Justine Gaugue

Justine Gaugue
University of Mons · Department of Clinical Psychology



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Publications (49)
Empathic accuracy (EA) is the ability to precisely understand someone else's current thoughts and feelings during an interaction. EA has mostly been studied in adult populations; variations in EA in children/adolescents could be explained by age, developmental changes during childhood, and environmental factors. A systematic review was conducted to...
Empathic accuracy is an ability to precisely understand someone else’s current thoughts and feelings during an interaction. EA has mostly been studied in adult populations, although intra-individual differences in EA could be explained by age and developmental changes during childhood. A systematic review was conducted to synthesize the existing li...
L’objectif principal de notre recherche porte sur le vécu des frères et soeurs d’une fratrie dont l’un des enfants a un diabète de type 1 (DT1). L’outil a été élaboré pour repérer les retentissements émotionnels et les processus adaptatifs de la fratrie, face à un enfant ayant ce diagnostic. Le but de cet article est de présenter un outil novateur...
L’espace parents dans la séparation ( eps ) de Mons (Belgique) est un dispositif d’accueil des parents en situation de séparation hautement conflictuelle. Le travail s’élabore autour de la réflexion commune avec les parents sur la qualité de la relation coparentale dans l’intérêt des enfants. Cet article vise à expliciter les processus et les outil...
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Objective The purpose of this research is to explore the perceptions of female students regarding the implementation of digital technologies for academic stress management. We aim to determine if the contribution of these technologies could offer to female students a better management of the stress related to their studies and thus, a better deploy...
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Cet ouvrage est issu du 11e Congrès de l’Association Francophone de Psychologie de la Santé qui a été organisé en 2021 par le Laboratoire de Psychopathologie et Processus de Santé (LPPS, UR 4057) de l’Université Paris Cité. La prise en compte de l’entourage des personnes avec des problèmes de santé s’est particulièrement développée ces dix dernière...
We conducted a systematic review of the impact of Covid-19 on the mental health of young people aged 0 to 25. We followed the PRISMA method and the following electronic databases were investigated : PsycInfo, PsychArticles, Science Direct, PubMed, and Wiley Library. Inclusion criteria were as follows: studies published after December 2019 only; ori...
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Following the global outbreak of COVID-19 in March 2020, individuals report psychological distress associated with the “new normal”—social distancing, financial hardships, and increased responsibilities while working from home. Given the interpersonal nature of stress and coping responses between romantic partners, based on the systemic transac�tio...
Notre recherche vise à démontrer comment les stéréotypes de genre, présents au sein de nos sociétés, peuvent par le biais de la lecture d’un roman, impacter la construction de l’identité sexuée de la femme au regard de différentes générations. Pour ce faire, 17 femmes âgées de 20 à 71 ans – issues d’un même milieu socioculturel – ont participé à la...
En explorant les représentations de la mort d’un parent au sein des albums de littérature jeunesse, cette recherche se propose d'investiguer la cohérence entre ces représentations et la compréhension du concept de mort chez l'enfant. Comment aborder ce sujet considéré comme tabou avec un enfant ? Quelles sont les appuis sur lesquels un adulte a la...
Perinatal support and counseling services in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation – French-speaking Belgium. A response to the needs of precarious family situations, centered around child-parent emotional ties The perinatal period is a time for psychological reorganization and meetings with various pregnancy and birth professionals. Perinatal home visi...
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In March 2020, the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has been declared a “pandemic” by the World Health Organization. To reduce the risk of contamination, many countries have ordered a strict lockdown characterized by social distancing and restrictive isolation measures. This pandemic has profoundly affected couples’ daily lives. The objecti...
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Objective Our research aim is to enrich the conceptualization of high conflict post-divorce co-parenting by understanding the dynamic process involved. Background The studied phenomena were explored by linking previous scientific knowledge to practice. Method We cross-referenced the previous study results with the experiences reported by eight pr...
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In March 2020, the World Health Organization declared the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus “pandemic.” To reduce the risk of contamination, many countries have ordered a lockdown characterized by social distancing and restrictive isolation measures. While the lockdown has proven to be quite effective in terms of physical health, little is k...
In March 2020, the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. To reduce the risk of infection, Belgian government ordered restrictive isolation measures. If lockdown and social isolation have proven to be quite effective in terms of physical health, little is known about the impact of the lock...
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How did couples in Belgium cope during the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic? In this study, grounded in relationship science, we investigated in a descriptive manner several factors that could affect how couples perceived individual and relational wellbeing during this time. Specifically, we examined the associations between gender, sexual ori...
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Following the global outbreak of COVID-19 in March 2020, individuals report psychological distress associated with the “new normal”—social distancing, financial hardships, and increased responsibilities while working from home. Given the interpersonal nature of stress and coping responses between romantic partners, based on the systemic transaction...
