K. M. Sellamuthu

K. M. Sellamuthu
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University | TNAU · Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry

Doctor of Philosophy
Currently I am working on evaluating potential alternate sources of potassium for crops like biochar, rice husk ash etc.


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September 2010 - March 2018
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
  • Professor (Associate)


Publications (57)
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Rice husk ash (RHA) contains appreciable amounts of exchangeable cations and plant nutrients which can be used as liming material for acid soil reclamation. Hence, the present study was carried out to assess the potential of rice husk ash for soil acidity reclamation and its effect on related soil properties. RHA was collected from a modern rice mi...
Intensive cultivation with high yielding varieties and imbalanced fertilization using high analysis fertilizers resulted in increasing micronutrient deficiencies in soil. Zinc is one among the micronutrients essential for the growth and development of crops. Application of inorganic zinc fertilizers to mitigate Zn deficiency is relatively ineffecti...
The effect of artificial soil fertility gradient techniques on crop growth attributes, nutrient uptake, soil fertility and soil biological properties were studied in a field trial conducted in 2023 at Horticulture Research Station, Ooty, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu. It was done using an inductive methodology. The field was split into three equal strips, w...
Zinc is one among the micronutrients essential for the growth and development of crops. Application of inorganic zinc fertilizers to mitigate Zn deficiency is relatively ineffective since it gets converted into unavailable forms. Microbial transformation of Zn from unavailable form to soil available form is an important approach contributing to pla...
An assessment of soil morphology, physical and physico-chemical properties was conducted in the Cauvery Delta zone in the selected soil series encompassing in Thanjavur and Pudukottai Districts in Tamil Nadu, India. The heterogeneity of topography and terrain features in selected area featured in three dominant soil series viz., Mangalathupatty, Pa...
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The rapid growth of the global population and the rising demand for sustainable agriculture have intensified interest in eco-friendly alternatives to synthetic fertilizers. While synthetic fertilizers effectively boost crop yields, they seriously threaten soil health, human well-being and environmental stability. Researchers are increasingly explor...
Onion, the King of vegetable is one among the oldest cultivated vegetables. The quality and yield of crops are affected by micronutrient deficiencies in soil. Micronutrients which enhance the efficiency of macronutrients are equally important for the growth of a crop. Indian soils are deficient in zinc by an average deficiency of about 50 % at pres...
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Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) is a widely cultivated root vegetable globally known for its significant health benefits. This study was conducted on a farmer’s field in the Nilgiris district of Tamil Nadu's Western Ghats, using the Improved Crystal Hybrid beetroot variety, to evaluate the effects of varying dosages of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), pot...
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Beetroot is one of the most important root vegetable crops and is consumed globally due to its rich nutrient content. The current research was conducted on a farmer’s holding, using beetroot (Improved crystal hybrid) in Nilgiri district, Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu to study the effect of different N, P2O5, K2O and integrated plant nutrient system (...
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A comprehensive soil analysis was conducted in the Western and North Western regions, encompassing four districts: Coimbatore, Tiruppur, Erode and Salem in Tamil Nadu, India. Owing to differences in topography and terrain features, seven distinct soil series i.e. Somayanur, Original Research Article Pervin et al.; Int. 1965 Ammapettai, Palathurai,...
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The experiment was carried out at wetlands farm, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, during summer, 2023 in a Randomized block design with ten treatments and replicated thrice. The main objective of this study is to find out the effect of varied dose of basal nitrogen & phosphorus and foliar application of conventional urea, super nano...
Ensuring sufficient nutrition for livestock is crucial for maximizing livestock productivity besides bridging the widening gaps between demand and supply of green fodder. The cumbu napier hybrid grass, known for its high biomass yield per unit area and wider adaptability has played a vital role in managing the green fodder requirement to a substant...
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Chelated iron formulations prepared using synthetic chelating agents are widely used and they are harmful to the environment. The present study was aimed at developing and evaluating new chelated iron citrate formulation. New chelated iron citrate formulation with 10.9% Fe was developed and evaluated in comparison with Ferrous sulphate and commerci...
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Chelated iron formulations are gaining importance due to their higher use efficiency and favourable effect on crop growth and yield. At present, chelated iron formulations prepared using synthetic chelating agents are used by farmers which are harmful to the ecosystem. Hence, an attempt made in the present study to develop new chelated iron formula...
