riadeniu dynamometrov a umožňuje testovanie takých druhov mechanických záťaží, ktoré dosiaľ nebolo možné. Príspevok čiastočne...
Článok poukazuje na možnosti využitia systému RT-LAB pri testovaní regulačných štruktúr elektrických pohonov. Uvedené sú tri aplikácie pre rôzne pohony a zostavy riadiaceho hardvéru. Systém RT-LAB bol uvedený na trh spoločnosťou Opal RT a predstavuje jednu z alternatív k systémom spoločnosti dSPACE v oblasti technológií rapid control prototyping a...
Technológia HIL (Hardware-in-the-Loop) simulácie sa stala štandardom pri overovaní riadenia mechatronických systémov. Príspevok popisuje HIL simulátor využívajúci prostredie MATLAB/Simulink v kombinácii so systémom RT-LAB. Reálna sústava je tvorená komerčnými výkonovými meničmi a elektromotormi. Uvedená zostava bola použitá pre riadenie emulátorazá...
The paper presents a novel dynamometer torque control for dynamic emulation of mechanical loads. The main advantage of presented approach consists in a possibility of emulating high power loads on the laboratory test rig of small power. This feature is achieved by using normalized values in control structure and model of mechanical load. Dynamic pe...
Dynamic emulation of mechanical loads presents a modern and interesting approach for testing and validating performance of electrical drives without a real mechanical load included in the test rig. The paper presents an approach to dynamic emulation of mechanical loads when the load torque and inertia mass of emulated load can be significantly grea...
The paper describes a control strategy for a test bench consisting of a drive under test mechanically connected with a dynamometer drive. The control of dynamometer drive is performed on RT-Lab simulation platform and based on dynamic emulation of mechanical loads (DEML) strategy. Torque-controlled dynamometer emulates the behaviour of a real mecha...
Questions (12)
Is it theoretically possible, that after discretization by using Talyor Series Expansion, a non-observable nonlinear system will became an observable?
It was proved, that used continuous model of PMSM is non-observable (see attached). I want to know, if resulting discrete system is observable or not. Any comment appreciated. Thanks.
Dear colleagues,
the majority of EKF/UKF implementations for speed sensorless control of PMSM are in alpha,beta frame (i.e. observer is implemented in stationary frame). I wonder why? Equations in dq fame are much more simpler, so the computational requirements should be lower. Is there any evidence that observer doesn't work implemented in dq frame?
Dear colleagues, I really would like to know your opinion. I am asking specifically for electrical engineering field and related fields.
What value of H-index (Web of Science citations only) is considered as "good enough" for Assistant Professor and Associated Professor job in your country (or university)?
Did anybody ask you for its value when applying for a job?
I am using Matlab R2018a with Simulink and Embedded Coder together with DRV8312 development kit. I was able to set up LED blink, generate PWM signals, use SCI communication and also I successfully run ADC-PWM Synchronization via ADC Interrupt example. All the outputs were correct and everything behaved as expected.
My problem is that all my programs after loading to target processor only execute for few minutes (lets say from 2 to 5 minutes) and then suddenly stop to execute. According to profiling, everything seems to be all right and there are no timing issues.
Could you please provide me with some direction about where to look for the solution? Why all my programs stop executing?
Dear readers, I am looking for examples of good and successful practices with the use of Matlab Embedded Coder. Could you please write here any examples you know or you are working on? You can also past here a link to your research papers or project webpages.
I am looking mostly in the field of power electronics and drives, but it can be also any other area of electronics. Many thanks for any post.
In which publishing house can I get the best cost - benefit ratio ? It must be open-access journal, not necessarily with high impact factor, but primary with the shortest submission to decision time.
Manuscript is in the field of automated guided vehicles. Or would you recommend any other publishing house (Taylor & Francis, MDPI, etc.) ?
I have obtained a review for conference paper. Comment of reviewer is as follows:
The conclusion seems to draw more from the text than is elaborated.
What does he mean by this? Do I have to response for that?
How can I evaluate efficiency of a H-bridge driven DC machine under different control methods? I can measure input voltage and current of H-bridge and output speed and torque produced on the shaft of DC machine (I have torque transducer). I have samples of all variables every 50us.
I want to evaluate actual efficiency during chosen interval. When evaluating efifciency as (output power / input power), zero samples are causing a problem. Should I use moving average filter for all variables in order to avoid zero samples?