Kacper Lewikowski

Kacper Lewikowski
University of Life Sciences in Lublin · Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


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I am conducting research on the assessment of time and cause of death, with a focus on alternative methods, as well as alternative materials in toxicology with novel entomological and entomological measurements


Publications (9)
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Veterinary forensic science, as a discipline grounded in applied research, addresses a spectrum of inquiries, including the biomechanics of injuries on animal anatomies, elucidating the sequelae of such injuries, and discerning the contextual parameters surrounding their genesis. The specialized expertise wielded by forensic practitioners serves as...
Conference Paper
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Entomology and entomotoxicology are sciences that utilize knowledge about insects and their interactions with the environment and chemical substances within it. Research in the field of entomology and entomotoxicology is increasingly relevant in veterinary forensic medicine for determining the causes of death and the time of death of animals, which...
Conference Paper
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Primary heart tumors in dogs and cats occur extremely rarely, but metastases to this organ are quite common. They are predominantly detected in individuals of middle age as malignant forms. Tumors located near the heart (so-called base of heart tumors) are the most common form – mainly chemodectomas or growths arising within ectopic thyroid or para...
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One of the most frequently investigated and reviewed cases during the performance of duties by a veterinary expert are undoubtedly cases of animal gunshot wounds. Animals are increasingly becoming victims of both intentional and accidental shootings, as can be seen in the comparisons made in expert reports. Veterinary-legal opinions, including in s...
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Often, examining and providing opinions on cases during professional activities by a veterinary expert concerns sudden suffocation due to animal drowning. The veterinary-forensic determination of the undisputed cause, and thus the verification of the hypothesis or hypotheses regarding the death, is most often necessary to potentially exclude the...
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Wzmożona potrzeba wykorzystania opinii biegłego lekarza weterynarii w postę- powaniach prowadzonych na potrzeby organów procesowych doprowadziła w ostatnich latach do znaczącego przyspieszenia ewolucji weterynarii sądowej [Cooper i Cooper 2008]. Weterynaria sądowa jako nauka stosowana zajmuje się między innymi identyfi- kacją związków przyczyno...
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Dym papierosowy zawiera w swoim składzie 4000 zidentyfikowanych związków chemicznych o działaniu rakotwórczym i toksycznym, w tym metali ciężkich takich jak arsen (As), kadm (Cd), chrom (Cr), nikiel (Ni), ołów (Pb) i rtęć (Hg). Wiele z nich ulega gromadzeniu w tkankach i płynach ustrojowych powodując schorzenia nerek i wątroby, uszkodzenia układu n...
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Metalotioneiny od momentu wyizolowania w 1957 roku stanowiły temat licznych badań nad ich właściwościami dotyczącymi organizmu, a także korelacji z metalami ciężkimi i metaloidami. Obecność tych pierwiastków odgrywa istotną rolę w organiźmie, szczególnie w obrębie ważnych z punktu zdrowia zwierząt układu nerwowego i moczowo-płciowego. Zebrane w cią...
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Heavy metals are known for multiple harmful effects on animal health. Values of this particular metal are still rising in Europe, as well as among other parts of the world, what creates a query wheter it is dangerous to animals. This study had an aim to determine if concentration of mercury in Ciconia ciconia is hazardous to their system.