Field experiments were conducted in the Western Zone (Thondamuthur block, Coimbatore Dt.) of Tamil Nadu to evaluate the Soil Test Crop Response based fertilizer prescription model under Integrated Plant Nutrition System (STCR-IPNS) for desired yield targets of brinjal on red noncalcareous soils (Palaviduthi series-TypicRhodustalf). The treatments i...
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A total number of 201 surface soil samples were collected encompassingthe fields of Central Farm of Horticultural College and Research Institute,Periyakulam, Tamil Nadu. The GPS data (Latitude ºN and Longitude ºE) wererecorded for each sampling site by using GPS-Garmin eTrex Vista HCX model.Field maps were collected and field number wise digitizati...
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Sixty five surface soil samples were collected in the flower crops are grown soils of Horticultural College and Research Institute, Periyakulam, Tamil Nadu. The geo-coordinates were recorded for each sample using GPS. Field maps were digitized for its field number wise boundary and other features. Soil samples were collected, processed and anlaysed...
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Ground water quality of Horticultural College and Research Institute (HC &RI), Periyakulam located in Theni District, Tamil Nadu was assessed duringJanuary 2021. Ground water samples were collected from bore wells andtheir quality parameters were assessed. pH values ranged from 6.88 to 7.81;electrical conductivity values ranged from 0.20 to 1.28 dS...
Field experiments were conducted at Coconut Research Station, Aliyarnagarduring 2016 – 2019 to assess the performance of rice-based croppingsequences for water-scarce conditions of the Parambikulam Aliyar ProjectCommand area of Tamil Nadu. Five cropping sequences viz., rice–sesame(T1), rice–groundnut (T2), rice– sunflower (T3), rice–castor (T4) and...
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Sixty five surface soil samples were collected in the flower crops grown soils of Horticultural College and Research Institute, Periyakulam, Tamil Nadu. The geo-coordinates were recorded for each sample using GPS. Field maps were digitized for its field number-wise boundary and other features. Soil samples were collected, processed and anlaysed for...
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Soil Test Crop Response based fertilizer prescription equations for desired seed yield target of glory lily were developed under Integrated Plant Nutrition System (STCR-IPNS) on Typic Rhodustalf (Palaviduthi soil series) of Tamil Nadu. On farm testing of STCR IPNS equations are essential to demonstrate the effectiveness of technology to the clients...
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Potassium (K) is the third most important major plant nutrient with numerous functions. The availability of K depends on concentration relative to that of Ca2+ and Mg2+ than on the total quantity of K present. The level of extraction of K by different extractants followed the order: boiling HNO3 (1 M) > Non- exchangeable K > Exchangeable K > Water...
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Field experiments were conducted on Typic Ustropept (Irugur soil series) soil of Southern Zone of Tamil Nadu by adopting the inductive cum targeted yield model, and fertilizer requirements were quantified for big onion based on soil test and yield target. The basic parameters viz., the nutrient requirement (NR) and contribution of nutrients from th...
Field experiments were conducted on Typic Ustropept (Irugur soil series) soil of Southern Zone of Tamil Nadu by adopting the inductive cum targeted yield model, and fertilizer requirements were quantified for big onion based on soil test and yield target. The basic parameters viz., the nutrient requirement (NR) and contribution of nutrients from th...
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Potassium is one of the major nutritive element which will require greater attention in order to ensure grain yield and mitigation of biotic and abiotic stresses as well as improvement in quality of maize. The soils with high in calcium and or magnesium may require high levels of K for satisfactory nutrition of crops. The availability of K depends...
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A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of silicon fertilization on physiological parameter and yield of hybrid maize under irrigated and rainfed conditions during Rabi, 2017-18 at eastern block farm of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. The treatments comprised of two factorsviz., three irrigation strategies and two silic...
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In order to refine the fertilizer prescription equation for hybrid maize on an Inceptisol field experiment was conducted at Coimbatore district in Vertic Ustropept.The research findings were 40,20 and 30kg of N,P and K fertilizer respectively can be saved by using STCR - IPNS equation developed.Thus to maintain soil fertility with high rate of prod...
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Phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) are essential for ensuring food security in India as well as worldwide. In acid soils of the world constituting 26% of world’s arable soils, low P availability is one of the major causes for poor crop yields. Concurrently over-usage of P application in high runoff and erosion-prone ecosystems has become a significan...