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How did couples in Belgium cope during the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic? In this study, grounded in relationship science, we investigated in a descriptive manner several factors that could affect how couples perceived individual and relational wellbeing during this time. Specifically, we examined the associations between gender, sexual ori...
La littérature s’accorde sur l’idée que l’accompagnement du père en période périnatale doit être repensé en fonction de ses attentes et de ses besoins spécifiques. Les enjeux étant considérables au regard du risque de développement de vulnérabilités paternelles et de leurs effets délétères sur le développement de l’enfant, nous proposons dans cette...
Technical Report
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[fr] Cette recherche financée par ONE Academy, inscrite dans un projet interdisciplinaire et interuniversitaire (Uliège, Pr Pirard et UMons, Pr. Gaugue) porte sur la question du genre dans les métiers de l’enfance et dans l’exercice de la parentalité et l’éducation des jeunes enfants ». Dans le volet liégeois, elle s’intéresse particulièrement aux...
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The aim of the current paper was to investigate the influence of childbirth on parents' trait emotional intelligence (EI). A three-wave longitudinal research program (during the second trimester of pregnancy, at 6 months postpartum, and at 1 year postpartum) using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model with a hierarchical linear modeling was condu...
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La période périnatale est connue pour favoriser l’émergence de troubles psychopathologiques chez la mère. Si l’on constate une focalisation croissante sur les troubles paternels, ceux-ci restent largement à investiguer. Cette revue de littérature présente ainsi quatorze instruments d’évaluation de la détresse au sens large, utilisés en population m...
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Early mother-baby interaction observation instruments in a free play situation : A literature review The quality of early interactions is essential for the child’s development. The observation of dyadic interactions is a method to detect interaction disorders. This literature review is destined for researchers and professionals and aims to present...
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Perinatal grief: question of social and juridical recognition of stillborn infant After perinatal loss, couples experience intense psychological distress, whatever the stage at which it occurred. However, there is a lack of recognition, which may hinder grieving process. For many years the successive Belgian and French governments have tried to mod...
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After perinatal loss, couples experience intense psychological distress, whatever the stage at which it occurred. However, there is a lack of recognition, which may hinder grieving process. For many years the successive Belgian and French governments have tried to modify the legal framework to recognize stillborn babies more precociously. Based on...
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There is insufficient research on the mother's early relationship with a child born subsequent to a previous medical termination of pregnancy (TOP). This study explores mother-infant interactions following prior TOP and the impact on the infant's development. Being an exploratory research comprising 12 mother-infant (6-7 months old) couples, follow...
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To evaluate auto-questionnaire use for psychosocial vulnerability and substance use (smoking, alcohol consumption, depression, intimate violence) screening during pregnancy versus usual medical report. An auto-questionnaire based on validated tests (Fagerström/HSI, T-ACE, EPDS, SSQ6) was proposed to 1977 pregnant patients at their first obstetrical...
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Aim To evaluate auto-questionnaire use for psychosocial vulnerability and substance use (smoking, alcohol consumption, depression, intimate violence) screening during pregnancy versus usual medical report. Material and methods An auto-questionnaire based on validated tests (Fagerström/HSI, T-ACE, EPDS, SSQ6) was proposed to 1977 pregnant patients...
Aim of the study: Pregnancy can be seen as a higher vulnerability period. Prenatal depression is a common psychopathological complication among pregnant women. This study evaluates the presence of prenatal depressive features and its psychosocial correlates in a French sample. Patients and method: One hundred and twenty-six pregnant women were asse...
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Stakes in screening of alcohol consumption during pregnancy Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is not a harmless act. Ignored for a long time, the consequences of alcohol consumption for the future child are nowadays well known through the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and its related troubles. The aim of present paper is to describe these notions...
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Family foster care raises many questions about how fostered children built their family references. This paper discusses the construction of the feeling of belonging to a family or affiliation in fostered children, in particular, the impact of their age at the time they were placed in a foster family. The feeling of belonging to a family seems to b...
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Reported in 1968 by Lemoine et al., the Foetal alcohol syndrome ( Fas ) affects children who were exposed to alcohol prior to birth, with four characteristic signs: abnormal facial features, growth impairment, congenital malformations and neurodevelopmental abnormalities of the Central nervous system ( Cns ), variable in intensity. This syndrome...
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Reported in 1968 by Lemoine et al., the Foetal alcohol syndrome (Fas) affects children who were exposed to alcohol prior to birth, with four characteristic signs: abnormal facial features, growth impairment, congenital malformations and neu-rodevelopmental abnormalities of the Central nervous system (Cns), variable in intensity. This syndrome is co...


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