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Soil Test Crop Response based fertilizer prescription equations for desired yield target of rainfed maize were developed under Integrated Plant Nutrition System (STCR-IPNS) on Irugur soil series (Typic Ustropept) of Tamil Nadu. On farm testing of fertilizer prescription equations are essential to demonstrate the effectiveness of technology delivery...
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A field experiment was conducted on a Typic Ustropept (Irugur soil series) soil of Western Zone of Tamil Nadu to refine the existing fertilizer prescription equation for rainfed maize adopting the inductive-cum- Targeted yield model, and fertilizer requirements were quantified for rainfed maize based on soil test and yield target. The basic paramet...
Delineation of available macro and micronutrients was carried out by collecting 318 geo referenced surface soil samples from 53 villages in 14 blocks covering nine taluks of Tiruchirapalli district, Tamil Nadu using Global positioning system (GPS) by following multistage stratified random sampling approach. The soil samples were analyzed for 12 che...
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Soil test crop response (STCR) based fertilizer prescription for desired yield target of wheat was developed under Integrated Plant Nutrition System (STCR-IPNS) on Periyanaickepalayam soil series (Vertic Ustropept) of Tamil Nadu. On-farm testing of fertilizer prescription equations are essential to demonstrate the effectiveness of technology delive...
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Soil test based fertilizer prescription equations (FPEs) were developed for desired yield target of transgenic cotton under Integrated Plant Nutrition System (IPNS) through drip fertigation on Vertic Ustropept of Tamil Nadu, south India. To validate the equations, an experiment was conducted on the same soil series. The results revealed that the de...
To assess the ground water quality and its suitability for irrigation, a study was carried out during April and June 2010 in Parambikulam Aliyar Basin, Tamil Nadu. Ground water samples were collected from open wells, bore wells and dug cum bore wells in the Parambikulam Aliyar Basin and their quality parameters were assessed. pH values ranged from...
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A pot culture experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of textile and dye industry polluted ground water on sunflower. Ground water was diluted to 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 dS/m and control was maintained with Siruvani water (<0.1 d/Sm) . Growth parameters were recorded during vegetative, flowering and harvest. Physiological parameters were re...
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CTo assess the quality of ground water and its suitability for irrigation, a study was carried out during pre and post monsoon seasons of 2006-2007. In the present study, the ground water samples from open wells, bore wells and dug cum bore wells were collected in the Noyyal river basin that encompasses the urban and industrial stretch of Tirupur....
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Contamination of the water resources has increasingly become a serious problem in many of the States including Tamil Nadu due the domestic and industrial waste waters. Only limited studies are available to comprehend the water quality of Noyyal river basin. Hence, this study was undertaken to characterise the quality of surface waters in Noyyal riv...
A field experiment was conducted in clay soil (Vertic ustochrept), to standardize the leaf colour chart critical value (LCC cv.) and the rate of nitrogen application in CO 47 rice variety. The treatments included three levels of LCC cv. (LCC cv. 3, 4 and 5) with different rates of N application (20, 25, 30 and 35 kg ha-1 at a time) along with three...
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A field experiment was conducted at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, in deep clay soil ( Vertic ustochrept ) to study the effect of real time N management using Leaf Color Chart (LCC) on biomass production, nutrient uptake and soil available nutrient status in short duration rice (Var. CO 47) under direct wet (drum) seeded condition....
A study was carried out in the three sugarcane growing divisions (Millsite, Seethancheri and Uttiramerur) of Uttiramerur taluk of Kancheepuram district of Tamil Nadu to assess the quality of irrigation water. The reaction of irrigation waters was neutral (6.8 to 7.8) in Millsite and Seethancheri cane divisions while it was mildly alkaline in some l...
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The influence of humic acid and fertilisers on microbial population and rhizosphere enzymes in sugarcane rhizosphere was studied. Among the microbial population, bacteria were found to dominate, varied from 26.3 x 105 to 38.3 x 105 cfu g-1 at different levels of fertiliser and humic acid. Application of 100 per cent NPK with 20 kg HA ha-1 recorded...
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Thematic maps were generated out of the soil resource inventory study carried out during summer 1999 in sugarcane growing areas of Uttiramerur taluk, Kancheepuram district to generate information on spatial distribution of different soil qualities like soil compaction, drainage, soil reaction, soil depth, soil texture, status of macronutrients and...
A study was carried out to assess the available macro and micronutrient status of sugarcane growing soils of Uttiramerur taluk of Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu. The available nitrogen content mwas low in 96 per cent of the surface and 98 per cent of the subsurface soil samples. The available tophosphorus was low in 50 per cent of the surface an...


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